## NMF model selection functions II
## Other approaches for model selection
## Note on regularization:
## We use dispersion for regularization together to Amari-type distance measure.
## The latter is a measure of stability of features, and the first of the
## clusters.
.stability_model_select_pyNMF2 <- function(X,
parallelDo = FALSE,
nCores = NA,
nRuns = 100,
bootstrap = TRUE,
returnBestK = TRUE,
## TODO: Should tol stay as an argument?
# tol = 10^-3,
bound = 10^-6,
flags = list(debugFlag = FALSE,
verboseFlag = TRUE, plotVerboseFlag = FALSE,
timeFlag = FALSE)
dbg <- flags$debugFlag
vrbs <- flags$verboseFlag
foo_scores <- expand.grid(list(kValue = param_ranges$k_vals,
ScoreType = c("AmariTypeDistance"),
nRuns = nRuns, Score = 100
.msg_pstr("Bound : ", bound, flg=dbg)
bestK <- 1
breakNow <- FALSE
prev_amari <- NA
for(kValue in param_ranges$k_vals){
if(kValue > 1){
.msg_pstr("Checking K =", kValue, flg=vrbs)
## Get NMF results
resultList <- .perform_multiple_NMF_runs(X = X, kVal = kValue,
alphaVal = 0, parallelDo = parallelDo,
nCores = nCores, nRuns = nRuns,
bootstrap = bootstrap)
featMatList <- .get_feat_or_samp_matList(resultList, feat = TRUE)
this_amari <- .get_amari_from_featMatList(featMatList)
cli::cli_alert_warning("NA in Amari-type distance computation")
.msg_pstr("AmariTypeDist : ", this_amari, flg=dbg)
foo_scores[kValue, "Score"] <- this_amari
check_errant <- FALSE
if(kValue %% 5 == 0){
check_errant <- .check_no_mag_change_fail_condition(foo_scores)
if(check_errant) breakNow <- TRUE
cli::cli_alert_info("errant TRUE")
check_errant <- TRUE
breakNow <- TRUE
if(!is.na(this_amari) && this_amari > bound) breakNow <- TRUE
## greater than bound, choose and break loop
## Here, if kValue = 1, bestK would be assigned 0. Avoid this.
if(kValue > 1) bestK <- kValue - 1
if(check_errant) bestK <- 1
prev_amari <- this_amari
if(returnBestK) return(bestK)
.check_no_mag_change_fail_condition <- function(foo_scores){
score_pows <- abs(floor(log10(foo_scores$Score)))
score_pows <- score_pows[which(!is.nan(score_pows))]
if(all(score_pows >= 17)){
# .mag_change <- function(A, B){
# return(abs(floor(log10(A)) - floor(log10(B))))
# }
.get_feat_or_samp_matList <- function(resultList, bootstrap, feat = TRUE){
featMatList <- lapply(resultList$nmf_result_list, get_features_matrix)
sampMatList <- lapply(resultList$nmf_result_list, get_samples_matrix)
sampMatListNew <-
lapply(seq_len(length(sampMatList)), function(x){
thisMat <- as.matrix(sampMatList[[x]])
thisNR <- nrow(thisMat)
thisNC <- ncol(thisMat)
origOrdX <- matrix(rep(-100,thisNR*thisNC),
nrow = thisNR, ncol = thisNC)
origOrdX[,resultList$new_ord[[x]]] <- thisMat
sampMatList <- sampMatListNew
# .tol_best_k <- function(kValue, this_amari, prev_amari, tol, verbose){
# magChange <- .mag_change(this_amari, prev_amari)
# .msg_pstr("Change is : ", magChange, flg=verbose)
# bestK <- NULL
# if(magChange >= abs(log10(tol))){
# ## detected fall based on tolerance, choose and break loop
# bestK <- kValue - 1
# .msg_pstr("magnitude change > tol, ", abs(log10(tol)), flg=verbose)
# .msg_pstr("This amariType Distance = ", this_amari, flg=verbose)
# .msg_pstr("Would have choosen bestK as : ", bestK, flg=verbose)
# }
# return(bestK)
# }
.get_amari_from_featMatList <- function(featMatList){
amariDistance <- function(matA, matB) {
K <- dim(matA)[2]
corrMat <- stats::cor(matA, matB)
return(1 - (sum(apply(corrMat, 1, max)) +
sum(apply(corrMat, 2, max))) / (2 * K))
computeAmariDistances <- function(matrices){
B <- length(matrices)
distances.list <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(B - 1), function(b) {
distances <- lapply(seq(from=b + 1, to=B, by=1), function(b.hat) {
amariDistance(matrices[[b]], matrices[[b.hat]])
# getConsensusMat <- function(matrices){
# memberships <- lapply(matrices, function(x){
# apply(x, 2, which.max)
# })
# ## compute connectivity matrix per run
# ## finally, compute the consensus matrix (average of all connectivity
# ## matrices)
# ## Compute the dispersion score (range: -1 to +1)
# connectivityMats <- lapply(seq_along(matrices), function(x){
# xMat <- matrices[[x]]
# xMemberships <- memberships[[x]]
# nSamples <- ncol(xMat)
# connMat <- matrix(rep(0, nSamples*nSamples), nrow = nSamples)
# for(i in seq_len(nrow(connMat))){
# relColIdx <- which(xMemberships == xMemberships[i])
# connMat[i,relColIdx] <- 1
# }
# connMat
# })
# ##
# consensusMat <- .getMeanOfListOfMatrices(connectivityMats)
# }
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