
Defines functions .nameFeatures .filterCOsExtra readHapState

Documented in .filterCOsExtra readHapState

#' readHapState
#' A function that parses the viterbi state matrix (in .mtx format),
#' barcode.txt and snpAnno.txt files for each individual.
#' @importClassesFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData assay assay<- SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges metadata<- assays assays<-
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM
#' @importFrom utils read.table

#' @param path, the path to the files, with name patterns *{chrom}_vi.mtx,
#' *{chrom}_viSegInfo.txt, end with slash
#' @param barcodeFile, if NULL, it is assumed to be in the same directory as the
#' other files and with name sampleName_barcodes.txt
#' @param chroms, the character vectors of chromosomes to parse. Multiple chromosomes'
#' results will be concated together.
#' @param sampleName, the name of the sample to parse which is used as prefix for
#' finding relevant files for the underlying sample
#' @param bpDist, the crossover(s) will be filtered out if introduced by a segment
#'that is shorter than `bpDist` basepairs. It can be a single value or a vector
#'that is the same length and order with `chroms`.
#' @inheritParams .filterCOsExtra
#' @return a RangedSummarizedExperiment with rowRanges as SNP positions that
#' contribute to crossovers in any cells. colData contains cells annotation
#' including barcodes and sampleName.
#' @examples
#' demo_path <- system.file("extdata",package = "comapr")
#' s1_rse_state <- readHapState(sampleName="s1",chroms=c("chr1"),
#' path=paste0(demo_path,"/"),
#' barcodeFile=NULL,minSNP = 0, minlogllRatio = 50,
#' bpDist = 100,maxRawCO=10,minCellSNP=3)
#' s1_rse_state
#' @export
#' @author Ruqian Lyu

readHapState <- function(sampleName, chroms=c("chr1"), path,
                         barcodeFile = NULL, minSNP = 30,
                         minlogllRatio = 200,
                         bpDist = 100, maxRawCO = 10,nmad = 1.5,
                         minCellSNP = 200,
                         biasTol = 0.45){
    barcodeFile <- file.path(path,paste0(sampleName,"_barcodes.txt"))

  bpDist <- .nameFeatures(chroms,bpDist)
  minSNP <- .nameFeatures(chroms,minSNP)
  minCellSNP <- .nameFeatures(chroms,minCellSNP)
  minlogllRatio <- .nameFeatures(chroms,minlogllRatio)

  result_fun <- function(){
      bpl_fun <- function(chr){

      barcodes <- read.table(file=barcodeFile,stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                             col.names = "barcodes")
      snpAnno <- read.table(file=file.path(path,paste0(sampleName,"_",chr,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      segInfo <- read.table(file = file.path(path,paste0(sampleName,"_",chr,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            col.names = c("ithSperm","Seg_start","Seg_end",
      vi_mtx <- readMM(file = file.path(path,paste0(sampleName,"_",
      grrange <- GRanges(seqnames = chr,
                         ranges = IRanges( start =  snpAnno$POS,
                                                    width = 1))
      se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays =
                                   list(vi_state = vi_mtx),
                                 colData = barcodes,
                                 rowRanges = grrange,
                                 metadata = data.frame(
                                   segInfo, chr=chr,
      se <- .filterCOsExtra(se , minSNP = minSNP[chr],
                            minlogllRatio = minlogllRatio[chr],
                            minCellSNP = minCellSNP[chr],
                            bpDist = bpDist[chr],
    bplapply(chroms,function(chr) bpl_fun(chr))

  se_list <- result_fun()

  rbind_se <- function(se1,se2){
    cc <- intersect(colnames(se1),colnames(se2))
    ## rbind does not combined the metadata, so

#'Filter out doublet cells and uninformative SNPs
#'This function filter out cells that have been called too many crossovers due
#'to diploid cell contamination or doublets. It also only keeps SNPs (rows) that
#'ever contribute to a crossover interval. This function should be run for
#'individual chromosomes and is called internaly by `readHapState`

#'@param se, the SummarizedExperiment object that contains the called haplotype
#'state matrix in the assay field and haplotype segment information in the metadata
#'@param maxRawCO, if a cell has more than `maxRawCO` number of raw crossovers
#'called across a chromosome, the cell is filtered out
#'@param minSNP, the crossover(s) will be filtered out if introduced by a segment
#'that has fewer than `minSNP` SNPs to support.
#'@param bpDist, the crossover(s) will be filtered out if introduced by a segment
#'that is shorter than `bpDist` basepairs.
#'@param minlogllRatio, the crossover(s) will be filtered out if introduced by a
#'segment that has lower than `minlogllRatio` to its reversed state.
#'@param minCellSNP, the minimum number of SNPs detected for a cell to be kept,
#'used with `nmads`
#'@param biasTol, the SNP's haplotype ratio across all cells is assumed
#'to be 1:1. This argument can be used for removing SNPs that have a biased
#'haplotype. i.e. almost always inferred to be haplotype state 1. It specifies
#'a bias tolerance value, SNPs with haplotype ratios deviating from 0.5 smaller
#'than this value are kept. Only effective when number of cells are larger than
#'@param nmad, how many mean absolute deviations lower than the median number
#'of SNPs per cellfor a cell to be considered as low coverage cell and filtered
#'Only effective when number of cells are larger than 10. When effective, this or
#'`minCellSNP`, whichever is larger, is applied
#'@importFrom Matrix Matrix
#'@importFrom SummarizedExperiment metadata<- assay<- colData rowRanges rowRanges<-
#'@importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#'@importFrom IRanges ranges
#'@importFrom stats mad median
#'@importFrom S4Vectors elementMetadata from to
#'@return A `RangedSummarizedExperment` object that have different dims with input.
#'the colnames are the cell barcodes, rowRanges specify the location of SNPs that
#'contribute to crossovers.
#'@details The `logllRatio` value is returned by `sgcocaller` for each haplotype
#'segment formed by consecutive SNPs that are called to have a same state. It is
#'calculated by taking log of ratio (likelihood of SNPs with inferred states)
#'and (likelihood of SNPs with reversed states)
#'@author Ruqian Lyu
#'@keywords internal

