MSW.cwt <- function (ms, scales = 1, wavelet = "mexh")
{ ## modified from package MassSpecWavelet
if (wavelet == "mexh") {
psi_xval <- seq(-6, 6, length = 256)
psi <- (2/sqrt(3) * pi^(-0.25)) * (1 - psi_xval^2) *
else if (is.matrix(wavelet)) {
if (nrow(wavelet) == 2) {
psi_xval <- wavelet[1, ]
psi <- wavelet[2, ]
else if (ncol(wavelet) == 2) {
psi_xval <- wavelet[, 1]
psi <- wavelet[, 2]
else {
stop("Unsupported wavelet format!")
else {
stop("Unsupported wavelet!")
oldLen <- length(ms)
ms <- MSW.extendNBase(ms, nLevel = NULL, base = 2)
len <- length(ms)
nbscales <- length(scales)
wCoefs <- NULL
psi_xval <- psi_xval - psi_xval[1]
dxval <- psi_xval[2]
xmax <- psi_xval[length(psi_xval)]
for (i in 1:length(scales)) {
scale.i <- scales[i]
f <- rep(0, len)
j <- 1 + floor((0:(scale.i * xmax))/(scale.i * dxval))
if (length(j) == 1)
j <- c(1, 1)
lenWave <- length(j)
f[1:lenWave] <- rev(psi[j]) - mean(psi[j])
if (length(f) > len)
{i<-i-1;break;} ## stop(paste("scale", scale.i, "is too large!"))
wCoefs.i <- 1/sqrt(scale.i) * convolve(ms, f)
wCoefs.i <- c(wCoefs.i[(len - floor(lenWave/2) + 1):len],
wCoefs.i[1:(len - floor(lenWave/2))])
wCoefs <- cbind(wCoefs, wCoefs.i)
if (i < 1) return(NA)
scales <- scales[1:i]
if (length(scales) == 1)
wCoefs <- matrix(wCoefs, ncol = 1)
colnames(wCoefs) <- scales
wCoefs <- wCoefs[1:oldLen, , drop = FALSE]
MSW.extendNBase <- function(x, nLevel=1, base=2, ...)
{ ## from package MassSpecWavelet
if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol=1)
nR <- nrow(x)
if (is.null(nLevel)) {
nR1 <- nextn(nR, base)
} else {
nR1 <- ceiling(nR / base^nLevel) * base^nLevel
if (nR != nR1) {
x <- MSW.extendLength(x, addLength=nR1-nR, ...)
MSW.extendLength <-
function(x, addLength=NULL, method=c('reflection', 'open', 'circular'), direction=c('right', 'left', 'both'))
{ ## from package MassSpecWavelet
if (is.null(addLength)) stop('Please provide the length to be added!')
if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol=1)
method <- match.arg(method)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
nR <- nrow(x)
nR1 <- nR + addLength
if (direction == 'both') {
left <- right <- addLength
} else if (direction == 'right') {
left <- 0
right <- addLength
} else if (direction == 'left') {
left <- addLength
right <- 0
if (right > 0) {
x <- switch(method,
reflection =rbind(x, x[nR:(2 * nR - nR1 + 1), , drop=FALSE]),
open = rbind(x, matrix(rep(x[nR,], addLength), ncol=ncol(x), byrow=TRUE)),
circular = rbind(x, x[1:(nR1 - nR),, drop=FALSE]))
if (left > 0) {
x <- switch(method,
reflection =rbind(x[addLength:1, , drop=FALSE], x),
open = rbind(matrix(rep(x[1,], addLength), ncol=ncol(x), byrow=TRUE), x),
circular = rbind(x[(2 * nR - nR1 + 1):nR,, drop=FALSE], x))
if (ncol(x) == 1) x <- as.vector(x)
MSW.getLocalMaximumCWT <-
function(wCoefs, minWinSize=5, amp.Th=0)
{ ## from package MassSpecWavelet
localMax <- NULL
scales <- as.numeric(colnames(wCoefs))
for (i in 1:length(scales)) {
scale.i <- scales[i]
winSize.i <- scale.i * 2 + 1
if (winSize.i < minWinSize) {
winSize.i <- minWinSize
temp <- MSW.localMaximum(wCoefs[,i], winSize.i)
localMax <- cbind(localMax, temp)
## Set the values less than peak threshold as 0
localMax[wCoefs < amp.Th] <- 0
colnames(localMax) <- colnames(wCoefs)
rownames(localMax) <- rownames(wCoefs)
MSW.localMaximum <-
function (x, winSize = 5)
{ ## from package MassSpecWavelet
len <- length(x)
rNum <- ceiling(len/winSize)
