#' @details `UMAPPlot()` plots the given `data.frame` containing genes
#' information related to clusters after applying the [umap::umap()]
#' transformation
#' @param df The `data.frame` to plot. It must have a row names containing the
#' given elements
#' @param clusters The **clusterization**. Must be a named `array` aligned to
#' the rows in the `data.frame`.
#' @param elements a named `list` of elements to label. Each array in the list
#' will be shown with a different color
#' @param title a string giving the plot title. Will default to UMAP Plot if not
#' specified
#' @param colors an `array` of colors to use in the plot. If not sufficient
#' colors are given it will complete the list using colors from
#' [getColorsVector()]
#' @param numNeighbors Overrides the `n_neighbors` value from [umap.defaults]
#' @param minPointsDist Overrides the `min_dist` value from [umap.defaults]
#' @returns `UMAPPlot()` returns a `ggplot2` object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_tile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom ggplot2 labs
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_manual
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom umap umap
#' @importFrom umap umap.defaults
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @export
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
UMAPPlot <- function(df,
clusters = NULL,
elements = NULL,
title = "",
colors = NULL,
numNeighbors = 0L,
minPointsDist = NaN) {
logThis("UMAP plot", logLevel = 2L)
msg = "UMAPPlot - data.frame must have proper row-names")
assert_that(is_empty(clusters) || identical(names(clusters), rownames(df)),
msg = paste("UMAPPlot - clusters' names must be the same",
"as the row-names of the data.frame"))
# empty title
if (isEmptyName(title)) {
title <- "UMAP Plot"
entryType <- rep_len("none", nrow(df))
# assign a different color to each list of elements
for (nm in names(elements)) {
selec <- rownames(df) %in% elements[[nm]]
if (any(selec)) {
entryType[selec] <- nm
} else {
logThis(paste("UMAPPlot - none of the elements in group", nm,
"is present: will be ignored"), logLevel = 1L)
labelled <- entryType != "none"
# assign a different color to each cluster
clusters <- factor(clusters)
for (cl in levels(clusters)) {
selec <- !labelled & clusters == cl
if (any(selec)) {
entryType[selec] <- cl
} else {
logThis(paste("UMAPPlot - none of the elements of the cluster", cl,
"is present unlabelled: cluster will be ignored"),
logLevel = 1L)
clustered <- !labelled & entryType != "none"
umapConfig <- umap.defaults
if (numNeighbors > 0L) {
umapConfig[["n_neighbors"]] <- numNeighbors
if (is.finite(minPointsDist)) {
umapConfig[["min_dist"]] <- minPointsDist
umapConfig[["verbose"]] <- TRUE
logThis("Calculating UMAP: START", logLevel = 3L)
umap <- umap(df, config = umapConfig)
plotDF <- data.frame(x = umap[["layout"]][, 1L],
y = umap[["layout"]][, 2L],
types = entryType)
logThis("Calculating UMAP: DONE", logLevel = 3L)
# add the centroids to the data.frame
centroids <- rep(FALSE, times = nrow(plotDF))
if (!is_empty(clusters)) {
clList <- toClustersList(clusters)
numericDF <- plotDF[, -3L]
for (clName in names(clList)) {
subsetDF <- as.matrix(numericDF[clList[[clName]], , drop = FALSE])
plotDF <- rbind(plotDF, c(colMeans(subsetDF), clName))
rownames(plotDF)[nrow(plotDF)] <- clName
numCl <- length(clList)
centroids <- c(centroids, rep(TRUE, numCl))
entryType <- c(as.character(entryType), rep("centroid", numCl))
labelled <- c(labelled, rep(FALSE, numCl))
clustered <- c(clustered, rep(FALSE, numCl))
rm(numericDF, subsetDF, clList, clName, numCl)
# Ensure x and y columns are numeric
plotDF[["x"]] <- as.numeric(plotDF[["x"]])
plotDF[["y"]] <- as.numeric(plotDF[["y"]])
plotDF[["types"]] <- factor(plotDF[["types"]])
generic <- (!labelled & !clustered & !centroids)
allTypes <- c(unique(setdiff(entryType, c("none", "centroid"))),
"none", "centroid")
myColours <- colors
if (length(colors) < length(allTypes)) {
if (!is_empty(colors)) {
warning("UMAPPlot - not enough colors passed in")
numMissing <- length(allTypes) - length(myColours)
myColours <- c(myColours, getColorsVector(numMissing))
names(myColours) <- allTypes
if (numMissing > 1L) {
myColours[["none"]] <- "#8491B4B2"
myColours[["centroid"]] <- "#000000"
} else {
myColours <- myColours[seq_along(allTypes)]
names(myColours) <- allTypes
assert_that(setequal(c(entryType, "none", "centroid"), names(myColours)))
pointSize <- min(max(0.33, 10000.0 / nrow(plotDF)), 3.0)
plot <- ggplot() +
scale_color_manual("Status", values = myColours) +
labs(x = "UMAP 1", y = "UMAP 2") +
ggtitle(title) +
plotTheme("UMAP", textSize = 10L)
if (any(generic)) {
plot <- plot +
