runSingleDEA <- function(clName, cellsInList,
probZero, rowSumsProbZero, zeroOne) {
logThis("*", appendLF = FALSE, logLevel = 1L)
cellsIn <- cellsInList[[clName]]
if (!any(cellsIn)) {
warning("Cluster '", clName, "' has no cells assigned to it!")
logThis(paste0(" DEA on cluster '", clName,
"' with ", sum(cellsIn), " cells"), logLevel = 3L)
numCells <- ncol(zeroOne)
numCellsIn <- sum(cellsIn)
observedYI <- rowSums(zeroOne[ , cellsIn, drop = FALSE])
expectedNI <- rowsums(probZero[ , cellsIn, drop = FALSE], parallel = TRUE)
expectedNO <- rowSumsProbZero - expectedNI
expectedYI <- numCellsIn - expectedNI
expectedYO <- (numCells - numCellsIn) - expectedNO
clCoex <- (observedYI - expectedYI) / sqrt(numCells) *
sqrt(1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedNI) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedNO) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedYI) +
1.0 / pmax(1.0, expectedYO))
#' @details `DEAOnClusters()` is used to run the Differential Expression
#' analysis using the `COTAN` contingency tables on each *cluster* in the
#' given *clusterization*
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName The name of the *clusterization*. If not given the last
#' available *clusterization* will be used, as it is probably the most
#' significant!
#' @param clusters A *clusterization* to use. If given it will take precedence
#' on the one indicated by `clName`
#' @return `DEAOnClusters()` returns the co-expression `data.frame` for the
#' genes in each *cluster*
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang is_null
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
DEAOnClusters <- function(objCOTAN, clName = "", clusters = NULL) {
logThis("Differential Expression Analysis - START", logLevel = 2L)
# picks up the last clusterization if none was given
c(clName, clusters) %<-%
normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = clName,
labels = clusters, isCond = FALSE)
msg = paste("Estimators lambda, nu, dispersion are not ready:",
"Use proceedToCoex() to prepare them"))
clustersList <- toClustersList(clusters)
zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
probZero <- getProbabilityOfZero(objCOTAN)
rowSumsProbZero <- rowsums(probZero, parallel = TRUE)
cellsInList <- lapply(clustersList, function(cl) {getCells(objCOTAN) %in% cl})
coexCls <- lapply(names(cellsInList), runSingleDEA,
cellsInList = cellsInList,
probZero = probZero, rowSumsProbZero = rowSumsProbZero,
zeroOne = zeroOne)
logThis("", logLevel = 1L)
coexDF <-
colnames(coexDF) <- names(cellsInList)
logThis("Differential Expression Analysis - DONE", logLevel = 2L)
#' @details `clusterGeneContingencyTables()` returns the observed and expected
#' contingency tables for a given gene and a given set of cells (a cluster).
#' The implementation runs the same algorithms used to calculate the full
#' observed/expected contingency tables used for DEA, but restricted to only
#' the relevant gene and cluster, thus much faster and less memory intensive
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param gene a gene
#' @param cells a sub-set of the cells
#' @return `clusterGeneContingencyTables()` returns a list containing the
#' observed and expected contingency tables
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
clusterGeneContingencyTables <- function(objCOTAN, gene, cells) {
allGenes <- getGenes(objCOTAN)
allCells <- getCells(objCOTAN)
assert_that(c(gene) %in% allGenes, msg = "the given gene is unknown")
assert_that(all(cells %in% allCells),
msg = "some of the given cells are unknown")
dimnames <- list(c(paste(gene, "yes", sep = "."),
paste(gene, "no", sep = ".")),
c("", "cells.out"))
# reorder and standardize cells list
cellsIn <- allCells %in% cells
# observed
zeroOne <- sign(getRawData(objCOTAN)[gene, ])
numCells <- length(zeroOne)
numCellsIn <- sum(cellsIn)
numCellsOut <- numCells - numCellsIn
observedY <- sum(zeroOne)
observedYI <- sum(zeroOne[cellsIn])
observedYO <- observedY - observedYI
observedNI <- numCellsIn - observedYI
observedNO <- numCellsOut - observedYO
observedCT <- matrix(c(observedYI, observedNI, observedYO, observedNO),
ncol = 2L, nrow = 2L, dimnames = dimnames)
# estimated
probZero <- funProbZero(getDispersion(objCOTAN)[gene],
getLambda(objCOTAN)[gene] * getNu(objCOTAN))
if (anyNA(probZero)) {
warning("Some NA in estimated probability of zero matrix")
expectedN <- sum(probZero)
expectedNI <- sum(probZero[cellsIn])
expectedNO <- expectedN - expectedNI
expectedYI <- numCellsIn - expectedNI
expectedYO <- numCellsOut - expectedNO
expectedCT <- matrix(c(expectedYI, expectedNI, expectedYO, expectedNO),
ncol = 2L, nrow = 2L, dimnames = dimnames)
return(list("observed" = observedCT, "expected" = expectedCT))
#' @details `pValueFromDEA()` is used to convert to *p-value* the Differential
#' Expression analysis using the `COTAN` contingency tables on each *cluster*
#' in the given *clusterization*
#' @param coexDF a `data.frame` where each column indicates the `COEX` for each
#' of the *clusters* of the *clusterization*
#' @param numCells the number of overall cells in all *clusters*
#' @param adjustmentMethod *p-value* multi-test adjustment method. Defaults to
#' `"none"` (i.e. no adjustment)
#' @return `pValueFromDEA()` returns a `data.frame` containing the *p-values*
#' corresponding to the given `COEX` adjusted for *multi-test*
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
pValueFromDEA <- function(coexDF, numCells, adjustmentMethod = "none") {
pValue <- pchisq(as.matrix(coexDF^2L * numCells),
df = 1L, lower.tail = FALSE)
if (anyNA(pValue)) {
warning("Got some NA in the p-value",
toString(which(, arr.ind = TRUE)))
if (adjustmentMethod != "none") {
for (cl in colnames(pValue)) {
pValue[, cl] <- p.adjust(pValue[, cl],
method = adjustmentMethod, n = nrow(coexDF))
if (anyNA(pValue)) {
warning("Got some NA in the adjusted p-value",
toString(which(, arr.ind = TRUE)))
#' @details `logFoldChangeOnClusters()` is used to get the log difference of the
#' expression levels for each *cluster* in the given *clusterization* against
#' the rest of the data-set
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName The name of the *clusterization*. If not given the last
#' available *clusterization* will be used, as it is probably the most
#' significant!
