# Copyright © 2014-2019 The YAPSA package contributors
# This file is part of the YAPSA package. The YAPSA package is licenced under
# GPL-3
#' Extracts the sequence context up and downstream of a nucleotide position
#' @param position Start position of the considered INDEL
#' @param chr Chromosome of the considered INDEL
#' @param offsetL Number of nucleotides downstream of \code{position}
#' @param offsetR Number of nucleotides upstream of \code{position}
#' @return Returns a character string containing the defined seqeunce context
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq DNAString subseq
#' @import BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' @examples
#' library(Biostrings)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' sequence_context <- getSequenceContext(refGenome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19,
#' position = 123456789, chr = "chr12",
#' offsetL= 10, offsetR=50)
#' sequence_context
getSequenceContext <- function(refGenome, position, chr, offsetL= 10, offsetR=50){
chr <- paste0("chr", chr)
sequence <- getSeq(refGenome, chr, position-offsetL, position+offsetR)
context_string <- as.character(sequence)
sequenceContext <- list(sequence=sequence,context_string=context_string)
sequence <- getSeq(refGenome, chr, position-offsetL, position+offsetR)
context_string <- as.character(sequence)
sequenceContext <- list(sequence=sequence,context_string=context_string)
#' Attribution of sequence context and size for an INDEL
#' The function is a wrapper and uses \code{\link[YAPSA]{getSequenceContext}}
#' to annotate the sequence context.
#' @param in_dat VRanges object or data frame which carries one column for the
#' reference base and one column for the variant base
#' @param in_REF.field String indicating which column of \code{in_dat} carries
#' the reference base if dealing with data frames
#' @param in_ALT.field String indicating which column of \code{in_dat} carries
#' the variant base if dealing with data frames
#' @param in_verbose Verbose if \code{in_verbose=1}
#' @param in_offsetL Number of nucleotides which should be annotated downstream
#' of the variant. Per default 10 bps are annotated
#' @param in_offsetR Number of nucleotides which should be annotated upstream of
#' the catiant. Per default 50 bps are annotated
#' @return VRanges object or data frame with the same number rows and additional
#' columns containing the type of INDEL (Ins = insertion and Del = deletion),
#' the annotated sequence context of the defined length, the absolute number of
#' exchanged nucleotides and the nucleotide exchange between \code{in_REF.field}
#' and \code{in_ALT.field}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(GenomeOfNl_raw)
#' GenomeOfNl_context <- attribute_sequence_contex_indel(
#' in_dat = head(GenomeOfNl_raw),
#' in_REF.field = "REF",
#' in_ALT.field = "ALT",
#' in_verbose = FALSE,
#' in_offsetL= 10, in_offsetR=50)
#' GenomeOfNl_context
attribute_sequence_contex_indel <- function(in_dat,
in_refGenome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19,
in_REF.field = "REF",
in_ALT.field = "ALT",
in_verbose = FALSE,
in_offsetL= 10,
in_offsetR=50) {
print(paste("Indel sequence context attribution of total ", dim(in_dat)[1],
" indels. This could take a while..."));
name_list <- names(in_dat)
## exception handling for input fields
if(tolower(in_REF.field) %in% tolower(name_list)){
if(in_verbose) cat("YAPSA:::attribute_nucleotide_exchanges::in_REF.field",
" found. Retrieving REF information.\n")
REF_ind <- min(which(tolower(name_list)==tolower(in_REF.field)))
if(in_verbose) cat("YAPSA:::attribute_nucleotide_exchanges::error: ",
"in_REF.field not found. Return NULL.\n")
if(tolower(in_ALT.field) %in% tolower(name_list)) {
if(in_verbose) cat("YAPSA:::attribute_nucleotide_exchanges::in_ALT.field",
" found. Retrieving ALT information.\n")
ALT_ind <- min(which(tolower(name_list)==tolower(in_ALT.field)))
if(in_verbose) cat("YAPSA:::attribute_nucleotide_exchanges::error: ",
"in_ALT.field not found. Return NULL.\n")
diff <- abs(nchar(in_dat[,REF_ind])-nchar(in_dat[,ALT_ind]))
in_dat$Type <- "dummy"
for(index in c(1:length(in_dat$CHROM))){
ref_length <- length(unlist(strsplit(in_dat$REF[index], split="")))
alt_length <- length(unlist(strsplit(in_dat$ALT[index], split="")))
if(ref_length > alt_length){
in_dat$Type[index] <- "Del"
context_list <- getSequenceContext(refGenome = in_refGenome,
position = in_dat$POS[index],
chr = in_dat$CHROM[index],
offsetL= in_offsetL,
offsetR= in_offsetR)
in_dat$SequenceContext[index] <- context_list$context_string
in_dat$Type[index] <- "Ins"
context_list <- getSequenceContext(refGenome = in_refGenome,
position = in_dat$POS[index],
chr = in_dat$CHROM[index],
offsetL= in_offsetL,
offsetR= in_offsetR)
in_dat$SequenceContext[index] <- context_list$context_string
if(length(which(grepl("PID", name_list)))==0){
in_dat$Differnce <- diff
in_dat$Change <- paste0(in_dat[,REF_ind],">",in_dat[,ALT_ind])
in_dat_return <- in_dat[,c("CHROM", "POS", "REF", "ALT", "PID", "Type",
"Differnce", "Change", "SequenceContext")]
#' Attribution of variant into one onf the 83 INDEL categories
#' Each varaint is categorized into one of the 83 INDEL categories. The
#' classification likewise to Alexandrov et al., 2018
#' (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11726616). The number of 83 features
#' are classefied asfollowed: \enumerate{ \item Deletion of 1 bp C/(G) or T/(A)
#' in a repetitive context. The context is classified into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or
#' larger or equal to 6 times the same nucleotide(s). \item Insertion of 1 bp
#' C/(G) or T/(A) in a repetitive context. The context is classified into 0, 1,
#' 2, 3, 4, or larger or equal to 5 times the same nucleotide(s). \item
#' Deletions of 2bps, 3bps, 4bps or more or equal to 5bps in a repetitive
#' context. Each deletion is classified in a context of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or larger
#' or equal to 6 times the same motif. \item Insertion of 2 bps, 3 bps, 4 bps or
#' more or equal to 5 bps in a repetitive context. Each deletion is classified
#' in a context of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or larger or equal to 5 times the same motif.
