setMethod("plotSample", signature("CNV450kSet"), function(object, index, chr, start,
end, showProbes, ...) {
if (length(getSegments(object)) == 0) {
stop("Object has not been segmentized yet.")
sample_segments <- getSegments(object)[[index]]
significant_segments <- sample_segments$isSignificant
segment_values <- as.numeric(sample_segments$seg.mean)
segment_colors <- rep("black", nrow(sample_segments))
segment_colors[significant_segments & segment_values > 0 ] <- "green"
segment_colors[significant_segments & segment_values < 0 ] <- "red"
sample_name <- names(getSegments(object))[index]
if (missing(chr)) {
# Plotting the whole genome
warning("You are plotting the whole genome with probes. The result will be cluttered")
chromosomes <- unique(sample_segments[, "chrom"])
site_per_chr <- cumsum(c(0, sapply(chromosomes, function(chr) max(as.numeric(sample_segments[sample_segments[,
"chrom"] == chr, "loc.end"])))))
offset <- site_per_chr - min(as.numeric(sample_segments[sample_segments[,
"chrom"] == "chr1", "loc.start"]))
start <- 0
end <- as.numeric(max(site_per_chr))
x_axis_type <- "n"
} else {
# Plotting a region
if (missing(start)) {
start <- 0
if (missing(end)) {
end <- as.numeric(max(sample_segments[sample_segments[, "chrom"] == chr, "loc.end"]))
chromosomes <- chr
offset <- 0
x_axis_type <- NULL
yMin <- min(c(-1, as.numeric(sample_segments[significant_segments, "seg.mean"])))
yMax <- max(c(1, as.numeric(sample_segments[significant_segments, "seg.mean"])))
myPlot <- plot(range(start, end), range(yMin, yMax), type = "n", xaxt = x_axis_type,
ylab="L-value", xlab="", ...)
if (missing(chr)) {
xlabs <- sapply(2:length(site_per_chr), function(j) {
((site_per_chr[j] - site_per_chr[j - 1])/2) + site_per_chr[j - 1]
axis(1, at = xlabs, labels = chromosomes, lty = 0, las = 2, ...)
abline(v = site_per_chr, lty = 3)
lapply(1:length(chromosomes), function(i) {
used_segments <- sample_segments[, "chrom"] == chromosomes[i]
colors <- segment_colors[used_segments]
starts <- as.numeric(sample_segments[used_segments, "loc.start"]) + offset[i]
ends <- as.numeric(sample_segments[used_segments, "loc.end"]) + offset[i]
y <- as.numeric(sample_segments[used_segments, "seg.mean"])
graphics::segments(starts, y, ends, y, col = colors, lwd = 2, lty = 1)
if(showProbes) {
probe_annotation <- fData(object)
used_probes <- probe_annotation$chr == chromosomes[i] &
probe_annotation$pos >= start &
probe_annotation$pos <= end
probe_annotation <- probe_annotation[used_probes, ]
probe_intensity <- assayData(object)$intensity[used_probes, ]
# We have to find the sample_index that maps to the correct column
# in the intensity matrix!!
#sample_idx <- index
control_idx <- pData(object)$Sample_Group == "control"
probe_values <- log2(probe_intensity[ , sample_name] / apply(probe_intensity[ , control_idx], 1, median))
# Compute log2 ratio
probe_colors <- rep("black", sum(used_probes))
lapply(1:nrow(sample_segments[used_segments, ]), function(j) {
segment_start <- as.numeric(sample_segments[used_segments, 'loc.start'][j])
segment_end <- as.numeric(sample_segments[used_segments, 'loc.end'][j])
probes_in_segment <- probe_annotation$pos >= segment_start &
probe_annotation$pos <= segment_end
probe_colors[probes_in_segment] <- segment_colors[used_segments][j]
points(x=as.numeric(probe_annotation$pos) + offset[i], y=probe_values, col=probe_colors, pch=20, cex=0.5)
setMethod("getColoring", signature("CNV450kSet"), function(object, color.by, color.function) {
coloring <- match.arg(color.by)
if (coloring == "array.row") {
if (!"Array" %in% colnames(pData(object))) {
stop("Column \"Array\" must be present in pData(object) in order for coloring = \"array.row\" to be used.")
samples <- substr(pData(object)$Array, 1, 3)
} else if (coloring == "array.col") {
if (!"Array" %in% colnames(pData(object))) {
stop("Column \"Array\" must be present in pData(object) in order for coloring = \"array.col\" to be used.")
samples <- substr(pData(object)$Array, 4, 6)
} else if (coloring == "sample.group") {
if (!"Sample_Group" %in% colnames(pData(object))) {
stop("Column \"Sample_Group\" must be present in pData(object) in order for coloring = \"sample.group\" to be used.")
samples <- pData(object)$Sample_Group
} else if (coloring == "slide") {
if (!"Slide" %in% colnames(pData(object))) {
stop("Column \"Slide\" must be present in pData(object) in order for coloring = \"slide\" to be used.")
samples <- pData(object)$Slide
} else if (coloring == "origin") {
if (!"Origin" %in% colnames(pData(object))) {
stop("Column \"Origin\" must be present in pData(object) in order for coloring = \"origin\" to be used.")
samples <- pData(object)$Origin
} else {
stop("Argument color.by must be {\"array.row\", \"array.col\", \"sample.group\", \"slide\", \"origin\"}.")
cols <- color.function(length(unique(samples)))
col_vec <- cols[match(samples, unique(samples))]
list(sample.colors = col_vec, groups = unique(samples), group.colors = cols)
setMethod("plotDensity", signature("CNV450kSet"), function(object, color.by, color.function,
legend.position, ...) {
intensities <- assayData(object)$intensity
coloring <- getColoring(object, color.by, color.function)
myPlot <- plot(density(intensities), col = coloring$sample.colors[1], ylim = c(0,
9e-05), ...)
sapply(2:ncol(intensities), function(i) lines(density(intensities[, i]), col = coloring$sample.colors[i]))
if (!is.null(legend.position)) {
legend(legend.position, legend = coloring$groups, fill = coloring$group.colors)
setMethod("plotPCA", signature("CNV450kSet"), function(object, color.by, color.function,
legend.position, ...) {
intensities <- assayData(object)$intensity
coloring <- getColoring(object, color.by, color.function)
pca <- prcomp(t(intensities))
myPlot <- plot(pca$x, col = coloring$sample.colors, ...)
if (!is.null(legend.position)) {
legend(legend.position, legend = coloring$groups, fill = coloring$group.colors)
setMethod("write.csv", signature("CNV450kSet"), function(object, ...) {
segment_list <- getSegments(object)
sample_names <- names(segment_list)
output <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(1:length(segment_list), function(i) {
name <- sample_names[i]
datum <- segment_list[[i]]
x <- cbind(Sample = rep(name, nrow(datum)), datum)
write.csv(output, ...)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.