### ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Jean-Philippe Fortin, Sept 24 2013 (Functional normalization of 450k methylation array data improves replication in large cancer studies, Genome Biology, 2014)
### Adopted by Yucheng Wang
## Functional normalization of the 450k array
## Jean-Philippe Fortin
## Sept 24 2013
#' adjustedFunnorm
#' @description adjustedFunnorm utilizes functional normliasation to normalise autosomal
#' CpGs, and infers the sex chromosome linked CpGs by linear interpolation on
#' corrected autosomal CpGs.
#' @param rgSet An object of class "RGChannelSet".
#' @param nPCs Number of principal components from the control probes PCA.
#' @param sex An optional numeric vector containing the sex of the samples.
#' @param bgCorr Should the NOOB background correction be done, prior to
#' functional normalization (see "preprocessNoob")
#' @param dyeCorr Should dye normalization be done as part of the NOOB
#' background correction (see "preprocessNoob")?
#' @param keepCN Should copy number estimates be kept around? Setting to 'FALSE'
#' will decrease the size of the output object significantly.
#' @param ratioConvert Should we run "ratioConvert", ie. should the output be a
#' "GenomicRatioSet" or should it be kept as a "GenomicMethylSet"; the latter
#' is for experts.
#' @param verbose Should the function be verbose?
#' @return an object of class "GenomicRatioSet", unless "ratioConvert=FALSE" in
#' which case an object of class "GenomicMethylSet".
#' @export
#' adjustedFunnorm
#' @references
#' Functional normalization of 450k methylation array data improves replication
#' in large cancer studies, Fortin et al., 2014, Genome biology. \cr
#' interpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalise DNA methylation
#' microarray data avoiding sex bias, Wang et al., 2021.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GRset <- adjustedFunnorm(RGSet)
#' }
adjustedFunnorm <- function(rgSet, nPCs=2, sex = NULL, bgCorr = TRUE, dyeCorr = TRUE, keepCN = TRUE, ratioConvert = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
.isMatrixBackedOrStop(rgSet, "adjustedFunnorm")
rgSet <- updateObject(rgSet) ## FIXM: might not KDH: technically, this should not be needed, but might be nice
# Background correction and dye bias normalization:
if (bgCorr){
if(verbose && dyeCorr) {
message("[adjustedFunnorm] Background and dye bias correction with noob")
} else {
message("[adjustedFunnorm] Background correction with noob")
gmSet <- preprocessNoob(rgSet, dyeCorr = dyeCorr)
if(verbose) message("[adjustedFunnorm] Mapping to genome")
gmSet <- mapToGenome(gmSet)
} else {
if(verbose) message("[adjustedFunnorm] Mapping to genome")
gmSet <- mapToGenome(rgSet)
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0)
if(verbose) message("[adjustedFunnorm] Quantile extraction")
extractedData <- .extractFromRGSet450k(rgSet)
if (is.null(sex)) {
gmSet <- addSex(gmSet, getSex(gmSet, cutoff = -3))
sex <- rep(1L, length(gmSet$predictedSex))
sex[gmSet$predictedSex == "F"] <- 2L
if(verbose) message("[adjustedFunnorm] Normalization")
if(keepCN) {
CN <- getCN(gmSet)
gmSet <- .adjusted_normalizeFunnorm450k(object = gmSet, extractedData = extractedData,
sex = sex, nPCs = nPCs, verbose = subverbose)
preprocessMethod <- c(preprocessMethod(gmSet),
mu.norm = sprintf("Funnorm, nPCs=%s", nPCs))
if(ratioConvert) {
grSet <- ratioConvert(gmSet, type = "Illumina", keepCN = keepCN)
if(keepCN) {
assay(grSet, "CN") <- CN
grSet@preprocessMethod <- preprocessMethod