#' \item Microhomology deletion of 2bps, 3bps, 4bps or more or equal to 5 bps in
#' a partly repetitive context. The partly repetitive context is defined by
#' motif length of minus 1 bp, 2 bps, 3 bps, 4 bps or more or equal to 5bps,
#' which is located before and after the break-point junction of the deletion.}
#' @param in_dat_return Data frame constucted form a vcf-like file of a whole
#' cohort or a single-sample.The first columns are those of a standart vcf
#' file, followed by an abitrary number of custom or defined columns. One of
#' these can carry a PID (patient or sample identifyer) and subgroup
#' information. Furthermore, the columns containing the sequence context and
#' the absolute length of the INDEL as well as the INDEL type of the variant
#' can be annotated to the vcf-like df with
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{attribute_sequence_contex_indel}}. These columns are
#' required to enable the constuction of a mutational catalog.
#' @return Data frame with the same dimention as the input data frame plus an
#' addional column with the INDEL classification number corrospondig to
#' Alexandrov et al. 2018.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAString subseq matchPattern xscat
#' @examples
#' data(GenomeOfNl_raw)
#' GenomeOfNl_context <- attribute_sequence_contex_indel(in_dat =
#' head(GenomeOfNl_raw))
#' GenomeOfNl_classified <- attribution_of_indels(GenomeOfNl_context)
#' GenomeOfNl_classified
attribution_of_indels <-function(in_dat_return = in_dat_return){
#print(paste("INDEL classification of total ", dim(in_dat_return)[1],
# " INDELs This could take a while..."))
for(indel in c(1:dim(in_dat_return)[1])){
sequence_string <- DNAString(in_dat_return$SequenceContext[indel])
if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel]+11 > 61){
motive_end_index <- 60
motive_end_index <- in_dat_return$Differnce[indel]+11
rest_start_index <- motive_end_index+1
motive_length <- length(motive)
rest_string_R <-subseq(sequence_string, start= rest_start_index)
rest_string_L <-subseq(sequence_string, start=1, end=11)
match <- matchPattern(motive, rest_string_R)
rest_string_R_new <-xscat(rest_string_R, rep(motive, 5))
match <- matchPattern(motive, rest_string_R_new)
if(in_dat_return$Type[indel] == "Del"){
if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 1){
if(identical(as.character(match),character(0))| start(match)[1]>1){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_T_1_0"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_C_1_0"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 && start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length)){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_T_1_5+"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_C_1_5+"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 && start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length)){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_T_1_4"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_C_1_4"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 && start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length)){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_T_1_3"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_C_1_3"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 && start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_T_1_2"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_C_1_2"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_T_1_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_C_1_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 2){
homologR1 <- motive[1:motive_length-1]
homologL1 <- motive[2:motive_length]
match_homologR1 <- matchPattern(homologR1, rest_string_R)
match_homologL1 <- matchPattern(homologL1, rest_string_L)
if(((length(as.character(match_homologL1)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR1)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 | identical(as.character(match),
character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR1)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL1)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "1bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_2_1"
}else if((identical(as.character(match),character(0)) &&
is.na(start(match)[1]!=1)) | start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match_homologL1),character(0)) &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <-"DEL_repeats_2_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_2_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_2_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_2_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_2_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_2_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 3){
homologR1 <- motive[1:motive_length-1]
homologL1 <- motive[2:motive_length]
homologR2 <- homologR1[1:length(homologR1)-1]
homologL2 <- homologL1[2:length(homologL1)]
match_homologR1 <- matchPattern(homologR1, rest_string_R)
match_homologL1 <- matchPattern(homologL1, rest_string_L)
match_homologR2 <- matchPattern(homologR2, rest_string_R)
match_homologL2 <- matchPattern(homologL2, rest_string_L)
if(((length(as.character(match_homologL1)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR1)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR1)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL1)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "2bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_3_2"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL2)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR2)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
(start(match_homologR2)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL2)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "1bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_3_1"
}else if((identical(as.character(match),character(0)) &&
is.na(start(match)[1]!=1))| start(match)[1]!=1 |
(identical(as.character(match_homologL1),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR1),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL2),character(0)) &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_3_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_3_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_3_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_3_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_3_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_3_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 4){
homologR1 <- motive[1:motive_length-1]
homologL1 <- motive[2:motive_length]
homologR2 <- homologR1[1:length(homologR1)-1]
homologL2 <- homologL1[2:length(homologL1)]
homologR3 <- homologR2[1:length(homologR2)-1]
homologL3 <- homologL2[2:length(homologL2)]
match_homologR1 <- matchPattern(homologR1, rest_string_R)
match_homologL1 <- matchPattern(homologL1, rest_string_L)
match_homologR2 <- matchPattern(homologR2, rest_string_R)