## Transform the vector as a matrix with column length equals winSize
## and find the maximum position at each row.
y <- matrix(c(x, rep(x[len], rNum * winSize - len)), nrow=winSize)
y.maxInd <- apply(y, 2, which.max)
## Only keep the maximum value larger than the boundary values
selInd <- which(apply(y, 2, function(x) max(x) > x[1] & max(x) > x[winSize]))
## keep the result
localMax <- rep(0, len)
localMax[(selInd-1) * winSize + y.maxInd[selInd]] <- 1
## Shift the vector with winSize/2 and do the same operation
shift <- floor(winSize/2)
rNum <- ceiling((len + shift)/winSize)
y <- matrix(c(rep(x[1], shift), x, rep(x[len], rNum * winSize - len - shift)), nrow=winSize)
y.maxInd <- apply(y, 2, which.max)
## Only keep the maximum value larger than the boundary values
selInd <- which(apply(y, 2, function(x) max(x) > x[1] & max(x) > x[winSize]))
localMax[(selInd-1) * winSize + y.maxInd[selInd] - shift] <- 1
## Check whether there is some local maxima have in between distance less than winSize
maxInd <- which(localMax > 0)
selInd <- which(diff(maxInd) < winSize)
if (length(selInd) > 0) {
selMaxInd1 <- maxInd[selInd]
selMaxInd2 <- maxInd[selInd + 1]
temp <- x[selMaxInd1] - x[selMaxInd2]
localMax[selMaxInd1[temp <= 0]] <- 0
localMax[selMaxInd2[temp > 0]] <- 0
MSW.getRidge <-
function(localMax, iInit=ncol(localMax), step=-1, iFinal=1, minWinSize=3, gapTh=3, skip=NULL)
{ ## modified from package MassSpecWavelet
scales <- as.numeric(colnames(localMax))
if (is.null(scales)) scales <- 1:ncol(localMax)
maxInd_curr <- which(localMax[, iInit] > 0)
nMz <- nrow(localMax)
if (is.null(skip)) {
skip <- iInit + 1
## Identify all the peak pathes from the coarse level to detail levels (high column to low column)
## Only consider the shortest path
if ( ncol(localMax) > 1 ) colInd <- seq(iInit+step, iFinal, step)
else colInd <- 1
ridgeList <- as.list(maxInd_curr)
names(ridgeList) <- maxInd_curr
peakStatus <- as.list(rep(0, length(maxInd_curr)))
names(peakStatus) <- maxInd_curr
## orphanRidgeList keep the ridges disconnected at certain scale level
## Changed by Pan Du 05/11/06
orphanRidgeList <- NULL
orphanRidgeName <- NULL
nLevel <- length(colInd)
for (j in 1:nLevel) {
col.j <- colInd[j]
scale.j <- scales[col.j]
if (colInd[j] == skip) {
oldname <- names(ridgeList)
ridgeList <- lapply(ridgeList, function(x) c(x, x[length(x)]))
##peakStatus <- lapply(peakStatus, function(x) c(x, x[length(x)]))
names(ridgeList) <- oldname
##names(peakStatus) <- oldname
if (length(maxInd_curr) == 0) {
maxInd_curr <- which(localMax[, col.j] > 0)
## The slide window size is proportional to the CWT scale
## winSize.j <- scale.j / 2 + 1
winSize.j <- floor(scale.j/2)
if (winSize.j < minWinSize) {
winSize.j <- minWinSize
selPeak.j <- NULL
remove.j <- NULL
for (k in 1:length(maxInd_curr)) {
ind.k <- maxInd_curr[k]
start.k <- ifelse(ind.k-winSize.j < 1, 1, ind.k-winSize.j)
end.k <- ifelse(ind.k+winSize.j > nMz, nMz, ind.k+winSize.j)
ind.curr <- which(localMax[start.k:end.k, col.j] > 0) + start.k - 1
##ind.curr <- which(localMax[, col.j] > 0)
if (length(ind.curr) == 0) {
status.k <- peakStatus[[as.character(ind.k)]]
