
Defines functions getColorsVector plotTheme multiMergeClusters mergeClusters groupByClusters groupByClustersList fromClustersList toClustersList setColumnInDF getColumnFromDF factorToVector niceFactorLevels isEmptyName conditionsFromNames handleNamesSubsets canUseTorch handleMultiCore logThis setLoggingFile setLoggingLevel

Documented in canUseTorch conditionsFromNames factorToVector fromClustersList getColorsVector getColumnFromDF groupByClusters groupByClustersList handleMultiCore handleNamesSubsets isEmptyName logThis mergeClusters multiMergeClusters niceFactorLevels plotTheme setColumnInDF setLoggingFile setLoggingLevel toClustersList

#----------------- log functions --------------------

#' @title Logging in the `COTAN` package
#' @description Logging is currently supported for all `COTAN` functions. It is
#'   possible to see the output on the terminal and/or on a log file. The level
#'   of output on terminal is controlled by the  `COTAN.LogLevel` option while
#'   the logging on file is always at its maximum verbosity
#' @name LoggingFunctions

#' @details `setLoggingLevel()` sets the `COTAN` logging level. It set the
#'   `COTAN.LogLevel` options to one of the following values:
#'    * 0 - Always on log messages
#'    * 1 - Major log messages
#'    * 2 - Minor log messages
#'    * 3 - All log messages
#' @param newLevel the new default logging level. It defaults to 1
#' @returns `setLoggingLevel()` returns the old logging level or default level
#'   if not set yet.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setLoggingLevel(3) # for debugging purposes only
#' @rdname LoggingFunctions
setLoggingLevel <- function(newLevel = 1L) {
  message("Setting new log level to ", newLevel)
  oldLevel <- options(COTAN.LogLevel = newLevel)
  if (is.null(oldLevel)) {
    oldLevel <- 1L

#' @details `setLoggingFile()` sets the log file for all `COTAN` output logs. By
#'   default no logging happens on a file (only on the console). Using this
#'   function `COTAN` will use the indicated file to dump the logs produced by
#'   all [logThis()] commands, independently from the log level. It stores the
#'   `connection` created by the call to [bzfile()] in the option:
#'   `COTAN.LogFile`
#' @param logFileName the log file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' logFile <- file.path(".", "COTAN_Test1.log")
#' setLoggingFile(logFile)
#' logThis("Some log message")
#' setLoggingFile("") # closes the log file
#' file.remove(logFile)
#' @rdname LoggingFunctions
setLoggingFile <- function(logFileName) {
  currentFile <- getOption("COTAN.LogFile")
  if (!is.null(currentFile)) {
    message("Closing previous log file - ", appendLF = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e) {
      message("Connection to previous log file broken, will be discarded")
      options(COTAN.LogFile = NULL)

  message("Setting log file to be: ", logFileName)
  if (isEmptyName(logFileName)) {
    options(COTAN.LogFile = NULL)
  } else {
    options(COTAN.LogFile = file(logFileName, open = "at"))

#' @details `logThis()` prints the given message string if the current log level
#'   is greater or equal to the given log level (it always prints its message on
#'   file if active). It uses [message()] to actually print the messages on the
#'   [stderr()] connection, so it is subject to [suppressMessages()]
#' @param msg the message to print
#' @param logLevel the logging level of the current message. It defaults to 2
#' @param appendLF whether to add a new-line character at the end of the message
#' @returns `logThis()` returns TRUE if the message has been printed on the
#'   terminal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' logThis("LogLevel 0 messages will always show, ",
#'         logLevel = 0, appendLF = FALSE)
#' suppressMessages(logThis("unless all messages are suppressed",
#'                          logLevel = 0))
#' @rdname LoggingFunctions
logThis <- function(msg, logLevel = 2L, appendLF = TRUE) {
  # write to log file if any
  currentFile <- getOption("COTAN.LogFile")
  if (!is.null(currentFile)) {
      tsMsg <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] "), msg)
      writeLines(tsMsg, currentFile,
                 sep = ifelse(isTRUE(appendLF), "\n", ""))
    }, error = function(e) {
  # set the logging level global variable
  if (is.null(getOption("COTAN.LogLevel"))) {
    setLoggingLevel() # to default
  currentLevel <- getOption("COTAN.LogLevel")
  showMessage <- currentLevel >= logLevel
  if (showMessage) {
    message(msg, appendLF = appendLF)

