.rmDList <- function(reqList){
if(length(reqList) > 0){
cs <- unlist(lapply(reqList, function(x)x$class))
if("DockerRequirement" %in% names(reqList)){
reqList <- reqList[-match("DockerRequirement", names(reqList))]
}else if( "DockerRequirement" %in% cs){
reqList <- reqList[-match("DockerRequirement", cs)]
.rmDocker <- function(cwl){
requirements(cwl) <- .rmDList(requirements(cwl))
hints(cwl) <- .rmDList(hints(cwl))
## Write R function into Rscript
#' @importFrom R.utils commandArgs
#' @importFrom codetools findGlobals
writeFun <- function(cwl, prefix, outdir, libPaths = TRUE){
Fname <- ifelse(is.null(prefix) | prefix=="cwl", basename(tempfile()), prefix)
if(length(cwl@id) > 0){
file <- file.path(outdir, paste0(cwl@id, ".R"))
file <- file.path(outdir, paste0(Fname, ".R"))
funName <- sub(".R", "", basename(file))
assign(funName, baseCommand(cwl))
types <- lapply(inputs(cwl), function(x)x@type)
comArg <- c("suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(R.utils))",
"args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE, asValues = TRUE)")
## add user libPaths
libs <- .libPaths()
libs <- paste0("c('", paste(libs, collapse = "','"), "')")
comArg <- c(paste0(".libPaths(", libs, ")"), comArg)
write(comArg, file = file)
for(i in seq_along(types)){
tn <- names(types)[i]
if(types[[i]] == "int"){
write(paste0("args[[\"", tn, "\"]] <- as.integer(args[[\"", tn, "\"]])"),
file = file, append = TRUE)
}else if(types[[i]] %in% c("long", "float", "double")){
write(paste0("args[[\"", tn, "\"]] <- as.numeric(args[[\"", tn, "\"]])"),
file = file, append = TRUE)
## didn't work
ff <- findGlobals(baseCommand(cwl))
ff <- ff[!grepl("package|namespace", sapply(ff, find))]
if(length(ff) > 0){
sapply(ff, dump, file = file, append = TRUE)
dump(funName, file = file, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("do.call(", funName, ", args)"),
file = file, append = TRUE)
cwlToList <- function(cwl, docker = TRUE, prefix, outdir){
stopifnot(is(cwl, "cwlProcess"))
if(!docker) cwl <- .rmDocker(cwl)
if(is(baseCommand(cwl), "function")){
rfile <- writeFun(cwl, prefix, outdir)
bc <- c("Rscript", rfile)
bc <- baseCommand(cwl)
CL <- list(cwlVersion = cwlVersion(cwl),
class = cwlClass(cwl),
baseCommand = bc,
requirements = cwl@requirements,
hints = cwl@hints,
arguments = cwl@arguments,
id = cwl@id,
label = cwl@label,
doc = cwl@doc,
inputs = as.listInputs(inputs(cwl)),
outputs = as.listOutputs(outputs(cwl)),
stdin = cwl@stdin,
stdout = cwl@stdout,
expression = cwl@expression)
CL <- c(CL, cwl@extensions)
## CL$requirements <- .removeEmpty(CL$requirements)
CL <- .removeEmpty(CL)
if (!"inputs" %in% names(CL) ) { ## if no input parameters, add space holder with an empty list before "outputs".
CL$inputs <- list()
pos <- grep("outputs", names(CL))
CL <- c(CL[seq(pos-1)], CL["inputs"], CL[seq(pos, length(CL)-1)])
if(cwlClass(cwl) == "Workflow"){
CL <- c(CL, list(steps = as.listSteps(cwl@steps)))
## remove inputBinding
for(i in seq(CL$inputs)){
CL$inputs[[i]]$inputBinding <- NULL
if("inputBinding" %in% names(CL$inputs[[i]]$type)){
CL$inputs[[i]]$type$inputBinding <- NULL
}else if (cwlClass(cwl) == "ExpressionTool") {
for(i in seq(CL$inputs)){
CL$inputs[[i]]$inputBinding <- NULL
if(is.null(CL$outputs)) CL$outputs <- list()
## Nested steps
allRun <- function(cwl){
Steps <- steps(cwl)
Run <- c()
for(i in seq(Steps)){
nm1 <- names(Steps)[i]
run1 <- Steps[[i]]@run
if(is(run1, "cwlProcess") & !is(run1, "cwlWorkflow")){
nn <- names(Run)
Run <- c(Run, run1)
names(Run) <- c(nn, nm1)
}else if(is(run1, "cwlWorkflow")){
## record cwlWorkflow
nn <- names(Run)
Run <- c(Run, run1)
names(Run) <- c(nn, nm1)
## recursive
Run <- c(Run, allRun(run1))
#' Write CWL
#' write `cwlProcess` to cwl and yml.
#' @param cwl A `cwlProcess` or `cwlWorkflow` object.
#' @param prefix The prefix of `.cwl` and `.yml` files to be generated.
#' @param outdir The output directory for the `.cwl` and `.yml` files.
#' @param docker Whether to use docker.
#' @param libPaths Whether to add local R libaray paths to R script.
#' @param ... Other options from `yaml::write_yaml`.
#' @import yaml
#' @export
#' @return A CWL file and A YML file.