match_homologL2 <- matchPattern(homologL2, rest_string_L)
match_homologR3 <- matchPattern(homologR3, rest_string_R)
match_homologL3 <- matchPattern(homologL3, rest_string_L)
if(((length(as.character(match_homologL1)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR1)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR1)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL1)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "3bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_4_3"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL2)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR2)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR2)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL2)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "2bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_4_2"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL3)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR3)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR3)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL3)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "1bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_4_1"
}else if((identical(as.character(match),character(0)) &&
is.na(start(match)[1]!=1)) | start(match)[1]!=1 |
(identical(as.character(match_homologL1),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR1),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL2),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR2),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL3),character(0)) &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_4_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1] == 1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_4_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1] == 1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_4_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_4_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_4_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_4_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] >= 5){
motive_first_5bp <- motive[1:5]
start_last_5bp <- (motive_length-5)+1
motive_last_5bp <- motive[start_last_5bp:motive_length]
homologR1 <- motive_first_5bp
homologL1 <- motive_last_5bp
homologR2 <- homologR1[1:length(homologR1)-1]
homologL2 <- homologL1[2:length(homologL1)]
homologR3 <- homologR2[1:length(homologR2)-1]
homologL3 <- homologL2[2:length(homologL2)]
homologR4 <- homologR3[1:length(homologR3)-1]
homologL4 <- homologL3[2:length(homologL3)]
homologR5 <- homologR4[1:length(homologR4)-1]
homologL5 <- homologL4[2:length(homologL4)]
match_homologR1 <- matchPattern(homologR1, rest_string_R)
match_homologL1 <- matchPattern(homologL1, rest_string_L)
match_homologR2 <- matchPattern(homologR2, rest_string_R)
match_homologL2 <- matchPattern(homologL2, rest_string_L)
match_homologR3 <- matchPattern(homologR3, rest_string_R)
match_homologL3 <- matchPattern(homologL3, rest_string_L)
match_homologR4 <- matchPattern(homologR4, rest_string_R)
match_homologL4 <- matchPattern(homologL4, rest_string_L)
match_homologR5 <- matchPattern(homologR5, rest_string_R)
match_homologL5 <- matchPattern(homologL5, rest_string_L)
if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_5+_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_5+_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_5+_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_5+_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_5+_1"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL1)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR1)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR1)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL1)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_5+_5+"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL2)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR2)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR2)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL2)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "4bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_5+_4"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL3)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR3)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
((start(match_homologR3)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL3)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "3bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_5+_3"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL4)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR4)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
((start(match_homologR4)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL4)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "2bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_5+_2"
}else if(((length(as.character(match_homologL5)) != 0 |
length(as.character(match_homologR5)) != 0) &&
(start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match),character(0)))) &&
((start(match_homologR5)[1]==1 &&
(end(match_homologL5)[1]==11 &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "1bp"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_MH_5+_1"
}else if(((identical(as.character(match),character(0)) &&
is.na(start(match)[1]!=1)) | start(match)[1]!=1 |
identical(as.character(match_homologL1),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR1),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL2),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR2),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL3),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR3),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL4),character(0)) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologR4),character(0))) &&
identical(as.character(match_homologL5),character(0)) &&
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "DEL_repeats_5+_0"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 1){
if(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length)){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_T_1_5+"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_C_1_5+"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length)){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_T_1_4"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_C_1_4"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length)){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_T_1_3"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_C_1_3"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1 && start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_T_1_2"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_C_1_2"
}else if(start(match)[1]==1){
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_T_1_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_C_1_1"
