## the class of MgsaResults: Class of the returned value of mgsa()
## Useful for plotting and show purposes
######## Class definitions
#### MgsaResults
#' The results of an MGSA analysis.
#' @slot populationSize The number of items in the population.
#' @slot studySetSizeInPopulation The number of items both in the study set and in the population.
#' @slot alphaPost with columns \code{value}, \code{estimate} and \code{std.error}.
#' @slot betaPost with columns \code{value}, \code{estimate} and \code{std.error}.
#' @slot pPost with columns \code{value}, \code{estimate} and \code{std.error}.
#' @slot setsResults with columns \code{inPopulation}, \code{inStudySet}, \code{estimate} and \code{std.error}.
#' The columns of the slots \code{alphaPost}, \code{betaPost}, and \code{pPost} contains a realization value, its posterior estimate and standard error for the parameters alpha, beta and p respectively.
#' The columns of the slot \code{setsResults} contains the number of items of the set in the population, the number of items of the set in the study set, the estimate of its marginal posterior probability and its standard error.
#' The \code{\link{rownames}} are the names of the sets if available.
#' Because an \code{MgsaResults} is the outcome of an MGSA analysis (see \code{\link{mgsa}}), accessors but no replacement methods exist for each slot.
#' @title Results of an MGSA analysis
#' @seealso \code{\link{mgsa}}
#' @exportClass MgsaResults
representation = representation(
populationSize = "numeric",
alphaPost = "data.frame", betaPost ="data.frame", pPost ="data.frame",
setsResults = "data.frame"
### populationSize
#' The size of the population on which the analysis was run.
#' @title Size of the population of a MgsaResults
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return \code{integer}: the size of the population.
#' @rdname populationSize-methods
#' @exportMethod populationSize
setGeneric( "populationSize", function(x) standardGeneric( "populationSize" ) )
#' @rdname populationSize-methods
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x ) x@populationSize
### studySetSizeInPopulation
#' The size of the study set on which the analysis was run.
#' @title Size of the study set of a MgsaResults
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return \code{integer}: the size of the study set.
#' @rdname studySetSizeInPopulation-methods
#' @exportMethod studySetSizeInPopulation
setGeneric( "studySetSizeInPopulation", function(x) standardGeneric( "studySetSizeInPopulation" ) )
#' @rdname studySetSizeInPopulation-methods
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x ) x@studySetSizeInPopulation
### alphaPost
#' Realization values, posterior estimate and standard error for the parameter alpha.
#' @title Posterior for alpha
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return \code{data.frame}: realization values, posterior estimate and standard error for the parameter alpha.
#' @rdname alphaPost-methods
#' @exportMethod alphaPost
setGeneric( "alphaPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "alphaPost" ) )
#' @rdname alphaPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x ) x@alphaPost
### betaPost
#' Realization values, posterior estimate and standard error for the parameter beta.
#' @title Posterior for beta
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return \code{data.frame}: realization values, posterior estimate and standard error for the parameter beta.
#' @rdname betaPost-methods
#' @exportMethod betaPost
setGeneric( "betaPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "betaPost" ) )
#' @rdname betaPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x ) x@betaPost
### pPost
#' Realization values, posterior estimate and standard error for the parameter p.
#' @title Posterior for beta
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return \code{data.frame}: realization values, posterior estimate and standard error for the parameter p.
#' @rdname pPost-methods
#' @exportMethod pPost
setGeneric( "pPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "pPost" ) )
#' @rdname pPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x ) x@pPost
### setsResults
#' Number of items of the set in the population, the number of items of the set in the study set, the estimate of its marginal posterior probability and its standard error.
#' @title Posterior for each set
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return \code{data.frame}: For each set, number of items of the set in the population, number of items of the set in the study set, estimate of its marginal posterior probability and standard error.
#' @rdname setsResults-methods
#' @exportMethod setsResults
setGeneric( "setsResults", function(x) standardGeneric( "setsResults" ) )
#' @rdname setsResults-methods
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x ) x@setsResults
#' Instances of this class are used to hold the additional information
#' that was provided by running (possibly multiple times) an MCMC algorithm.
#' @slot nsamples how many samples collected per MCMC run
#' @slot steps how many steps per MCMC run
#' @slot restarts how many MCMC runs
#' @slot alphaMcmcPost posterior estimates for each MCMC run of the parameter alpha
#' @slot betaMcmcPost posterior estimates for each MCMC run of the parameter beta
#' @slot pMcmcPost posterior estimates for each MCMC run of the parameter p
#' @slot setsMcmcPost posterior estimates for each MCMC run of the sets marginal posterior probabilities
#' The columns of the matrices \code{alphaMcmcPost}, \code{betaMcmcPost}, \code{pMcmcPost} and setsMcmcPost stores the posterior estimates for each individual MCMC run.
#' The row order matches the one of the slot \code{alphaPost}, \code{betaPost}, \code{pPots}, and \code{setsResults} respectively.
