# @title One-hot encode
# @description One-hot encode a given DNA sequence.
# @param givenSeq A single DNA sequence as character/string.
# @return The one-hot encoded sequence.
# This func is a combined func instead of one for each sinuc, dinuc and trinuc
.one_hot_encode <- function(givenSeq, k = 1){
if(k > 3) stop("Only mono-, di- and trinucleotides are supported")
dna_alph <- Biostrings::DNA_BASES
use_alph <- switch(k,
seqlen <- length(givenSeq)
if(seqlen < 1) stop("Empty or NULL sequences")
use_colnames <- .get_feat_names(alph = dna_alph, k = k, seqlen = seqlen)
ohe <- .form_ohe(k = k, givenSeq, use_alph, seqlen, use_colnames)
## =============================================================================
.form_ohe <- function(k = 1, gseq, alph, seqlen, set_colnames){
ohe <- matrix(rep(0, length(alph) * seqlen), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
modseq <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(seqlen - (k-1)), function(x) {
retVal <- gseq[x]
if(k == 2) retVal <- paste0(gseq[x], gseq[x + 1])
if(k == 3) retVal <- paste0(gseq[x], gseq[x + 1], gseq[x + 2])
colIdx <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(alph), function(x){
(x - 1) * seqlen + which(modseq == alph[x])
ohe[, colIdx] <- 1
colnames(ohe) <- set_colnames
## =============================================================================
.get_feat_names <- function(alph = c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'), k=1, seqlen){
if(k==1) kmers <- alph
if(k==2) kmers <- get_dimers_from_alphabet(alph)
if(k==3) kmers <- get_trimers_from_alphabet(alph)
use_feat_names <- paste(rep(kmers, each = seqlen), seq_len(seqlen),
## =============================================================================
#' @title Get one-hot encoded sequences
#' @description Get the one-hot encoding representation of the given sequences.
#' @param seqs A \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}} object holding the
#' given DNA sequences
#' @param sinuc_or_dinuc character string, 'sinuc' or 'dinuc' to select for
#' mono- or dinucleotide profiles.
#' @return A sparse matrix of sequences represented with one-hot-encoding
#' @family input functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepare_data_from_FASTA}} for generating one-hot
#' encoding of sequences from a FASTA file
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @examples
#' fname <- system.file("extdata", "example_data.fa.gz",
#' package = "seqArchR", mustWork = TRUE)
#' rawSeqs <- prepare_data_from_FASTA(fasta_fname = fname,
#' raw_seq = TRUE)
#' seqs_dinuc <- get_one_hot_encoded_seqs(seqs = rawSeqs,
#' sinuc_or_dinuc = "dinuc")
#' @export
get_one_hot_encoded_seqs <- function(seqs, sinuc_or_dinuc = "sinuc") {
if(is.null(seqs) || length(seqs) == 0){
stop("Empty or NULL sequences")
if(!is(seqs, "DNAStringSet")) stop("seqs not a DNAStringSet object")
seqs_split_as_list <-
base::strsplit(as.character(seqs), split = NULL)
if (length(seqs_split_as_list) > 0) {
if (sinuc_or_dinuc == "sinuc") {
.msg_pstr("Generating mononucleotide profiles", flg=TRUE)
encoded_seqs <- lapply(seqs_split_as_list,
.one_hot_encode, k = 1)
} else if (sinuc_or_dinuc == "dinuc") {
.msg_pstr("Generating dinucleotide profiles", flg=TRUE)
encoded_seqs <-
lapply(seqs_split_as_list, .one_hot_encode, k = 2)
} else if (sinuc_or_dinuc == "trinuc") {
.msg_pstr("Generating trinucleotide profiles", flg=TRUE)
encoded_seqs <-
lapply(seqs_split_as_list, .one_hot_encode, k = 3)
encoded_seqs <- do.call(rbind, encoded_seqs)
encoded_seqs <- t(encoded_seqs)
## Use Matrix package, store as sparse matrix
## Helps reduce object size and computation time
encoded_seqs <- Matrix::Matrix(encoded_seqs, sparse = TRUE)