#' @examples
#' input1 <- InputParam(id = "sth")
#' echo <- cwlProcess(baseCommand = "echo",
#' inputs = InputParamList(input1))
#' writeCWL(echo)
writeCWL <- function(cwl, prefix = deparse(substitute(cwl)),
outdir = tempfile(),
docker = TRUE, libPaths = TRUE, ...){
if (!dir.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
stopifnot(is(cwl, "cwlProcess"))
## logical to true/false
handlers <- list(
logical = function(x) {
result <- ifelse(x, "true", "false")
class(result) <- "verbatim"
yml <- .removeEmpty(.cwl2yml(cwl))
.R2cwl <- function(x, prefix, outdir){
rfile <- writeFun(x, prefix, outdir = outdir, libPaths)
baseCommand(x) <- "Rscript"
requirements(x) <- c(list(requireRscript(rfile)), requirements(x))
arguments(x) <- c(list(basename(rfile)), arguments(x))
if(cwlClass(cwl) == "Workflow") {
Runs <- allRun(cwl)
lapply(seq(Runs), function(i){
cfile <- paste0(file.path(outdir,
names(Runs)[i]), ".cwl")
if (is(baseCommand(Runs[[i]]), "function")) {
Runs[[i]] <- .R2cwl(Runs[[i]], names(Runs)[i], outdir)
write_yaml(cwlToList(Runs[[i]], docker,
prefix = sub(".cwl", "", basename(cfile)),
file = cfile,
handlers = handlers, ...)
## NOTE: Now nested pipelines and related tools are all written
## in the same directory. Future conflict may rise when nested
## pipelines are using the same tool but with different options,
## there will be different "id" for each tool. Or we can later add
## a prefix of the pipeline name on that specific tool. 2/12/2012
## for(i in seq(cList$steps)){
## if(!grepl("^/", cList$steps[[i]]$run)){
## cList$steps[[i]]$run <- file.path(outdir,
## cList$steps[[i]]$run)
## }
}else if(is(baseCommand(cwl), "function")){
cwl <- .R2cwl(cwl, prefix, outdir)
cList <- cwlToList(cwl, docker, prefix, outdir)
cwlout <- file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, ".cwl"))
ymlout <- file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, ".yml"))
write_yaml(cList, file = cwlout, handlers = handlers, ...)
if (!length(yml)) {
writeLines("{}", con = ymlout)
} else {
write_yaml(yml, file = ymlout, handlers = handlers, ...)
return(c(cwlout = cwlout, ymlout = ymlout))
.cwl2yml <- function(cwl){
lapply(inputs(cwl), function(x) {
if(length(x@value) > 0) {
v <- x@value
}else if(length(x@default) > 0){
v <- x@default
v <- NULL
if(is(x@type, "InputArrayParam")){
Type <- x@type@items
Type <- x@type
if(is(v, "character") && any(Type == "int")){
v <- as.integer(v)
}else if(is(v, "character") && any(Type == "boolean")){
v <- as.logical(v)
v <- c(format = x@format, v)
.slot2list <- function(x) {
mapply(function(y) slot(x, y),
.removeEmpty <- function(L) {
L <- L[L != ""]
L[lengths(L) > 0]
as.listInputs <- function(Inputs){
alist <- lapply(Inputs, .slot2list)
for(i in seq(alist)){
if(is(alist[[i]]$type, "InputArrayParam")){
atype <- .slot2list(alist[[i]]$type)
atype <- .removeEmpty(atype)
atype$inputBinding <- .removeEmpty(atype$inputBinding)
alist[[i]]$type <- atype
if(alist[[i]]$inputBinding$position == 0){
alist[[i]]$inputBinding$position <- NULL
}else if(alist[[i]]$inputBinding$position < 0){
alist[[i]]$inputBinding <- NULL
alist[[i]]$inputBinding <- .removeEmpty(alist[[i]]$inputBinding)
alist[[i]]$value <- NULL
alist[[i]]$id <- NULL
alist[[i]] <- .removeEmpty(alist[[i]])
as.listOutputs <- function(Outputs){
olist <- lapply(Outputs, .slot2list)
for(i in seq(olist)){
olist[[i]]$id <- NULL
if(is(olist[[i]]$type, "OutputArrayParam")){
otype <- .removeEmpty(.slot2list(olist[[i]]$type))
otype$outputBinding <- .removeEmpty(otype$outputBinding)
olist[[i]]$type <- otype
olist[[i]]$outputBinding <- .removeEmpty(olist[[i]]$outputBinding)
olist[[i]] <- .removeEmpty(olist[[i]])
as.listSteps <- function(Steps){
slist <- lapply(Steps, function(st) {
sIns <- lapply(st@In, function(x) {
ilist1 <- .slot2list(x)
ilist1 <- ilist1[lengths(ilist1) > 0]
ilist1$id <- NULL
if(all(names(ilist1) == "source")){
ilist1 <- ilist1$source
if(is(st@run, "cwlProcess")){
run <- paste0(st@id, ".cwl")
run <- st@run
list(run = run,
"in" = sIns,
out = st@Out,
scatter = st@scatter,
scatterMethod = st@scatterMethod,
label = st@label,
doc = st@doc,
requirements = st@requirements,
hints = st@hints,
when = st@when)
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