geom_point(data = plotDF[generic, , drop = FALSE],
aes(x, y, colour = types),
size = pointSize, alpha = 0.3)
if (any(clustered | centroids)) {
plot <- plot +
geom_point(data = plotDF[clustered, , drop = FALSE],
aes(x, y, colour = types),
size = pointSize, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_text_repel(data = plotDF[centroids, , drop = FALSE],
aes(x, y, colour = "centroid"),
label = rownames(plotDF)[centroids],
max.overlaps = 40L, fontface = "bold",
show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.8)
if (any(labelled | clustered | centroids)) {
plot <- plot +
scale_fill_manual("Status", values = myColours)
if (any(labelled)) {
plot <- plot +
geom_point(data = plotDF[labelled, , drop = FALSE],
aes(x, y, colour = types),
size = 1.2 * pointSize, alpha = 0.8) +
geom_label_repel(data = plotDF[labelled, , drop = FALSE],
aes(x, y, fill = types,
label = rownames(plotDF)[labelled]),
label.size = NA, show.legend = FALSE, force = 2.0,
box.padding = 0.25,
max.overlaps = 40L, alpha = 0.8,
direction = "both", na.rm = TRUE, seed = 1234L)
} else {
plot <- plot +
theme(legend.position = "none")
#' @title Get High Variable Genes running the `Seurat` package
#' @description The function uses the [Seurat-package] to extract the high
#' variable genes given the counts raw data
#' @param rawData the raw counts
#' @param hvgMethod the HVG method
#' @param cond the sample condition
#' @param numFeatures the number of genes to select. It defaults to 2000
#' @returns a subset of the genes in the dataset
#' @importFrom Seurat CreateSeuratObject
#' @importFrom Seurat NormalizeData
#' @importFrom Seurat FindVariableFeatures
#' @importFrom Seurat ScaleData
#' @importFrom Seurat VariableFeatures
#' @importFrom withr with_options
#' @noRd
seuratHVG <- function(rawData, hvgMethod, cond, numFeatures = 2000L) {
logThis("Creating Seurat object: START", logLevel = 2L)
srat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = as.data.frame(rawData),
project = paste0(cond, "_UMAP"),
min.cells = 3L, min.features = 4L)
srat <- NormalizeData(srat)
srat <- FindVariableFeatures(srat, selection.method = hvgMethod,
nfeatures = numFeatures)
hvg <- VariableFeatures(object = srat)
logThis("Creating Seurat object: DONE", logLevel = 2L)
error = function(e) {
logThis(msg = paste("Seurat HVG failed with", nrow(rawData),
"genes with the following error:"), logLevel = 1L)
logThis(msg = conditionMessage(e), logLevel = 1L)
#' @details `cellsUMAPPlot()` returns a `ggplot2` plot where the given
#' *clusters* are placed on the base of their relative distance. Also if
#' needed calculates and stores the `DEA` of the relevant *clusterization*.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName The name of the *clusterization*. If not given the last
#' available *clusterization* will be returned, as it is probably the most
#' significant!
#' @param clusters A *clusterization* to use. If given it will take precedence
#' on the one indicated by `clName` that will only indicate the relevant
#' column name in the returned `data.frame`
#' @param dataMethod selects the method to use to create the `data.frame` to
#' pass to the [UMAPPlot()]. To calculate, for each cell, a statistic for each
#' gene based on available data/model, the following methods are supported:
#' * `"NuNorm"` uses the \eqn{\nu}*-normalized* counts
#' * `"LogNormalized"` uses the *log-normalized* counts. The default method
#' * `"Likelihood"` uses the likelihood of observed presence/absence of each
#' gene
#' * `"LogLikelihood"` uses the likelihood of observed presence/absence of
#' each gene
#' * `"Binarized"` uses the binarized data matrix
#' * `"AdjBinarized"` uses the binarized data matrix where ones and zeros
#' are replaced by the per-gene estimated probability of zero and its
#' complement respectively
#' @param genesSel Decides whether and how to perform gene-selection. It can be
#' a straight list of genes or a string indicating one of the following
#' selection methods:
#' * `"HGDI"` Will pick-up the genes with highest **GDI**. Since it requires
#' an available `COEX` matrix it will fall-back to `"HVG_Seurat"` when the
#' matrix is not available
#' * `"HVG_Seurat"` Will pick-up the genes with the highest variability
#' via the \pkg{Seurat} package (the default method)
#' * `"HVG_Scanpy"` Will pick-up the genes with the highest variability
#' according to the `Scanpy` package (using the \pkg{Seurat} implementation)
#' @param numGenes the number of genes to select using the above method. Will be
#' ignored when no selection have been asked or when an explicit list of genes
#' was passed in
#' @param colors an `array` of colors to use in the plot. If not sufficient
