#' @title Quantitative metadata vocabulary for entities
#' @description
#' This function gives the vocabulary used for the quantitative metadata of each entity in
#' each condition.
#' @section Glossary:
#' Peptide-level vocabulary
#' |-- 'Any'
#' | |
#' | |-- 1.0 'Quantified'
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 1.1 "Quant. by direct id" (color 4, white)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 1.2 "Quant. by recovery" (color 3, lightgrey)
#' | |
#' | |-- 2.0 "Missing" (no color)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 2.1 "Missing POV" (color 1)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 2.2 'Missing MEC' (color 2)
#' | |
#' | |-- 3.0 'Imputed'
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 3.1 'Imputed POV' (color 1)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 3.2 'Imputed MEC' (color 2)
#' Protein-level vocabulary:
#' |-- 'Any'
#' | |
#' | |-- 1.0 'Quantified'
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 1.1 "Quant. by direct id" (color 4, white)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 1.2 "Quant. by recovery" (color 3, lightgrey)
#' | |
#' | |-- 2.0 "Missing"
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 2.1 "Missing POV" (color 1)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 2.2 'Missing MEC' (color 2)
#' | |
#' | |-- 3.0 'Imputed'
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 3.1 'Imputed POV' (color 1)
#' | | |
#' | | |-- 3.2 'Imputed MEC' (color 2)
#' | |
#' | |-- 4.0 'Combined tags' (color 3bis, lightgrey)
#' @section Conversion to the glossary:
#' A generic conversion
#' Conversion for Proline datasets
#' Conversion from Maxquant datasets
#' @name q_metacell
#' @examples
#' metacell.def('protein')
#' metacell.def('peptide')
#' #-----------------------------------------------
#' # A shiny app to view color legends
#' #-----------------------------------------------
#' if(interactive()){
#' data(ft)
#' ui <- mod_qMetacellLegend_ui("legend")
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#' mod_qMetacellLegend_server('legend',
#' object = reactive({ft[[1]]}))
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' }
#' @param level A string designing the type of entity/pipeline.
#' Available values are: `peptide`, `protein`
#' @return A data.frame containing the different tags and corresponding colors for the level
#' given in parameter
#' @author Thomas Burger, Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
#' @rdname q_metacell
metacell.def <- function(level){
stop("'level' is required.")
def <- switch(level,
peptide = {
node <- c(
"Quant. by direct id",
"Quant. by recovery",
"Missing POV",
"Missing MEC",
"Imputed POV",
"Imputed MEC"
parent <- c(
node = node,
parent = parent
protein = {
node <- c(
"Quant. by direct id",
"Quant. by recovery",
"Missing POV",
"Missing MEC",
"Imputed POV",
"Imputed MEC",
"Combined tags"
parent <- c(
node = node,
parent = parent
colors <- custom_metacell_colors()
def <- cbind(def, color = rep("white", nrow(def)))
for (n in seq_len(nrow(def))) {
def[n, "color"] <- colors[[def[n, "node"]]]
#' @export
#' @rdname q_metacell
custom_metacell_colors <- function()
list("Any" = "white",
"Missing" = "#CF8205",
"Missing POV" = "#E5A947",
"Missing MEC" = "#F1CA8A",
"Quantified" = "#0A31D0",
"Quant. by recovery" = "#B9C4F2",
"Quant. by direct id" = "#6178D9",
"Combined tags" = "#1E8E05",
"Imputed" = "#A40C0C",
"Imputed POV" = "#E34343",
"Imputed MEC" = "#F59898")
#' @title Parent name of a node
#' @description xxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @param node xxx
#' #' @examples
#' Parent('protein', 'Missing')
#' Parent('protein', 'Missing POV')
#' Parent('protein', c('Missing POV', 'Missing MEC'))
#' Parent('protein', c('Missing', 'Missing POV', 'Missing MEC'))
#' @export
Parent <- function(level, node=NULL){
parents <- NULL
tags <- metacell.def(level)
if (!is.null(node) && length(node) > 0){
for (p in node){
ind <- match(p, tags$node)
if (length(ind) > 0)
parents <- unique(c(parents, tags$parent[ind]))
#' @title Names of all chidren of a node
#' @description xxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @param parent xxx
#' @examples
#' Children('protein', 'Missing')
#' Children('protein', 'Missing POV')
#' Children('protein', c('Missing POV', 'Missing MEC'))
#' Children('protein', c('Missing', 'Missing POV', 'Missing MEC'))
#' @export
Children <- function(level, parent = NULL){
childrens <- NULL
tags <- metacell.def(level)
if (!is.null(parent) && length(parent) > 0){
for (p in parent){
ind <- grepl(p, tags$parent)
if (length(ind) > 0)
childrens <- unique(c(childrens, tags$node[ind]))
#' @title List of metacell tags
#' @description
#' This function gives the list of metacell tags available.
