
Defines functions get_steplist_item get_step_item get_stepoutputlist_item get_stepinputlist_item get_output_item get_input_item get_nonsbg_item get_sbg_item appType .asFlow .asTool .convert_app convert_app .asAppList .asApp

Documented in appType convert_app

.response_app <- c("href", "id", "name", "project", "revision")
# setClassUnion("SBGWorkflowORToolORNULL", c("SBGWorkflow", "Tool", "NULL"))
# # remove "raw" from default showing methods

#' Class App
#' Class App
#' @field id app id
#' @field project project id
#' @field name app name
#' @field revision app revision
#' @field raw raw cwl list, if doesn't have any, call \code{cwl()} method
#' @export App
#' @return App object.
#' @aliases App
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- Auth(url = "https://api.sbgenomics.com/v2/", token = "your_token")
#' # get a public app
#' app <- a$public_app(id = "admin/sbg-public-data/rna-seq-alignment-star")
#' app$input_matrix()
#' app$output_matrix()
#' # get a public app
#' app <- a$public_app(id = "admin/sbg-public-data/star")
#' app$input_matrix()
#' app$output_matrix()}
App <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Item",

  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL",
    project = "characterORNULL",
    name = "characterORNULL",
    revision = "characterORNULL",
    raw = "ANY",
    raw_obj = "ANY"

  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = NULL, project = NULL, name = NULL, revision = NULL, raw = NULL, raw_obj = NULL, ...) {
      id <<- id
      project <<- project
      name <<- name
      revision <<- revision
      raw <<- raw
      raw_obj <<- raw_obj

    copyTo = function(project = NULL, name = NULL) {
      auth$copy_app(id, project = project, name = name)

    copy_to = function(project = NULL, name = NULL) {
      copyTo(project = project, name = name)

    cwl = function(revision = NULL, ...) {
      if (!is.null(revision)) {
        .id <- .update_revision(id, revision)
      } else {
        .id <- id
      if (is.null(auth)) {
        stop("auth missing")
      raw <<- auth$api(
        path = paste0("apps/", .id, "/raw"),
        methods = "GET", ...

    get_required = function() {
      obj <- convert_app(.self)

    input_matrix = function(...) {
      if (is.null(raw)) {
        message("get cwl raw file")
      sevenbridges:::input_matrix(raw, ...)

    output_matrix = function(...) {
      if (is.null(raw)) {
        message("get cwl raw file")
      sevenbridges:::output_matrix(raw, ...)

    input_type = function(...) {
      if (is.null(raw)) {
        message("get cwl raw file")
      # obj = convert_app(.self)
      # obj$input_type(...)

    output_type = function(...) {
      if (is.null(raw)) {
        message("get cwl raw file")
      # obj = convert_app(.self)
      # obj$output_type(...)

    set_batch = function(input = NULL, criteria = NULL, type = c("ITEM", "CRITERIA")) {
      obj <- convert_app(.self)
      if (is(obj, "Tool")) {
        stop("Tool is not supported for batching yet, only Workflow supports batch")

      obj$set_batch(input = input, criteria = criteria, type = type)
      message("updating app ...")
      p <- auth$project(id = project)

      pattern <- ".+\\/.+\\/(.+)/.+"
      shortname <- str_match(id, pattern)[1, 2]
      p$app_add(shortname, obj)

    input_check = function(input, batch = NULL, proj = NULL) {
      message("Checking if ID matched...")
      in_type <- input_type()
      in_id <- names(in_type)
      cus_id <- names(input)
      idx <- cus_id %in% in_id

      if (sum(!idx)) {
          "ID not matched: ", paste(cus_id[!idx], collapse = " "),
          ".", "\n Inputs ID should be \n", paste(in_id, collapse = " ")

      .type <- in_type[match(cus_id, in_id)]
      # conversion for single file trick
      id.fl <- which("File" == .type)
      id.fls <- which("File..." == .type)

      # convert string (id or names) first!
      # Based on: is a string a valid file id or not
      is_file_id <- function(x) {
        nchar(x) == 24 && !grepl("[^0-9a-fA-F]", x)

      # convert a string to Files/FilesList
      # p: Project
      as_files <- function(p, x) {
        if (!all(sapply(x, is.character))) {
          stop("please provide file id(s)")

        res <- lapply(x, function(f) {
          if (is_file_id(f)) {
            r <- p$file(id = f)
            if (is.null(r)) {
              stop(paste("id doesn't exists: ", f))
            } else {
              message("file id: ", f)
          } else {
            r <- p$file(name = f, exact = TRUE)
            if (is.null(r)) {
              stop(paste("name doesn't exists: ", f))
            } else {
              message("file name: ", f)

        if (length(x) == 1) {
        } else {
          do.call(FilesList, res)

      for (i in c(id.fl, id.fls)) {
        if (is.character(input[[i]])) {
          input[[i]] <- as_files(proj, input[[i]])

