#' Weighted Mean (WMEAN)
#' @description
#' Calculates regulatory activities using WMEAN.
#' @details
#' WMEAN infers regulator activities by first multiplying each target feature by
#' its associated weight which then are summed to an enrichment score
#' `wmean`. Furthermore, permutations of random target features can
#' be performed to obtain a null distribution that can be used to compute a
#' z-score `norm_wmean`, or a corrected estimate `corr_wmean` by multiplying
#' `wmean` by the minus log10 of the obtained empirical p-value.
#' @inheritParams .decoupler_mat_format
#' @inheritParams .decoupler_network_format
#' @param times How many permutations to do?
#' @param seed A single value, interpreted as an integer, or NULL for random
#' number generation.
#' @param sparse Should the matrices used for the calculation be sparse?
#' @param randomize_type How to randomize the expression matrix.
#' @param minsize Integer indicating the minimum number of targets per source.
#' @return A long format tibble of the enrichment scores for each source
#' across the samples. Resulting tibble contains the following columns:
#' 1. `statistic`: Indicates which method is associated with which score.
#' 2. `source`: Source nodes of `network`.
#' 3. `condition`: Condition representing each column of `mat`.
#' 4. `score`: Regulatory activity (enrichment score).
#' 5. `p_value`: p-value for the score of the method.
#' @family decoupleR statistics
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import purrr
#' @import tibble
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @examples
#' inputs_dir <- system.file("testdata", "inputs", package = "decoupleR")
#' mat <- readRDS(file.path(inputs_dir, "mat.rds"))
#' net <- readRDS(file.path(inputs_dir, "net.rds"))
#' run_wmean(mat, net, minsize=0)
run_wmean <- function(mat,
.source = source,
.target = target,
.mor = mor,
.likelihood = likelihood,
times = 100,
seed = 42,
sparse = TRUE,
randomize_type = "rows",
minsize = 5
) {
# NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
c_score <- condition <- corr_wmean <- likelihood <- mor <- norm_wmean <- null_distribution <- null_mean <- null_sd <- p_value <- score <- source <- statistic <- target <- value <- weight <- wmean <- z_score <- NULL
# Before to start ---------------------------------------------------------
if (times < 2) {
rlang::abort(message = stringr::str_glue("Parameter 'times' must be greater than or equal to 2, but {times} was passed."))
# Check for NAs/Infs in mat
mat <- check_nas_infs(mat)
network <- network %>%
rename_net({{ .source }}, {{ .target }}, {{ .mor }}, {{ .likelihood }})
network <- filt_minsize(rownames(mat), network, minsize)
# Preprocessing -----------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate the weights that will be used for the evaluation of the model
network <- network %>%
filter(target %in% rownames(mat)) %>%
# Extract labels that will map to the expression and profile matrices
shared_targets <- unique(network[["target"]])
targets <- rownames(mat)
conditions <- colnames(mat)
# Extract matrix of weights
weight_mat <- network %>%
id_cols = source,
names_from = target,
values_from = weight,
to_matrix = TRUE,
to_sparse = sparse,
values_fill = 0
weight_mat <- as.matrix(weight_mat)
# This fixes the wrong denominator defined in contribution
weight_mat <- weight_mat/rowSums(abs(weight_mat))
# Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------
withr::with_seed(seed, {
.wmean_analysis(mat, weight_mat, shared_targets, times, randomize_type)
# Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------
#' Wrapper to execute run_wmean() logic once finished preprocessing of data
#' @inherit run_wmean description
#' @inheritParams run_wmean
#' @param weight_mat Matrix that corresponds to the multiplication of the mor
#' column with likelihood divided over the contribution.
#' @param shared_targets Target nodes that are shared between the
#' `mat` and `network`.
#' @inherit run_wmean return
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.wmean_analysis <- function(mat, weight_mat, shared_targets, times, randomize_type) {
# Thus, it is only necessary to define if we want
# to evaluate a random model or not.
wmean_run <- partial(
mat = mat,
weight_mat = weight_mat,
shared_targets = shared_targets,
randomize_type = randomize_type
# Run model for random data
map_dfr(seq_len(times), ~ wmean_run(random = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(source, condition) %>%
null_distribution = list(value),
null_mean = mean(value),
null_sd = stats::sd(value),
.groups = "drop"
) %>%
# Run the true model and joined to random.
left_join(y = wmean_run(random = FALSE), by = c("source", "condition")) %>%
# Calculate scores
z_score = (value - null_mean) / null_sd,
z_score = replace_na(z_score, 0),
p_value = map2_dbl(
.x = null_distribution,
.y = value,
.f = ~ sum(abs(.x) > abs(.y)) / length(.x)
# Limit empirical p-value to lower bound 1/times and upper bound
# (times-1)/times
p_value = if_else(p_value == 0, 1/times, p_value),
p_value = if_else(p_value == 1, (times-1)/times, p_value),
p_value = if_else(p_value >= 0.5, 1-p_value, p_value),
p_value = p_value * 2,
c_score = value * (-log10(p_value))
) %>%
# Reformat results
select(-contains("null")) %>%
rename(corr_wmean = c_score, wmean = value, norm_wmean = z_score) %>%
cols = c(corr_wmean, wmean, norm_wmean),
names_to = "statistic",
values_to = "score"
) %>%
arrange(statistic, source, condition) %>%
select(statistic, source, condition, score, p_value)
#' Wrapper to run wmean one time
#' @inheritParams .wmean_analysis
#' @inherit .wmean_evaluate_model return
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.wmean_run <- function(mat, weight_mat, shared_targets, random, randomize_type) {
.wmean_map_model_data(mat, shared_targets, random, randomize_type) %>%
#' Calculate mean weight
#' @inheritParams .wmean_analysis
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.wmean_calculate_weight <- function(network) {
network %>%
add_count(source, name = "contribution") %>%
weight = mor * likelihood
#' Collect a subset of data: random or not.
#' If random is true, then it permutes the rows of the matrix
#' (i.e preserves the column relationships), otherwise it maintains
#' the original order of the data. Then it takes only those rows with
#' the values provided in `shared_targets`.
#' @return Matrix with rows that match `shared_targets`.
#' @inheritParams .wmean_analysis
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.wmean_map_model_data <- function(mat, shared_targets, random, randomize_type) {
if (random) {
randomize_matrix(mat, randomize_type = randomize_type)[shared_targets, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
mat[shared_targets, , drop = FALSE]
#' Evaluate model
#' The evaluation model consists of evaluating the multiplication of the
#' weights by the factor of interest and comparing it against results
#' from permutations of the matrix of values of interest.
#' @inheritParams .wmean_analysis
#' @return A dataframe with three columns:
#' source (source nodes), condition (colnames of mat) and value (score).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.wmean_evaluate_model <- function(mat, weight_mat) {
(weight_mat %*% mat) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
rownames_to_column("source") %>%
pivot_longer(-source, names_to = "condition")
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