#----------------- multi-threading --------------------

#' @title Handling Multi-Core and GPU environments
#' @description Check whether session supports multi-core and/or GPU evaluation
#'   and utilities about their activation
#' @name MultiThreading

#' @details `handleMultiCore()` uses [parallelly::supportsMulticore()] and
#'   [parallelly::availableCores()] to actually check whether the session
#'   supports multi-core evaluation. Provides an effective upper bound to the
#'   number of cores.
#' @seealso the help page of [parallelly::supportsMulticore()] about the flags
#'   influencing the multi-core support; e.g. the usage of `R` option
#'   `parallelly.fork.enable`.
#' @param cores the number of cores asked for
#' @returns `handleMultiCore()` returns the maximum sensible number of cores to
#'   use
#' @importFrom parallelly availableCores
#' @importFrom parallelly supportsMulticore
#' @rdname MultiThreading
handleMultiCore <- function(cores) {
  cores <- max(1L, cores)

  if (!supportsMulticore() && cores != 1L) {
    if (is.null(getOption("COTAN.MultiCoreWarning"))) {
      warning("On this system multi-core is not currently supported;",
              " this can happen on some systems like 'windows'")
      warning("In case you might try 'options(parallelly.fork.enable = TRUE)'",
              " to enable multi-core support")
    options(COTAN.MultiCoreWarning = "Published")
    warning("The number of cores used will be set 1!")
    cores <- 1L

  cores <- min(cores, availableCores(omit = 1L))

  logThis(paste("Effective number of cores used:", cores), logLevel = 3L)


#' @details `canUseTorch()` is an internal function to handle the torch library:
#'   it returns whether \pkg{torch} is ready to be used. It obeys the opt-out
#'   flag set via the `COTAN.UseTorch` option
#' @param optimizeForSpeed A Boolean to indicate whether to try to use the
#'   faster torch library
#' @param deviceStr The name of the device to be used by torch
#' @returns `canUseTorch()` returns a list with 2 elements:
#' * `"useTorch"`: a Boolean indicating whether the torch library can be used
#' * `"deviceStr"`: the updated name of the device to be used: if no `cuda` GPU
#'   is available it will fallback to CPU calculations
#' @seealso [torch::install_torch()] and [torch::torch_is_installed()] for
#'   installation. Note the [torch::torch_set_num_threads()] has effect also on
#'   the \pkg{Rfast} package methods
#' @rdname MultiThreading
canUseTorch <- function(optimizeForSpeed, deviceStr) {
  warnedAboutTorch <- !is.null(getOption("COTAN.TorchWarning"))

  useTorch <- isTRUE(optimizeForSpeed) &&
    requireNamespace("torch", quietly = TRUE)

  if (useTorch) {
    # if torch is not explicitly opted-in, we avoid using it as
    # there is no clean way to check if it is usable
    useTorchOpt <- getOption("COTAN.UseTorch")
    if (is.null(useTorchOpt)) {
      # default case: explicit opt-out only!
      useTorchOpt <- TRUE
    if (is.character(useTorchOpt)) {
      useTorchOpt <- toupper(useTorchOpt)
      useTorchOpt <- !(useTorchOpt %in% c("FALSE", "F"))
    useTorch <- isTRUE(useTorchOpt)

    if (!useTorch && !warnedAboutTorch) {
      warning("The `torch` library is installed,",
              " but has not been opted in yet")
      warning("In case you might try 'options(COTAN.UseTorch = TRUE)'",
              " to enable it")
      warnedAboutTorch <- TRUE