## bug work-around
if (is.null(status.k)) status.k <- gapTh +1
if (status.k > gapTh & scale.j >= 2) {
temp <- ridgeList[[as.character(ind.k)]]
orphanRidgeList <- c(orphanRidgeList, list(temp[1:(length(temp)-status.k)]))
orphanRidgeName <- c(orphanRidgeName, paste(col.j + status.k + 1, ind.k, sep='_'))
remove.j <- c(remove.j, as.character(ind.k))
} else {
ind.curr <- ind.k
peakStatus[[as.character(ind.k)]] <- status.k + 1
} else {
peakStatus[[as.character(ind.k)]] <- 0
if (length(ind.curr) >= 2) ind.curr <- ind.curr[which.min(abs(ind.curr - ind.k))]
ridgeList[[as.character(ind.k)]] <- c(ridgeList[[as.character(ind.k)]], ind.curr)
selPeak.j <- c(selPeak.j, ind.curr)
## Remove the disconnected lines from the currrent list
if (length(remove.j) > 0) {
removeInd <- which(names(ridgeList) %in% remove.j)
ridgeList <- ridgeList[-removeInd]
peakStatus <- peakStatus[-removeInd]
## Check for duplicated selected peaks and only keep the one with the longest path.
dupPeak.j <- unique(selPeak.j[duplicated(selPeak.j)])
if (length(dupPeak.j) > 0) {
removeInd <- NULL
for (dupPeak.jk in dupPeak.j) {
selInd <- which(selPeak.j == dupPeak.jk)
selLen <- sapply(ridgeList[selInd], length)
removeInd.jk <- which.max(selLen)
removeInd <- c(removeInd, selInd[-removeInd.jk])
orphanRidgeList <- c(orphanRidgeList, ridgeList[removeInd.jk])
orphanRidgeName <- c(orphanRidgeName, paste(col.j, selPeak.j[removeInd.jk], sep='_'))
selPeak.j <- selPeak.j[-removeInd]
ridgeList <- ridgeList[-removeInd]
peakStatus <- peakStatus[-removeInd]
## Update the names of the ridgeList as the new selected peaks
##if (scale.j >= 2) {
if (length(ridgeList) > 0) names(ridgeList) <- selPeak.j
if (length(peakStatus) > 0) names(peakStatus) <- selPeak.j
## If the level is larger than 3, expand the peak list by including other unselected peaks at that level
if (scale.j >= 2) {
maxInd_next <- which(localMax[, col.j] > 0)
unSelPeak.j <- maxInd_next[!(maxInd_next %in% selPeak.j)]
newPeak.j <- as.list(unSelPeak.j)
names(newPeak.j) <- unSelPeak.j
## Update ridgeList
ridgeList <- c(ridgeList, newPeak.j)
maxInd_curr <- c(selPeak.j, unSelPeak.j)
## Update peakStatus
newPeakStatus <- as.list(rep(0, length(newPeak.j)))
names(newPeakStatus) <- newPeak.j
peakStatus <- c(peakStatus, newPeakStatus)
} else {
maxInd_curr <- selPeak.j
## Attach the peak level at the beginning of the ridge names
if (length(ridgeList) > 0) names(ridgeList) <- paste(1, names(ridgeList), sep='_')
if (length(orphanRidgeList) > 0) names(orphanRidgeList) <- orphanRidgeName
## Combine ridgeList and orphanRidgeList
ridgeList <- c(ridgeList, orphanRidgeList)
if (length(ridgeList) == 0) return(NULL)
## Reverse the order as from the low level to high level.
ridgeList <- lapply(ridgeList, rev)
## order the ridgeList in increasing order
##ord <- order(selPeak.j)
##ridgeList <- ridgeList[ord]
## Remove possible duplicated ridges
ridgeList <- ridgeList[!duplicated(names(ridgeList))]
attr(ridgeList, 'class') <- 'ridgeList'
attr(ridgeList, 'scales') <- scales
running <- function (X, Y = NULL, fun = mean, width = min(length(X), 20),
allow.fewer = FALSE, pad = FALSE, align = c("right", "center",
"left"), simplify = TRUE, by, ...)
