# Name: MacIntosh Cornwell
# Email: mcornwell1957@gmail.com
## Plotting Functions
#' Plot out a heatmap
#' @usage create_heatmap(counttab = counttab,
#' colmetatable = NULL, colannotationlist = NULL,
#' colclusterparam = FALSE, rowclusterparam = FALSE,
#' nameparam)
#' @param counttab table with counts, samples -x-axis, features -y-axis
#' @param colmetatable the metatable containing information for the columns
#' @param colannotationlist annotation table for columns, based off colmetatable
#' @param colclusterparam cluster the columns?
#' @param rowclusterparam cluster the rows?
#' @param nameparam the title on the heatmap
#' @return prints a pdf heatmap out to the designated outpath
#' @keywords outliers blacksheepr deva
#' @import stats grid grDevices ComplexHeatmap circlize
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("sample_phosphodata")
#' counttab <- sample_phosphodata
#' nameparam <- "testplot"
#' create_heatmap(counttab = counttab,
#' colmetatable = NULL,
#' colannotationlist = NULL,colclusterparam = FALSE,
#' rowclusterparam = FALSE, nameparam)
create_heatmap <- function(counttab = counttab,
colmetatable = NULL, colannotationlist = NULL, colclusterparam = FALSE,
rowclusterparam = FALSE, nameparam) {
## Zscore out counttable
maptab <- as.matrix(counttab)
if (rowclusterparam != FALSE) {
rowdistance <- dist(na.omit(maptab), method = "euclidean")
rowcluster <- hclust(rowdistance, method = "ward.D2")
rowclusterparam <- rowcluster
## Build Annotations from our metatable
hatop <- NULL
if (!is.null(colannotationlist) & !is.null(colmetatable)) {
temp1 <- vector("list", length(colannotationlist))
names(temp1) <- names(colannotationlist)
annotlegendlist <- lapply(temp1, function(x) x[[1]] = list(title_gp =
gpar(fontsize = 6, fontface = "bold"), labels_gp=gpar(fontsize=6)))
## Param that keeps a legend if it's annotation is continuous
## or has less than 10 discrete terms, otherwise hide the legend
showlegendparam <- unname(unlist(lapply(colannotationlist, function(x) {
numterms = tryCatch(length(na.omit(unique(x))),
error=function(e) NULL)
is.null(numterms) || numterms <= 10})))
columnannotation_height = unit(
min(30/length(colannotationlist), 5),"mm")
hatop <- HeatmapAnnotation(df = data.frame(colmetatable),
col = colannotationlist,
na_col = "white",
show_annotation_name = TRUE,
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8, fontface="bold"),
annotation_name_side = "left",
simple_anno_size = columnannotation_height,
show_legend = showlegendparam,
annotation_legend_param = annotlegendlist)
## Define the Heatmap
lowcolor <- midcolor <- highcolor <-
lowvalue <- midvalue <- highvalue <- NULL
if(max(maptab, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
highcolor <- "red"
highvalue <- max(max(maptab, na.rm = TRUE), 1)
} else {
highcolor <- "white"
highvalue <- 0
if(min(maptab, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
lowcolor <- "blue"
lowvalue <- min(min(maptab, na.rm = TRUE), -1)
} else {
lowcolor <- "white"
lowvalue <- 0
if(max(maptab, na.rm = TRUE) > 0 & min(maptab, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
midcolor <- "white"
midvalue <- 0
heatmapcolorparam <- colorRamp2(
c(lowvalue, midvalue, highvalue), c(lowcolor, midcolor, highcolor))
ht1 <- Heatmap(maptab,
col = heatmapcolorparam, ## Define the color scale
row_title = "Features", ## Name the rows
row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
column_title = paste(strwrap(gsub("_", " ", nameparam), width = 40),
collapse = "\n"),
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
cluster_columns = colclusterparam, ## Cluster the columns
cluster_rows = rowclusterparam, ## Cluster the rows
show_column_names = ncol(maptab) <=50, ## Show the Column Names
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6), ## Column Name Size
show_row_names = nrow(maptab) <=100, ## Show Row names
row_names_side = "left", ## Place the row names
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize=6),
show_row_dend = nrow(maptab) <=100, ## Show row dendrogram
show_column_dend = TRUE, ## Show col dendrogram
heatmap_legend_param = list(title = "Value",
#legend_height = unit(2, "cm"),
title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8, fontface = "bold")),
top_annotation = hatop,
height = unit(min((nrow(maptab)/2), 12),"cm"),
heatmap_width = unit(min(ncol(maptab), 12),"cm")
## Plot out the heatmap
outplot <- ht1
## Input the metatable and this will build an annotation, if you want to preset
## the colors - then input them in proper list form, either as named list of
## named colors, or with color brewer
#' Create the annotation object for plotting in a heatmap
#' @param metatable the metatable containing information for the columns
#' @param customcolorlist DEFAULT: NULL, enter colorlist to manually set colors
#' @return return the annotation object
#' @keywords outliers blacksheepr deva
#' @import stats circlize RColorBrewer viridis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' metatable <- data.frame(row.names = c("samp1", "samp2", "samp3", "samp4"),
#' A = c(rep("high", 2), rep("low", 2)), B = seq(1,7,2))
#' customcolorlist <- list(A = c("high" = "red", "low" = "blue"),
#' B = circlize::colorRamp2(seq(-5, 5, length = 3),
#' RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Reds")))
#' annotationlist_builder(metatable, customcolorlist)
annotationlist_builder <- function(metatable, customcolorlist = NULL){
annotlist <- list()
#colorlist = colors()[grep('gr(a|e)y', colors(), invert = TRUE)]
## Create the color list from manual distinct colors, expanded appropriately
colorlist <- rep(c("dodgerblue2", "#E31A1C", "green4","#6A3D9A", "#FF7F00",
"black", "gold1", "skyblue2", "#FB9A99", "palegreen2",
"#CAB2D6", "#FDBF6F", "gray70", "khaki2", "maroon", "orchid1",
"deeppink1", "blue1", "steelblue4", "darkturquoise", "green1",
"yellow4", "yellow3", "darkorange4", "brown"),10)
colorcount <- 0
for (colnum in seq_len(ncol(metatable))) {
if (!is.null(customcolorlist) && colnames(metatable[,colnum,drop=FALSE])
%in% names(customcolorlist)) {
annotlist[colnames(metatable[,colnum,drop=FALSE])] <-
if (!is.null(customcolorlist) &&
!colnames(metatable[,colnum,drop=FALSE]) %in% names(customcolorlist)
| is.null(customcolorlist)) {
if (!is.numeric(metatable[,colnum])) {
annotlist[[colnum]] <- colorlist[(1+colorcount):
(colorcount + length(na.omit(unique(metatable[,colnum]))))]
colorcount <- colorcount + length(na.omit(
names(annotlist[[colnum]]) <-
names(annotlist)[[colnum]] <- colnames(metatable)[colnum]
else {collist <- colorRamp2(seq(
min(metatable[,colnum], na.rm = TRUE),
max(metatable[,colnum], na.rm = TRUE), length = 3),
brewer.pal(3, "Purples"))
annotlist[[colnum]] <- collist
names(annotlist)[colnum] <- colnames(metatable)[colnum]
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