if(as.character(motive)== "T" | as.character(motive) == "A"){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "T:A"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_T_1_0"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "C:G"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_C_1_0"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 2){
if (identical(as.character(match),character(0)) | start(match)[1]!=1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_2_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_2_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_2_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_2_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_2_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_2_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 3){
if (identical(as.character(match),character(0))| start(match)[1]!=1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_3_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_3_5+"
}else if (length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_3_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_3_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_3_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_3_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] == 4){
if (identical(as.character(match),character(0)) | start(match)[1]!=1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_4_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_4_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_4_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_4_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_4_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_4_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
}else if(in_dat_return$Differnce[indel] >= 5){
if (identical(as.character(match),character(0))| start(match)[1]!=1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 0
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_5+_0"
}else if(length(match) >= 5 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length) &&
start(match)[5] == 1+(4*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "5+"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_5+_5+"
}else if(length(match) >= 4 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length) &&
start(match)[4] == 1+(3*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 4
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_5+_4"
}else if(length(match) >= 3 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length &&
start(match)[3] == 1+(2*motive_length))){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 3
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_5+_3"
}else if(length(match) >= 2 &&
(start(match)[1]==1 &&
start(match)[2] == 1+motive_length)){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 2
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_5+_2"
}else if(length(match) >= 1 && start(match)[1]==1){
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- as.character(motive)
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- 1
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "INS_repeats_5+_1"
in_dat_return$Motiv[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$RepeatSize[indel] <- "NA"
in_dat_return$IndelNumber[indel] <- "NOT DEFINED"
#' Plot the spectra of nucleotide exchanges of INDELs
#' Plots the spectra of nucelotides in their triplet contexts. If several
#' columns are present in the input data frame, the spectra are ploted for every
#' column seperatly. The function is only suitable for a INDEL spectra and for
#' SNV representation the funtion \code{\link[YAPSA]{plotExchangeSpectra}}
#' should be used.
#' @param in_catalogue_df Numerical data frame encoding the exchange spectra to
#' be displayed, either a mutational catalogue \code{V} or a signatures matrix
#' \code{W}
#' @param in_colour_vector Specifies the colours of the INDELs if non-null
#' @param in_show_indel Whether or not to show the INDEL names on the x-axis
#' @param in_show_axis_title Whether or not to show the name of the y-axis
#' @param in_scales Argument passed on to \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}}
#' @param in_refLine If non-null, value on the y-axis at which a horizontal line
#' is to be drawn
#' @param in_refAlpha Transparency of the horizontal line if it is to be drawn
#' @param in_background Option to provide a background theme, e.g.
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme_grey}}
#' @return The generated barplot - a ggplot2 plot
#' @export
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' data(sigs_pcawg)
#' plotExchangeSpectra_indel(PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df[,c(6,8)])
plotExchangeSpectra_indel <- function (in_catalogue_df,
in_colour_vector = NULL,
in_show_indel = FALSE,
in_show_axis_title = FALSE,
in_scales = "free_x",
in_refLine = NULL,
in_refAlpha = 0.5,
in_background = NULL){
.e <- environment()
in_catalogue_df$indel_exchange <- rownames(in_catalogue_df)
in_catalogue_df$nuc_exchange <- c(rep("DEL_C", 6),rep("DEL_T",6),
rep("DEL_2", 6),rep("DEL_3", 6),
rep("DEL_4", 6),rep("DEL_5+", 6),
rep("INS_2", 6),rep("INS_3", 6),
rep("INS_4", 6),rep("INS_5+", 6),
rep("MH_2", 1),rep("MH_3", 2),
rep("MH_4", 3),rep("MH_5+", 5))
in_catalogue_df$repetion <- c(rep(c(1,2,3,4,5,"6+"), 2),
rep(c(0,1,2,3,4,"5+"), 2),
rep(c(1,2,3,4,5,"6+"), 4),
rep(c(0,1,2,3,4,"5+"), 4),
catalogue_df_melt <- melt(in_catalogue_df, id.vars = c("nuc_exchange",
catalogue_df_melt$nuc_exchange <- factor(catalogue_df_melt$nuc_exchange,
levels = unique(catalogue_df_melt$nuc_exchange))
my_palette <- c("tan1", "darkorange1", "darkseagreen3", "forestgreen",
"rosybrown1", "salmon", "red3","darkred",
"#C9DFF3", "skyblue2", "steelblue3", "steelblue4",
"#D4D9FF", "#BFC1E6","#8E8EBE", "mediumpurple4")
names(my_palette) <- c("DEL_C", "DEL_T", "INS_C", "INS_T",
paste0("DEL_", c(2:4, "5+")),
paste0("INS_", c(2:4, "5+")),
paste0("MH_", c(2:4, "5+")))
if (!is.null(in_colour_vector))
my_palette <- in_colour_vector
p <- ggplot(catalogue_df_melt,
environment = .e) + geom_bar(aes_string(x = "repetion",
y = "value",
fill = "nuc_exchange"),
stat = "identity") +
scale_fill_manual(name = "exchange", values = my_palette) +
facet_grid(variable ~ nuc_exchange, scales = in_scales, space = in_scales)+
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size=7))
#theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = my_palette))
if (!is.null(in_background)) {
p <- p + in_background
if (is.numeric(in_refLine)) {
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = in_refLine, alpha = in_refAlpha)
p1 <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
if (in_show_indel) {
p1 <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0,
vjust = 0.5), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
if (!in_show_axis_title)
p1 <- p1 + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())
#' Create a Mutational catalog from a data frame
#' This function creates a mutational catalog from a data frame. It requires the
#' returend data frame optainted with
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{attribution_of_indels}}.