{ ## from package gtools
align = match.arg(align)
n <- length(X)
if (align == "left") {
from <- 1:n
to <- pmin((1:n) + width - 1, n)
else if (align == "right") {
from <- pmax((1:n) - width + 1, 1)
to <- 1:n
else {
from <- pmax((2 - width):n, 1)
to <- pmin(1:(n + width - 1), n)
if (!odd(width))
stop("width must be odd for center alignment")
elements <- apply(cbind(from, to), 1, function(x) seq(x[1],
if (is.matrix(elements))
elements <-
names(elements) <- paste(from, to, sep = ":")
if (!allow.fewer) {
len <- sapply(elements, length)
skip <- (len < width)
else {
skip <- 0
run.elements <- elements[!skip]
if (!invalid(by))
run.elements <- run.elements[seq(from = 1, to = length(run.elements),
by = by)]
if (is.null(Y)) {
funct <- function(which, what, fun, ...) fun(what[which],
if (simplify)
Xvar <- sapply(run.elements, funct, what = X, fun = fun,
else Xvar <- lapply(run.elements, funct, what = X, fun = fun,
else {
funct <- function(which, XX, YY, fun, ...) fun(XX[which],
YY[which], ...)
if (simplify)
Xvar <- sapply(run.elements, funct, XX = X, YY = Y,
fun = fun, ...)
else Xvar <- lapply(run.elements, funct, XX = X, YY = Y,
fun = fun, ...)
if (allow.fewer || !pad)
if (simplify)
if (is.matrix(Xvar)) {
wholemat <- matrix(new(class(Xvar[1, 1]), NA), ncol = length(to),
nrow = nrow(Xvar))
colnames(wholemat) <- paste(from, to, sep = ":")
wholemat[, -skip] <- Xvar
Xvar <- wholemat
else {
wholelist <- rep(new(class(Xvar[1]), NA), length(from))
names(wholelist) <- names(elements)
wholelist[names(Xvar)] <- Xvar
Xvar <- wholelist
invalid <- function (x)
{ ## from package gtools
if (missing(x) || is.null(x) || length(x) == 0)
if (is.list(x))
return(all(sapply(x, invalid)))
else if (is.vector(x))
else return(FALSE)
odd <- function (x) x != as.integer(x/2) * 2;
gauss <- function(x, h, mu, sigma){
fitGauss <- function(td,d,pgauss=NA) {
if (length(d) < 3) return(rep(NA,3))
if (!any( { mu <- pgauss$mu; sigma <- pgauss$sigma;h <- pgauss$h }
fit <- try(nls(d ~ SSgauss(td,mu,sigma,h)), silent = TRUE)
if (class(fit) == "try-error")
fit <- try(nls(d ~ SSgauss(td,mu,sigma,h),algo='port'), silent = TRUE)
if (class(fit) == "try-error") return(rep(NA,3))$m$getPars()))
joinOverlappingPeaks <- function(td,d,otd,omz,od,scantime,scan.range,peaks,maxGaussOverlap=0.5,mzCenterFun) {
gausspeaksidx <- which(![,"mu"]))
Ngp <- length(gausspeaksidx)
if (Ngp == 0)
newpeaks <- NULL
gpeaks <- peaks[gausspeaksidx,,drop=FALSE]
if (dim(peaks)[1] - Ngp > 0)
notgausspeaks <- peaks[-gausspeaksidx,,drop=FALSE]
if (Ngp > 1) {
comb <- which(upper.tri(matrix(0,Ngp,Ngp)),arr=TRUE)
overlap <- rep(FALSE,dim(comb)[1])
for (k in 1:dim(comb)[1]) {
p1 <- comb[k,1]; p2 <- comb[k,2]