#' - onlyPresent: In this case, the function gives the tags found in a dataset.
#' In addition, and w.r.t to the hierarchy of tags, if all leaves of a node are
#' present, then the tag corresponding to this node is added.
#' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`
#' @param i xxx
#' @param ... xxx
#' @return A vector of tags..
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_pept, package="DaparToolshedData")
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept
#' GetMetacellTags(obj, 1, level="peptide")
#' GetMetacellTags(obj, 1, level="peptide", onlyPresent=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @exportMethod GetMetacellTags
#' @rdname QFeatures-accessors
#' @return NA
setMethod("GetMetacellTags", "QFeatures",
function(object, i, ...) {
GetMetacellTags(object[[i]], ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname QFeatures-accessors
#' @return NA
setMethod("GetMetacellTags", "SummarizedExperiment",
function(object, ...) {
.GetMetacellTags(qMetacell(object), ...)
setMethod("GetMetacellTags", "data.frame",
function(object, ...) {
.GetMetacellTags(object, ...)
.GetMetacellTags <- function(object = NULL,
level = NULL,
onlyPresent = FALSE) {
if (is.null(object))
stop('object in NULL')
if (is.null(level))
stop('level in NULL')
if (is.null(level) && all)
stop("level must be defined is 'onlyPresent' equals to FALSE")
ll <- NULL
if(onlyPresent) {
# Compute unique tags
tmp <- sapply(colnames(object), function(x) unique(object[,x]))
ll <- unique(as.vector(tmp))
# Check if parent must be added
test <- match (Children(level, 'Any'), ll)
if (length(test) == length(Children(level, 'Any')) && !all(is.na(test)))
ll <- c(ll, 'Any')
test <- match (Children(level, 'Quantified'), ll)
if (length(test) == length(Children(level, 'Quantified')) && !all(is.na(test)))
ll <- c(ll, 'Quantified')
test <- match (Children(level, 'Missing'), ll)
if (length(test) == length(Children(level, 'Missing')) && !all(is.na(test)))
ll <- c(ll, 'Missing')
test <- match (Children(level, 'Imputed'), ll)
if (length(test) == length(Children(level, 'Imputed')) && !all(is.na(test)))
ll <- c(ll, 'Imputed')
test <- match (Children(level, 'Combined tags'), ll)
if (length(test) == length(Children(level, 'Combined tags')) && !all(is.na(test)))
ll <- c(ll, 'Combined tags')
} else {
ll <- metacell.def(level)$node[-which(metacell.def(level)$node =='Any')]
#' @title Sets the MEC tag in the qMetacell
#' @description
#' This function is based on the qMetacell dataframe to look for either missing
#' values (used to update an initial dataset) or imputed values (used when
#' post processing protein qMetacell after aggregation)
#' @param conds A 1-col dataframe with the condition associated to each sample.
#' @param df An object of class `SummarizedExperiment`
#' @param level Type of entity/pipeline
#' @return An instance of class `QFeatures`.