#' @param in_df A data frame constucted from a vcf-like file of a whole cohort
#' or single-sample. The first coloums are those of a standart vcf file,
#' followed by an arbitrary number of customs or used defined columns. One if
#' these can carry a PID (patient or sample identefyier) and the subgroup
#' information. Additionaly to consuct the the mutational catalog each variant
#' needs to be characterize into one of the 83 INDEL feature classes, which
#' can be perfomed with \code{\link[YAPSA]{attribution_of_indels}}
#' @param in_signatures_df A numeric data frame \code{W} with \code{n} rows and
#' \code{l} columns, \code{n} being the number of features and \code{l} being
#' the number of signatures.Data frame containing INDEL signatures which
#' should be used to create the mutational cataolog \code{V}.
#' @return A count dataframe, the mutational catalog \code{V} with rownames
#' indicating the INDELs and colnames having the PIDs
#' @export
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAString subseq matchPattern xscat
#' @examples
#' data(GenomeOfNl_raw)
#' data(sigs_pcawg)
#' GenomeOfNl_context <- attribute_sequence_contex_indel(in_dat =
#' head(GenomeOfNl_raw))
#' GenomeOfNl_classified <- attribution_of_indels(GenomeOfNl_context)
#' GenomeOfNl_mut_cat <- create_indel_mut_cat_from_df(GenomeOfNl_classified,
#' in_signatures_df=PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df)
create_indel_mut_cat_from_df <- function(in_df, in_signatures_df){
PID <- unique(in_df$PID)
count_df <- data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = dim(in_signatures_df)[1],
ncol=0), row.names = rownames(in_signatures_df))
for(pid in PID){
in_subset_df <- subset(in_df, in_df$PID %in% list(pid), drop =TRUE)
count_per_pid <- data.frame(table(in_subset_df$IndelNumber))
rownames(count_per_pid) <- count_per_pid$Var1
count_per_pid$Var1 <- NULL
colnames(count_per_pid) <- pid
count_df <- setNames(
count_per_pid[, pid][match(rownames(count_df),
count_df[is.na(count_df)] <- 0
#' Wrapper to create an INDEL mutational catalog from a vlf-like data frame
#' From data frame constucted from a vcf-file file the function
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{create_indel_mutation_catalogue_from_df}} creates a
#' mutational catalog V by squencially applying the
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{attribute_sequence_contex_indel}},
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{attribute_sequence_contex_indel}} and then
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{attribution_of_indels}}. The runtime of the function is
#' about 1 sec per 6 variants as sequence context as well as INDEL
#' calssification are timeconsuming to compute (optimization ongoing)
#' @param in_dat A data frame constructed from a vcf-like file of a whole cohort
#' or single-sample. The first columns are those of a standard vcf file
#' (\code{CHROM}, \code{POS}, \code{REF} and \code{ALT}), followed by an
#' arbitrary number of custom or used defined columns. One of these can carry
#' a PID (patient or sample identifyier) and one can carry subgroup
#' information.
#' @param in_signature_df A numeric data frame \code{W} with \code{n} rows and
#' \code{l} columns, n being the number of features and l being the number od
#' signatures. Data frame containing INDEL signatures which should be used to
#' create the mutational cataologe \code{V}.
