test_getPlinkGenotype <- function() {
g1 <- c(0,1,2,NA,0,1,2,NA)
snpID <- 1:8
chromosome <- 1:8
position <- 1:8
alleleA <- c("A", "A", "A", "A", "G", "G", "G", "G")
alleleB <- c("T", "T", "T", "T", "C", "C", "C", "C")
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(matrix(g1, ncol=1), snpID, chromosome, position, 1L)
snpdf <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID, chromosome, position, alleleA, alleleB,
gd <- GenotypeData(mgr, snpdf)
exp <- c("T T", "A T", "A A", "0 0", "C C", "C G", "G G", "0 0")
pg <- GWASTools:::.getPlinkGenotype(gd, 1, 1,)
checkIdentical(exp, pg)
g2 <- rep(NA, 8)
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(matrix(c(g1, g2), ncol=2), snpID, chromosome, position, 1:2)
gd <- GenotypeData(mgr, snpdf)
exp2 <- matrix(c(exp, rep("0 0", 8)), ncol=2)
pg <- GWASTools:::.getPlinkGenotype(gd, 1, 2)
checkIdentical(exp2, pg)
# what happens if we have some missing values in the alleles?
alleleA <- c("A", "A", "A", "A", NA, "G", "G", NA)
alleleB <- c("T", "T", NA, "T", "C", "C", "C", NA)
snpdf <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID, chromosome, position, alleleA, alleleB,
gd <- GenotypeData(mgr, snpdf)
pg <- GWASTools:::.getPlinkGenotype(gd, 1, 1)
checkIdentical(exp, pg)
test_plinkWrite <- function() {
A <- "A"; C <- "C"; G <- "G"; T <- "T"
scandf <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(
data.frame(family=rep(1,3), scanID=21:23, father=rep(0,3),
mother=rep(0,3), sex=c("M","F","M"),
snpdf <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(
data.frame(snpID=1:7, chromosome=21:27, position=rep(10L,7),
rsID=paste("rs", 1:7, sep=""),
alleleA=c(A,A,A,A,C,0,C), alleleB=c(C,C,T,G,T,0,0),
geno <- matrix(c(1,2,1,
2,2,2), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
ped <- matrix(c(1, 21, 0, 0, 1, -9, A, C, A, A, 0, 0, G, G, T, T, 0, 0, C, C,
1, 22, 0, 0, 2, -9, A, A, A, C, A, T, G, G, C, T, 0, 0, C, C,
1, 23, 0, 0, 1, -9, A, C, C, C, A, A, A, A, T, T, 0, 0, C, C),
nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
map <- data.frame(chromosome=c(21,22,23,25,24,26,0),
rsID=paste("rs", 1:7, sep=""),
mapdist=rep(0, 7), position=rep(10, 7),
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(geno, snpdf$snpID, snpdf$chromosome, snpdf$position,
genoData <- GenotypeData(mgr, scanAnnot=scandf, snpAnnot=snpdf)
pedfile <- tempfile()
plinkWrite(genoData, pedfile)
ped.in <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(pedfile, "ped", sep="."),
colClasses=rep("character", ncol(ped)),
as.is=TRUE, header=FALSE))
checkTrue(allequal(ped, ped.in))
map.in <- read.table(paste(pedfile, "map", sep="."), as.is=TRUE, header=FALSE)
checkTrue(allequal(map, map.in))
## test with all but one sample excluded
plinkWrite(genoData, pedfile, scan.exclude=22:23)
ped.in <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(pedfile, "ped", sep="."),
colClasses=rep("character", ncol(ped)),
as.is=TRUE, header=FALSE))
checkTrue(allequal(ped[1,,drop=FALSE], ped.in))
unlink(paste(pedfile, "*", sep=""))
test_plinkCheck <- function() {
A <- "A"; C <- "C"; G <- "G"; T <- "T"
scandf <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(
data.frame(family=rep(1,3), scanID=21:23, father=rep(0,3),
mother=rep(0,3), sex=c("M","F","M"),
snpdf <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(
data.frame(snpID=1:7, chromosome=21:27, position=rep(10L,7),
rsID=paste("rs", 1:7, sep=""),
alleleA=c(A,A,A,A,C,0,C), alleleB=c(C,C,T,G,T,0,0),
geno <- matrix(c(1,2,1,
2,2,2), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
ped <- matrix(c(1, 21, 0, 0, 1, -9, C, C, A, C, A, A, 0, 0, T, T, G, G, 0, 0,
1, 22, 0, 0, 2, -9, C, C, A, A, A, C, A, T, C, T, G, G, 0, 0,
1, 23, 0, 0, 1, -9, C, C, A, C, C, C, A, A, T, T, A, A, 0, 0),
nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
map <- data.frame(chromosome=c(0,21,22,23,24,25,26),
rsID=paste("rs", c(7,1,2,3,5,4,6), sep=""),
mapdist=rep(0, 7), position=rep(10, 7),
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(geno, snpdf$snpID, snpdf$chromosome, snpdf$position,
genoData <- GenotypeData(mgr, scanAnnot=scandf, snpAnnot=snpdf)
pedfile <- tempfile()
write.table(ped, file=paste(pedfile, "ped", sep="."), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
write.table(map, file=paste(pedfile, "map", sep="."), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
log <- tempfile()
checkTrue(plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, log))