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' data(ft_na)
#' df <- assay(ft_na, 2)
#' level <- typeDataset(ft_na, 1)
#' df <- Set_POV_MEC_tags(ft_na, 1, level)
#' @export
#' @rdname q_metacell
Set_POV_MEC_tags <- function(conds, df, level){
u_conds <- unique(conds)
for (i in seq_len(length(u_conds))) {
ind.samples <- which(conds == u_conds[i])
ind.imputed <- match.metacell(df[, ind.samples], "Imputed", level)
ind.missing <- match.metacell(df[, ind.samples], "Missing", level)
ind.missing.pov <- ind.missing &
rowSums(ind.missing) < length(ind.samples) &
rowSums(ind.missing) > 0
ind.missing.mec <- ind.missing &
rowSums(ind.missing) == length(ind.samples)
ind.imputed.pov <- ind.imputed &
rowSums(ind.imputed) < length(ind.samples) &
rowSums(ind.imputed) > 0
ind.imputed.mec <- ind.imputed &
rowSums(ind.imputed) == length(ind.samples)
df[, ind.samples][ind.imputed.mec] <- "Imputed MEC"
df[, ind.samples][ind.missing.mec] <- "Missing MEC"
df[, ind.samples][ind.imputed.pov] <- "Imputed POV"
df[, ind.samples][ind.missing.pov] <- "Missing POV"
#' @title The set of available softwares to convert from
#' @examples
#' GetSoftAvailables()
#' @export
GetSoftAvailables <- function(){
funcs <- ls('package:DaparToolshed')
funcs <- funcs[grep('Metacell_', funcs)]
funcs <- strsplit(funcs, 'Metacell_')
funcs <- unlist(lapply(funcs, function(x) x[[2]]))
funcs <- funcs[-which(funcs=='generic')]
#' @title metacell function which xxx
#' @description xxx
#' @param from xxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @param qdata A matrix of quantitative data
#' @param conds xxx
#' @param df A data.frame which contains the type of identification of the
#' entities. It must have the same dimensions as `qData`.
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @example inst/extdata/examples/ex_BuildMetacell.R
#' @export
#' @rdname BuildMetacell
BuildMetacell <- function(from = NULL,
qdata = NULL,
conds = NULL,
df = NULL){
if (missing(from)) {
stop("'from' is required.")
if (!(from %in% GetSoftAvailables()))
stop("'from' must be one of the following")
if (missing(level)) {
stop("'level' is required.")
if (is.null(qdata)) {
stop("'qdata' is required.")
if (is.null(conds)) {
stop("'conds' is required.")
if (nrow(df) != nrow(qdata) || ncol(df) != ncol(qdata))
stop("'df' and 'qdata' must be dataframes of the same dimensions.")
if (is.null(df)) {
df <- Metacell_generic(qdata, conds, level)
} else {
maxquant = df <- Metacell_maxquant(qdata, conds, df, level),
proline = df <- Metacell_proline(qdata, conds, df, level),
'DIA-NN' = df <- Metacell_proline(qdata, conds, df, level)
#' @title Sets the qMetacell dataframe
#' @description
#' In the quantitative columns, a missing value is identified by no value rather
#' than a value equal to 0.
#' Conversion rules
#' Quanti Tag
#' NA or 0 NA
#' @param qdata A matrix of quantitative data
#' @param conds xxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Exp1_R25_pept.txt", package="DaparToolshedData")
#' data <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep="\t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' metadataFile <- system.file("extdata", "samples_Exp1_R25.txt",
#' package="DaparToolshedData")
#' metadata <- read.table(metadataFile, header=TRUE, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE,
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' conds <- metadata$Condition
#' qdata <- data[seq_len(100), seq(56, 61)]
#' df <- data[seq_len(100) , seq(43,48)]
#' df <- qMetacell_generic(qdata, conds, 'peptide')
#' @export
#' @rdname q_metacell
Metacell_generic <- function(qdata, conds, level) {
if (missing(qdata)) {
stop("'qdata' is required")
if (missing(conds)) {
stop("'conds' is required.")
if (missing(level)) {
stop("'level' is required.")