  if (useTorch) {
      if (!torch::torch_is_installed()) {
        stop("The `torch` library is installed but the required",
             " additional libraries are not avalable yet")
      library("torch", character.only = TRUE)
      # Call a simple torch function to check if it's working
      if (is.null(torch::torch_tensor(1L))) {
        stop("The `torch` library is installed but not working correctly")
    error = function(err) {
      logThis(paste("While trying to load the `torch` library", err),
              logLevel = 0L)
      if (!warnedAboutTorch) {
        warning("The `torch` library is installed,",
                " but might require further initialization")
        warning("Please look at the `torch` package installation guide",
                " to complete the installation")
      useTorch <<- FALSE
    warnedAboutTorch <- !useTorch

  if (useTorch) {
    # Device configuration - fall-back to cpu if no cuda device is available
    if (startsWith(deviceStr, "cuda") && !torch::cuda_is_available()) {
      if (!warnedAboutTorch) {
        warning("The `torch` library could not find any `CUDA` device")
        warning("Falling back to CPU calculations")
        warnedAboutTorch <- TRUE
      deviceStr <- "cpu"
  } else {
    if (optimizeForSpeed) {
      if (!warnedAboutTorch) {
        warning("The `torch` library is not installed.")
        warnedAboutTorch <- TRUE
      warning("Falling back to legacy [non-torch] code.")
    deviceStr <- ""

  if (warnedAboutTorch) {
    options(COTAN.TorchWarning = "Published")

  return(list("useTorch" = useTorch, "deviceStr" = deviceStr))

#----------------- string related utilities --------------------

#' @title Handle names and factors' levels
#' @description Internal functions dedicated to solve strings or factors related
#'   simple tasks
#' @name HandleStrings

#' @details `handleNamesSubsets()` returns the given subset or the full `list`
#'   of names if none were specified
#' @param names The full `list` of the names to handle
#' @param subset The names' subset. When empty all names are returned instead!
#' @returns `handleNamesSubsets()` returns the updated list of names' subset,
#'   reordered according to the given names' list
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandleStrings
handleNamesSubsets <- function(names, subset = vector(mode = "character")) {
  if (is_empty(subset)) {
    subset <- names
  } else {
    assert_that(all(subset %in% names),
                msg = "Passed names are not a subset of the full list")

    subset <- names[names %in% subset]

#' @details `conditionsFromNames()` retrieves a condition from the given names
#'   by picking the asked fragment after having them split according to the
#'   given pattern
#' @param names The full `list` of the names to handle
#' @param splitPattern the pattern to use to split the names
#' @param fragmentNum the string fragment to use as condition from the split
#'   names
#' @returns `conditionsFromNames()` returns the extracted conditions
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_i
#' @rdname HandleStrings
conditionsFromNames <-
  function(names, splitPattern = " ", fragmentNum = 2L) {
  numNames <- length(names)
  conditions <- str_split_i(names, pattern = splitPattern, fragmentNum)
  if (any(is.na(conditions)) ||
      length(unique(conditions)) == numNames) {
    warning(paste("conditionsFromNames: no proper pattern has been recognized",
            "or given column number was too high"))
    conditions <- rep("1", numNames)
  names(conditions) <- names

#' @details `isEmptyName()` returns whether the passed name is not null and has
#'   non-zero characters
#' @param name the name to check
#' @returns `isEmptyName()` returns whether the passed name is equivalent to an
#'   empty string
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandleStrings
isEmptyName <- function(name) {
  return(!(length(name) && any(nzchar(name))))

#' @details `niceFactorLevels()` provides **nicer** `factor` labels that have
#'   all the same number of characters
#' @param v an `array` or `factor` object
#' @returns `niceFactorLevels()` returns a `factor` that is preserving the
#'   *names* of the input with the new nicer levels
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @rdname HandleStrings
niceFactorLevels <- function(v) {
  names <- names(v)
  if (inherits(v, "factor")) {
    v <- factorToVector(v)
  nv <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(v))
  if (!anyNA(nv) && all(as.integer(nv) == nv)) {
    numDigits <- floor(log10(max(nv))) + 1L
    v <- formatC(nv, width = numDigits, flag = "0")
  } else if (is.character(v)) {
    numChars <- max(nchar(v))
    v <- str_pad(v, width = numChars, side = "left", pad = "_")
  names(v) <- names