# change ped file
ped2 <- ped
ped2[1,1] <- 3
write.table(ped2, file=paste(pedfile, "ped", sep="."), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
checkTrue(!plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, log))
ped2 <- ped
ped2[2,2] <- 3
write.table(ped2, file=paste(pedfile, "ped", sep="."), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
checkTrue(!plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, log))
# change map file
write.table(ped, file=paste(pedfile, "ped", sep="."), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
map2 <- map
map2$rsID[1] <- "foo"
write.table(map2, file=paste(pedfile, "map", sep="."), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
checkTrue(!plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, log))
unlink(paste(pedfile, "*", sep=""))
test_plinkCheck2 <- function() {
ncfile <- tempfile()
simulateGenotypeMatrix(n.snps=10, n.chromosomes=26,
n.samples=20, filename=ncfile, file.type="ncdf")
nc.orig <- NcdfGenotypeReader(ncfile)
scanID <- getScanID(nc.orig)
sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
family <- rep(0, 20)
father <- rep(0, 20)
mother <- rep(0, 20)
scandf <- data.frame(family, scanID, father, mother, sex, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
snpID <- getSnpID(nc.orig)
chromosome <- getChromosome(nc.orig)
position <- getPosition(nc.orig)
rsID <- paste("rs", snpID, sep="")
allele.A <- sample(c("A","T"), nsnp(nc.orig), replace=TRUE)
allele.B <- sample(c("C","G"), nsnp(nc.orig), replace=TRUE)
snpdf <- data.frame(snpID, chromosome, position, rsID, allele.A,
allele.B, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
geno <- getGenotype(nc.orig)
genoData <- GenotypeData(nc.orig, scanAnnot=ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf),
pedfile <- tempfile()
plinkWrite(genoData, pedfile)
logfile <- tempfile()
checkTrue(plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, logfile))
# change ncdf file
nc.new <- nc_open(ncfile, write=TRUE)
geno <- ncvar_get(nc.new, "genotype")
geno[geno == 1] <- 2
ncvar_put(nc.new, "genotype", geno)
nc.new <- NcdfGenotypeReader(ncfile)
genoData <- GenotypeData(nc.new, scanAnnot=ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf),
checkTrue(!plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, logfile))
unlink(c(ncfile, logfile, paste(pedfile, "*", sep=".")))
test_plinkCheck_map <- function() {
ncfile <- tempfile()
simulateGenotypeMatrix(n.snps=10, n.chromosomes=26,
n.samples=20, filename=ncfile, file.type="ncdf")
nc.orig <- NcdfGenotypeReader(ncfile)
scanID <- getScanID(nc.orig)
sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
family <- rep(0, 20)
father <- rep(0, 20)
mother <- rep(0, 20)
scandf <- data.frame(family, scanID, father, mother, sex, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
snpID <- getSnpID(nc.orig)
chromosome <- getChromosome(nc.orig)
position <- getPosition(nc.orig)
rsID <- paste("rs", snpID, sep="")
allele.A <- sample(c("A","T"), nsnp(nc.orig), replace=TRUE)
allele.B <- sample(c("C","G"), nsnp(nc.orig), replace=TRUE)
snpdf <- data.frame(snpID, chromosome, position, rsID, allele.A,
allele.B, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
geno <- getGenotype(nc.orig)
genoData <- GenotypeData(nc.orig, scanAnnot=ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf),
pedfile <- tempfile()
plinkWrite(genoData, pedfile)
# change chromosomes in netCDF file
nc.new <- nc_open(ncfile, write=TRUE)
chr.new <- snpdf$chromosome
chr.new[1:5] <- 28L
ncvar_put(nc.new, "chromosome", chr.new)
snpdf$chromosome <- chr.new
nc.new <- NcdfGenotypeReader(ncfile)
genoData <- GenotypeData(nc.new, scanAnnot=ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf),
# map to describe how to map to PLINK
map <- snpdf[,c("snpID", "chromosome","rsID","position")]
# reorder map to test matching on snpID
map <- map[order(map$chromosome),]
# specify PLINK conversion
chr.new <- map$chromosome
# we know that chr=28 was chr=1 in PLINK
map$chromosome[chr.new == 28] <- 1
# need to specify Y/XY swap since this will not happen automatically
map$chromosome[chr.new == 24] <- 25
map$chromosome[chr.new == 25] <- 24
logfile <- tempfile()
checkTrue(plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, logfile, map.alt=map))
unlink(c(ncfile, logfile, paste(pedfile, "*", sep=".")))
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