overlap[k] <- gaussCoverage(xlim=scan.range,h1=gpeaks[p1,"h"],mu1=gpeaks[p1,"mu"],s1=gpeaks[p1,"sigma"],
h2=gpeaks[p2,"h"],mu2=gpeaks[p2,"mu"],s2=gpeaks[p2,"sigma"]) >= maxGaussOverlap
} else overlap <- FALSE
if (any(overlap) && (Ngp > 1)) {
jlist <- list()
if (length(which(overlap)) > 1) {
gm <- comb[overlap,]
## create list of connected components
cc <- list()
cc[[1]] <- gm[1,] ## copy first entry
for (j in 2:dim(gm)[1]) { ## search for connections
ccl <- unlist(cc)
nl <- sapply(cc, function(x) length(x))
ccidx <- rep(1:length(nl),nl)
idx <- match(gm[j,],ccl)
if (any(! { ## connection found, add to list
pos <- ccidx[ idx[which(![1]] ]
cc[[pos]] <- c(cc[[pos]],gm[j,])
} else ## create new list element
cc[[length(cc) + 1]] <- gm[j,]
ccn <- list()
lcc <- length(cc)
ins <- rep(FALSE,lcc)
if (lcc > 1) {
jcomb <- which(upper.tri(matrix(0,lcc,lcc)),arr=TRUE)
for (j in 1:dim(jcomb)[1]) {
j1 <- jcomb[j,1]; j2 <- jcomb[j,2]
if (any(cc[[j1]] %in% cc[[j2]]))
ccn[[length(ccn) +1]] <- unique(c(cc[[j1]],cc[[j2]]))
else {
if (!ins[j1]) {
ccn[[length(ccn) +1]] <- unique(cc[[j1]])
ins[j1] <- TRUE
if (!ins[j2]) {
ccn[[length(ccn) +1]] <- unique(cc[[j2]])
ins[j2] <- TRUE
} else ccn <- cc;
size <- sapply(ccn, function(x) length(x))
s2idx <- which(size >= 2)
if (length(s2idx) > 0) {
for (j in 1:length(s2idx)) {
pgroup <- unique(ccn[[ s2idx[j] ]])
jlist[[j]] <- pgroup
} else stop('(length(s2idx) = 0) ?!?')
} else jlist[[1]] <- comb[overlap,]
## join all peaks belonging to one cc
for (j in 1:length(jlist)) {
jidx <- jlist[[j]]
newpeak <- gpeaks[jidx[1],,drop=FALSE]
newmin <- min(gpeaks[jidx,"lmin"])
newmax <- max(gpeaks[jidx,"lmax"])
newpeak[1,"scpos"] <- -1 ## not defined after join
newpeak[1,"scmin"] <- -1 ## ..
newpeak[1,"scmax"] <- -1 ## ..
newpeak[1,"scale"] <- -1 ## ..
newpeak[1,"maxo"] <- max(gpeaks[jidx,"maxo"])
newpeak[1,"sn"] <- max(gpeaks[jidx,"sn"])
newpeak[1,"lmin"] <- newmin
newpeak[1,"lmax"] <- newmax
newpeak[1,"rtmin"] <- scantime[td[newmin]]
newpeak[1,"rtmax"] <- scantime[td[newmax]]
newpeak[1,"rt"] <- weighted.mean(gpeaks[jidx,"rt"],w=gpeaks[jidx,"maxo"])
## Re-assign m/z values
p1 <- match(td[newmin],otd)[1]
p2 <- match(td[newmax],otd); p2 <- p2[length(p2)]
if ( p1 <- 1
if ( p2 <- length(omz)
mz.value <- omz[p1:p2] <- od[p1:p2]
## re-calculate m/z value for peak range
mzmean <-,list(mz=mz.value,
mzrange <- range(mz.value)
newpeak[1,"mz"] <- mzmean
newpeak[1,c("mzmin","mzmax")] <- mzrange
## re-fit gaussian
md <- max(d[newmin:newmax]);d1 <- d[newmin:newmax]/md;
pgauss <- fitGauss(td[newmin:newmax],d[newmin:newmax],pgauss = list(mu=td[newmin] + (td[newmax]-td[newmin])/2,sigma=td[newmax]-td[newmin],h=max(gpeaks[jidx,"h"])))
if (!any( && all(pgauss > 0)) {
newpeak[1,"mu"] <- pgauss$mu