} else {
gmSet@preprocessMethod <- preprocessMethod
.getFunnormIndices <- function(object) {
## WYC
probeType <- getProbeType(object, withColor = TRUE)
# autosomal <- (seqnames(object) %in% paste0("chr", 1:22))
indices <- list(IGrn = (probeType == "IGrn"),
IRed = (probeType == "IRed"),
II = (probeType == "II" ),
XY = as.vector(seqnames(object)) %in% c("chrX", "chrY"))
.adjusted_normalizeFunnorm450k <- function(object, extractedData, nPCs, sex, verbose = TRUE) {
#normalizeQuantiles <- function(matrix, indices, sex = NULL) {
# matrix <- matrix[indices,,drop=FALSE]
# ## uses probs, model.matrix, nPCS, through scoping)
# oldQuantiles <- t(colQuantiles(matrix, probs = probs))
# if(is.null(sex)) {
# newQuantiles <- .returnFit(controlMatrix = model.matrix, quantiles = oldQuantiles, nPCs = nPCs)
# } else {
# newQuantiles <- .returnFitBySex(controlMatrix = model.matrix, quantiles = oldQuantiles, nPCs = nPCs, sex = sex)
# }
# .normalizeMatrix(matrix, newQuantiles)
interpolatedXY <- function(ra_signal, na_signal, ru_signal){
# construct a function which reflects relationships between orders and final norm values.
n_1 <- length(ra_signal)
rank2mean <- approxfun((0:(n_1 - 1))/(n_1 - 1), sort(na_signal, method = "quick"), ties = list("ordered", mean))
rank_autosome <- rank(ra_signal) # NA will be counted and placed at the end.
# Get the ranks of sexual cpgs based on ranks of autosomal cpgs;
# rule=2 means the value at the closest data extreme is used when new x is greater than max(x)
rank_sex <- approx(ra_signal, rank_autosome, ru_signal, ties = mean, rule=2)$y
# Produce the final values of non-NA sexual cpgs based on their ranks
notNA <- !is.na(ru_signal)
ru_signal[notNA] <- rank2mean((rank_sex[notNA] - 1)/(n_1 - 1))
unbiased_normalizeQuantiles <- function(mat, indices, sex_probe = NULL) {
mat_auto <- mat[(indices & !sex_probe),,drop=FALSE]
mat_sex <- mat[(indices & sex_probe),,drop=FALSE]
## uses probs, model.matrix, nPCS, through scoping)
oldQuantiles <- t(colQuantiles(mat_auto, probs = probs))
newQuantiles <- .returnFit(controlMatrix = model.matrix, quantiles = oldQuantiles, nPCs = nPCs)
n_matrix <- .normalizeMatrix(mat_auto, newQuantiles)
for(j in 1:ncol(n_matrix)){
mat_sex[, j] <- interpolatedXY(mat_auto[, j], n_matrix[, j], mat_sex[, j])
mat[(indices & sex_probe), ] <- mat_sex
mat[(indices & !sex_probe), ] <- n_matrix
indicesList <- .getFunnormIndices(object)
model.matrix <- .buildControlMatrix450k(extractedData)
probs <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 500)
Meth <- getMeth(object)
Unmeth <- getUnmeth(object)
if (nPCs > 0){
for (type in c("IGrn", "IRed", "II")) {
indices <- indicesList[[type]]
if(length(indices) > 0) {
if(verbose) message(sprintf("[InterpolatedXY adjustedFunnorm] Normalization of the %s probes", type))
Unmeth <- unbiased_normalizeQuantiles(Unmeth, indices=indices, sex_probe=indicesList$XY)
Meth <- unbiased_normalizeQuantiles(Meth, indices=indices, sex_probe=indicesList$XY)
assay(object, "Meth") <- Meth
assay(object, "Unmeth") <- Unmeth
### To extract quantiles and control probes from rgSet
.extractFromRGSet450k <- function(rgSet) {
rgSet <- updateObject(rgSet)
controlType <- c("BISULFITE CONVERSION I",
array <- annotation(rgSet)[["array"]]
## controlAddr <- getControlAddress(rgSet, controlType = controlType, asList = TRUE)
ctrls <- getProbeInfo(rgSet, type = "Control")
ctrls <- data.frame(ctrls)
if(!all(controlType %in% ctrls$Type))
stop("The `rgSet` does not contain all necessary control probes")
