# ## readDiatrack-methods
# ##' @name readDiatrack
# ##' @aliases readDiatrack
# ##' @title readDiatrack
# ##' @rdname readDiatrack-methods
# ##' @docType methods
# ##'
# ##' @description read output file (tracks/trajecotries) from Diatrack.
# ##' @usage
# ##' readDiatrack(folder, ab.track = FALSE, cores = 1, frameRecord = TRUE)
# ##'
# ##'
# ##'
# ## @method # this roxygen directive does not working
# ##' @param folder Full path to Diatrack .txt session files output folder.
# ##' @param ab.track Use absolute coordinates for tracks.
# ##' @param cores Number of cores used for parallel computation. This can be
# ##' the cores on a workstation, or on a cluster. Tip: each core will be
# ##' assigned to read in a file when paralleled.
# ##' @param frameRecord Add a fourth column to the track list after the
# ##' xyz-coordinates for the frame that coordinate point was found (especially
# ##' helpful when linking frames).
# ##' @return trackll
# ##' @examples
# ##' # trackll=readDiatrack(folder=folder)
# ##' # str(trackll,max.level=2)
# ##' @details
# ##'
# ##' Note: the folder name should not contain '.', as it is a key character for
# ##' subsequent indexing of file names.
# ##'
# ##' the absolute coordinates trajectory has moved
# ##'
# ##' trackID=fileID.frameID.duration.indexPerFile.indexPerTrackll
# ##'
# ##' This 'indexPerFile' is the index within a diatrackFile, which translate to
# ##' 'index per movie'.
# ##'
# ##' This 'indexPerTrackll' is a unique index within a trackll, which can be
# ##' translated to 'index per folder'.
# ##'
# ##'
# # @export readDiatrack
## .readDiatrack a function to read one diatrack txt file and returns a
## list of tracks
.readDiatrack = function(file, interact = FALSE, ab.track = FALSE,
frameRecord = FALSE) {
# interactively open window
if (interact == TRUE) {
file = file.choose()
file.name = basename(file)
cat("\nReading Diatrack file: ", file.name, "...\n")
## skip the first 'comment line'
data = read.table(file = file, header = FALSE, skip = 1)
## read in frame number line (for future use)
frame.num = data[1, ]
## remove frame number line for computation
data = data[-1, ]
# frame.id
frame.num.mx = matrix(frame.num, ncol = 3, nrow = length(frame.num)/3,
byrow = TRUE)
frame.id = unlist(frame.num.mx[, 1])
## process the data store coordinates of track in track.list
track.list = list()
# store absolute coordinates of track for comparison plots
ab.track.list = list()
# store num.tracks.per.file
num.tracks.per.file = c()
# select 3 column at a time can use frame number to do this, but this
# way makes the program more robust with little to non decrease in
# efficiency
for (i in seq_len(dim(data)[2]/3)) {
# i=2
triple = i * 3
track = dplyr::select(data, (triple - 3 + 1):triple)
colnames(track) = c("x", "y", "z")
track = dplyr::filter(track, track$x != 0, track$y != 0)
if (frameRecord) {
track <- cbind(track, Frame = c(frame.id[[i]]:(frame.id[[i]] +
nrow(track) - 1)))
# the [[]] is important, otherwise only x is included
track.list[[i]] = track
# store num.tracks.per.file
num.tracks.per.file[i] = dim(track)[1]
## preprocess to fix coordinates from 0 to max absolute value of
## trajectory movement
abTrack = data.frame(x = track$x - min(track$x), y = track$y -
ab.track.list[[i]] = abTrack
## name the tracks
# frame.id
frame.num.mx = matrix(frame.num, ncol = 3, nrow = length(frame.num)/3,
byrow = TRUE)
frame.id = unlist(frame.num.mx[, 1])
# duration
# duration=table(frame.id)
duration = num.tracks.per.file
# file.id
file.subname = substr(file.name, start = nchar(file.name) - 8,
stop = nchar(file.name) - 4)
file.id = rep(file.subname, length(duration))
# indexPerFile
indexPerFile = seq(from = 1, to = length(duration))
## trackID=fileID.frameID.duration.indexPerFile
track.name = paste(file.id, frame.id, duration, indexPerFile, sep = ".")