newpeak[1,"sigma"] <- pgauss$sigma
newpeak[1,"h"] <- pgauss$h
newpeak[1,"egauss"]<- sqrt((1/length(td[newmin:newmax])) * sum(((d1-gauss(td[newmin:newmax],pgauss$h/md,pgauss$mu,pgauss$sigma))^2)))
} else { ## re-fit after join failed
newpeak[1,"mu"] <- NA
newpeak[1,"sigma"] <- NA
newpeak[1,"h"] <- NA
newpeak[1,"egauss"] <- NA
if (is.null(newpeaks)) newpeaks <- newpeak else
newpeaks <- rbind(newpeaks,newpeak)
## add the remaining peaks
jp <- unique(unlist(jlist))
if (dim(peaks)[1] - length(jp) > 0)
newpeaks <- rbind(newpeaks,gpeaks[-jp,])
} else
newpeaks <- gpeaks
grt.min <- newpeaks[,"rtmin"]
grt.max <- newpeaks[,"rtmax"]
if (nrow(peaks) - Ngp > 0) { ## notgausspeaks
for (k in 1:nrow(notgausspeaks)) {## here we can only check if they are completely overlapped by other peaks
if (!any((notgausspeaks[k,"rtmin"] >= grt.min) & (notgausspeaks[k,"rtmax"] <= grt.max)))
newpeaks <- rbind(newpeaks,notgausspeaks[k,])
rownames(newpeaks) <- NULL
descendMinTol <- function(d,startpos,maxDescOutlier) {
l <- startpos[1]; r <- startpos[2]; outl <- 0; N <- length(d)
## left
while ((l > 1) && (d[l] > 0) && outl <= maxDescOutlier) {
if (outl > 0) vpos <- opos else vpos <- l
if (d[l-1] > d[vpos]) outl <- outl + 1 else outl <- 0
if (outl == 1) opos <- l
l <- l -1
if (outl > 0) l <- l + outl
## right
outl <- 0;
while ((r < N) && (d[r] > 0) && outl <= maxDescOutlier) {
if (outl > 0) vpos <- opos else vpos <- r
if (d[r+1] > d[vpos]) outl <- outl + 1 else outl <- 0
if (outl == 1) opos <- r
r <- r + 1
if (outl > 0) r <- r - outl
cent <- function(x) {
N <- length(x)
if (N == 1) return(1)
gaussCoverage <- function(xlim,h1,mu1,s1,h2,mu2,s2) {
overlap <- NA
by = 0.05
## Calculate points of intersection
a <- s2^2 - s1^2
cc <- -( 2 * s1^2 * s2^2 * (log(h1) - log(h2)) + (s1^2 * mu2^2) - (s2^2 * mu1^2) )
b <- ((2 * s1^2 *mu2) - (2 * s2^2 * mu1))
D <- b^2 - (a*cc)
if (a==0) {S1 <- -cc/b; S2 <- NA
} else if ((D < 0) || ((b^2 - (4*a*cc)) < 0)) {S1 <- S2 <- NA
} else {
S1 <- (-b + sqrt(b^2 - (4*a*cc))) / (2*a)
S2 <- (-b - sqrt(b^2 - (4*a*cc))) / (2*a)
if (S2 < S1) {tmp<-S1; S1<-S2; S2<-tmp}
if (! if (S1 < xlim[1] || S1 > xlim[2]) S1 <- NA
if (! if (S2 < xlim[1] || S2 > xlim[2]) S2 <- NA
x <- seq(xlim[1],xlim[2],by=by)
vsmall <- min(sum(gauss(x,h1,mu1,s1)), sum(gauss(x,h2,mu2,s2)))
if (! && ! {
x0 <- seq(xlim[1],S1,by=by)
xo <- seq(S1,S2,by=by)
x1 <- seq(S2,xlim[2],by=by)
if (gauss(x0[cent(x0)],h1,mu1,s1) < gauss(x0[cent(x0)],h2,mu2,s2)) ov1 <- sum(gauss(x0,h1,mu1,s1)) else ov1 <- sum(gauss(x0,h2,mu2,s2))
if (gauss(xo[cent(xo)],h1,mu1,s1) < gauss(xo[cent(xo)],h2,mu2,s2)) ov <- sum(gauss(xo,h1,mu1,s1)) else ov <- sum(gauss(xo,h2,mu2,s2))
if (gauss(x1[cent(x1)],h1,mu1,s1) < gauss(x1[cent(x1)],h2,mu2,s2)) ov2 <- sum(gauss(x1,h1,mu1,s1)) else ov2 <- sum(gauss(x1,h2,mu2,s2))
