#' Calculate PROGENy pathway scores from gene expression
#' This function uses the linear model of pathway-responsive genes underlying
#' the PROGENy method. It transforms a gene expression matrix with HGNC/MGI gene
#' symbols in rows and sample names in columns into a pathway score matrix with
#' samples in rows and pathways in columns.
#' The publication of the method is available at:
#' https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-02391-6
#' The supplied expression object has to contain HGNC/MGI symbols in rows. This
#' will, in most cases (and how we originally used it), be either normalized
#' gene expression of a microarray experiment or log-transformed (and
#' possible variance-stabilized) counts from an RNA-seq experiment.
#' The human and mouse model matrices consists of 14 pathways and large set of
#' genes with an associated p-value (p-value per gene and pathway) that accounts
#' for the importance of each gene on each pathway upon perturbation.
#' Its coefficients are non-zero if the gene-pathway pair corresponds
#' to the top N genes (100 by default) that were up-regulated upon stimulation
#' of the pathway in a wide range of experiments. The value corresponds to the
#' fitted z-score across experiments in our model fit.
#' Only rows with at least one non-zero coefficient were included, as the rest
#' is not used to infer pathway activity.
#' @param expr A gene expression object with HGNC/MGI symbols in rows and
#' samples in columns. In order to run PROGENy in single-cell
#' RNAseq data, it also accepts Seurat and SingleCellExperiment
#' object, taking the normalized counts for the computation.
#' @param scale A logical value indicating whether to scale the scores of each
#' pathway to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
#' It does not apply if we use permutations.
#' @param organism The model organism - "Human" or "Mouse"
#' @param top The top n genes for generating the model matrix according to
#' significance (p-value)
#' @param perm An interger detailing the number of permutations. No
#' permutations by default (1). When Permutations larger than 1,
#' we compute progeny pathway scores and assesses their
#' significance using a gene sampling-based permutation strategy,
#' for a series of experimental samples/contrasts.
#' @param verbose A logical value indicating whether to display a message
#' about the number of genes used per pathway to compute
#' progeny scores (i.e. number of genes present in the
#' progeny model and in the expression dataset)
#' @param z_scores Only applies if the number of permutations is greater than 1.
#' A logical value. TRUE: the z-scores will be returned for
#' the pathway activity estimations. FALSE: the function returns
#' a normalized z-score value between -1 and 1.
#' @param get_nulldist Only applies if the number of permutations is greater
#' than 1. A logical value. TRUE: the null distributions
#' generated to assess the signifance of the pathways scores
#' is also returned.
#' @param assay_name Only applies if the input is a Seurat object. It selects the
#' name of the assay on which Progeny will be run. Default to:
#' RNA, i.e. normalized expression values.
#' @param return_assay Only applies if the input is a Seurat object. A logical
#' value indicating whether to return progeny results as a new
#' assay called Progeny in the Seurat object used as input.
#' Default to FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the functions.
#' @return A matrix with samples in rows and pathways in columns. In case
#' we run the method with permutations and the option get_nulldist
#' to TRUE, we will get a list with two elements. The first
#' element is the matrix with the pathway activity as before.
#' The second elements is the null distributions that we generate
#' to assess the signifance of the pathways scores.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{progenyPerm}}
#' @examples
#' # use example gene expression matrix here, this is just for illustration
#' gene_expression <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata",
#' "human_input.csv", package = "progeny"), row.names = 1))
#' # calculate pathway activities
#' pathways <- progeny(gene_expression, scale=TRUE,
#' organism="Human", top = 100, perm = 1)
progeny = function(expr, scale=TRUE, organism="Human", top = 100, perm = 1,
verbose = FALSE, z_scores = FALSE, get_nulldist = FALSE, assay_name = "RNA",
return_assay = FALSE, ...) {
#' @export
progeny.ExpressionSet = function(expr, scale=TRUE, organism="Human", top = 100,
perm = 1, verbose = FALSE, z_scores = FALSE, get_nulldist = FALSE, ...) {
progeny(Biobase::exprs(expr), scale=scale, organism=organism, top=top,
perm = perm, verbose = verbose, z_scores = z_scores,
get_nulldist = get_nulldist)
#' @export
progeny.Seurat = function(expr, scale=TRUE, organism="Human", top = 100,
perm = 1, verbose = FALSE, z_scores = FALSE, get_nulldist = FALSE,
assay_name = "RNA", return_assay = FALSE,...) {
if (!is.logical(return_assay)){
stop("return_assay should be a logical value")
if (scale & return_assay){
warning("Scale and return_assay should not be both true.
Please use the function Seurat::ScaleData(object, assay = \"progeny\")
to scale PROGENy scores. Scale is set to FALSE")
scale = FALSE
results <- progeny(as.matrix(Seurat::GetAssayData(expr, slot = "data",
assay = assay_name)), scale=scale, organism=organism, top=top,
perm = perm, verbose = verbose, z_scores = z_scores,
get_nulldist = get_nulldist, assay_name = assay_name,
return_assay = return_assay)
if (return_assay){
expr[['progeny']] = Seurat::CreateAssayObject(data = t(results))
Seurat::Key(object = expr[['progeny']]) <- 'progeny_'
} else {
#' @export
progeny.SingleCellExperiment = function(expr, scale=FALSE, organism="Human",
top = 100, perm = 1, verbose = FALSE, z_scores = FALSE,
get_nulldist = FALSE, ...) {
progeny(as.matrix(SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(expr)), scale=scale,
organism=organism, top=top, perm = perm, verbose = verbose,
z_scores = z_scores, get_nulldist = get_nulldist)
#' @export
progeny.matrix = function(expr, scale=TRUE, organism="Human", top = 100,
perm = 1, verbose = FALSE, z_scores = FALSE, get_nulldist = FALSE,...) {
if (!is.logical(scale)){
stop("scale should be a logical value")
if (!(is.numeric(perm)) || perm < 1){
stop("perm should be an integer value")
if (!is.logical(verbose)){
stop("verbose should be a logical value")
if (!is.logical(z_scores)){
stop("z_scores should be a logical value")
if (!is.logical(get_nulldist)){
stop("get_nulldist should be a logical value")
if (perm == 1 && (z_scores || get_nulldist)){
if (verbose){
message("z_scores and get_nulldist are only applicable when the
number of permutations is larger than 1.")
model <- getModel(organism, top=top)
common_genes <- intersect(rownames(expr), rownames(model))
if (verbose){
number_genes <- apply(model, 2, function (x) {
sum(rownames(model)[which (x != 0)] %in% unique(rownames(expr)))
message("Number of genes used per pathway to compute progeny scores:")
message(paste(names(number_genes),": ", number_genes, " (",
(number_genes/top)*100,"%)",sep = "","\n"))
if (perm==1) {
result <- t(expr[common_genes,,drop=FALSE]) %*%
if (scale && nrow(result) > 1) {
rn <- rownames(result)
result <- apply(result, 2, scale)
rownames(result) <- rn
} else if (perm > 1) {
expr <- data.frame(names = row.names(expr), row.names = NULL, expr)
model <- data.frame(names = row.names(model), row.names = NULL, model)
result <- progenyPerm(expr, model, k = perm, z_scores = z_scores,
get_nulldist = get_nulldist)
#' @export
progeny.default = function(expr, scale=TRUE, organism="Human", top = 100,
perm = 1, verbose = FALSE, z_scores = FALSE, get_nulldist = FALSE, ...) {
stop("Do not know how to access the data matrix from class ", class(expr))
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