# name the track
names(track.list) = track.name
names(ab.track.list) = track.name
cat("\n", file.subname, "read and processed.\n")
if (ab.track == TRUE)
return(ab.track.list) else return(track.list)
## Note:the list can be named, this wil change the read.distrack.folder
## 's naming no need for naming it
# the mask file has to be named corresponding to its txt file name to
# work correspondingly. as it is read into two list, file.list, and
# mask.list. there is not direct comparison of file name function add
# in yet in v0.3.4
readDiatrack = function(folder, ab.track = FALSE, cores = 1,
frameRecord = TRUE) {
trackll = list()
track.holder = c() ######MERGING
# getting a file list of Diatrack files in a directory
file.list = list.files(path = folder, pattern = ".txt", full.names = TRUE)
file.name = list.files(path = folder, pattern = ".txt", full.names = FALSE)
folder.name = basename(folder)
# read in tracks list of list of data.frames, first level list of file
# names and second level list of data.frames
max.cores = parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE)
if (cores == 1) {
for (i in seq_along(file.list)) {
track = .readDiatrack(file = file.list[i], ab.track = ab.track,
frameRecord = frameRecord)
# add indexPerTrackll to track name
indexPerTrackll = seq_along(track)
names(track) = mapply(paste, names(track), indexPerTrackll,
sep = ".")
trackll[[i]] = track
names(trackll)[i] = file.name[i]
} else {
# parallel this block of code assign reading in using .readDiatrack to
# each CPUs
# detect number of cores FUTURE: if more than one, automatic using
# multicore
if (cores > max.cores)
stop(paste("Number of cores specified is",
"greater than recomended maxium: "), max.cores)
cat("Initiated parallel execution on", cores, "cores\n")
# use outfile='' to display result on screen
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = cores, type = "PSOCK", outfile = "")
# register cluster
# pass environment variables to workers
parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist = c(".readDiatrack", "ab.track",
"frameRecord"), envir = environment())
# trackll=parallel::parLapply(cl,file.list,function(fname){
trackll = parallel::parLapply(cl, file.list, function(fname) {
track = .readDiatrack(file = fname, ab.track = ab.track,
frameRecord = frameRecord)
# add indexPerTrackll to track name
indexPerTrackll = seq_along(track)
names(track) = mapply(paste, names(track), indexPerTrackll,
sep = ".")
# stop cluster
cat("\nStopping clusters...\n")
names(trackll) = file.name
# names(track)=file.name
# cleaning tracks by image mask if (mask == TRUE){
# trackll=maskTracks(folder = folder, trackll=trackll) }
# merge masked tracks merge has to be done after mask
# Merge
# start###############################################################
# if (merge == TRUE){ for (i in seq_along(file.list)){
# trackll[[i]]=track[[i]] names(trackll)[i]=file.name[i] } } Merge
# end#################################################################
# trackll naming scheme if merge == FALSE, list takes the name of
# individual file name within folder file.name > data.frame.name if
# merge == TRUE, list takes the folder name folder.name >
# data.frame.name
# merge masked tracks merge has to be done after mask Mask
# start################################################################
# if (merge == TRUE){
# trackll naming scheme if merge == FALSE, list takes the name of
# individual file name within folder file.name > data.frame.name if
# merge == TRUE, list takes the folder name folder.name >
# data.frame.name
# concatenate track list into one list of data.frames for (i in
# seq_along(file.list)){ track.holder=c(track.holder,trackll[[i]]) }
# rename indexPerTrackll of index extrac index
# Index=strsplit(names(track.holder),split='[.]') # split='\\.'
# remove the last old indexPerTrackll Index=lapply(Index,function(x){
# x=x[1:(length(x)-1)] x=paste(x,collapse='.')})
# add indexPerTrackll to track name
# indexPerTrackll=seq_along(track.holder)
# names(track.holder)=mapply(paste,Index, indexPerTrackll,sep='.')
# make the result a list of list with length 1 trackll=list()
# trackll[[1]]=track.holder names(trackll)[[1]]=folder.name } Mask end
# #############################################################
# trackll=track.holder
# }else{ # list of list of data.frames, # first level list of folder
# names and # second level list of data.frames for (i in
# seq_along(file.list)){
# track=.readDiatrack(file=file.list[i],ab.track=ab.track) #
# concatenate tracks into one list of data.frames
# track.holder=c(track.holder,track) } # add indexPerTrackll to track
# name indexPerTrackll=seq_along(track.holder)
# names(track.holder)=mapply(paste,names(track.holder),
# indexPerTrackll,sep='.') # make the result a list of list with length
# 1 trackll[[1]]=track.holder names(trackll)[[1]]=folder.name
# if (mask == TRUE){ trackll=maskTracks(trackll,mask.list) } }
cat("\nProcess complete.\n")
## Note:
## if want to keep the names of each data frame come from, use if
## (merge) do.call(c,trackll)
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