# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2013 - EMBL-EBI
# File author(s): CNO developers (cno-dev@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org
# $Id$
# This function reads a SBMLQual written for storing SIF file.
# The listOfQualitativeSpecies should contain the species
# From the listOfTransitions, the edgse can be extracted
# TODO: what if there is no transittion for a given specy. Is it possible ? If
# so this is an isolated node.
readSBMLQual <- function(filename){
warning("experimental SBML reader. use with care July 2013.")
# library(XML) - already loaded because of package Depends field
doc = xmlTreeParse(filename)
r = xmlRoot(doc)
sif = data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=3))
species = xmlChildren(xmlChildren(r)[[1]])['listOfQualitativeSpecies']
nameSpecies = as.vector(unlist(xmlApply(species[[1]], function(x) xmlGetAttr(x, "id"))))
transitions = xmlChildren(xmlChildren(r)[[1]])['listOfTransitions']
andCounter = 1
for (i in seq_along((transitions[[1]]))){
# somehow we can not loop over the transitions so we use
# seq_along(length(transitions))
transition = transitions[[1]][[i]]
outputs = xmlChildren(transition)$listOfOutputs
inputs = xmlChildren(transition)$listOfInputs
signs = as.vector(unlist(sapply(xmlChildren(inputs), function(x) xmlGetAttr(x,"sign"))))
LHS = as.vector(unlist(sapply(xmlChildren(inputs), function(x) xmlGetAttr(x,"qualitativeSpecies"))))
RHS = as.vector(unlist(sapply(xmlChildren(outputs), function(x) xmlGetAttr(x,"qualitativeSpecies"))))
functions = xmlChildren(transition)$listOfFunctionTerms
# from function, figure out if we have a OR or AND gate
logics = xmlChildren(xmlChildren(xmlChildren(xmlChildren(functions)$functionTerm)$math)$apply)
logics = names(logics)
# all links other than AND should be here
if (("and" %in% logics)==FALSE){
for (j in seq_along(LHS)){
if (signs[[j]] == "positive"){
sif = rbind(c(LHS[[j]],1,RHS), sif)
} else if (signs[[j]] == "negative") {
sif = rbind(c(LHS[[j]],-1,RHS), sif)
} else {
stop("signs must be negative or positive")
# the AND case only
if ("and" %in% logics){
andName = paste("and", andCounter, sep="")
for (j in seq_along(LHS)){
if (signs[[j]] == "positive"){
sif = rbind(c(LHS[[j]],1,andName), sif)
} else if (signs[[j]] == "negative") {
sif = rbind(c(LHS[[j]],-1,andName), sif)
} else {
stop("signs must be negative or positive")
sif = rbind(c(andName, 1, RHS), sif)
andCounter = andCounter + 1
# remove last row (0,0,0) set at the beginning to define the data frame.
sif = sif[-dim(sif)[[1]],]
fh = tempfile()
sif = readSIF(fh)
# hack/trick to replace self loop with a dummy node.
#sif = .add_dummies(sif)
# this function reads a model, find self loops.
# If any self loops are found, there are replaced by A->dummy->A
# Does handle simple direct self loops e.g. A->A but not A-|A
.add_dummies <- function(model){
# identify self-loops
indices = c()
for (ireac in seq_along(model$reacID)){
reac = model$reacID[ireac]
lhs = strsplit(reac, "=")[[1]][1]
rhs = strsplit(reac, "=")[[1]][2]
if (lhs == rhs){
indices = c(indices, ireac)
# don't do anything if no self loops are found
if (length(indices)==0){
# remove self loops
warning("Self inhibited loop not handled yet in this version")
newmodel = model
newmodel$reacID = newmodel$reacID[-indices]
newmodel$interMat <- newmodel$interMat[,-indices]
newmodel$notMat <- newmodel$notMat[,-indices]
# add them back with the dummies
counter = 1
for (i in seq_along(indices)){
index = indices[i]
dummy = paste("dummy" , counter, sep="")
reac = model$reacID[index]
species = strsplit(reac, "=")[[1]][1]
reac1 = paste(species, "=", dummy, sep="")
reac2 = paste(dummy, "=", species, sep="")
counter = counter + 1
# add the 2 new reactions only in reacID for now
newmodel$reacID = c(newmodel$reacID, c(reac1, reac2))
# add the dummy species
newmodel$namesSpecies = c(newmodel$namesSpecies, dummy)
########## INTERMAT ############
# now add first the new species row in interMat
rowvec = rep(0, length(newmodel$reacID)-2 )
newmodel$interMat = rbind(newmodel$interMat, rowvec)
names = rownames(newmodel$interMat)
names[length(names)] = dummy
rownames(newmodel$interMat) = names
# add species=dummy column in interMat
colvec = rep(0, length(newmodel$namesSpecies)) # !! the dummy node is there
colvec[newmodel$namesSpecies == species] = -1
colvec[newmodel$namesSpecies == dummy] = 1
colvec = colvec[1:length(colvec)]
newmodel$interMat = cbind(newmodel$interMat, colvec)
names = colnames(newmodel$interMat)
names[length(names)] = reac1
colnames(newmodel$interMat) = names
# add dummy=species column in interMat
colvec = rep(0, length(newmodel$namesSpecies))
colvec[newmodel$namesSpecies == species] = 1
colvec[newmodel$namesSpecies == dummy] = -1
newmodel$interMat = cbind(newmodel$interMat, colvec)
names = colnames(newmodel$interMat)
names[length(names)] = reac2
colnames(newmodel$interMat) = names
########## NOTMAT ############
# now add the new species row in interMat
rowvec = rep(0, length(newmodel$reacID)-2)
newmodel$notMat = rbind(newmodel$notMat, rowvec)
names = rownames(newmodel$notMat)
names[length(names)] = dummy
rownames(newmodel$notMat) = names
# add species=dummy column in NotMat only zeros
colvec = rep(0, length(newmodel$namesSpecies))
newmodel$notMat = cbind(newmodel$notMat, colvec)
names = colnames(newmodel$notMat)
names[length(names)] = reac1
colnames(newmodel$notMat) = names
## add dummy=species column in notMat only zeros
colvec = rep(0, length(newmodel$namesSpecies))
newmodel$notMat = cbind(newmodel$notMat, colvec)
names = colnames(newmodel$notMat)
names[length(names)] = reac2
colnames(newmodel$notMat) = names
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