#'Creates a heatmap from a selection of groups
#'@param cellexalObj A cellexalvr object
#'@param cellidfile file containing cell IDs
#'@param deg.method The method to use to find DEGs
#'@param numsig The number of differentials to be returned
#'@keywords DEGs
#'@export getDifferentials
getDifferentials <- function(cellexalObj,cellidfile,deg.method=c("anova","edgeR", "MAST"),num.sig){
cellexalObj <- loadObject(cellexalObj)
cellexalObj <- userGrouping(cellexalObj, cellidfile)
not <- which(is.na(cellexalObj@userGroups[,cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup]))
if ( length(not) > 0) {
loc <- reduceTo (cellexalObj, what='col', to=colnames(cellexalObj@data)[- not ] )
}else {
loc <- cellexalObj
if ( ! is.na(match(paste(cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup, 'order'), colnames(cellexalObj@data))) ){
loc <- reorder.samples ( loc, paste(cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup, 'order'))
info <- groupingInfo( loc )
dat <- loc@data
rem.ind <- which(apply(dat,1,sum)==0)
dat.f <- dat
grp.vec <- info$grouping
col.tab <- info$col
dat.f <- dat.f[-rem.ind,]
deg.genes <- NULL
anovap <- function(v,labs){
if ( length(col.tab) > 1 ){
ps <- apply(dat.f,1,anovap,labs=grp.vec)
}else if (length(col.tab) == 1 ){
ps <- apply(dat.f,1,lin,order=1:ncol(dat.f))
sigp <- order(ps)[1:num.sig]
deg.genes <- rownames(dat.f[sigp,])
dge <- edgeR::DGEList(
counts = dat.f,
norm.factors = rep(1, length(dat.f[1,])),
group = grp.vec
group_edgeR <- factor(grp.vec)
design <- model.matrix(~ group_edgeR)
dge <- edgeR::estimateDisp(dge, design = design, trend.method = "none")
fit <- edgeR::glmFit(dge, design)
res <- edgeR::glmLRT(fit)
pVals <- res$table[,4]
names(pVals) <- rownames(res$table)
pVals <- p.adjust(pVals, method = "fdr")
deg.genes <- names(sort(pVals)[1:num.sig])
if(deg.method=='MAST') {
## in parts copied from my BioData::createStats() function for R6::BioData::SingleCells
if (!requireNamespace("MAST", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("MAST needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
sca <- MAST::FromMatrix(class='SingleCellAssay',
exprsArray= dat.f,
cData=data.frame(wellKey=colnames(dat.f), GroupName = grp.vec),
form = '~ GroupName'
zlm.output <- MAST::zlm( as.formula(form), sca, method='glm', ebayes=T)
zlm.lr <- MAST::lrTest(zlm.output, form)
Rtab = zlm.lr[,,'Pr(>Chisq)']
o <- order(Rtab[,'hurdle'])
deg.genes <- rownames(Rtab)[o[1:num.sig]]
deg.genes <- str_replace_all( deg.genes, '_\\d+$', '')
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