tm <- tempdir()
test_that("Logging", {
logPath <- file.path(tm, "COTAN_Test.log")
currentLevel <- setLoggingLevel(0L)
currentFile <- setLoggingFile(logPath)
expect_no_message(suppressMessages(logThis("This should not appear",
logLevel = 0L, appendLF = FALSE)))
expect_message( logThis("This should appear", logLevel = 0L))
expect_no_message(logThis("This should not appear", logLevel = 1L))
expect_message( logThis("This should appear", logLevel = 1L))
expect_no_message(logThis("This should not appear"))
expect_message(logThis("This should appear", logLevel = 3L))
# restore logging status
expect_equal(R.utils::countLines(logPath), 5L, ignore_attr = TRUE)
test_that("Clusterizations manipulations", {
clusters <- paste0("", as.roman(sample(7L, 100L, replace = TRUE)))
elemNames <- paste0("el_", 1L:100L)
clusters <- set_names(clusters, elemNames)
clustersList <- toClustersList(clusters)
expect_length(clustersList, 7L)
expect_setequal(lengths(clustersList), as.vector(table(clusters)))
clusters2 <- fromClustersList(clustersList, elemNames)
expect_identical(clusters2, factor(clusters))
clusters3 <- fromClustersList(clustersList, elemNames = NULL)
expect_equal(table(clusters2), table(clusters3), ignore_attr = TRUE)
positions <- groupByClusters(clusters)
expect_identical(clusters2[positions], clusters3)
expect_identical(groupByClusters(clusters2), positions)
expect_identical(groupByClustersList(elemNames, clustersList), positions)
# cause mismatches between the element names and the clusterization
elemNames <- append(elemNames, paste0("el_", 201L:210L), after = 20L)[1L:100L]
expect_setequal(fromClustersList(clustersList, elemNames)[21L:30L], "-1")
expect_identical(groupByClustersList(elemNames, clustersList)[91L:100L],
clusterM1 <- mergeClusters(clusters, names = as.roman(c(5L, 1L)),
mergedName = "I'V")
expect_identical(levels(clusterM1)[[nlevels(clusterM1)]], "I'V")
expect_identical(table(clusterM1)[["I'V"]], sum(table(clusters)[c(1L, 5L)]))
clusterM2 <-
multiMergeClusters(clusters3, namesList = list(as.roman(c(1L, 5L)),
as.roman(c(6L, 2L, 4L))))
c("I_V-merge", "II_IV_VI-merge", "III", "VII"))
expect_identical(sum(clusterM2 == "I_V-merge"), sum(clusterM1 == "I'V"))
niceClusters <- niceFactorLevels(clusters)
expect_identical(max(nchar(factorToVector(niceClusters))), 3L)
expect_identical(min(nchar(factorToVector(niceClusters))), 3L)
expect_true(all(endsWith(factorToVector(niceClusters), clusters)))
levels(niceClusters) <- c(1L:3L, 11L:13L, 100L)
niceClusters <- niceFactorLevels(niceClusters)
expect_identical(max(nchar(factorToVector(niceClusters))), 3L)
expect_identical(min(nchar(factorToVector(niceClusters))), 3L)
expect_setequal(as.integer(levels(niceClusters)), c(1L:3L, 11L:13L, 100L))
test_that("Adding/extracting columns to/from data.frames", {
df <- data.frame()
df <- setColumnInDF(df, colName = "constant", colToSet = rep(1L, 10L))
expect_identical(dim(df), c(10L, 1L))
expect_setequal(df[["constant"]], 1L)
df <- setColumnInDF(df, colToSet = (1L:10L),
colName = "sequence", rowNames = LETTERS[1L:10L])
expect_identical(rownames(df), LETTERS[1L:10L])
expect_identical(colnames(df), c("constant", "sequence"))
expect_identical(getColumnFromDF(df, "constant"),
rlang::set_names(rep(1L, 10L), LETTERS[1L:10L]))
df <- setColumnInDF(df, colName = "constant", colToSet = rep(2L, 10L))
expect_identical(colnames(df), c("constant", "sequence"))
expect_setequal(df[["constant"]], 2L)
test_that("funProbZero", {
# Cases with mu = 0 are not actually in use
expect_identical(funProbZero(-Inf, 0.0), NaN)
expect_identical(funProbZero(-1.0, 0.0), 1.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero( 0.0, 0.0), 1.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero( 1.0, 0.0), 1.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero(10.0, 0.0), 1.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero( Inf, 0.0), NaN)
# Cases with infinite disp can happen
expect_identical(funProbZero(-Inf, 1.0), 0.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero(-1.0, 1.0), exp(-2.0))
expect_identical(funProbZero( 0.0, 1.0), exp(-1.0))
expect_identical(funProbZero( 1.0, 1.0), 1.0 / 2.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero(10.0, 1.0), 11.0^(-1.0 / 10.0))
expect_identical(funProbZero( Inf, 1.0), 1.0)