#' @details `factorToVector()` converts a *named* `factor` to a *named*
#'   `character vector`
#' @param f a `factor` object
#' @returns `factorToVector()` returns a `character vector` that preserves the
#'   *names* of the input factor
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandleStrings
factorToVector <- function(f) {
  assert_that(inherits(f, "factor"), msg = "Passed object is not a factor")
  return(set_names(levels(f)[f], names(f)))

#-------------- metadata handling -----------

#' @details `getColumnFromDF()` is a function to extract a column from a
#'   `data.frame`, while keeping the `rowNames` as `vector` names
#' @param df the `data.frame`
#' @param colName the name of the new or existing column in the `data.frame`
#' @returns `getColumnFromDF()` returns the column in the `data.frame` as named
#'   `array`, `NULL` if the wanted column is not available
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
getColumnFromDF <- function(df, colName) {
  if (is_empty(df) || !any(colnames(df) == colName)) {
  } else {
    retArray <- df[[colName]]
    if (!is_empty(retArray)) {
      names(retArray) <- rownames(df)

#' @details `setColumnInDF()` is a function to append, if missing, or resets, if
#'   present, a column into a `data.frame`, whether the `data.frame` is empty or
#'   not. The given `rowNames` are used only in the case the `data.frame` has
#'   only the default row numbers, so this function cannot be used to override
#'   row names
#' @param df the `data.frame`
#' @param colToSet the column to add
#' @param colName the name of the new or existing column in the `data.frame`
#' @param rowNames when not empty, if the input `data.frame` has no real row
#'   names, the new row names of the resulting `data.frame`
#' @returns `setColumnInDF()` returns the updated, or the newly created,
#'   `data.frame`
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
setColumnInDF <- function(df, colToSet, colName,
                          rowNames = vector(mode = "character")) {
  if (is_empty(df)) {
    df <- set_names(data.frame(colToSet), colName)
  } else {
    if (colName %in% colnames(df)) {
      df[[colName]] <- colToSet
    } else {
      df <- cbind(df, set_names(data.frame(colToSet), colName))

  # default assigned rownames are numbers...
  if (!is_empty(rowNames) && is.integer(attr(df, "row.names"))) {
    rownames(df) <- rowNames


#------------------- clusters utilities ----------

#' @title *Clusters* utilities
#' @description Handle *clusterization* <-> *clusters* `list` conversions,
#'   *clusters* grouping and merge
#' @name ClustersList
#' @examples
#' ## create a clusterization
#' clusters <- paste0("",sample(7, 100, replace = TRUE))
#' names(clusters) <- paste0("E_",formatC(1:100,  width = 3, flag = "0"))
#' ## create a clusters list from a clusterization
#' clustersList <- toClustersList(clusters)
#' head(clustersList, 1)
#' ## recreate the clusterization from the cluster list
#' clusters2 <- fromClustersList(clustersList, names(clusters))
#' all.equal(factor(clusters), clusters2)
#' cl1Size <- length(clustersList[["1"]])
#' ## establish the permutation that groups clusters together
#' perm <- groupByClusters(clusters)
#' !is.unsorted(head(names(clusters)[perm],cl1Size))
#' head(clusters[perm], cl1Size)
#' ## it is possible to have the list of the element names different
#' ## from the names in the clusters list
#' selectedNames <- paste0("E_",formatC(11:110,  width = 3, flag = "0"))
#' perm2 <- groupByClustersList(selectedNames, toClustersList(clusters))
#' all.equal(perm2[91:100], c(91:100))
#' ## is is possible to merge a few clusters together
#' clustersMerged <- mergeClusters(clusters, names = c("7", "2"),
#'                                 mergedName = "7__2")
#' sum(table(clusters)[c(2, 7)]) == table(clustersMerged)[["7__2"]]
#' ## it is also possible to do multiple merges at once!
#' ## Note the default new clusters' names
#' clustersMerged2 <-
#'   multiMergeClusters(clusters2, namesList = list(c("2", "7"),
#'                                                  c("1", "3", "5")))
#' table(clustersMerged2)

