#' Evaluate multiple statistics with same input data
#' Calculate the source activity per sample out of a gene expression matrix by
#' coupling a regulatory network with a variety of statistics.
#' @inheritParams .decoupler_mat_format
#' @inheritParams .decoupler_network_format
#' @param statistics Statistical methods to be run sequentially. If none are
#' provided, only top performer methods are run (mlm, ulm and wsum).
#' @param args A list of argument-lists the same length as `statistics`
#' (or length 1). The default argument, list(NULL), will be recycled to the
#' same length as `statistics`, and will call each function with no arguments
#' (apart from `mat`, `network`, `.source` and, `.target`).
#' @param consensus_score Boolean whether to run a consensus score between
#' methods.
#' @param consensus_stats List of estimate names to use for the calculation
#' of the consensus score. This is used to filter out extra estimations
#' from some methods, for example wsum returns wsum, corr_wsum and norm_wsum. If
#' none are provided, and also no statstics where provided, only top performer
#' methods are used (mlm, ulm and norm_wsum). Else, it will use all available
#' estimates after running all methods in the statistics argument.
#' @param include_time Should the time per statistic evaluated be informed?
#' @param minsize Integer indicating the minimum number of targets per source.
#' @param show_toy_call The call of each statistic must be informed?
#' @return A long format tibble of the enrichment scores for each source
#' across the samples. Resulting tibble contains the following columns:
#' 1. `run_id`: Indicates the order in which the methods have been executed.
#' 2. `statistic`: Indicates which method is associated with which score.
#' 3. `source`: Source nodes of `network`.
#' 4. `condition`: Condition representing each column of `mat`.
#' 5. `score`: Regulatory activity (enrichment score).
#' 6. `statistic_time`: If requested, internal execution time indicator.
#' 7. `p_value`: p-value (if available) of the obtained score.
#' @export
#' @import purrr
#' @family decoupleR statistics
#' @examples
#' if (FALSE) {
#' inputs_dir <- system.file("testdata", "inputs", package = "decoupleR")
#' mat <- readRDS(file.path(inputs_dir, "mat.rds"))
#' net <- readRDS(file.path(inputs_dir, "net.rds"))
#' decouple(
#' mat = mat,
#' network = net,
#' .source = "source",
#' .target = "target",
#' statistics = c("gsva", "wmean", "wsum", "ulm", "aucell"),
#' args = list(
#' gsva = list(verbose = FALSE),
#' wmean = list(.mor = "mor", .likelihood = "likelihood"),
#' wsum = list(.mor = "mor"),
#' ulm = list(.mor = "mor")
#' ),
#' minsize = 0
#' )
#' }
decouple <- function(mat,
.source = source,
.target = target,
statistics = NULL,
args = list(NULL),
consensus_score = TRUE,
consensus_stats = NULL,
include_time = FALSE,
show_toy_call = FALSE,
minsize = 5) {
# NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
condition <- run_id <- score <- source <- statistic <- target <- NULL
# If NULL use top performer methods.
if (is.null(statistics)){
statistics <- c('mlm','ulm','wsum')
if (is.null(consensus_stats)) {
consensus_stats <- c('mlm','ulm','norm_wsum')
} else if (length(statistics) == 1) {
if (tolower(statistics)=='all') {
statistics <- c('udt','mdt','aucell','wmean','wsum','ulm',
# Match statistic names with arguments
for (stat in setdiff(statistics, names(args))) {
args[[stat]] = list()
args <- args[names(args) %in% statistics]
statistics <- statistics[match(names(args),statistics)]
# Overwrite minsize
for (name in names(args)) {
args[[name]][['minsize']] <- minsize
# Match statistics to couple ----------------------------------------------
statistics <- .select_statistics(statistics)
# Evaluate statistics -----------------------------------------------------
mat_symbol <- .label_expr({{ mat }})
network_symbol <- .label_expr({{ network }})
# For the moment this will only ensure that the parameters passed
# to decoupleR are the same when invoking the functions.
df <- map2_dfr(
.x = statistics,
.y = args,
.f = .invoke_statistic,
mat = mat,
network = network,
.source = {{ .source }},
.target = {{ .target }},
mat_symbol = {{ mat_symbol }},
network_symbol = {{ network_symbol }},
include_time = include_time,
minsize = minsize,
show_toy_call = show_toy_call,
.id = "run_id"
) %>%
) %>%
mutate(run_id = as.numeric(run_id))
if (consensus_score){
if (!is.null(consensus_stats)) {
consensus <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(statistic %in% consensus_stats) %>%
decoupleR::run_consensus(., include_time=include_time)
} else {
consensus <- decoupleR::run_consensus(df, include_time=include_time)
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, consensus)
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Choose statistics to run
#' It allows the user to select multiple statistics to run,
#' no matter if they are repeated or not.
#' @details
#' From the user perspective, this could be useful since any traceback
#' would look something like decoupleR::run_{statistic}().
#' @inheritParams decouple
#' @return list of expressions of statistics to run.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.select_statistics <- function(statistics) {
available_statistics <- list(
aucell = expr(run_aucell),
udt = expr(run_udt),
mdt = expr(run_mdt),
wmean = expr(run_wmean),
ulm = expr(run_ulm),
mlm = expr(run_mlm),
wsum = expr(run_wsum),
viper = expr(run_viper),
gsva = expr(run_gsva),
ora = expr(run_ora),
fgsea = expr(run_fgsea)
statistics %>%
match.arg(names(available_statistics), several.ok = TRUE) %>%
available_statistics[.] %>%
#' Construct an expression to evaluate a decoupleR statistic.
#' @details
#' `.invoke_statistic()` was designed because [purrr::invoke_map_dfr()] is
#' retired. The alternative proposed by the developers by purrr is to use
#' [rlang::exec()] in combination with [purrr::map2()], however, the function
#' is not a quoting function, so the parameters that require the
#' `curly-curly` (`{{}}`) operator require a special pre-processing.
#' In practical terms, creating an expression of zero allows us to have better
#' control over the function call as suggested in the [rlang::exec()]
#' documentation. For instance, we can see how the function itself is being
#' called. Therefore, if an error occurs in one of the statistics, we will
#' have a direct traceback to the problematic call, as opposed to what happens
#' directly using [rlang::exec()].
#' @inheritParams decouple
#' @param fn Expression containing the name of the function to execute.
#' @param args Extra arguments to pass to the statistician under evaluation.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.invoke_statistic <- function(fn,
show_toy_call) {
.toy_call <- expr(
mat = {{ mat_symbol }},
network = {{ network_symbol }},
.source = {{ .source }},
.target = {{ .target }},
if (show_toy_call) {
utils::capture.output(rlang::qq_show(!!.toy_call)) %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "= \\^", "= ") %>%
.call <- expr(
mat = mat,
network = network,
.source = {{ .source }},
.target = {{ .target }},
if (include_time) {
.start_time <- Sys.time()
eval(.call) %>%
statistic_time = difftime(Sys.time(), .start_time),
.after = "score"
} else {
#' Convert object to symbol expression
#' @param x An object or expression to convert to symbol
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.label_expr <- function(x) rlang::get_expr(enquo(x))
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