#' @param in_REF.field String indicating which column of \code{in_dat} carries
#' the reference base if dealing with data frames
#' @param in_ALT.field String indicating which column of \code{in_dat} carries
#' the variant base if dealing with data frames
#' @param in_verbose Verbose if \code{in_verbose=1}
#' @return A dataframe in the format of a mutational catalog \code{V}, which can
#' be used for \code{\link[YAPSA]{LCD}} analysis
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq DNAString subseq matchPattern xscat
#' @import BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sigs_pcawg)
#' data(GenomeOfNl_raw)
#' temp_df <- translate_to_hg19(GenomeOfNl_raw[1:200,],"CHROM")
#' temp_df$PID <- sample(c("PID1","PID2","PID3","PID4","PID5"),200,replace=TRUE)
#' temp <- create_indel_mutation_catalogue_from_df(in_dat = temp_df,
#' in_signature_df = PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df,
#' in_REF.field = "REF",
#' in_ALT.field = "ALT",
#' in_verbose = FALSE)
#' dim(temp)
#' head(temp)
create_indel_mutation_catalogue_from_df <- function(in_dat,
in_verbose = FALSE){
indel_context_atrribution <- attribute_sequence_contex_indel(
in_verbose = FALSE)
indel_classification_attribution <- attribution_of_indels(
in_dat_return = indel_context_atrribution)
indel_mut_cat_creation <- create_indel_mut_cat_from_df(
indel_classification_attribution, in_signature_df)
#' Wrapper to compute confidence intervals for SNV and INDEL signatures of a
#' cohort or single-sample
#' Wrapper function around \code{\link[YAPSA]{confIntExp}}, which is applies to
#' every signature or sample pair in a cohort. The extracted lower bound of the
#' confidence intervals are added to the input data which is reodered and melted
#' in order to prepare for visualization with ggplot2. The calculates of
#' confidence intervals is based on a profiling likelihood algorithm and the
#' wrapper calculates the data for the exposure contubution identefied with SNV
#' and INDEL signature decompositions and application of the following cutoffs:
#' \enumerate{ \item \code{CosmicValid_absCutoffVector} \item
#' \code{CosmicValid_normCutoffVector} \item \code{CosmicArtif_absCutoffVector}
#' \item \code{CosmicArtif_normCutoffVector} \item
#' \code{PCAWGValidSNV_absCutoffVector} \item
#' \code{PCAWGValidID_absCutoffVector} } The function makes use of differnet
#' YAPSA functions. For each of the above stated cutoff vectors a per PID
#' decompostion of the SNV and INDEL catalog is calulated respectivly using
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID}}. In a next step,
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{variateExp}} wich is a wrapper around
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{confIntExp}} to compute confidence intervals for a cohort
#' is used. A dataframe is returend with the upper and lower bounds of the
#' confidence intervals. In a last step
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{plotExposuresConfidence_indel}} to plot the exposures to
#' extracted signatures including confidence intervals computed with e.g. by
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{variateExp}}.
#' @param in_current_indel_df A INDEL mutational catalog. Mutational catalog can
#' be constucted with
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{create_indel_mutation_catalogue_from_df}}
#' @param in_current_snv_df A SNV mutational catalog. Mutational catalog can be
#' constuced with \code{\link[YAPSA]{create_mutation_catalogue_from_df}}
#' @return A list is returned containing 12 objects. For each cutoff data frame
#' two corrosponding object are present. First, the \code{p} gtable object
#' which can be used for gaphically visualization, and second a dataframe
#' containing the corrosponding upper and lower bounds of the confidence
#' intervals.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("GenomeOfNl_MutCat")
confidence_indel_calulation <- function(in_current_indel_df,
CosmicValid_absCutoffVector <- cutoffCosmicValid_abs_df[6, ]
CosmicValid_normCutoffVector <- cutoffCosmicValid_rel_df[6, ]
CosmicArtif_absCutoffVector <- cutoffCosmicArtif_abs_df[6, ]
CosmicArtif_normCutoffVector <- cutoffCosmicArtif_rel_df[6, ]
PCAWGValidSNV_absCutoffVector <- cutoffPCAWG_SBS_WGSWES_realPid_df[13, ]
PCAWGValidID_absCutoffVector <- cutoffPCAWG_ID_WGS_Pid_df[3, ]
current_id_catalogue_df <- data.frame(in_current_indel_df)
current_snv_catalogue_df <- data.frame(in_current_snv_df)
PCAWGValidSNV_abs_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Real_df,
in_cutoff_vector = PCAWGValidSNV_absCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigInd_Real_df)
PCAWGValidID_abs_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_id_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df,
in_cutoff_vector = PCAWGValidID_absCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = PCAWG_SP_ID_sigInd_df)
CosmicValid_abs_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = AlexCosmicValid_sig_df,
in_cutoff_vector = CosmicValid_absCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = AlexCosmicValid_sigInd_df)
CosmicValid_norm_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = AlexCosmicValid_sig_df,
in_cutoff_vector = CosmicValid_normCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = AlexCosmicValid_sigInd_df)
