econ_tracker_unemp_data: Econ Tracker Unemployment Insurance Claims

econ_tracker_unemp_dataR Documentation

Econ Tracker Unemployment Insurance Claims


Unemployment insurance claims data from the Department of Labor (national and state-level) and numerous individual state agencies (county-level).







All datasets contain the following columns in addition to the location details. Dates specify the last day of the week ending for the reported data.

  • initclaims_rate_regular: Number of initial claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, Regular UI only

  • initclaims_count_regular: Count of initial claims, Regular UI only

  • initclaims_rate_pua: Number of initial claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) only

  • initclaims_count_pua: Count of initial claims, PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) only

  • initclaims_rate_combined: Number of initial claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, combining Regular and PUA claims

  • initclaims_count_combined: Count of initial claims, combining Regular and PUA claims

  • contclaims_rate_regular: Number of continued claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, Regular UI only

  • contclaims_count_regular: Count of continued claims, Regular UI only

  • contclaims_rate_pua: Number of continued claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) only

  • contclaims_count_pua: Count of continued claims, PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) only

  • contclaims_rate_peuc: Number of continued claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, PEUC (Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation) only

  • contclaims_count_peuc: Count of continued claims, PEUC (Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation) only

  • contclaims_rate_combined: Number of continued claims per 100 people in the 2019 labor force, combining Regular, PUA and PEUC claims

  • contclaims_count_combined: Count of continued claims, combining Regular, PUA and PEUC claims



See Also

Other data-import: acaps_government_measures_data(), acaps_secondary_impact_data(), apple_mobility_data(), beoutbreakprepared_data(), cci_us_vaccine_data(), cdc_aggregated_projections(), cdc_excess_deaths(), cdc_social_vulnerability_index(), coronadatascraper_data(), coronanet_government_response_data(), cov_glue_lineage_data(), cov_glue_newick_data(), cov_glue_snp_lineage(), covidtracker_data(), descartes_mobility_data(), ecdc_data(), econ_tracker_consumer_spending, econ_tracker_employment, economist_excess_deaths(), financial_times_excess_deaths(), google_mobility_data(), government_policy_timeline(), jhu_data(), jhu_us_data(), kff_icu_beds(), nytimes_county_data(), oecd_unemployment_data(), owid_data(), param_estimates_published(), test_and_trace_data(), us_county_geo_details(), us_county_health_rankings(), us_healthcare_capacity(), us_hospital_details(), us_state_distancing_policy(), usa_facts_data(), who_cases()

Other economics: acaps_secondary_impact_data(), econ_tracker_consumer_spending, econ_tracker_employment, us_county_health_rankings()


# City Level data

res = econ_tracker_unemp_city_data()

# County Level data

res = econ_tracker_unemp_county_data()

# State Level data

res = econ_tracker_unemp_state_data()

# National Level data

res = econ_tracker_unemp_national_data()

seandavi/sars2pack documentation built on May 13, 2022, 3:41 p.m.