df <- data.frame(
matrix(rep("Quantified", nrow(qdata) * ncol(qdata)),
nrow = nrow(qdata),
ncol = ncol(qdata)
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Rule 1
qdata[qdata == 0] <- NA
df[is.na(qdata)] <- "Missing"
df <- Set_POV_MEC_tags(conds, df, level)
colnames(df) <- paste0("metacell_", colnames(qdata))
colnames(df) <- gsub(".", "_", colnames(df), fixed = TRUE)
#' @title Sets the metacell dataframe for datasets which are from Dia-NN software
#' @description
#' Actually, this function uses the generic function to generate metacell info
#' @param qdata An object of class `MsnSet`
#' @param conds xxx
#' @param df A list of integer xxxxxxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Exp1_R25_pept.txt", package = "DaparToolshedData")
#' data <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' metadataFile <- system.file("extdata", "samples_Exp1_R25.txt",
#' package = "DaparToolshedData"
#' )
#' metadata <- read.table(metadataFile,
#' header = TRUE, sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE,
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' conds <- metadata$Condition
#' qdata <- data[seq_len(100), seq.int(from = 56, to = 61)]
#' df <- data[seq_len(100), seq.int(from = 43, to = 48)]
#' df <- Metacell_DIA_NN(qdata, conds, df, level = "peptide")
#' @export
Metacell_DIA_NN <- function(qdata, conds, df, level = NULL) {
if (missing(qdata)) {
stop("'qdata' is required")
if (missing(conds)) {
stop("'conds' is required.")
if (missing(level)) {
stop("'level' is required.")
#' @title Sets the metacell dataframe for datasets which are from Proline software
#' @description
#' In the quantitative columns, a missing value is identified by no value rather
#' than a value equal to 0.
#' In these datasets, the metacell info is computed from the 'PSM count' columns.
#' Conversion rules
#' Initial conversion rules for proline
#' |--------------|-----------------|-----|
#' | Quanti | PSM count | Tag |
#' |--------------|-----------------|-----|
#' | == 0 | N.A. | whatever | 2.0 |
#' | > 0 | > 0 | 1.1 |
#' | > 0 | == 0 | 1.2 |
#' | > 0 | unknown col | 1.0 |
#' |--------------|-----------------|-----|
#' @param qdata An object of class `MsnSet`
#' @param conds xxx
#' @param df A list of integer xxxxxxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Exp1_R25_pept.txt", package = "DaparToolshedData")
#' data <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' metadataFile <- system.file("extdata", "samples_Exp1_R25.txt",
#' package = "DaparToolshedData"
#' )
#' metadata <- read.table(metadataFile,
#' header = TRUE, sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE,
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' conds <- metadata$Condition
#' qdata <- data[seq_len(100), seq.int(from = 56, to = 61)]
#' df <- data[seq_len(100), seq.int(from = 43, to = 48)]
#' df <- Metacell_proline(qdata, conds, df, level = "peptide")
#' @export
Metacell_proline <- function(qdata, conds, df, level = NULL) {
if (missing(qdata)) {
stop("'qdata' is required")
if (missing(conds)) {
stop("'conds' is required.")
if (missing(level)) {
stop("'level' is required.")
if (is.null(df)) {
df <- data.frame(matrix(rep("Quantified", nrow(qdata) * ncol(qdata)),
nrow = nrow(qdata),
ncol = ncol(qdata)
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Rule 1
df[is.na(qdata)] <- "Missing"
df <- Set_POV_MEC_tags(conds, df, level)
# Rule 2
df[df > 0 & qdata > 0] <- "Quant. by direct id"
# Rule 3
df[df == 0 & qdata > 0] <- "Quant. by recovery"
colnames(df) <- paste0("metacell_", colnames(qdata))
colnames(df) <- gsub(".", "_", colnames(df), fixed = TRUE)
#' @title Sets the metacell dataframe
#' @description
#' Initial conversion rules for maxquant
#' |------------|-----------------------|--------|
#' | Quanti | Identification | Tag |
#' |------------|-----------------------|--------|
#' | == 0 | whatever | 2.0 |
#' | > 0 | 'By MS/MS' | 1.1 |
#' | > 0 | 'By matching' | 1.2 |
#' | > 0 | unknown col | 1.0 |
#' |------------|-----------------------|--------|
#' @param qdata An object of class `MsnSet`
#' @param conds xxx
#' @param df A list of integer xxxxxxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Exp1_R25_pept.txt", package = "DaparToolshedData")
#' data <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' metadataFile <- system.file("extdata", "samples_Exp1_R25.txt",
#' package = "DaparToolshedData"
#' )
#' metadata <- read.table(metadataFile,
#' header = TRUE, sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE,
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' conds <- metadata$Condition
#' qdata <- data[seq_len(10), seq.int(from = 56, to = 61)]
#' df <- data[seq_len(10), seq.int(from = 43, to = 48)]
#' df2 <- Metacell_maxquant(qdata, conds, df, level = "peptide")
#' @export
Metacell_maxquant <- function(qdata, conds, df, level = NULL) {
if (missing(qdata)) {
stop("'qdata' is required")
if (missing(conds)) {
stop("'conds' is required.")