ctrlsList <- split(ctrls, ctrls$Type)[controlType]
redControls <- getRed(rgSet)[ctrls$Address,,drop=FALSE]
redControls <- lapply(ctrlsList, function(ctl) redControls[ctl$Address,,drop=FALSE])
greenControls <- getGreen(rgSet)[ctrls$Address,,drop=FALSE]
greenControls <- lapply(ctrlsList, function(ctl) greenControls[ctl$Address,,drop=FALSE])
## Extraction of the undefined negative control probes
oobRaw <- getOOB(rgSet)
probs <- c(0.01, 0.50, 0.99)
greenOOB <- t(colQuantiles(oobRaw$Grn, na.rm = TRUE, probs = probs))
redOOB <- t(colQuantiles(oobRaw$Red, na.rm=TRUE, probs = probs))
oob <- list(greenOOB = greenOOB, redOOB = redOOB)
greenControls = greenControls,
redControls = redControls,
oob = oob, ctrlsList = ctrlsList,
array = array))
## Extraction of the Control matrix
.buildControlMatrix450k <- function(extractedData) {
getCtrlsAddr <- function(exType, index) {
ctrls <- ctrlsList[[index]]
addr <- ctrls$Address
names(addr) <- ctrls$ExtendedType
array <- extractedData$array
greenControls <- extractedData$greenControls
redControls <- extractedData$redControls
controlNames <- names(greenControls)
ctrlsList <- extractedData$ctrlsList
## Bisulfite conversion extraction for probe type II:
index <- match("BISULFITE CONVERSION II", controlNames)
redControls.current <- redControls[[ index ]]
bisulfite2 <- colMeans2(redControls.current, na.rm = TRUE)
## Bisulfite conversion extraction for probe type I:
index <- match("BISULFITE CONVERSION I", controlNames)
if (array=="IlluminaHumanMethylation450k"){
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("BS Conversion I%sC%s", c(" ", "-", "-"), 1:3), index = index)
} else {
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("BS Conversion I%sC%s", c("-", "-"), 1:2), index = index)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[ index ]][addr,,drop=FALSE]
if (array=="IlluminaHumanMethylation450k"){
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("BS Conversion I-C%s", 4:6), index = index)
} else {
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("BS Conversion I-C%s", 3:5), index = index)
redControls.current <- redControls[[ index ]][addr,, drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(redControls.current)==nrow(greenControls.current)){
bisulfite1 <- colMeans2(redControls.current + greenControls.current, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
bisulfite1 <- colMeans2(redControls.current, na.rm=TRUE) + colMeans2(greenControls.current, na.rm = TRUE)
## Staining
index <- match("STAINING", controlNames)
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = "Biotin (High)", index = index)
stain.green <- t(greenControls[[ index ]][addr,,drop=FALSE])
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = "DNP (High)", index = index)
stain.red <- t(redControls[[ index ]][addr,, drop=FALSE ])
## Extension
index <- match("EXTENSION", controlNames)
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("Extension (%s)", c("A", "T")), index = index)
extension.red <- t(redControls[[index]][addr,,drop=FALSE])
colnames(extension.red) <- paste0("extRed", 1:ncol(extension.red))
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("Extension (%s)", c("C", "G")), index = index)
extension.green <- t(greenControls[[index]][addr,,drop=FALSE])
colnames(extension.green) <- paste0("extGrn", 1:ncol(extension.green))
## Hybridization should be monitored only in the green channel
index <- match("HYBRIDIZATION", controlNames)
hybe <- t(greenControls[[index]])