CosmicArtif_abs_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = AlexCosmicArtif_sig_df,
in_cutoff_vector = CosmicArtif_absCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = AlexCosmicArtif_sigInd_df)
CosmicArtif_norm_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = AlexCosmicArtif_sig_df,
in_cutoff_vector = CosmicArtif_normCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = AlexCosmicArtif_sigInd_df)
exposures_list <- list(PCAWGValidSNV_abs =PCAWGValidSNV_abs_LCDlist$exposures,
PCAWGValidID_abs = PCAWGValidID_abs_LCDlist$exposures,
CosmicValid_abs = CosmicValid_abs_LCDlist$exposures,
CosmicValid_norm = CosmicValid_norm_LCDlist$exposures,
CosmicArtif_abs = CosmicArtif_abs_LCDlist$exposures,
CosmicArtif_norm = CosmicArtif_norm_LCDlist$exposures)
name_list <- names(exposures_list)
exposures_list <- lapply(seq_along(exposures_list),FUN=function(current_ind){
current_df <- exposures_list[[current_ind]]
names(current_df) <- name_list[current_ind]
names(exposures_list) <- name_list
exposures_list <- lapply(exposures_list, function(list){
colnames(list) <- colnames(current_id_catalogue_df)
subgroups_df <- data.frame(
PID = colnames(exposures_list[[1]]), subgroup = "test", sum = 1,
compl_sum = 1, index = seq_along(exposures_list[[1]]), col = "#FF0000FF")
complete_df_list <- lapply(name_list, function(current_condition){
current_exposures_df <- exposures_list[[current_condition]]
current_sigs <- rownames(current_exposures_df)
current_signatures_df <- AlexCosmicArtif_sig_df[, current_sigs,
in_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_sig_df = current_signatures_df,
in_exposures_df = current_exposures_df,
in_sigLevel = 0.025, in_delta = 0.4))
}else if(grepl("PCAWGValidSNV_abs|PCAWGValidSNV_norm", current_condition)){
current_exposures_df <- exposures_list[[current_condition]]
current_sigs <- rownames(current_exposures_df)
current_signatures_df <- PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Real_df[, current_sigs,
in_catalogue_df = current_snv_catalogue_df,
in_sig_df = current_signatures_df,
in_exposures_df = current_exposures_df,
in_sigLevel = 0.025, in_delta = 0.4))
}else if(grepl("PCAWGValidID_abs", current_condition)){
current_exposures_df <- exposures_list[[current_condition]]
current_sigs <- rownames(current_exposures_df)
current_signatures_df <- PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df[, current_sigs,
in_catalogue_df = current_id_catalogue_df,
in_sig_df = current_signatures_df,
in_exposures_df = current_exposures_df,
in_sigLevel = 0.025, in_delta = 0.4))
print("WARNING: There is no match between names of exposure list and the
current condition")
complete_df_list <- lapply(complete_df_list, function(current_complete_df){
current_complete_df$norm_exposure <- current_complete_df$exposure /
current_complete_df[which(current_complete_df$sig == "total"), "exposure"]
current_complete_df$norm_lower <- current_complete_df$norm_exposure *
current_complete_df$norm_upper <- current_complete_df$norm_exposure *
one <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$PCAWGValidSNV_abs,
two <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$PCAWGValidID_abs,
three <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$CosmicValid_abs,
four <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$CosmicArtif_abs,
five <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$CosmicValid_norm,
six <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$CosmicArtif_norm,
return(list(p_complete_PCAWG_SNV = one,
p_complete_PCAWG_ID = two,
p_complete_COSMIC_valid_abs = three,
p_complete_COSMIC_artif_abs = four,
p_complete_COSMIC_valid_norm = five,
p_complete_COSMIC_artif_norm = six,
complete_COSMIC_valid_abs = complete_df_list$CosmicValid_abs,
complete_COSMIC_artif_abs = complete_df_list$CosmicArtif_abs,
complete_COSMIC_valid_norm = complete_df_list$CosmicValid_norm,
complete_COSMIC_artif_norm = complete_df_list$CosmicArtif_norm))
#' Wrapper to compute confidence intervals for only INDEL signatures.
#' Wrapper function around \code{\link[YAPSA]{confIntExp}}, which is applies to
#' every signature or sample pair in a cohort. The extracted lower bound of the
#' confidence intervals are added to the input data which is reodered and melted
#' in order to prepare for visualization with ggplot2. The calculates of
#' confidence intervals is based on a profiling likelihood algorithm and the
#' wrapper calculates the data for the exposure contubution identefied with
#' INDEL singature decomposition and the usage of
#' \code{PCAWGValidID_absCutoffVector} data frame.
#' The function makes use of differnet YAPSA functions. For each of the above
#' stated cutoff vectors a per PID decompostion of the SNV and INDEL catalog is
#' calulated respectivly using \code{\link[YAPSA]{LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID}}.
#' In a next step, \code{\link[YAPSA]{variateExp}} which is a wrapper around
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{confIntExp}} to compute confidenceintervals for a cohort
#' is used. A dataframe is returend with the upper and lower bounds of the
#' confidence intervals. In a last step
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{plotExposuresConfidence_indel}} to plot the exposures to
#' extracted signatures including confidence intervals computed with e.g. by
#' \code{\link[YAPSA]{variateExp}}.