if (missing(level)) {
stop("'level' is required.")
if (is.null(df)) {
df <- data.frame(matrix(rep(
nrow(qdata) * ncol(qdata)
nrow = nrow(qdata),
ncol = ncol(qdata)
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Rule 1
qdata[qdata == 0] <- NA
# Rule 2
df[df == "byms/ms"] <- "Quant. by direct id"
# Rule 3
df[df == "bymatching"] <- "Quant. by recovery"
# Add details for NA values
df[is.na(qdata)] <- "Missing"
df <- Set_POV_MEC_tags(conds, df, level)
colnames(df) <- paste0("metacell_", colnames(qdata))
colnames(df) <- gsub(".", "_", colnames(df), fixed = TRUE)
#' @title Similar to the function `is.na()` but focused on the equality
#' with the paramter 'type'.
#' @param metadata A data.frame
#' @param pattern The value to search in the dataframe
#' @param level xxx
#' @return A boolean dataframe
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_pept, package="DaparToolshedData")
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept[seq_len(10), ]
#' metadata <- qMetacell(obj[[1]])
#' m <- match.metacell(metadata, pattern = "Missing", level = "peptide")
#' m <- match.metacell(metadata, pattern = NULL, level = "peptide")
#' m <- match.metacell(metadata, pattern = c('Missing', 'Missing POV'), level = "peptide")
#' @export
match.metacell <- function(metadata, pattern = NULL, level) {
if (missing(metadata))
stop("'metadata' is required")
if (missing(pattern) || is.null(pattern))
stop("'pattern' is required.")
if (missing(level))
stop("'level' is required.")
#is.subset <- pattern == intersect(pattern, metacell.def(level)$node)
if (sum(pattern == intersect(pattern, metacell.def(level)$node)) != length(pattern)) {
"'pattern' is not correct. Available values are: ",
paste0(metacell.def(level)$node, collapse = " ")
ll.res <- lapply(pattern, function(x) {metadata == x})
res <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(ll.res))) {
if (i == 1) {
res <- ll.res[[1]]
} else {
res <- res | ll.res[[i]]
#' @title xxxx
#' @description
#' xxxx
#' @param obj xxxx
#' @export
#' @return xxx
#' @examples
GetMetacell <- function(obj) {
value <- Biobase::fData(obj)[, obj@experimentData@other$names_metacell]
if (is.null(value)) {
warning(" The metacell dataframe does not exist. Returns NULL.")
} else {
#' @title Update quantitative metadata after imputation
#' @description
#' Update the quantitative metadata information of missing values that were imputed
#' @param object xxx
#' @param from xxx
#' @param to xxx
#' @param ... xxx
#' @examples
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept[seq_len(10),]
#' obj[[2]] <- UpdateqMetacell(obj[[2]], 'missing', 'imputed')
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @return NA
#' @rdname q_metacell
setMethod("UpdateMetacellAfterImputation", "SummarizedExperiment",
...) {
if (missing(object))
stop("'object' is required.")