colnames(hybe) <- paste0("hybe", 1:ncol(hybe))
## Target removal should be low compared to hybridization probes
index <- match("TARGET REMOVAL", controlNames)
targetrem <- t(greenControls[[index]])
colnames(targetrem) <- paste0("targetrem", 1:ncol(targetrem))
## Non-polymorphic probes
index <- match("NON-POLYMORPHIC", controlNames)
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("NP (%s)", c("A", "T")), index = index)
nonpoly.red <- t(redControls[[index]][addr, ,drop=FALSE])
colnames(nonpoly.red) <- paste0("nonpolyRed", 1:ncol(nonpoly.red))
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("NP (%s)", c("C", "G")), index = index)
nonpoly.green <- t(greenControls[[index]][addr, ,drop=FALSE])
colnames(nonpoly.green) <- paste0("nonpolyGrn", 1:ncol(nonpoly.green))
## Specificity II
index <- match("SPECIFICITY II", controlNames)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]]
spec2.green <- t(greenControls.current)
colnames(spec2.green) <- paste0("spec2Grn", 1:ncol(spec2.green))
spec2.red <- t(redControls.current)
colnames(spec2.red) <- paste0("spec2Red", 1:ncol(spec2.red))
spec2.ratio <- colMeans2(greenControls.current, na.rm = TRUE) /
colMeans2(redControls.current, na.rm = TRUE)
## Specificity I
index <- match("SPECIFICITY I", controlNames)
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("GT Mismatch %s (PM)", 1:3), index = index)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]][addr,,drop=FALSE]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]][addr,,drop=FALSE]
spec1.green <- t(greenControls.current)
colnames(spec1.green) <- paste0("spec1Grn", 1:ncol(spec1.green))
spec1.ratio1 <- colMeans2(redControls.current, na.rm = TRUE) /
colMeans2(greenControls.current, na.rm = TRUE)
index <- match("SPECIFICITY I", controlNames) # Added that line
addr <- getCtrlsAddr(exType = sprintf("GT Mismatch %s (PM)", 4:6), index = index)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]][addr,,drop=FALSE]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]][addr,,drop=FALSE]
spec1.red <- t(redControls.current)
colnames(spec1.red) <- paste0("spec1Red", 1:ncol(spec1.red))
spec1.ratio2 <- colMeans2(greenControls.current, na.rm = TRUE) /
colMeans2(redControls.current, na.rm = TRUE)
spec1.ratio <- (spec1.ratio1 + spec1.ratio2) / 2
## Normalization probes:
index <- match(c("NORM_A"), controlNames)
normA <- colMeans2(redControls[[index]], na.rm = TRUE)
index <- match(c("NORM_T"), controlNames)
normT <- colMeans2(redControls[[index]], na.rm = TRUE)
index <- match(c("NORM_C"), controlNames)
normC <- colMeans2(greenControls[[index]], na.rm = TRUE)
index <- match(c("NORM_G"), controlNames)
normG <- colMeans2(greenControls[[index]], na.rm = TRUE)
dyebias <- (normC + normG)/(normA + normT)
oobG <- extractedData$oob$greenOOB
oobR <- extractedData$oob$redOOB
oob.ratio <- oobG[2,]/oobR[2,]
oobG <- t(oobG)
colnames(oobG) <- paste0("oob", c(1,50,99))
model.matrix <- cbind(
bisulfite1, bisulfite2, extension.green, extension.red, hybe,
stain.green, stain.red, nonpoly.green, nonpoly.red,
targetrem, spec1.green, spec1.red, spec2.green, spec2.red, spec1.ratio1,
spec1.ratio, spec2.ratio, spec1.ratio2, normA, normC, normT, normG, dyebias,
oobG, oob.ratio)
## Imputation
for (colindex in 1:ncol(model.matrix)) {
if(any(is.na(model.matrix[,colindex]))) {
column <- model.matrix[,colindex]
column[is.na(column)] <- mean(column, na.rm = TRUE)
model.matrix[ , colindex] <- column
## Scaling
model.matrix <- scale(model.matrix)
