#' Import bedgraph to GRanges
#' Function importing data from bedgraph format compatible with UCSC Genome
#' Browser to norm_GR data frame. Warning: Compatible only with bedgraph files
#' generated by norm2bedgraph function (bedgraph needs to have 2 tracks, first
#' for plus strand, second for minus strand). May be used for transforming
#' normalized data to another different annotation sets.
#' @param bedgraph_file path to compatible bedgraph file
#' @param fasta_file path to fasta file which is used for a) choosing which
#' transcripts to use (transcripts absent from fasta are not reported), b)
#' providing sequence for to display in GRanges metadata
#' @param txDb TranscriptDb object with transcript definitions. Names must
#' match those in fasta_file
#' @param bed_file character containing file path to BED file with transcript
#' definitions. Supply txDb XOR bedfile
#' @param column_name How to name imported metadata in GRanges
#' @param add_to GRanges object made by other normalization function (dtcr(),
#' slograt(), swinsor(), compdata()) to which values from bedgraph should be
#' added.
#' @param track_strand specifies which genomic strand the supplied bedgraph
#' describes ("+" or "-"). Used only if the bedgraph file is composed of only
#' one track.
#' @return Function creates GRanges object or (if add_to specified) adds
#' metadata to already existing object
#' @author Lukasz Jan Kielpinski, Nikos Sidiropoulos
#' @seealso \code{\link{norm2bedgraph}}, \code{\link{GR2norm_df}},
#' \code{\link{plotRNA}}, \code{\link{BED2txDb}}, \code{\link{dtcr}},
#' \code{\link{slograt}}, \code{\link{swinsor}}, \code{\link{compdata}}
#' @examples
#' dummy_euc_GR_control <- GRanges(seqnames="DummyRNA",
#' IRanges(start=round(runif(100)*100), width=round(runif(100)*100+1)),
#' strand="+", EUC=round(runif(100)*100))
#' dummy_euc_GR_treated <- GRanges(seqnames="DummyRNA",
#' IRanges(start=round(runif(100)*100),
#' width=round(runif(100)*100+1)),
#' strand="+", EUC=round(runif(100)*100))
#' dummy_comp_GR_control <- comp(dummy_euc_GR_control)
#' dummy_comp_GR_treated <- comp(dummy_euc_GR_treated)
#' dummy_norm <- dtcr(control_GR=dummy_comp_GR_control,
#' treated_GR=dummy_comp_GR_treated)
#' write(strwrap("chr1\t134212702\t134229870\tDummyRNA\t0\t+
#' \t134212806\t134228958\t0\t8\t347,121,24,152,66,120,133,1973,
#' \t0,8827,10080,11571,12005,13832,14433,15195,", width = 300),
#' file="dummy.bed")
#' norm2bedgraph(norm_GR = dummy_norm, bed_file = "dummy.bed")
#' write(c(">DummyRNA", paste(sample(c("A","C","G","T"), 100, replace=TRUE),
#' collapse="")), file="dummy.fa")
#' bedgraph2norm(bedgraph_file = "out_file.bedgraph", fasta_file = "dummy.fa",
#' bed_file = "dummy.bed")
#' @import rtracklayer Biostrings GenomicFeatures
#' @export bedgraph2norm
bedgraph2norm <- function(bedgraph_file, fasta_file, txDb, bed_file,
column_name="bedgraph_score", add_to,
###Check conditions:
if(missing(txDb) & missing(bed_file))
stop("Specify gene annotation")
stop("Specify fasta file")
stop("Fasta file not found")
#Read in bedgraph file and convert both strands to single UCSCdata entry:
bedgraph_list <- import.bedGraph(bedgraph_file)
if(!(class(bedgraph_list) == "SimpleGenomicRangesList"))
bedgraph_list <- GenomicRangesList(bedgraph_list)
if(length(bedgraph_list)==1 | length(bedgraph_list)==2) {
if(length(bedgraph_list)==1) {
strand(bedgraph_list[[1]]) <- track_strand
bedgraph_merged <- bedgraph_list[[1]]
} else {
strand(bedgraph_list[[1]]) <- "+"
strand(bedgraph_list[[2]]) <- "-"
bedgraph_merged <- c(bedgraph_list[[1]], bedgraph_list[[2]])
} else {
Message <- "Bedgraph file needs to contain 2 tracks, one for
each strand or 1 track with provided strand information."
##Prepare GRangesList for mapping values to:
txs <- readDNAStringSet(fasta_file) #read in fasta file.
#If txDb not given, make it from bed file
txDb <- BED2txDb(bed_file)
#Build GRangesList from txDb
all_exons <- exonsBy(txDb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)
#Keep in GRangesList only those transcript that are present in fasta file
my_exons <- all_exons[names(all_exons) %in% names(txs)]
#Print warning if transcripts overlap:
overlapping_transcripts <- which(countOverlaps(my_exons) > 1)
if(length(overlapping_transcripts) > 0){
message(paste("Warning: transcript",
strwrap("overlaps with another transcript. Score is added
to more than one RNA.")))
#Map bedgraph positions to annotated transcripts and format to norm_df:
bm_width <- width(bedgraph_merged)
bedgraph_merged_expanded <- bedgraph_merged[rep(1:length(bedgraph_merged),
start(bedgraph_merged_expanded) <-
start(bedgraph_merged_expanded) + unlist(sapply(bm_width,
FUN=seq_len)) - 1
end(bedgraph_merged_expanded) <- start(bedgraph_merged_expanded)
mapped_to_tx <- mapToTranscripts(bedgraph_merged_expanded, my_exons,
ignore.strand = FALSE)
hits_in_tx <- mapped_to_tx$transcriptsHits #Transcripts with signal
hits_in_EF <- mapped_to_tx$xHits #Which signal given transcript has
#Data frame with results
normalized <-
#Change column name to one provided by user
names(normalized)[names(normalized)=="bedgraph_score"] <- column_name
###Add sequence information from fasta file (on per RNA basis)
norm_by_RNA <- split(normalized, f=normalized$RNAid, drop=TRUE)
normalized <- do.call(rbind, lapply(norm_by_RNA, FUN=.add_sequence, txs))
#If add_to specified, merge with existing normalized data frame:
add_to_df <- GR2norm_df(add_to)
normalized <- merge(add_to_df, normalized, by=c("RNAid", "Pos", "nt"),
normalized <- normalized[order(normalized$RNAid, normalized$Pos),]
###Auxiliary functions
#Function to import the sequence from fasta file, if no sequence -
#fill in with N's:
.add_sequence <- function(oneRNA_norm, txs){
maxPos <- max(oneRNA_norm$Pos)
refSeq <- txs[[as.character(oneRNA_norm$RNAid[1])]]
if (maxPos > length(refSeq))
unexpected_length_difference <- maxPos - length(refSeq)
dna <- paste(rep("N",unexpected_length_difference), collapse="")
one_gene_sequence <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(c(refSeq,
DNAString(dna))[oneRNA_norm$Pos]), ""))
message(paste("For RNA ", oneRNA_norm$RNAid[1],
"positions outside FASTA annotation exist. N's added"))
one_gene_sequence <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(
refSeq[oneRNA_norm$Pos]), ""))
oneRNA_norm$nt <- one_gene_sequence
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