#' @details `toClustersList()` given a *clusterization*, creates a `list` of
#'   *clusters* (i.e. for each *cluster*, which elements compose the *cluster*)
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*
#' @returns `toClustersList()` returns a `list` of clusters
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname ClustersList
toClustersList <- function(clusters) {
              msg = "passed clusterization has no names")

  clustersNames <- levels(factor(clusters))

  getCl <- function(cl, clusters) {
    names(clusters)[clusters %in% cl]

  clustersList <- set_names(lapply(clustersNames, getCl, clusters),


#' @details `fromClustersList()` given a `list` of *clusters* returns a
#'   *clusterization* (i.e. a named `vector` that for each element indicates to
#'   which cluster it belongs)
#' @param clustersList A named `list` whose elements define the various clusters
#' @param elemNames A `list` of names to which associate a cluster
#' @param throwOnOverlappingClusters When `TRUE`, in case of overlapping
#'   clusters, the function `fromClustersList` and `groupByClustersList` will
#'   throw. This is the default. When FALSE, instead, in case of overlapping
#'   clusters, `fromClustersList` will return the last cluster to which each
#'   element belongs, while `groupByClustersList` will return a vector of
#'   positions that is longer than the given `elemNames`
#' @returns `fromClustersList()` returns a clusterization. If the given
#'   `elemNames` contain values not present in the `clustersList`, those will be
#'   marked as `"-1"`
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname ClustersList
fromClustersList <- function(clustersList,
                             elemNames = vector(mode = "character"),
                             throwOnOverlappingClusters = TRUE) {
  clustersNames <- names(clustersList)

              msg = "Passed clusterization has no names")

  if (is_empty(elemNames)) {
    elemNames <- unlist(clustersList, use.names = FALSE)

  clusters <- set_names(rep.int("-1", length(elemNames)), elemNames)

  for (clName in clustersNames) {
    cluster <- clustersList[[clName]]
    cluster <- cluster[cluster %in% elemNames]
    assert_that((!throwOnOverlappingClusters ||
                   all(clusters[cluster] == "-1")),
                msg = "Found overlapping clusters")
    clusters[cluster] <- clName


#' @details `groupByClusters()` given a *clusterization* returns a permutation,
#'   such that using the permutation on the input the *clusters* are grouped
#'   together
#' @param elemNames A `list` of names to which associate a cluster
#' @param clustersList A named `list` whose elements define the various clusters
#' @param throwOnOverlappingClusters When `TRUE`, in case of overlapping
#'   clusters, the function `fromClustersList` and `groupByClustersList` will
#'   throw. This is the default. When FALSE, instead, in case of overlapping
#'   clusters, `fromClustersList` will return the last cluster to which each
#'   element belongs, while `groupByClustersList` will return a vector of
#'   positions that is longer than the given `elemNames`
#' @returns `groupByClusters()` and `groupByClustersList()` return a permutation
#'   that groups the clusters together. For each cluster the positions are
#'   guaranteed to be in increasing order. In case, all elements not
#'   corresponding to any cluster are grouped together as the last group
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname ClustersList
groupByClustersList <- function(elemNames, clustersList,
                                throwOnOverlappingClusters = TRUE) {
  assert_that(!is_empty(elemNames), msg = "passed no elemNames")
  assert_that(!is_empty(clustersList), msg = "passed no clustersList")

  positions <- vector(mode = "integer")

  for (cluster in clustersList) {
    clPos <- which(elemNames %in% cluster)
    # clPos should be already sorted
    assert_that(!throwOnOverlappingClusters || !any(clPos %in% positions),
                msg = "Found overlapping clusters")
    positions <- append(positions, clPos)

