#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Import clusters description
#' @description
#' This function reads in the input files of an antares study the
#' characteristics of each cluster.
#' Be aware that clusters descriptions are read
#' in the input files so they may have changed since a simulation has been run.
#' @inheritParams readAntares
#' @return
#' A data.table with one line per cluster. The columns of the data.table may
#' change between different projects, but there will always be the following
#' columns:
#' \item{area}{Name of the area containing the cluster}
#' \item{cluster}{Name of the cluster}
#' \item{group}{Type of cluster (gaz, nuclear, etc.)}
#' \item{unitcount}{number of production units}
#' \item{nominalcapacity}{production capacity of each unit}
#' The other present columns depends on the version of antares and the options
#' that have been set: if an option is unset for all clusters, it will not
#' appear in the table.
#' By default, the function reads the cluster description of the default antares
#' study. You can use the argument \code{opts} to specify another study.
#' \code{readClusterDesc} : read thermal clusters
#' \code{readClusterResDesc} : read renewable clusters (Antares >= V8.1)
#' \code{readClusterSTDesc} : read st-storage clusters (Antares >= V8.6)
#' If you have no clusters properties, `Null data.table (0 rows and 0 cols)` is returned.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # thermal
#' readClusterDesc()
#' # renewable
#' readClusterResDesc()
#' # st-storage
#' readClusterSTDesc()
#' # By default, the function reads cluster descriptions for the default study,
#' # but it is possible to specify another study with parameter "opts"
#' sim1 <- setSimulationPath()
#' #[... code that modifies the default antares study]
#' readClusterDesc(sim1)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname readClusterDesc
readClusterDesc <- function(opts = simOptions()) {
.readClusterDesc(opts = opts, dir = "thermal/clusters")
#' @export
#' @rdname readClusterDesc
readClusterResDesc <- function(opts = simOptions()) {
if((!is.null(opts$parameters$`other preferences`$`renewable-generation-modelling`) &&
!opts$parameters$`other preferences`$`renewable-generation-modelling` %in% "clusters") ||
is.null(opts$parameters$`other preferences`$`renewable-generation-modelling`)){
stop("readClusterDesc is available only on studies with 'renewable-generation-modelling' = 'clusters' (and Antares >= 8.1)", call. = FALSE)
.readClusterDesc(opts = opts, dir = "renewables/clusters")
#' @export
#' @rdname readClusterDesc
readClusterSTDesc <- function(opts = simOptions()) {
if (opts$antaresVersion < 860) {
stop("readClusterSTDesc is available only on Antares >= 8.6)", call. = FALSE)
.readClusterDesc(opts = opts, dir = "st-storage/clusters")
#' @importFrom stats setNames
.readClusterDesc <- function(opts = simOptions(),
dir = "thermal/clusters") {
path <- file.path(opts$inputPath, dir)
api_study <- is_api_study(opts)
table_type <- switch(
"thermal/clusters" = "thermals",
"renewables/clusters" = "renewables",
"st-storage/clusters" = "st-storages"
if (api_study) {
# api request with all columns
list_clusters <- api_get(
opts = opts,
endpoint = paste0(opts$study_id, "/table-mode/", table_type),
query = list(columns = "")
dt_clusters <- .convert_list_clusterDesc_to_datatable(list_clusters)
# "text" mode
areas <- list.files(path)
# READ cluster properties
properties <- get_input_cluster_properties(table_type = table_type,
opts = opts)
# read properties for each area
res <- plyr::llply(areas, function(x, prop_ref=properties) {
clusters <- readIniFile(file.path(path, x, "list.ini"))
if (length(clusters) == 0)
# conversion list to data.frame
clusters <- plyr::ldply(clusters, function(x){
df_clust <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE)
colnames_to_add <- setdiff(names(prop_ref), names(df_clust))
if(!identical(colnames_to_add, character(0)))
df_clust <- cbind(df_clust, prop_ref[, .SD, .SDcols = colnames_to_add])
}) # check.names = FALSE (too many side effects)
clusters$.id <- NULL
clusters$area <- x
# re order columns
clusters[, c("area", setdiff(colnames(clusters), "area"))]
res <- data.table::rbindlist(l = res, fill = TRUE)
if(length(res) == 0)
# output format conversion
res <- data.table::as.data.table(res)
data.table::setnames(res, "name", "cluster")
res$cluster <- as.factor(tolower(res$cluster))
# read and manage referential properties
# return referential according to type and study version
get_input_cluster_properties <- function(table_type, opts){
# READ cluster properties
full_ref_properties <- pkgEnv[["inputProperties"]]
category_ref_cluster <- switch(
"thermals" = "thermal",
"renewables" = "renewable",
"st-storages" = "storage"
# filter by category
ref_filter_by_cat <- full_ref_properties[`Category` %in%
# filter by study version
ref_filter_by_vers <- ref_filter_by_cat[`Version Antares` <=
opts$antaresVersion |
`Version Antares` %in% NA]
# detect evolution on parameter ? (new value according to study version)
# filter on value according to study version
df_multi_params <- ref_filter_by_vers[,
count := .N,
by = c("INI Name"),
keyby = TRUE][
.SD[which.max(`Version Antares`)],
by="INI Name"]
df_unique_params <- ref_filter_by_vers[,
count := .N,
by = c("INI Name"),
keyby = TRUE][
ref_filter_by_vers <- rbind(df_unique_params, df_multi_params)
# select key colums and put wide format
ref_filter_by_vers <- ref_filter_by_vers[ ,
.SDcols = c("INI Name",
# select names columns to convert to logical + numerical
logical_col_names <- ref_filter_by_vers[Type%in%"bool"][["INI Name"]]
numerical_col_names <- ref_filter_by_vers[Type%in%c("int", "float")][["INI Name"]]
wide_ref <- data.table::dcast(data = ref_filter_by_vers,
formula = .~`INI Name`,
value.var = "Default")[
.SDcols = -c(".", "name")]
# /!\ column type conversion on
(logical_col_names):= lapply(.SD, as.logical),
.SDcols = logical_col_names][
(numerical_col_names):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric),
.SDcols = numerical_col_names
.convert_list_clusterDesc_to_datatable <- function(list_clusters) {
if (length(list_clusters) == 0) {
rows_cluster <- lapply(names(list_clusters), FUN = function(cl_name) {
row_cluster <- as.data.frame(list_clusters[[cl_name]])
row_cluster[,c("area", "cluster")] <- unlist(strsplit(cl_name, split = " / "))
df_clusters <- do.call("rbind", rows_cluster)
id_cols <- intersect(c("area", "cluster", "group"), colnames(df_clusters))
additional_cols <- setdiff(colnames(df_clusters), id_cols)
df_clusters <- df_clusters[,c(id_cols, additional_cols)]
df_clusters$cluster <- as.factor(tolower(df_clusters$cluster))
colnames(df_clusters) <- tolower(colnames(df_clusters))
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