#' Accessor methods exist for each slot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mgsa}}
#' @exportClass MgsaMcmcResults
contains = c("MgsaResults"),
representation = representation(
nsamples = "numeric",
steps = "numeric",
restarts = "numeric",
alphaMcmcPost = "matrix", betaMcmcPost = "matrix", pMcmcPost ="matrix", setsMcmcPost = "matrix"
#### Number of samples
#' how many samples collected per MCMC run.
#' @title How many samples per MCMC run collected
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{integer}: how many samples per MCMC run collected.
#' @rdname nsamples-methods
#' @exportMethod nsamples
setGeneric( "nsamples", function(x) standardGeneric( "nsamples" ) )
#' @rdname nsamples-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@nsamples
#### Number of steps
#' how many steps per MCMC run.
#' @title How many steps per MCMC run
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{integer}: how many steps per MCMC run.
#' @rdname steps-methods
#' @exportMethod steps
setGeneric( "steps", function(x) standardGeneric( "steps" ) )
#' @rdname steps-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@steps
#### Number of restarts
#' how many MCMC runs.
#' @title How many MCMC runs
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{integer}: how many MCMC runs.
#' @rdname restarts-methods
#' @exportMethod restarts
setGeneric( "restarts", function(x) standardGeneric( "restarts" ) )
#' @rdname restarts-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@restarts
#### alphaMcmcPost
#' Posterior estimates of the parameter alpha for each MCMC run.
#' @title posterior estimates of the parameter alpha for each MCMC run
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{matrix}: Posterior estimates of the parameter alpha for each MCMC run.
#' @rdname alphaMcmcPost-methods
#' @exportMethod alphaMcmcPost
setGeneric( "alphaMcmcPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "alphaMcmcPost" ) )
#' @rdname alphaMcmcPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@alphaMcmcPost
#### betaMcmcPost
#' Posterior estimates of the parameter beta for each MCMC run.
#' @title posterior estimates of the parameter beta for each MCMC run
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{matrix}: Posterior estimates of the parameter beta for each MCMC run.
#' @rdname betaMcmcPost-methods
#' @exportMethod betaMcmcPost
setGeneric( "betaMcmcPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "betaMcmcPost" ) )
#' @rdname betaMcmcPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@betaMcmcPost
#### pMcmcPost
#' Posterior estimates of the parameter p for each MCMC run.
#' @title posterior estimates of the parameter p for each MCMC run
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{matrix}: Posterior estimates of the parameter p for each MCMC run.
#' @rdname pMcmcPost-methods
#' @exportMethod pMcmcPost
setGeneric( "pMcmcPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "pMcmcPost" ) )
#' @rdname pMcmcPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@pMcmcPost
#### setsMcmcPost
#' Posterior estimates of the set marginal probabilities for each MCMC run.
#' @title posterior estimates of the the set marginal probabilities for each MCMC run
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaMcmcResults}}.
#' @return \code{matrix}: Posterior estimates of the set marginal probabilities for each MCMC run.
#' @rdname setsMcmcPost-methods
#' @exportMethod setsMcmcPost
setGeneric( "setsMcmcPost", function(x) standardGeneric( "setsMcmcPost" ) )
#' @rdname setsMcmcPost-methods
signature=c( "MgsaMcmcResults" ),
function( x ) x@setsMcmcPost
######## show
#' Show an \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @title Show an MgsaResults
#' @param object an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}.
#' @return an invisible \code{NULL}
#' @exportMethod show
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( object ){
"Object of class ",
class( object ),
" unique elements in population.\n",
" unique elements both in study set and in population.\n",
sep = ""
cat("\nPosterior on set activity (decreasing order):\n")
nrowShow <- min (10 , nrow(object@setsResults) )
print( dottedTable(object@setsResults[ order(object@setsResults$estimate, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nrowShow], ] , ncols=6 ) )
if(nrowShow < nrow(object@setsResults) ){
cat("... and ", nrow(object@setsResults) - nrowShow, " other sets.\n" )
######## plot
#' Plot method for MgsaResults objects
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaResults}}
#' @param y unused
#' @param ... unused
#' @exportMethod plot
signature=c( "MgsaResults" ),
function( x, y, ... ){
nrowShow <- min (10 , nrow(x@setsResults) )
sr = x@setsResults[ rev(order(x@setsResults$estimate, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nrowShow]), ]
split.screen(c(1,2), screen=1)
split.screen(c(1,3), screen=2)
## bar plot top ones
par(mar = c(5, 8, 4, 2) + 0.1)
las = 1,
col = "white",
plot.ci = TRUE,
ci.l= sr$estimate - sr$std.error,
ci.u = sr$estimate + sr$std.error,
horiz = TRUE,
xlab = "Posterior (+/- std error)",
xlim = c(0,1)
## sets
plot( x@setsResults$estimate, xlab="Set", ylab="Posterior" )
## p
with( x@pPost, plot( value, estimate, xlab="p", type = 'b', ylab="Posterior" ) )
## alpha
with( x@alphaPost, plot( value, estimate, xlab=expression(alpha), type = 'b', ylab="Posterior" ) )
## beta
with( x@betaPost, plot( value, estimate, xlab=expression(beta), type = 'b', ylab="Posterior" ) )
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