overlap <- ov1 + ov + ov2
} else
if ( && { ## no overlap -> intergrate smaller function
if (gauss(x[cent(x)],h1,mu1,s1) < gauss(x[cent(x)],h2,mu2,s2)) overlap <- sum(gauss(x,h1,mu1,s1)) else overlap <- sum(gauss(x,h2,mu2,s2))
} else
if (! || ! {
if ( S0 <- S2 else S0 <- S1
x0 <- seq(xlim[1],S0,by=by)
x1 <- seq(S0,xlim[2],by=by)
g01 <- gauss(x0[cent(x0)],h1,mu1,s1)
g02 <- gauss(x0[cent(x0)],h2,mu2,s2)
g11 <- gauss(x1[cent(x1)],h1,mu1,s1)
g12 <- gauss(x1[cent(x1)],h2,mu2,s2)
if (g01 < g02) ov1 <- sum(gauss(x0,h1,mu1,s1)) else ov1 <- sum(gauss(x0,h2,mu2,s2))
if (g11 < g12) ov2 <- sum(gauss(x1,h1,mu1,s1)) else ov2 <- sum(gauss(x1,h2,mu2,s2))
if ((g01 == g02) && (g01==0)) ov1 <- 0
if ((g11 == g12) && (g11==0)) ov2 <- 0
overlap <- ov1 + ov2
overlap / vsmall
mzCenter.wMean <- function(mz,intensity) {
weighted.mean(mz, intensity)
mzCenter.mean <- function(mz,intensity) {
mzCenter.apex <- function(mz,intensity) {
mzCenter.wMeanApex3 <- function(mz,intensity) {
iap <- which.max(intensity)
st <- max(1,iap-1)
en <- min(iap+1,length(mz))
weighted.mean(mz[st:en], intensity[st:en])
mzCenter.meanApex3 <- function(mz,intensity) {
iap <- which.max(intensity)
st <- max(1,iap-1)
en <- min(iap+1,length(mz))
trimm <- function(x, trim=c(0.05,0.95)) {
a <- sort(x[x>0])
Na <- length(a)
quant <- round((Na*trim[1])+1):round(Na*trim[2])
estimateChromNoise <- function(x, trim=0.05, minPts=20) {
gz <- which(x > 0)
if (length(gz) < minPts)
mean(x[gz], trim=trim)
getLocalNoiseEstimate <- function(d, td, ftd, noiserange, Nscantime, threshold, num) {
if (length(d) < Nscantime) {
## noiserange[2] is full d-range
drange <- which(td %in% ftd)
n1 <- d[-drange] ## region outside the detected ROI (wide)
n1.cp <- continuousPtsAboveThresholdIdx(n1, threshold=threshold,num=num) ## continousPtsAboveThreshold (probably peak) are subtracted from data for local noise estimation
n1 <- n1[!n1.cp]
if (length(n1) > 1) {
baseline1 <- mean(n1)
sdnoise1 <- sd(n1)
} else
baseline1 <- sdnoise1 <- 1
## noiserange[1]
d1 <- drange[1]
d2 <- drange[length(drange)]
nrange2 <- c(max(1,d1 - noiserange[1]) : d1, d2 : min(length(d),d2 + noiserange[1]))
n2 <- d[nrange2] ## region outside the detected ROI (narrow)
n2.cp <- continuousPtsAboveThresholdIdx(n2, threshold=threshold,num=num) ## continousPtsAboveThreshold (probably peak) are subtracted from data for local noise estimation
n2 <- n2[!n2.cp]
if (length(n2) > 1) {
baseline2 <- mean(n2)
sdnoise2 <- sd(n2)
} else
baseline2 <- sdnoise2 <- 1
} else {
trimmed <- trimm(d,c(0.05,0.95))
baseline1 <- baseline2 <- mean(trimmed)
sdnoise1 <- sdnoise2 <- sd(trimmed)
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