#' colors are given it will complete the list using colors from
#' [getColorsVector()]
#' @param numNeighbors Overrides the `n_neighbors` value from [umap.defaults]
#' @param minPointsDist Overrides the `min_dist` value from [umap.defaults]
#' @returns `cellsUMAPPlot()` returns a list with 2 objects:
#' * `"plot"` a `ggplot2` object representing the `umap` plot
#' * `"cellsPCA"` the `data.frame` PCA used to create the plot
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom stringr str_equal
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom PCAtools pca
#' @export
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
cellsUMAPPlot <- function(objCOTAN,
clName = "",
clusters = NULL,
dataMethod = "",
genesSel = "HVG_Seurat",
numGenes = 2000L,
colors = NULL,
numNeighbors = 0L,
minPointsDist = NA) {
# pick last if no name was given
# picks up the last clusterization if none was given
c(clName, clusters) %<-%
normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = clName,
labels = clusters, isCond = FALSE)
if (is.null(clusters)) {
logThis("No clusters given: using all dataset as one")
clName <- "AllCells"
clusters <- factor(set_names(rep("1", getNumCells(objCOTAN)),
assert_that(inherits(clusters, "factor"),
msg = "Internal error - clusters must be factors")
if (isEmptyName(dataMethod)) {
dataMethod <- "LogNormalized"
cellsMatrix <- NULL
if (str_equal(dataMethod, "Binarized", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
cellsMatrix <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
} else if (str_equal(dataMethod, "AdjBinarized", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
rwMns <- rowMeans(zeroOne)
cellsMatrix <- (zeroOne * (1.0 - rwMns) + (1.0 - zeroOne) * rwMns)
} else if (str_equal(dataMethod, "Likelihood", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
cellsMatrix <- calculateLikelihoodOfObserved(objCOTAN)
} else if (str_equal(dataMethod, "LogLikelihood", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
cellsMatrix <- log(calculateLikelihoodOfObserved(objCOTAN))
} else if (str_equal(dataMethod, "NuNorm", ignore_case = TRUE) ||
str_equal(dataMethod, "Normalized", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
cellsMatrix <- getNuNormData(objCOTAN)
} else if (str_equal(dataMethod, "LogNorm", ignore_case = TRUE) ||
str_equal(dataMethod, "LogNormalized", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
cellsMatrix <- getLogNormData(objCOTAN)
} else {
stop("Unrecognised `dataMethod` passed in: ", dataMethod)
genesPos <- rep(TRUE, getNumGenes(objCOTAN))
if (length(genesSel) > 1L) {
genesPos <- getGenes(objCOTAN) %in% genesSel
logThis(paste("Given", sum(genesPos), "genes as input"), logLevel = 2L)
} else {
if (str_equal(genesSel, "HGDI", ignore_case = TRUE) &&
!isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN)) {
logThis(paste("The COEX matrix is not available: falling back",
"to HVG_Seurat for genes' selection"), logLevel = 1L)
genesSel <- "HVG_Seurat"
if (str_equal(genesSel, "HGDI", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
gdi <- getGDI(objCOTAN)
if (is_empty(gdi)) {
gdi <- getColumnFromDF(calculateGDI(objCOTAN, statType = "S",
rowsFraction = 0.05), "GDI")
if (sum(gdi >= 1.5) > numGenes) {
genesPos <-
seq_along(gdi) %in% order(gdi, decreasing = TRUE)[1L:numGenes]
} else {
genesPos <- gdi >= 1.4
} else if (str_equal(genesSel, "HVG_Seurat", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
condition <- getMetadataElement(objCOTAN, datasetTags()[["cond"]])
genesPos <-
getGenes(objCOTAN) %in% seuratHVG(getRawData(objCOTAN),
hvgMethod = "vst",
cond = condition,
numFeatures = numGenes)
} else if (str_equal(genesSel, "HVG_Scanpy", ignore_case = TRUE)) {
condition <- getMetadataElement(objCOTAN, datasetTags()[["cond"]])
genesPos <-
getGenes(objCOTAN) %in% seuratHVG(getRawData(objCOTAN),
hvgMethod = "mean.var.plot",
cond = condition,
numFeatures = numGenes)
} else {
stop("Unrecognised `genesSel` passed in: ", genesSel)
logThis(paste("Selected", sum(genesPos), "genes using",
genesSel, "selector"), logLevel = 2L)
cellsMatrix <- cellsMatrix[genesPos, ]
logThis("Elaborating PCA - START", logLevel = 3L)
cellsPCA <- pca(mat = cellsMatrix, rank = 50L,
transposed = FALSE, BSPARAM = IrlbaParam())[["rotated"]]
cellsPCA <- as.data.frame(cellsPCA)
logThis("Elaborating PCA - END", logLevel = 3L)
umapTitle <- paste("UMAP of clusterization", clName, "using", dataMethod,
"matrix with", genesSel, "genes selector")
umapPlot <- UMAPPlot(cellsPCA,
clusters = clusters,
colors = colors,
numNeighbors = numNeighbors,
minPointsDist = minPointsDist,
title = umapTitle)
return(list("plot" = umapPlot, "cellsPCA" = cellsPCA))
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