#level <- typeDataset(object)
# if (missing(na.type)){
# values <- unname(search.qMetacell.tags('Missing', level))
# stop("'na.type' is required. Available values are: ",
# paste0(values, collapse=' '))
# }
ind <- match.metacell(metadata = qMetacell(object),
pattern = c('Missing', 'Missing POV', 'Missing MEC'),
level = typeDataset(object) & !is.na(assay(object))
names.meta <- colnames(GetMetacell(obj))
rowData(object)$names.meta[ind] <- gsub(from,
fixed = TRUE)
#' @title
#' Search pattern in qMetacell vocabulary
#' @description
#' Gives all the tags of the metadata vocabulary containing the pattern
#' (parent and all its children).
#' @param pattern The string to search.
#' @param level The available levels are : names()
#' @param depth xxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' search.qMetacell.tags('missing POV', 'peptide')
#' search.qMetacell.tags('quanti', 'peptide')
#' @export
#' @return NA
#' @rdname q_metacell
search.metacell.tags <- function(pattern, level, depth = "1") {
if (missing(pattern)) {
stop("'pattern' is required.")
} else if (!(pattern %in% metacell.def(level)$node)) {
stop(paste0("'pattern' must be one of the following: ",
paste0(metacell.def(level)$node, collapse = " ")))
if (missing(level)) {
stop("'level' is required.")
if (!(depth %in% c("0", "1", "*"))) {
stop("'depth' must be one of the following: 0, 1 or *")
.ind <- which(metacell.def(level)$parent == pattern)
tags <- NULL
tags <- switch(depth,
"0" = pattern,
"1" = c(pattern,
"*" = {
if (length(metacell.def(level)$node[.ind]) == 0) {
search.metacell.tags(pattern, level, "0")
} else {
c(pattern, unlist(lapply(
function(x) {
search.metacell.tags(x, level, depth)
#' @title Combine peptide metadata to build protein metadata
#' @description
#' Agregation rules for the cells quantitative metadata of peptides.
#' Please refer to the qMetacell.def vocabulary in `qMetacell.def()`
#' # Basic agreagtion
#' Agregation of non imputed values (2.X) with quantitative values
#' (1.0, 1.X, 3.0, 3.X)
#' |----------------------------
#' Not possible
#' |----------------------------
#' Agregation of different types of missing values (among 2.1, 2.2)
#' |----------------------------
#' * Agregation of 2.1 peptides between each other gives a missing value
#' non imputed (2.0)
#' * Agreagtion of 2.2 peptides between each other givesa missing value
#' non imputed (2.0)
#' * Agregation of a mix of 2.1 and 2.2 gives a missing value non imputed (2.0)
#' |----------------------------
#' Agregation of a mix of quantitative values (among 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 3.0, 3.X)
#' |----------------------------
#' * if the type of all the peptides to agregate is 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2,
#' then the final metadata is set the this tag
#' * if the set of metacell to agregate is a mix of 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2,
#' then the final metadata is set to 1.0
#' * if the set of metacell to agregate is a mix of 3.X and 3.0,
#' then the final metadata is set to 3.0
#' * if the set of metacell to agregate is a mix of 3.X and 3.0 and other (X.X),
#' then the final metadata is set to 4.0
#' |----------------------------
#' # Post processing
#' Update metacell with POV/MEC status for the categories 2.0 and 3.0
#' @param met xxx
#' @param level xxx
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ll <- qMetacell.def('peptide')$node
#' for (i in 1:length(ll))
#' test <- lapply(combn(ll, i, simplify = FALSE),
#' function(x) tag <- qMetacell_combine(x, 'peptide'))
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname q_metacell
#' @importFrom utils combn
metacombine <- function(met, level) {
tag <- NULL
if (length(met) == 0) {
u_met <- unique(met)