.filterCOsExtra <- function(se,minSNP = 30, minlogllRatio = 200,
                            minCellSNP = 200,
                            bpDist = 100,
                            maxRawCO = 10,
                            biasTol = 0.45,
                            nmad = 1.5){
  total_SNP <- total_co <- barcode <- nSNP <- NULL
  segInfo <- data.frame(S4Vectors::metadata(se),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  segInfo$bp_dist <- segInfo$Seg_end - segInfo$Seg_start
  # ithSperm counts from 0. thus +1
  ithBC <- as.numeric(gsub("ithSperm","",segInfo$ithSperm))+1
  segInfo$barcode <- colData(se)$barcodes[ithBC]

    rmCells <- segInfo %>% group_by(barcode) %>%
      summarise(total_SNP = sum(nSNP),
                       total_co = length(nSNP)-1))
  ## provided minCellSNP or nmads smaller from median, whichever is larger
  madsAway <- nmad*mad(rmCells$total_SNP)
  ## when there are more than 10 cells
  if(ncol(se) > 10 ){
    minCellSNP <- ifelse((median(rmCells$total_SNP) - madsAway) < minCellSNP,
                         minCellSNP, (median(rmCells$total_SNP) - madsAway))


  ## Get the cell barcodes that are poor quality (doublets/low cov)
  rmCells <- rmCells %>%
    filter(total_co >= maxRawCO | total_SNP <= minCellSNP )

  rmCells <-  unique(rmCells$barcode)

  segInfo_f <- segInfo[!segInfo$barcode %in% rmCells
                       & segInfo$nSNP > minSNP
                       & segInfo$logllRatio > minlogllRatio
                       & segInfo$bp_dist > bpDist,]

  ## get Crossover contributing SNPs only
  co_contr_snp <- unique(c(segInfo_f$Seg_end,segInfo_f$Seg_start))
  co_contr_snp <- co_contr_snp[order(co_contr_snp)]

  ## remove some SNPs if their inferred states are biased
  markers <- co_contr_snp
  queryR <-  IRanges(start = markers,
                              width = 1)
  if(length(unique(segInfo_f$ithSperm)) > 10 ){

    markers_states <- lapply(unique(segInfo_f$ithSperm),function(ithS){
      subjectR <- IRanges(start = segInfo_f[segInfo_f$ithSperm==ithS,]$Seg_start,
                          end = segInfo_f[segInfo_f$ithSperm==ithS,]$Seg_end,
                          state = segInfo_f[segInfo_f$ithSperm==ithS,]$State)

      temp <- rep(0,length(markers))
      myHits <- findOverlaps(queryR,subjectR)
      temp[from(myHits)] <- elementMetadata(subjectR)$state[to(myHits)]
    markers_states <- do.call(cbind,markers_states)

    ratio <- rowSums(markers_states==1)/(rowSums(markers_states==2) +

    co_contr_snp <- markers[abs(ratio-0.5) < biasTol]

  ## row numbers of these SNPs in the assay
  ithSNP <- match(co_contr_snp, start(ranges(rowRanges(se ))))

  ## subset the columns to only keep the Good cells
  colnames(se) <- colData(se)$barcodes
  se <- se[ithSNP,colnames(se) %in% segInfo_f$barcode]
  vi_m <- Matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(se),ncol=ncol(se))
  queryR <- IRanges(start=co_contr_snp,

  vi_m <- vapply(colnames(se),function(bc){
    nthCol <- which(colnames(se)==bc)
    segs <- segInfo_f[segInfo_f$barcode==bc,]
    temp <- rep(0,length(co_contr_snp))
    mthrows <- match(co_contr_snp,as.numeric(segs[,"Seg_start"]))
    temp[!is.na(mthrows)] <- segs[,"State"][mthrows[!is.na(mthrows)]]
    mthrows <- match(co_contr_snp,as.numeric(segs[,"Seg_end"]))
    temp[!is.na(mthrows)] <- segs[,"State"][mthrows[!is.na(mthrows)]]
  vi_m <- Matrix(vi_m,sparse = TRUE)
  assays(se)[["vi_state"]] <- vi_m
  metadata(se) <- segInfo_f

#' Name the feature by chromosome names so that filtering of segments can use
#' chromosome specific values
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.nameFeatures <- function(chroms,featureVector){
    stopifnot(length(featureVector) == length(chroms))
  } else{
    featureVector <- rep(featureVector,length(chroms))
  names(featureVector) <- chroms
ruqianl/comapr documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 9:35 p.m.