function(window, object, annotation = NULL,
track_names = ifelse(!is.null(names(object)),
groups = NULL,
share_y = FALSE,
fill = c('tozeroy','none'),
relative = FALSE,
offset = width(window) %/% 2,
showlegend = TRUE,
colors = NULL,
mode = 'lines',
annotation_position = c("top","bottom"),
annotation_size = 0.5){
#track_maker <- purrr::partial(make_signal_track,
# window = window,
# fill = fill,
# mode = mode,
# showlegend = showlegend
partial <- function(make_signal_track, ...){
l <- list(...)
track_maker <- partial(make_signal_track,window = window,fill = fill,mode = mode,showlegend = showlegend)
if (!is.null(groups)){
object_grouped <- split(object, groups)
track_names_grouped <- split(track_names, groups)
sm <- length(object)
if (is.null(colors)){
if (sm == 1){
colors <- "black"
} else if (sm <= 8){
colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(sm,"Dark2")
} else if (sm <= 12){
colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(sm,"Paired")
} else{
colors <- rainbow(sm)
colors_grouped <- lapply(split(seq_along(colors),groups),
#tracks <- purrr::pmap(list(object = object_grouped,
# track_names = track_names_grouped,
# colors = colors_grouped,
# name = names(object_grouped)),
# track_maker)
tracks <- mapply(track_maker, object = object_grouped,
track_names = track_names_grouped,
colors = colors_grouped,
name = names(object_grouped), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
} else{
if (is.null(colors)){ colors <- rep("black",length(object))}
#tracks <- purrr::pmap(list(object = object,
# track_names = track_names,
# colors = colors),
# track_maker)
tracks <- mapply(track_maker, object = object,
track_names = track_names,
colors = colors, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if (!is.null(annotation)){
if (match.arg(annotation_position) == "top"){
heights <- c(annotation_size, rep(1, length(tracks)))
tracks <- c(make_annotation_track(window,annotation),
} else{
heights <- c(rep(1, length(tracks)), annotation_size)
tracks <- c(unname(tracks),make_annotation_track(window,
} else{
heights <- rep(1, length(tracks))
if (relative){
if (as.character(strand(window)) == "-"){
reference <- end(window) - offset
} else{
reference <- start(window) + offset
view <- new("ViewRange", range = window, relative = TRUE,
reference = reference)
} else{
view <- new("ViewRange", range = window, relative = FALSE)
out <- new("LocusView", as(tracks,"SimpleList"), share_y = share_y,
view = view, heights = heights)
yaxis_names <- function(x, start = 1L){
stopifnot(length(x) >= 1)
end <- start + length(x) - 1
out <- paste0("yaxis", seq(start, end))
if (start == 1L) out[1] <- "yaxis"
setMethod(get_layout, "AnnotationPlot",
function(object, yname, domain, ...){
out <- list()
# y axis settings
out[[yname]] <- list(title = object@trackname,
domain = domain,
zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE,
showticklabels = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE,
ticks = "")
setMethod(get_layout, "SignalPlot",
function(object, yname, domain, range, ...){
out <- list()
# y axis settings
out[[yname]] <- list(title = object@trackname,
domain = domain,
zeroline = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE,
range = range)
setMethod(make_trace, signature = c(x = "LocusView"),
definition = function(x, ynames, ...){
#traces <- unlist(purrr::map2(as.list(x), ynames, make_trace,
# view = x@view),
# recursive = FALSE)
traces <- unlist(mapply(make_trace,as.list(x), ynames,
MoreArgs = list(view = x@view), SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
recursive = FALSE)
setMethod(make_shapes, signature = c(x = "LocusView"),
definition = function(x, ynames, ...){
#shapes <- unlist(purrr::map2(as.list(x), ynames, make_shapes,
# view = x@view),
# recursive = FALSE)
shapes <- unlist(mapply(make_shapes,as.list(x), ynames,
MoreArgs = list(view = x@view), SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
recursive = FALSE)
setMethod(get_layout, signature = c(object = "LocusView"),
definition = function(object, ynames, domains, range = NULL, ...){
#unlist(purrr::pmap(list(object = as.list(object),
# yname = ynames,
# domain = domains),
# get_layout,
# range = range), recursive = FALSE)
unlist(mapply(get_layout,object = as.list(object),
yname = ynames,
domain = domains,
MoreArgs = list(range = range),SIMPLIFY = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.