createAffyIntensityFile <- function(path=".",
file.type=c("gds", "ncdf"),
precision = "single",
compress = "LZMA_RA:1M",
compress.annot = "LZMA_RA", = NULL, = NULL,
diagnostics.filename = "createAffyIntensityFile.diagnostics.RData",
verbose = TRUE) {
## scan.start.index is the start index for sample ID and
## n.consecutive.scans is the number of consecutive scans for which to load intensity data (default of -1 means load them all)
## filename is the file in which to load the intensity data
## get file type
file.type <- match.arg(file.type)
## checks
stopifnot((c("scanID", "scanName", "file") %in% names(scan.annotation)))
## create data file
variables <- c("X", "Y")
if (file.type == "gds") {
## don't need n.samples since we will use append later
genofile <- .createGds(snp.annotation, filename, variables, precision, compress)
} else if (file.type == "ncdf") {
genofile <- .createNcdf(snp.annotation, filename, variables, nrow(scan.annotation),
## get sample id information
sample.names <- scan.annotation$scanName
sample.nums <- scan.annotation$scanID
## file names
files <- file.path(path, scan.annotation$file)
fn <- length(files)
## get snp information
n <- nrow(snp.annotation)
snp.names <- snp.annotation$snpName
## set up objects to keep track of things for each file
read.file <- rep(NA, fn) ## keeps track of whether the file was readable or not
row.num <- rep(NA, fn) ## number of rows read
rows.equal <- rep(NA,fn) ## rows for A and B equal and ordered the same
sample.match <- rep(NA,fn)
snp.chk <- rep(NA,fn) ## all snps are present and no duplicates
chk <- rep(NA,fn) ## final check on data ready to load into ncdf
## For each raw data file, rearrange and input to ncdf
## this file has two rows per probe, one for A and one for B ( = probe_name-A or probe_name-B)
## split the data set and make X=intensity of A and Y=intensity of B
if (verbose) start <- Sys.time() ## to keep track of the rate of file processing
for(i in 1:fn){
dat <- try(read.table(files[i], sep="\t", header=TRUE, colClasses=c("character","double")))
if (inherits(dat, "try-error")) { read.file[i] <- 0; message(paste("error reading file",i)); next }
read.file[i] <- 1
## check sample names
tmp.names <- names(dat)
tmp <- paste0(sample.names[i], c("_Call", "_Confidence", ".cel", ".CEL"))
if(!any(is.element(tmp, tmp.names))) {sample.match[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next} else {sample.match[i] <- 1}
names(dat) <- c("", "inten")
row.num[i] <- nrow(dat)
## rearrange to get one row per snp with X and Y for each row
dat$nchar <- nchar(dat$
dat$sub <- substr(dat$, dat$nchar, dat$nchar)
dat$ <- substr(dat$, 1, dat$nchar-2)
dat.a <- dat[is.element(dat$sub,"A"),][,c("inten", "")]; names(dat.a) <- c("X", "")
dat.b <- dat[is.element(dat$sub,"B"),][,c("inten", "")]; names(dat.b) <- c("Y", "")
if(nrow(dat.a)!=nrow(dat.b) && any(dat.a$!=dat.b$ { rows.equal[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next }
rows.equal[i] <- 1
dat <- cbind(dat.a,dat.b[,"Y"]); names(dat)[3] <- "Y"
## remove AFFX snps, check for duplicate snp names, check that all expected snps are present, and sort into order
dat <- dat[is.element(dat$,snp.names),]
if(nrow(dat)!=n) {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next }
if(any(duplicated(dat$ {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next}
if(any(!is.element(snp.names,dat$ {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next} else snp.chk[i] <- 1
dat <- dat[match(snp.names,dat$,]
## Load data into file
.addData(genofile, variables, dat, sample.nums[i], i)
chk[i] <- 1 ## made it this far
## to monitor progress
if(verbose & i%%10==0) {
rate <- (Sys.time()-start)/10
percent <- 100*i/fn
message(paste("file", i, "-", format(percent,digits=3), "percent completed - rate =", format(rate,digits=4)))
start <- Sys.time()
.close(genofile, verbose=verbose)
diagnostics <- list(read.file, row.num, rows.equal, sample.match, snp.chk, chk)
names(diagnostics) <- c("read.file", "row.num", "rows.equal", "sample.match", "snp.chk", "chk")
save(diagnostics, file=diagnostics.filename)
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