#' @param in_current_indel_df A INDEL mutational catalog. Mutational catalog can
#' be constucted with \code{\link{create_indel_mutation_catalogue_from_df}}
#' @return A list is returned containing two object. First, the \code{p} gtable
#' object which can be used for gaphically visualization, and second a dataframe
#' containing the corrosponding upper and lower bounds of the confidence
#' intervals.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("GenomeOfNl_MutCat")
#' temp_list <- confidence_indel_only_calulation(
#' in_current_indel_df=MutCat_indel_df)
#' plot(temp_list$p_complete_PCAWG_ID)
#' head(temp_list$complete_PCAWG_ID)
confidence_indel_only_calulation <- function(in_current_indel_df){
#devtools:::use_data(sigs_pcawg, overwrite = FALSE)
#devtools:::use_data(cutoffs_pcawg, overwrite = FALSE)
PCAWGValidID_absCutoffVector <- cutoffPCAWG_ID_WGS_Pid_df[3, ]
current_id_catalogue_df <- data.frame(in_current_indel_df, check.names=FALSE)
PCAWGValidID_abs_LCDlist <- LCD_complex_cutoff_perPID(
in_mutation_catalogue_df = current_id_catalogue_df,
in_signatures_df = PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df,
in_cutoff_vector = PCAWGValidID_absCutoffVector,
in_filename = NULL,
in_method = "abs",
in_sig_ind_df = PCAWG_SP_ID_sigInd_df)
exposures_list <- list(PCAWGValidID_abs = PCAWGValidID_abs_LCDlist$exposures)
name_list <- names(exposures_list)
exposures_list <- lapply(seq_along(exposures_list),FUN=function(current_ind){
current_df <- exposures_list[[current_ind]]
names(current_df) <- name_list[current_ind]
names(exposures_list) <- name_list
exposures_list <- lapply(exposures_list, function(list){
colnames(list) <- colnames(current_id_catalogue_df)
subgroups_df <- data.frame(
PID = colnames(exposures_list[[1]]), subgroup = "test", sum = 1,
compl_sum = 1, index = seq_along(exposures_list[[1]]), col = "#FF0000FF")
complete_df_list <- lapply(name_list, function(current_condition){
current_exposures_df <- exposures_list[[current_condition]]
current_sigs <- rownames(current_exposures_df)
current_signatures_df <- PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df[, current_sigs, drop=FALSE]
in_catalogue_df = current_id_catalogue_df,
in_sig_df = current_signatures_df,
in_exposures_df = current_exposures_df,
in_sigLevel = 0.025, in_delta = 0.4))
complete_df_list <- lapply(complete_df_list, function(current_complete_df){
current_complete_df$norm_exposure <- current_complete_df$exposure /
current_complete_df[which(current_complete_df$sig == "total"), "exposure"]
current_complete_df$norm_lower <- current_complete_df$norm_exposure *
current_complete_df$norm_upper <- current_complete_df$norm_exposure *
plot_ID <- plotExposuresConfidence_indel(complete_df_list$PCAWGValidID_abs,
return(list(p_complete_PCAWG_ID = plot_ID,
#' Plot exposures including confidence intervals for exposures of SNVs and
#' Plot the exposures to extracted signatures including the confidence intervals
#' computed e.g. by \code{\link[YAPSA]{variateExp}}
#' @param in_complete_df Melted numeric input data frame e.g. as computed by
#' \code{\link{variateExp}}
#' @param in_subgroups_df Data frame containing meta information on subgroup
#' attribution of the samples in the cohort of interest.
#' @param in_sigInd_df Data frame with meta information on the signatures used
#' in the analysis.
#' @return The function returns a gtable object which can be plotted with
#' \code{plot} or \code{grid.draw}
#' @export
#' @examples NULL
plotExposuresConfidence_indel <- function(in_complete_df,
in_sigInd_df) {
sig_colour_vector <- c("black", in_sigInd_df$colour)
names(sig_colour_vector) <- c("total", as.character(in_sigInd_df$sig))
in_complete_df$sample <- factor(in_complete_df$sample,
levels = in_subgroups_df$PID[order(in_subgroups_df$index)])
in_complete_df$subgroup <-
exposure_plot <- in_complete_df[which(in_complete_df$sig !=
"total"), ] %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(sample, -exposure),
y = exposure, fill = sig)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), width = 0.2) +
facet_grid(sig ~ subgroup, scales = "free_x",
space = "free_x", switch = "x") +
theme_grey() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5),
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA,
colour = "black"),
strip.background = element_rect(
colour = "black"),
legend.position = "none") +
scale_fill_manual(values = sig_colour_vector) +
scale_x_discrete(name ="sample identifier")
subgroup_aggregate_df <- aggregate(col ~ subgroup, data = in_subgroups_df,
FUN = head, 1)
index_aggregate_df <- aggregate(index ~ subgroup, data = in_subgroups_df,
FUN = mean)
subgroup_colour_vector <-
exposure_g <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(exposure_plot))
stripr <- which(grepl("strip-b", exposure_g$layout$name))
k <- 1
for (i in stripr) {
j <- which(grepl("rect", exposure_g$grobs[[i]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
exposure_g$grobs[[i]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j]]$gp$fill <-
k <- k + 1
total_p <- in_complete_df[which(in_complete_df$sig == "total"),] %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(sample, -exposure), y = exposure, fill = sig)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "black") +
facet_grid(sig ~ subgroup,
scales = "free_x",
space = "free_x",
switch = "x") +
theme_grey() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA,
colour = "black"),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black"),
strip.text.x = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none")
total_g <- ggplotGrob(total_p)
all_g <- rbind(total_g, exposure_g)
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