#' @param clusters A *clusterization* to use. If given it will take precedence
#' on the one indicated by `clName`
#' @param floorLambdaFraction Indicates the lower bound to the average count
#' sums inside or outside the cluster for each gene as fraction of the
#' relevant `lambda` parameter. Default is \eqn{5\%}
#' @return `logFoldChangeOnClusters()` returns the log-expression-change
#' `data.frame` for the genes in each *cluster*
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
logFoldChangeOnClusters <- function(objCOTAN, clName = "", clusters = NULL,
floorLambdaFraction = 0.05) {
logThis("Log Fold Change Analysis - START", logLevel = 2L)
# picks up the last clusterization if none was given
c(clName, clusters) %<-%
normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = clName,
labels = clusters, isCond = FALSE)
clustersList <- toClustersList(clusters)
numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)
normData <- getNuNormData(objCOTAN)
msg = "lambda must not be empty, estimate it")
floorAverage <- getLambda(objCOTAN) * floorLambdaFraction
allSums <- rowSums(normData)
lfcDF <- data.frame()
for (cl in names(clustersList)) {
logThis("*", appendLF = FALSE, logLevel = 1L)
logThis(paste0(" Analysis of cluster: '", cl, "'"), logLevel = 3L)
cellsIn <- getCells(objCOTAN) %in% clustersList[[cl]]
numCellsIn <- sum(cellsIn)
numCellsOut <- numCells - numCellsIn
if (numCellsIn == 0L) {
warning("Cluster '", cl, "' has no cells assigned to it!")
# log of average expression inside/outside the cluster
inSums <- rowSums(normData[, cellsIn, drop = FALSE])
averageIn <- inSums / max(numCellsIn, 1L)
averageOut <- (allSums - inSums) / max(numCellsOut, 1L)
logAverageIn <- log10(pmax(averageIn, floorAverage))
logAverageOut <- log10(pmax(averageOut, floorAverage))
lfc <- logAverageIn - logAverageOut
rm(averageIn, averageOut, logAverageIn, logAverageOut)
lfcDF <- setColumnInDF(lfcDF, colToSet = lfc,
colName = cl, rowNames = rownames(normData))
logThis("", logLevel = 1L)
logThis("Log Fold Change Analysis - DONE", logLevel = 2L)
#' @details `distancesBetweenClusters()` is used to obtain a distance between
#' the clusters. Depending on the value of the `useDEA` flag will base the
#' distance on the *DEA* columns or the averages of the *Zero-One* matrix.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param clName The name of the *clusterization*. If not given the last
#' available *clusterization* will be used, as it is probably the most
#' significant!
#' @param clusters A *clusterization* to use. If given it will take precedence
#' on the one indicated by `clName`
#' @param coexDF a `data.frame` where each column indicates the `COEX` for each
#' of the *clusters* of the *clusterization*
#' @param useDEA Boolean indicating whether to use the *DEA* to define the
#' distance; alternatively it will use the average *Zero-One* counts, that is
#' faster but less precise.
#' @param distance type of distance to use. Default is `"cosine"` for *DEA* and
#' `"euclidean"` for *Zero-One*. Can be chosen among those supported by
#' [parallelDist::parDist()]
#' @return `distancesBetweenClusters()` returns a `dist` object
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom parallelDist parDist
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang is_null
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
distancesBetweenClusters <- function(objCOTAN, clName = "",
clusters = NULL, coexDF = NULL,
useDEA = TRUE, distance = NULL) {
# picks up the last clusterization if none was given
c(clName, clusters) %<-%
normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = clName,
labels = clusters, isCond = FALSE)
clList <- toClustersList(clusters)
if (isTRUE(useDEA) && is_empty(coexDF) && !estimatorsAreReady(objCOTAN)) {
logThis("cannot calculate DEA - falling back to case 'useDEA = FALSE'",
logLevel = 1L)
if (isTRUE(useDEA)) {
if (is_null(distance)) {
distance <- "cosine"
if (is_empty(coexDF) && (clName %in% getClusterizations(objCOTAN))) {
coexDF <- getClusterizationData(objCOTAN, clName = clName)[["coex"]]
if (is_empty(coexDF)) {
coexDF <- DEAOnClusters(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)
# merge small cluster based on distances
return(parDist(t(as.matrix(coexDF)), method = distance,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE))
} else {
if (is.null(distance)) {
distance <- "euclidean"
zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)
zeroOneClAvg <- data.frame(row.names = getGenes(objCOTAN))
for (cluster in clList) {
zeroOneClAvg <- cbind(zeroOneClAvg, rowMeans(zeroOne[, cluster]))
# ensure no zeros in the matrix
zeroOneClAvg[zeroOneClAvg == 0.0] <- 1.0e-6
colnames(zeroOneClAvg) <- names(clList)
return(parDist(t(zeroOneClAvg), method = distance,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE))
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