
Defines functions importConfigYAML cachedYAMLToYAML addCachedYAMLValue setCachedYAMLValue getCachedYAMLValue hasCachedYAMLField getCachedYAMLFields listCachedObjects getCachedObject hasCachedObject setCachedObject selectEnvironment getCachedFileObject getEnvironment isInitialised init

Documented in addCachedYAMLValue cachedYAMLToYAML getCachedYAMLFields getCachedYAMLValue hasCachedYAMLField importConfigYAML init isInitialised listCachedObjects setCachedYAMLValue

#' Initialise the nanopoRe environment
#' Creates a nanopoRe environment; package specific parameters and values will
#' be stored within this environment; the name of the environment is defined
#' internally
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' init()
#' @export
init <- function() {
    eval(parse(text = paste0(
        nanopoRe.env.name, " <<- new.env(parent=emptyenv())")))
    setRpath(file.path("Analysis", "R"))

#' check nanopoRe environment
#' performs a sanity check to ensure that nanopoRe environment is initialised
#' @return a logical defining whether the environment is initialised
isInitialised <- function() {
    eval(parse(text = paste0(
        "return(exists(\"", nanopoRe.env.name, "\", mode=\"environment\"))")))
# nanopoRe.env.name <- 'nanopoRe.env' usethis::use_data(
#     nanopoRe.env.name, internal=TRUE)
getEnvironment <- function() {
    if (!isInitialised()) {

getCachedFileObject <- function(objectName, fileName, subenv=NULL) {
    if (hasCachedObject(objectName, subenv)) {
        return(getCachedObject(objectName, subenv))
    } else {
        setCachedObject(objectName, readRDS(file = fileName), subenv)
        return(getCachedObject(objectName, subenv))

selectEnvironment <- function(subenv=NULL) {
    envir <- get(getEnvironment())
    if (!is.null(subenv)) {
        envir <- getCachedObject(subenv)

setCachedObject <- function(objectName, data, subenv=NULL) {
    assign(objectName, data, envir=selectEnvironment(subenv))

hasCachedObject <- function(objectName, subenv=NULL) {
    if (exists(objectName, envir=selectEnvironment(subenv))) {

getCachedObject <- function(objectName, subenv=NULL) {
    return(get(objectName, envir=selectEnvironment(subenv)))


#' list objects that are stored within the nanopoRe working space
#' The nanopoRe package makes use of R environments to store data in memory,
#' but within an internally-named environment; this method dumps out (for
#' reasons of QC and transparency) a complete listing of these stored objects
#' @importFrom utils ls.str
#' @param subenv the nested environment to consider
#' @return character vector of objects stored in the nanopoRe environment
#' @examples
#' cachedObjects <- listCachedObjects()
#' @export
listCachedObjects <- function(subenv=NULL) {

#' list the parameter fields stored in a cached YAML config file
#' list the parameter fields stored in a cached YAML config file
#' @param yaml the name of the YAML object
#' @param subenv the sub-environment to process
#' @return vector of field names
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' getCachedYAMLFields()
#' @export
getCachedYAMLFields <- function(yaml="config", subenv=NULL) {
    return(names(getCachedObject(yaml, subenv)))

#' check for available named cas9 parameter field
#' check for available named cas9 parameter field
#' @param yaml the name of the YAML object
#' @param field is the name of a parameter field
#' @param subenv the sub-environment to process
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' hasCachedYAMLField(field="bam_file")
#' hasCachedYAMLField(field="study_name")
#' @export
hasCachedYAMLField <- function(yaml="config", field, subenv=NULL) {
    params <- getCachedYAMLFields(yaml, subenv)
    return(field %in% params)

#' get the stored parameter value from named field
#' get the stored parameter value from named field
#' @param yaml the name of the YAML object
#' @param field the parameter field to lookup
#' @param subenv the sub-environment to process
#' @return value from config
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' getCachedYAMLValue(field="fastq")
#' @export
getCachedYAMLValue <- function(yaml="config", field, subenv=NULL) {
    if (hasCachedYAMLField(yaml, field, subenv)) {
        params <- getCachedObject(yaml, subenv)

#' update the stored parameter value from named config field
#' update the stored parameter value from named config field
#' @param yaml the name of the YAML object
#' @param field the parameter field to lookup
#' @param value to value to update
#' @param subenv the sub-environment to process
#' @return TRUE or FALSE if the change can be made
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' referenceGenome <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo_ref.fasta",
#'     package = "nanopoRe")
#' setCachedYAMLValue(field="reference_genome", value=referenceGenome)
#' getCachedYAMLValue(field="reference_genome")
#' @export
setCachedYAMLValue <- function(yaml="config", field, value, subenv=NULL) {
    if (hasCachedYAMLField(yaml, field, subenv=subenv)) {
        params <- getCachedObject(yaml, subenv)
        params[[field]] <- value
        setCachedObject(yaml, params, subenv)

#' add a stored parameter value for the named config field
#' add a stored parameter value for the named config field
#' @param yaml the name of the yaml container to create
#' @param field the parameter field to lookup
#' @param value to value to update
#' @param subenv the name of subenvironment for holding the yaml
#' @return TRUE or FALSE if the change can be made
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' bamFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_FAK76554.bam", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' addCachedYAMLValue(field="bam_file", value=bamFile)
#' getCachedYAMLValue(field="bam_file")
#' @export
addCachedYAMLValue <- function(yaml="config", field, value, subenv=NULL) {
    if (!hasCachedYAMLField(yaml, field, subenv)) {
        params <- getCachedObject(yaml, subenv)
        params[[field]] <- value
        setCachedObject(yaml, params, subenv)

#' export the stored config parameters parsed from YAML file
#' export the stored config parameters parsed from YAML file
#' @import yaml
#' @param yaml the name of the yaml container to create
#' @param format is the format to return results as (YAML|Kable|list)
#' @param subenv the name of subenvironment for holding the yaml
#' @return YAML object
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' cachedYAMLToYAML(format="markdown")
#' @export
cachedYAMLToYAML <- function(yaml="config", format=NA, subenv=NULL) {
    params <- getCachedObject(yaml, subenv)

    if (is.na(format)) {
    } else if (format=="list") {
    } else {
        table <- kable(t(as.data.frame(params, row.names=NULL)),
                       format=format, caption="Configuration parameters",
                       booktabs=TRUE, table.envir='table*', linesep="", escape=FALSE)
        return(paste(as.character(table), collapse="\n"))

#' import the cas9 parameters from YAML file
#' import the cas9 parameters from YAML file
#' @import yaml
#' @param yaml the name of the yaml container to create
#' @param yamlFile is a path to a stored YAML config file
#' @param subenv the name of subenvironment for holding the yaml
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' init()
#' yamlFile <- system.file("extdata", "cas9_demo.yaml", package = "nanopoRe")
#' importConfigYAML(yamlFile=yamlFile)
#' @export
importConfigYAML <- function(yaml="config", yamlFile, subenv=NULL) {
    yamlData <- yaml.load_file(yamlFile)
    if (is.null(subenv)) {
        setCachedObject(yaml, yamlData)
    } else {
        setCachedObject(subenv, new.env())
        setCachedObject(yaml, yamlData, subenv)
sagrudd/nanopoRe documentation built on June 7, 2020, 10:20 p.m.