## Fixing outliers
model.matrix[model.matrix > 3] <- 3
model.matrix[model.matrix < (-3)] <- -3
## Rescaling
model.matrix <- scale(model.matrix)
### Return the normalized quantile functions
.returnFit <- function(controlMatrix, quantiles, nPCs) {
stopifnot(ncol(quantiles) == nrow(controlMatrix))
## Fixing potential problems with extreme quantiles
quantiles[1,] <- 0
quantiles[nrow(quantiles),] <- quantiles[nrow(quantiles) - 1,] + 1000
meanFunction <- rowMeans2(quantiles)
res <- quantiles - meanFunction
controlPCs <- prcomp(controlMatrix)$x[,1:nPCs,drop=FALSE]
design <- model.matrix(~controlPCs)
fits <- lm.fit(x = design, y = t(res))
newQuantiles <- meanFunction + t(fits$residuals)
newQuantiles <- .regularizeQuantiles(newQuantiles)
.returnFitBySex <- function(controlMatrix, quantiles, nPCs, sex) {
stopifnot(ncol(quantiles) == nrow(controlMatrix))
sex <- as.character(sex)
levels <- unique(sex)
nSexes <- length(levels)
if (nSexes == 2) {
sex1 <- sum(sex == levels[1])
sex2 <- sum(sex == levels[2])
} else {
sex1 <- sum(sex == levels[1])
sex2 <- 0
## When normalization should not be performed by sex separately:
if ((sex1 <= 10) | (sex2 <= 10)) {
newQuantiles <- .returnFit(controlMatrix = controlMatrix,
quantiles = quantiles,
nPCs = nPCs)
} else {
quantiles1 <- quantiles[, sex == levels[1]]
controlMatrix1 <- controlMatrix[sex == levels[1], ]
newQuantiles1 <- .returnFit(controlMatrix = controlMatrix1,
quantiles = quantiles1,
nPCs = nPCs)
quantiles2 <- quantiles[, sex == levels[2]]
controlMatrix2 <- controlMatrix[sex == levels[2], ]
newQuantiles2 <- .returnFit(controlMatrix = controlMatrix2,
quantiles = quantiles2,
nPCs = nPCs)
newQuantiles <- quantiles
newQuantiles[, sex == levels[1]] <- newQuantiles1
newQuantiles[, sex == levels[2]] <- newQuantiles2
### Normalize a matrix of intensities
.normalizeMatrix <- function(intMatrix, newQuantiles) {
## normMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow(intMatrix), ncol(intMatrix))
n <- nrow(newQuantiles)
normMatrix <- sapply(1:ncol(intMatrix), function(i) {
crtColumn <- intMatrix[ , i]
crtColumn.reduced <- crtColumn[!is.na(crtColumn)]
## Generation of the corrected intensities:
target <- sapply(1:(n-1), function(j) {
start <- newQuantiles[j,i]
end <- newQuantiles[j+1,i]
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(start,end))){
sequence <- seq(start, end,( end-start)/n)[-(n+1)]
} else {
sequence <- rep(start, n)
target <- as.vector(target)
result <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.use.target(matrix(crtColumn.reduced), target)
# To ensure a monotonically increasing and non-negative quantile function
# Necessary for pathological cases
.regularizeQuantiles <- function(x){
x[x<0] <- 0
## WYC
.isMatrixBackedOrStop <- function(object, FUN) {
if (!.isMatrixBacked(object)) {
stop("'", FUN, "()' only supports matrix-backed minfi objects.",
call. = FALSE)
.isMatrixBacked <- function(object) {
stopifnot(is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
all(vapply(assays(object), is.matrix, logical(1L)))
.isRGOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "RGChannelSet")) {
stop("object is of class '", class(object), "', but needs to be of ",
"class 'RGChannelSet' or 'RGChannelSetExtended'")
.isGenomicOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "GenomicMethylSet") && !is(object, "GenomicRatioSet")) {
stop("object is of class '", class(object), "', but needs to be of ",
"class 'GenomicMethylSet' or 'GenomicRatioSet'")
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