      # solve edge cases
      if (length(id.fl)) {
        # solve edge case
        for (i in id.fl) {
          # input should be File
          if (is(input[[i]], "Files")) {
            if (!is.null(batch) && cus_id[i] == batch$batch_input) {
              # only operate on the batch input node, otherwise will cause error
              message("Converting single Files as a list for batch mode: ", cus_id[i])
              input[[i]] <- list(input[[i]])
          if (is(input[[i]], "FilesList")) {
            if (length(input[[i]]) == 1) {
              if (is.null(batch)) {
                message("Converting to single Files type: ", names(input[[i]]))
                input[[i]] <- input[[i]][[1]]
            } else {
              if (is.null(batch)) {
                stop(in_id[i], " only accept single File")

          if (is.list(input[[i]])) {
            if (length(input[[i]]) == 1 && is(input[[i]][[1]], "Files")) {
              if (is.null(batch)) {
                message("Converting to single Files type: ", names(input[[i]]))
                input[[i]] <- input[[i]][[1]]
            if (length(input[[i]]) > 1) {
              if (is.null(batch)) {
                stop(in_id[i], " only accept single File")

      if (length(id.fls)) {
        # solve edge case
        for (i in id.fls) {
          if (is(input[[i]], "Files")) {
            message("Coverting single File to a FileList...")
            input[[i]] <- list(input[[i]])


    show = function() .showFields(.self, "== App ==", .response_app)

.asApp <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$revision)) {
    r <- as.character(x$revision)
  } else {
    r <- x$revision

    id = x$id,
    name = x$name,
    project = x$project,
    revision = r,
    raw = x$raw,
    response = response(x)

AppList <- setListClass("App", contains = "Item0")

.asAppList <- function(x) {
  obj <- AppList(lapply(x$items, .asApp))
  obj@href <- x$href
  obj@response <- response(x)

#' Convert App or a CWL JSON file to Tool or Flow object
#' Convert App or a CWL JSON file to Tool or Flow object
#' This function import CWL JSON file, based on its class: CommandLineTool
#' or Worklfow to relevant object in R, Tool object or Flow object.
#' @param from an App object or a CWL JSON
#' @rdname convert_app
#' @export convert_app
#' @aliases convert_app
#' @return Tool or Flow object depends on CWL type.
#' @examples
#' tool.in <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' flow.in <- system.file("extdata/app", "flow_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' # convert to Tool object
#' convert_app(tool.in)
#' # convert to Flow object
#' convert_app(flow.in)
convert_app <- function(from) {
  if (is(from, "App")) {
    if (is.null(from$raw)) {
      message("cannot find raw file, pull raw cwl from internet")
    obj <- from$raw
  } else if (is.character(from) && file.exists(from)) {
    obj <- fromJSON(from, FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("object to be converted should be either a App object or cwl json file")

.convert_app <- function(obj) {
  cls <- obj$class
    "CommandLineTool" = .asTool(obj),
    "Workflow" = .asFlow(obj)

.asTool <- function(obj) {

  # obj should be raw list
  args.inputs <- obj$inputs
  args.outputs <- obj$outputs
  args.requirements <- obj$requirements
  args.hints <- obj$hints
  args.stdin <- obj$stdin
  args.stdout <- obj$stdout

  .diy <- c("inputs", "outputs", "requirements", "hints", "stdin", "stdout")

  # inputs
  if (length(args.inputs)) {
    res.in <- input(args.inputs)
  } else {
    res.in <- IPList()

  # outputs
  if (length(args.outputs)) {
    res.out <- output(args.outputs)
  } else {
    res.out <- OPList()

  # hints
  if (length(args.hints)) {
    res.hints <- requirements(args.hints)
  } else {
    res.hints <- requirements()

  # requirements
  if (length(args.requirements)) {
    res.req <- requirements(args.requirements)
  } else {
    res.req <- requirements()

  # stdin
  if (length(args.stdin)) {
    if (is.character(args.stdin)) {
      res.stdin <- args.stdin
    } else {
      res.stdin <- do.call(Expression, args.stdin)
  } else {
    res.stdin <- NULL

  # stdout
  if (length(args.stdout)) {
    if (is.character(args.stdout)) {
      res.stdout <- args.stdout
    } else {
      res.stdout <- do.call(Expression, args.stdout)
  } else {
    res.stdout <- NULL

  nms <- names(obj)

  # extra fields not defined, drop them with warning
  .obj.def <- names(Tool$fields())
  .obj.extra <- setdiff(nms, .obj.def)
  if (length(.obj.extra)) {
      "Extra fields dropped before conversion: ",
      paste(.obj.extra, collapse = " ")