  # add all non-clustered elements as tail group!
  positions <- append(positions, setdiff(seq_along(elemNames), positions))


#' @details `groupByClustersList()` given the elements' names and a `list` of
#'   *clusters* returns a permutation, such that using the permutation on the
#'   given names the *clusters* are grouped together.
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @rdname ClustersList
groupByClusters <- function(clusters) {
  return(groupByClustersList(names(clusters), toClustersList(clusters)))

#' @details `mergeClusters()` given a *clusterization*, creates a new one where
#'   the given *clusters* are merged.
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*
#' @param names A list of *clusters* names to be merged
#' @param mergedName The name of the new merged clusters
#' @returns `mergeClusters()` returns a new *clusterization* with the wanted
#'   *clusters* being merged. If less than 2 *cluster* names were passed the
#'   function will emit a warning and return the initial *clusterization*
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @rdname ClustersList
mergeClusters <- function(clusters, names, mergedName = "") {
  if (!inherits(clusters, "factor")) {
    clusters <- factor(clusters)

  effNames <- names[names %in% levels(clusters)]
  if (is_empty(effNames) || length(effNames) < 2L) {
    warning("Passed a list of clusters to merge with less than 2 elements",
            " actually present in the clusterization")
    # nothing to do...

  if (isEmptyName(mergedName)) {
    effNames <- sort(effNames)
    mergedName <- paste0(paste(effNames, collapse = "_"), "-merge")

  # new level must be last!
  levels(clusters) <- c(levels(clusters), mergedName)
  clusters[clusters %in% effNames] <- mergedName
  clusters <- droplevels(clusters)


#' @details `multiMergeClusters()` given a *clusterization*, creates a new one
#'   where the given sets of *clusters* are merged.
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*
#' @param namesList A `list` of `list`s of *clusters* names to be respectively
#'   merged
#' @param mergedNames The names of the new merged *clusters*
#' @returns `multiMergeClusters()` returns a new *clusterization* with the
#'   wanted *clusters* being merged by consecutive iterations of
#'   [mergeClusters()] on the given `namesList`
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @rdname ClustersList
multiMergeClusters <- function(clusters, namesList, mergedNames = NULL) {
  if (is_empty(namesList)) {
    warning("Passed no clusters lists to merge")

  if (is_empty(mergedNames)) {
    mergedNames <- rep_len("", length(namesList))

  assert_that(length(mergedNames) == length(namesList),
              msg = paste("When given 'mergedNames' must have",
                          "the same length as 'namesList'"))

  for (i in seq_along(namesList)) {
    clusters <- mergeClusters(clusters,
                              names = namesList[[i]],
                              mergedName = mergedNames[[i]])


#----------------- plot utilities --------------------

#' @details `plotTheme()` returns the appropriate theme for the selected plot
#'   kind. Supported kinds are:  `"common"`, `"pca"`, `"genes"`, `"UDE"`,
#'   `"heatmap"`, `"GDI"`, `"UMAP"`, `"size-plot"`
#' @seealso [ggplot2::theme()] and [ggplot2::ggplot()]
#' @param plotKind a string indicating the plot kind
#' @param textSize axes and strip text size (default=14)
#' @returns `plotTheme()` returns a `ggplot2::theme` object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_rect
#' @importFrom ggplot2 unit
#' @importFrom ggthemes theme_tufte
#' @export
#' @examples
#' theme <- plotTheme("pca")
#' @rdname HeatmapPlots
plotTheme <- function(plotKind = "common", textSize = 14L) {
  myDarkBlue <- "#3C5488FF"
  ts <- textSize

  basicTheme <- theme(
    axis.text.x  = element_text(size = ts, angle = 0L, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
                                face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue),
    axis.text.y  = element_text(size = ts, angle = 0L, hjust = 0.0, vjust = 0.5,
                                face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue),
    axis.title.x = element_text(size = ts, angle = 0L, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.0,
                                face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue),
    axis.title.y = element_text(size = ts, angle =90L, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
                                face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue))