# Cases with mu = Inf are not actually in use
expect_identical(funProbZero(-Inf, Inf), 0.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero(-1.0, Inf), 0.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero( 0.0, Inf), NaN)
expect_identical(funProbZero( 1.0, Inf), 0.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero(10.0, Inf), 0.0)
expect_identical(funProbZero( Inf, Inf), 1.0)
test_that("funProbZero with matrices", {
mu <- matrix((1L:25L) / 7.0, nrow = 10L, ncol = 10L)
disp <- (-1L:8L) / 3.0
p <- funProbZero(disp, mu)
expect_identical(dim(p), dim(mu))
expect_identical(p[ 1L, 1L], funProbZero(disp[[ 1L]], mu[ 1L, 1L]))
expect_identical(p[ 1L, 10L], funProbZero(disp[[ 1L]], mu[ 1L, 10L]))
expect_identical(p[ 3L, 7L], funProbZero(disp[[ 3L]], mu[ 3L, 7L]))
expect_identical(p[ 6L, 4L], funProbZero(disp[[ 6L]], mu[ 6L, 4L]))
expect_identical(p[10L, 1L], funProbZero(disp[[10L]], mu[10L, 1L]))
expect_identical(p[10L, 10L], funProbZero(disp[[10L]], mu[10L, 10L]))
test_that("dispersionBisection", {
lambda <- c(3.0, 1.75)
nu <- rep(c(0.5, 1.5), 5L)
sumZeros <- c(0.0, 5.0)
d <- c(dispersionBisection(sumZeros = sumZeros[[1L]],
lambda = lambda[[1L]], nu = nu),
dispersionBisection(sumZeros = sumZeros[[2L]],
lambda = lambda[[2L]], nu = nu))
expect_identical(d, c(-Inf, 1.98046875))
test_that("nuBisection", {
lambda <- c(5.5, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 5.5, 1.5, 3.0, 3.5, 1.0, 4.5)
dispersion <- c(-Inf, 4.0, 2.5, 0.9, 5.0, 1.9, 3.5, 4.0, 0.9, 4.5)
sumZeros <- c(3L, 6L)
initialGuess <- c(1.0, 1.5)
nu <- c(nuBisection(sumZeros = sumZeros[[1L]], lambda = lambda,
dispersion = dispersion,
initialGuess = initialGuess[[1L]]),
nuBisection(sumZeros = sumZeros[[2L]], lambda = lambda,
dispersion = dispersion,
initialGuess = initialGuess[[2L]]))
expect_identical(nu, c(3.1484375, 0.349365234375))
test_that("plotTheme", {
expect_warning(plotTheme(plotKind = "Wrong", textSize = 12.0))
test_that("Raw data normalization", {
utils::data("test.dataset", package = "COTAN")
genes.names.test <- readRDS(file.path(getwd(), "genes.names.test.RDS"))
cells.names.test <- readRDS(file.path(getwd(), "cells.names.test.RDS"))
raw <- test.dataset[genes.names.test, cells.names.test]
nu <- readRDS(file.path(getwd(), "nu.test.RDS"))
raw.norm <- as.matrix(readRDS(file.path(getwd(), "raw.norm.test.RDS")))
expect_identical(t(t(raw) * (1.0 / nu)), raw.norm)
test_that("parallelDist - cosine dissimilarity", {
raw <- matrix(c(1L, 0L, 4L, 2L, 11L, 0L, 6L, 7L, 0L, 9L,
10L, 8L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 0L),
nrow = 10L, ncol = 20L)
rownames(raw) <- LETTERS[1L:10L]
colnames(raw) <- letters[1L:20L]
cd <- as.matrix(parallelDist::parDist(t(raw), method = "cosine"))
expect_equal(cd[(row(cd) + col(cd)) %% 2L == 1L], rep(cd[2L, 1L], 200L),
tolerance = 1.0e-15)
expect_equal(cd[(row(cd) + col(cd)) %% 2L == 0L], rep(cd[3L, 1L], 200L),
tolerance = 1.0e-15)
test_that("pca usage", {
utils::data("test.dataset", package = "COTAN")
pcaRaw <- pca(mat = test.dataset, rank = 5L,
transposed = TRUE, BSPARAM = IrlbaParam())[["rotated"]]
colnames(pcaRaw) <- paste0("PC_", seq_len(ncol(pcaRaw)))
expect_identical(rownames(pcaRaw), rownames(test.dataset))
pcaExp <- readRDS(file.path(getwd(), "pca.test.RDS"))
expect_identical(nrow(pcaRaw), nrow(pcaExp))
pcaExp <- pcaExp[rownames(pcaRaw), ]
correlations <- c(cor(pcaRaw[, 1L], pcaExp[, 1L]),
cor(pcaRaw[, 2L], pcaExp[, 2L]))
dists <- sqrt(c(sum((pcaRaw[, 1L] - correlations[[1L]] * pcaExp[, 1L])^2L),
sum((pcaRaw[, 2L] - correlations[[2L]] * pcaExp[, 2L])^2L)))
expect_lt(max(dists), 10.0^(-4L))
# legacy
test_that("vec2mat_rfast", {
mat <- matrix(0.0, nrow = 10L, ncol = 10L)
mat <- Rfast::lower_tri.assign(mat, (1L:55L), diag = TRUE)
mat <- Rfast::upper_tri.assign(mat,
v = Rfast::upper_tri(Rfast::transpose(mat)))
colnames(mat) <- paste0("row.", (1L:10L))
rownames(mat) <- paste0("row.", (1L:10L))
genes <- paste0("row.", c(1L, 2L, 9L, 10L))
expect_identical(mat, vec2mat_rfast(mat2vec_rfast(mat)))
expect_identical(mat[, genes],
vec2mat_rfast(mat2vec_rfast(mat), genes = genes))
test_that("mat2vec_rfast", {
names.v <- paste0("raw", (1L:15L))
vec <- list("genes" = names.v, "values" = 1L:120L)
expect_equal(vec, mat2vec_rfast(vec2mat_rfast(vec)), ignore_attr = TRUE)
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