##' plot_power_curve
##' A function to plot power curves based on the result of \code{\link{sample_size}} or \code{\link{est_power_curve}} function.
##' @param result the result of \code{\link{sample_size}} or \code{\link{est_power_curve}} function.
##' The storeProcess parameter should be set as True when performing \code{\link{sample_size}}
##' function. If you want to plot more than one curves in the same figure, the results from
##' \code{\link{sample_size}} function should first be combined into a new list. At most five curves
##' were allowed in one figure.
##' @param cexLegend the cex for legend.
##' @param pch Either an integer specifying a symbol or a single character to be used as the default
##' in plotting points.
##' @param lwd The line width.
##' @param las Numeric in {0,1,2,3}; the style of axis labels.
##' @param cex A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be
##' magnified relative to the default.
##' @param col The line color.
##' @param type 1-character string giving the type of plot desired. The following values are
##' possible, for details, see plot.
##' @param xlab a label for the x axis, defaults to a description of x.
##' @param ylab a label for the y axis, defaults to a description of y.
##' @param main a main title for the plot
##' @return A power curve plot.
##' @export
##' @examples result1<-sample_size(rho=2,phi0=1,lambda0=1,f=0.01,power=0.8,m=20000,m1=500,
##' showMessage=TRUE,storeProcess=TRUE)
##' result2<-sample_size(rho=4,phi0=1,lambda0=1,f=0.01,power=0.8,m=20000,m1=500,
##' showMessage=TRUE,storeProcess=TRUE)
##' plot_power_curve(list(result1,result2))
plot_power_curve<-function(result,cexLegend=1,type="b",xlab="Sample Size",ylab="Power",pch=16,lwd=3,las=1,cex=1.5,main="Power Curve",col="red") {
if (identical(names(result),c("iter","f.root","root","process","parameters")) || identical(names(result),c("process","parameters","power"))) { #Only one result
abline(h= result$parameters["power"],lty=2,col="grey")
} else { #more than one result
if (length(result)>5) { #at most 5 curves were allowed
warning("At most 5 curves were allowed in plot_power_curve function, the last 5 in result parameter will be used")
resultRange<-apply(sapply(result,function(x) (x$process)[nrow(x$process),]),1,max)
for (x in 1:length(result)) {
abline(h= result[[length(result)]]$parameters["power"],lty=2,col="grey")
##' est_power_curve
##' A function to estitamete the power curve for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data.
##' @param ... other parameters for est_power function.
##' @inheritParams est_power
##' @inheritParams sample_size
##' @return A list including parameters, sample size and power.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' result1<-est_power_curve(n=63, f=0.01, rho=2, lambda0=5, phi0=0.5)
##' result2<-est_power_curve(n=63, f=0.05, rho=2, lambda0=5, phi0=0.5)
##' plot_power_curve(list(result1,result2))
est_power_curve<-function(n, w=1, rho=2, lambda0=5, phi0=1,alpha=0.05,f=0.05,...) {
if (n<=10) {
} else if (! n %% 5) {
} else {
for (i in 1:length(sampleSizeList)) {
if (!missing(f)) {
powerList[i]<-est_power(n=sampleSizeList[i], w=w, rho=rho, lambda0=lambda0, phi0=phi0, f=f,...)
} else {
powerList[i]<-est_power(n=sampleSizeList[i], w=w, rho=rho, lambda0=lambda0, phi0=phi0, alpha=alpha,...)
if (!missing(f)) {
parameters<-c(n, f, w, rho, lambda0, phi0)
names(parameters)<-c("n","fdr", "w", "rho", "lambda0", "phi0")
} else {
parameters<-c(n, alpha, w, rho, lambda0, phi0)
names(parameters)<-c("n","alpha", "w", "rho", "lambda0", "phi0")
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