## =============================================================================
# @title Assert attributes of sequences
# @description Assert the attributes of the sequences provided. This includes
# checking for (1) the length of the sequences, (2) characters in the
# sequences.
# @param givenSeqs DNA sequences as a list.
# @return nothing. Only prints a warning to the screen.
# @importFrom Biostrings width
.assert_seq_attributes <- function(givenSeqs) {
# Check that all sequences are of same length
seqs_split_as_list <-
base::strsplit(as.character(givenSeqs), split = NULL)
length_vals <- levels(as.factor(Biostrings::width(givenSeqs)))
char_levels <- levels(as.factor(unlist(seqs_split_as_list)))
dna_alphabet <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
if (0 %in% length_vals) {
# Checking sequences of length 0
stop("Found ", which(0 == length_vals),
" sequence(s) of length zero\n")
} else if (length(levels(as.factor(length_vals))) > 1) {
# Checking all sequences are of same length
stop("Sequences are of different length\n")
} else if (any(!(char_levels %in% dna_alphabet))) {
# Check for non-alphabet characters
# Raise either an error or just warn!
warning(c("Non DNA-alphabet character in the sequences: ",
char_levels), immediate. = TRUE)
} else {
# All OK!
.msg_pstr("Sequences OK, ", levels(length_vals)[1], flg=TRUE)
## =============================================================================
#' @title
#' Generate one-hot encoding of sequences given as FASTA file
#' @description
#' Given a set of sequences in a FASTA file this function returns a sparse
#' matrix with one-hot encoded sequences.
#' In this matrix, the sequence features are along rows, and sequences along
#' columns. Currently, mono- and dinucleotide features for DNA sequences are
#' supported. Therefore, the length of the feature vector is 4 and 16 times
#' the length of the sequences (since the DNA alphabet is four characters)
#' for mono- and dinucleotide features respectively.
#' @param fasta_fname Provide the name (with complete path) of the input
#' FASTA file.
#' @param raw_seq TRUE or FALSE, set this to TRUE if you want the raw sequences.
#' @param sinuc_or_dinuc character string, 'sinuc' or 'dinuc' to select for
#' mono- or dinucleotide profiles.
#' @return A sparse matrix of sequences represented with one-hot-encoding.
#' @family input functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_one_hot_encoded_seqs}} for directly using a
#' DNAStringSet object
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @examples
#' fname <- system.file("extdata", "example_data.fa.gz",
#' package = "seqArchR", mustWork = TRUE)
#' # mononucleotides feature matrix
#' rawSeqs <- prepare_data_from_FASTA(fasta_fname = fname,
#' sinuc_or_dinuc = "sinuc")
#' # dinucleotides feature matrix
#' rawSeqs <- prepare_data_from_FASTA(fasta_fname = fname,
#' sinuc_or_dinuc = "dinuc")
#' # FASTA sequences as a Biostrings::DNAStringSet object
#' rawSeqs <- prepare_data_from_FASTA(fasta_fname = fname,
#' raw_seq = TRUE)
#' @export
prepare_data_from_FASTA <- function(fasta_fname, raw_seq = FALSE,
sinuc_or_dinuc = "sinuc") {
if (!file.exists(fasta_fname)) {
stop("File not found, please check if it exists")
if (raw_seq) {
givenSeqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(
filepath = fasta_fname, format = "fasta", use.names = TRUE)
givenSeqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(toupper(givenSeqs))
} else {
givenSeqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(
filepath = fasta_fname, format = "fasta", use.names = FALSE)
givenSeqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(toupper(givenSeqs))
.msg_pstr("Read ", length(givenSeqs), " sequences", flg=TRUE)
oheSeqs <- get_one_hot_encoded_seqs(givenSeqs,
sinuc_or_dinuc = sinuc_or_dinuc)
## =============================================================================
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