  .obj.nms <- setdiff(nms, c(.diy, .obj.extra))

  res <- do.call("Tool", obj[.obj.nms])
  res$field("inputs", res.in)
  res$field("outputs", res.out)
  res$field("hints", res.hints)
  res$field("requirements", res.req)
  res$field("stdin", res.stdin)
  res$field("stdout", res.stdout)
  # for the reason you convert from App, do not add "#"
  res$id <- gsub("^#", "", res$id)

.asFlow <- function(obj) {
  args.inputs <- obj$inputs
  args.outputs <- obj$outputs
  args.requirements <- obj$requirements
  args.hints <- obj$hints

  .diy <- c("inputs", "outputs", "requirements", "hints", "steps")

  # inputs
  if (length(args.inputs)) {
    res.in <- input(args.inputs)
  } else {
    res.in <- IPList()

  # outputs
  if (length(args.outputs)) {
    lst <- lapply(args.outputs, function(o) {
      .t <- o$type
      lst <- lapply(.t, function(x) {
        if (("type" %in% names(x)) && x$type == "array") {
          do.call(ItemArray, x)
        } else {
      .type <- do.call(DSCList, lst)
      lst <- c(
        o[!names(o) %in% c(
          "x" = o$"sbg:x",
          "y" = o$"sbg:y",
          "type" = .type,
          "source" = list(as.character(o$source)),
          "includeInPorts" = o$"sbg:includeInPorts"
      do.call(SBGWorkflowOutputParameter, lst)

    res.out <- do.call(SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList, lst)
  } else {
    res.out <- SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList()

  # hints
  if (length(args.hints)) {
    res.hints <- requirements(args.hints)
  } else {
    res.hints <- requirements()

  # requirements
  if (length(args.requirements)) {
    res.req <- requirements(args.requirements)
  } else {
    res.req <- requirements()

  # steps
  slst <- get_steplist_item(obj)
  # if (length(steplst)) {
  #     lst <- lapply(steplst, function(x) {
  #         .convert_app(x$run)
  #     })
  #     slst <- lst[[1]]
  #     for (i in 1:(length(lst) -1)) {
  #         slst <- slst + lst[[i + 1]]
  #     }
  # } else {
  #     slst <- SBGStepList()
  # }

  nms <- names(obj)

  # extra fields not defined, drop them with warning
  .obj.def <- names(SBGWorkflow$fields())
  .obj.extra <- setdiff(nms, .obj.def)
  if (length(.obj.extra)) {
      "Extra fields dropped before conversion: ",
      paste(.obj.extra, collapse = " ")

  .obj.nms <- setdiff(nms, c(.diy, .obj.extra))

  res <- do.call(
        steps = slst,
        inputs = res.in,
        outputs = res.out,
        hints = res.hints,
        requirements = res.req


#' @rdname convert_app
#' @aliases appType
#' @export appType
#' @param x a App object
#' @section appType:
#' \describe{
#'  this function return class of a App object.}
appType <- function(x) {
  obj <- x$raw
  if (is.null(obj)) {
    obj <- x$raw

get_sbg_item <- function(x) {
  lst <- fromJSON(x, FALSE)
  nms <- names(lst)
  nms[grep("sbg:", nms)]

get_nonsbg_item <- function(x, remove = c("inputs", "outputs", "hints", "requirements")) {
  lst <- fromJSON(x, FALSE)
  nms <- setdiff(names(lst), remove)
  nms[!grepl("sbg:", nms)]

get_input_item <- function(x) {
  lst <- fromJSON(x, FALSE)

get_output_item <- function(x) {
  lst <- fromJSON(x, FALSE)

# Step and StepList
get_stepinputlist_item <- function(x) {
  # x is a step
  lst <- lapply(x$inputs, function(i) {
    do.call(WorkflowStepInput, i)

get_stepoutputlist_item <- function(x) {
  # x is a step
  lst <- lapply(x$outputs, function(i) {
    do.call(WorkflowStepOutput, i)

get_step_item <- function(x) {
  # x is a step list
  .run <- .convert_app(x$run)
    id = x$id,
    run = .run,
    outputs = get_stepoutputlist_item(x),
    inputs = get_stepinputlist_item(x)

get_steplist_item <- function(input) {
  if (is.character(input) && file.exists(input)) {
    obj <- fromJSON(input, FALSE)
  } else if (is.list(input) && "steps" %in% names(input)) {
    obj <- input
  } else {
    stop("input has to be a json file or steplist parsed from app")
  ss <- obj$steps
  do.call(SBGStepList, lapply(ss, get_step_item))
sbg/sevenbridges-r documentation built on March 26, 2021, 3:33 p.m.