  if (plotKind == "common") {

  if (plotKind == "pca") {
    return(basicTheme +
           theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
                 legend.text = element_text(size = 12L, face = "italic",
                                            color = myDarkBlue),
                 legend.position = "bottom"))

  if (plotKind == "genes") {
    return(basicTheme +
           theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20L, hjust = 0.02,
                                           vjust = -10.0, face = "italic",
                                           color = myDarkBlue),
                 plot.subtitle = element_text(vjust = -15.0, hjust = 0.01,
                                              color = "darkred")))

  if (plotKind == "UDE") {
    return(basicTheme +
           theme(plot.title   = element_text(size = 20L, color = myDarkBlue),
                 legend.title = element_text(size = 14L, color = myDarkBlue,
                                             face = "italic"),
                 legend.text  = element_text(size = 11L, color = myDarkBlue),
                 legend.key.width = unit(2.0, "mm"),
                 legend.position = "right"))

  if (plotKind == "heatmap") {
    return(basicTheme +
           theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                 axis.title.y = element_blank(),
                 panel.spacing = unit(0.0, "lines"),
                 strip.background = element_rect(fill = "#8491B44C"),
                 strip.text.y = element_text(size = ts, colour = myDarkBlue),
                 strip.text.x = element_text(size = ts, angle = 90L,
                                             colour = myDarkBlue),
                 legend.text = element_text(color = myDarkBlue,
                                            face = "italic"),
                 legend.position = "bottom",
                 legend.title = element_blank(),
                 legend.key.height = unit(2.0, "mm")))

  if (plotKind == "GDI") {
    return(basicTheme +
           theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
                 plot.title = element_text(size = ts + 2L,
                                           face = "bold.italic",
                                           color = myDarkBlue),
                 legend.text = element_text(color = myDarkBlue,
                                            face = "italic"),
                 legend.position = "bottom"))

  if (plotKind == "UMAP") {
    return(basicTheme +
             theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
                   plot.title = element_text(size = ts + 2L,
                                             face = "bold.italic",
                                             color = myDarkBlue),
                   legend.text = element_text(color = myDarkBlue,
                                              face = "italic"),
                   legend.position = "right"))

  if (plotKind == "size-plot") {
    return(ggthemes::theme_tufte() +
           theme(legend.position = "none"))
                 # axis.text.x  = element_blank(),
                 # axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) )

  warning("plotTheme: no match found in listed themes for: ", plotKind)

#' @title getColorsVector
#' @description This function returns a list of colors based on the
#'   [brewer.pal()] function
#' @details The colors are taken from the [brewer.pal.info()] sets with
#'   `Set1`, `Set2`, `Set3` placed first.
#' @param numNeededColors The number of returned colors. If omitted it returns
#'   all available colors
#' @returns an array of `RGB` colors of the wanted size
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal.info
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
#' @examples
#' colorsVector <- getColorsVector(17)
#' @rdname getColorsVector
getColorsVector <- function(numNeededColors = 0L) {
  qualColPalets <- brewer.pal.info[brewer.pal.info[["category"]] == "qual", ]
  numColPalets <- nrow(qualColPalets)

  qualColPalets <- rbind(qualColPalets[(numColPalets - 2L):numColPalets, ],
                         qualColPalets[1L:(numColPalets - 3L), ])

  colVector <- unlist(Map(brewer.pal, qualColPalets[["maxcolors"]],

  rm(qualColPalets, numColPalets)

  if (numNeededColors == 0L) {
  } else if (numNeededColors <= length(colVector)) {
    return(head(colVector, numNeededColors))
  } else {
    warning("Needed more colors than the number ",
            "of possible different colors:", length(colVector))
    return(head(rep(colVector, ceiling(numNeededColors / length(colVector))),
seriph78/COTAN documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 4:20 a.m.