# ComputeNbTags <- function(tag) {
# sum(
# unlist(
# lapply(search.metacell.tags(tag, level),
# function(x) length(grep(x, u_met)))))
# }
# nb.tags <- lapply(metacell.def(level)$node,
# function(x) as.numeric(x %in% u_met))
# n.imputed <- ComputeNbTags("Imputed")
# n.missing <- ComputeNbTags("Missing")
# n.quanti <- ComputeNbTags("Quantified")
.missing_exists <- sum(c('Missing', 'Missing POV', 'Missing MEC') %in% u_met) > 0
.quanti_exists <- sum(c('Quantified', 'Quant. by direct id', 'Quant. by recovery') %in% u_met) > 0
.imputed_exists <- sum(c('Imputed', 'Imputed POV', 'Imputed MEC') %in% u_met) > 0
### RULE 1
#if (n.missing > 0 && (n.imputed > 0 || n.quanti > 0)) tag <- "STOP"
if ( .missing_exists && (.quanti_exists ||.imputed_exists ))
tag <- "STOP"
### RULE 2
if (setequal(u_met,'Missing POV')) tag <- 'Missing'
### RULE 3
if(setequal(u_met, 'Missing MEC')) tag <- 'Missing'
### RULE 4
if(setequal(u_met, c('Missing POV', 'Missing MEC'))) tag <- 'Missing'
# --- RULE 5 ---
# if the type of all the peptides to agregate is 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2, then
# the final metadata is set the this tag
if (length(u_met) == 1 &&
(u_met %in% c('Quantified', "Quant. by direct id", "Quant. by recovery")))
tag <- u_met
# --- RULE 5 bis---
# if the type of all the peptides to agregate is 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2, then
# the final metadata is set the this tag
if (length(u_met) == 1 &&
(u_met %in% c('Imputed', "Imputed POV", "Imputed MEC")))
tag <- u_met
# --- RULE 6 ---
# if the set of metacell to agregate is a mix of 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2, then
# the final metadata is set to 1.0
inter <- intersect(u_met, c('Quantified', "Quant. by direct id", "Quant. by recovery"))
if ((length(inter) >=2 ) && length(u_met)==length(inter) && sum(u_met == inter)== length(u_met) )
tag <- 'Quantified'
# --- RULE 7 ---
# if the set of metacell to agregate is a mix of 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2, then
# the final metadata is set to 3.0
inter <- intersect(u_met, c('Imputed', "Imputed POV", "Imputed MEC"))
if ((length(inter) >= 2) && length(u_met)==length(inter) && sum(u_met == inter)== length(u_met) )
tag <- 'Imputed'
# If the set of metacell to agregate is a mix of 3.X and 3.0 and quantitative values
# (1.X), then the final metadata is set to 4.0
if (length(u_met) > 1 && !.missing_exists && .quanti_exists && .imputed_exists)
tag <- "Combined tags"
#' @title
#' Symbolic product of matrices
#' @description
#' Execute a product two matrices: the first is an adjacency one while the
#' second if a simple dataframe
#' @param X An adjacency matrix between peptides and proteins
#' @param obj.pep A dataframe of the cell metadata for peptides
#' @return xxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Exp1_R25_pept, package="DaparToolshedData")
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[seq_len(10)]
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' agg.meta <- AggregateMetacell(X, obj.pep)
#' }
#' @export
AggregateMetacell <- function(X, obj.pep) {
issues <- NULL
meta <- GetMetacell(obj.pep)
level <- obj.pep@experimentData@other$typeOfData
rowcol <- function(meta.col, X.col) (meta.col)[X.col > 0]
df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(meta))) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(X))) {
df[i, j] <- metacombine(rowcol(meta[, j], X[, i]), level)
df[df == "NA"] <- NA
colnames(df) <- obj.pep@experimentData@other$names_metacell
rownames(df) <- colnames(X)
# Delete protein with only NA
# Post processing of metacell to discover 'Imputed POV', 'Imputed MEC'
conds <- Biobase::pData(obj.pep)$Condition
df <- Set_POV_MEC_tags(conds, df, level)
# Search for issues
prot.ind <- unique(rownames(which(df == "STOP", arr.ind = TRUE)))
if (!is.null(prot.ind)) {
issues <- stats::setNames(
function(x) {
rownames(X)[which(X[, which(colnames(X) == x)] == 1)]
metacell = df,
issues = issues
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