# Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' .getOutputHeader
#' Private function that uses the first lines of an output file to generate
#' column names for this file.
#' @param path
#' Path of the output file
#' @param objectName
#' (character) object type represented in the file (area ou link)
#' @return
#' Vector containing the generated column names.
#' @noRd
.getOutputHeader <- function(path, objectName, api = FALSE, token = NULL, timeout = 60, config = list()) {
colname <- read.table(path, header = F, skip = 4, nrows = 3, sep = "\t")
} else {
path <- gsub(".txt$", "", path)
path <- paste0(path, "&formatted=false")
if(!is.null(token) && token != ""){
httpResponse <- GET(utils::URLencode(path), timeout(timeout),
add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token)), config = config)
} else {
httpResponse <- GET(utils::URLencode(path), timeout(timeout), config = config)
colname <- tryCatch({fread(content(httpResponse, "parsed"), header = F, skip = 4, nrows = 3, sep = "\t")},
error = function(e) NULL)
colname <- apply(colname[c(1,3),], 2, paste, collapse = "_")
colname[1:2] <- c(objectName, "timeId")
colname <- gsub("^_|_EXP$|_values$|_$", "", colname)
#' .check_output_files_existence
#' @param opts
#' list of simulation parameters returned by the function
#' \code{\link{setSimulationPath}}
#' @param args
#' (data frame) contains the arguments to read the outputs
#' @return
#' Logical vector containing the existence of the output file.
#' @noRd
.check_missing_output_files <- function(opts, args){
outputMissing <- !sapply(gsub(pattern = ".txt$", replacement = "", args$path), FUN = .getSuccess, token = opts$token)
outputMissing <- !file.exists(args$path)
#' .importOutput
#' Private function used to import the results of a simulation. The type of result
#' is determined by the arguments "folder" and "file"
#' - "areas", "values" => areas
#' - "areas", "details" => clusters
#' - "areas", "details-res" => renewables clusters
#' - "areas", "details-STstorage" => short-term clusters
#' - "links", "values" => links
#' @return
#' a table if synthesis=TRUE or a list of tables (one table per Monte-Carlo year)
#' @noRd
.importOutput <- function(folder, fileName, objectName, ids, timeStep, select = NULL,
mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, processFun = NULL, sameNames = TRUE,
objectDisplayName = objectName, parallel) {
if (is.null(ids)) return(NULL)
if (showProgress) cat("Importing ", objectDisplayName, "s\n", sep = "")
if (is.null(mcYears)) {
if(folder %in% "links" && opts$typeLoad %in% "api"){
args <- merge(expand.grid(link = ids), opts$linksDef)
args$id <- paste0(args$from, "/", args$to)
} else {
args <- expand.grid(id = ids)
} else {
if(folder %in% "links" && opts$typeLoad %in% "api"){
args <- merge(expand.grid(link = ids, mcYear = mcYears), opts$linksDef)
args$id <- paste0(args$from, "/", args$to)
} else {
args <- expand.grid(id = ids, mcYear = mcYears)
if (is.null(mcYears)) {
args$path <- sprintf("%s/mc-all/%s/%s/%s-%s.txt",
opts$simDataPath, folder, args$id, fileName, timeStep)
} else {
args$path <- sprintf("%s/mc-ind/%05.0f/%s/%s/%s-%s.txt",
opts$simDataPath, args$mcYear, folder, args$id, fileName, timeStep)
if(folder %in% "links" && opts$typeLoad %in% "api"){
args$id <- args$link
outputMissing <- .check_missing_output_files(opts = opts, args = args)
if (all(outputMissing)) {
message("No data corresponding to your query.")
} else if (any(outputMissing)) {
message("Some requested output files are missing.")
args <- args[!outputMissing, ]
# columns to retrieve
if (sameNames) {
colNames <- .getOutputHeader(
args$path[1], objectName, api = "api" %in% opts$typeLoad,
token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config
if (is.null(select)) {
# read all columns except the time variables that will be recreated
selectCol <- which(!colNames %in% pkgEnv$idVars)
} else {
selectCol <- which(colNames %in% select)
colNames <- colNames[selectCol]
# time ids
if (timeStep == "annual") {
timeIds <- 1L
} else {
timeRange <- .getTimeId(c(opts$timeIdMin, opts$timeIdMax), timeStep, opts)
timeIds <- seq(timeRange[1], timeRange[2])
n <- nrow(args)
withProgress(message = 'antaresRead', value = 0, {
res <- llply(
function(i) {
if(showProgress){ incProgress(1/n, detail = paste0("Importing ", folder, " data")) }
data <- NULL
if (!sameNames) {
colNames <- .getOutputHeader(
args$path[i], objectName, api = "api" %in% opts$typeLoad,
token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config
selectCol <- which(!colNames %in% pkgEnv$idVars)
colNames <- colNames[selectCol]
if (length(selectCol) == 0) {
if(opts$typeLoad != "api"){
data <- data.table(timeId = timeIds)
} else {
data <- NULL
} else {
data <- fread_antares(opts = opts, file = args$path[i],
sep = "\t", header = F, skip = 7,
select = selectCol, integer64 = "numeric",
na.strings = "N/A")
# fix data.table bug on integer64
any_int64 <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) "integer64" %in% class(x)))]
if(length(any_int64) > 0){
data[, c(any_int64) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = any_int64]
setnames(data, names(data), colNames)
data[, timeId := timeIds]
data[, c(objectName) := args$id[i]]
if (!is.null(mcYears)) data[, mcYear := args$mcYear[i]]
if (!is.null(processFun)) data <- processFun(data)
.progress = ifelse(showProgress, "text", "none"),
.parallel = parallel,
.paropts = list(.packages = "antaresRead")
res <- llply(
function(i) {
if (!sameNames) {
colNames <- .getOutputHeader(
args$path[i], objectName, api = "api" %in% opts$typeLoad,
token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config
selectCol <- which(!colNames %in% pkgEnv$idVars)
colNames <- colNames[selectCol]
if (length(selectCol) == 0) {
if(opts$typeLoad != "api"){
data <- data.table(timeId = timeIds)
} else {
data <- NULL
} else {
data <- fread_antares(opts = opts, file = args$path[i],
sep = "\t", header = F, skip = 7,
select = selectCol, integer64 = "numeric",
na.strings = "N/A", showProgress = FALSE)
# fix data.table bug on integer64
any_int64 <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) "integer64" %in% class(x)))]
if(length(any_int64) > 0){
data[, c(any_int64) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = any_int64]
setnames(data, names(data), colNames)
data[, timeId := timeIds]
data[, c(objectName) := args$id[i]]
if (!is.null(mcYears)) data[, mcYear := args$mcYear[i]]
if (!is.null(processFun)) data <- processFun(data)
.progress = ifelse(showProgress, "text", "none"),
.parallel = parallel,
.paropts = list(.packages = "antaresRead")
#' .importOutputForArea
#' Private function used to import the output for one area.
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.importOutputForAreas <- function(areas, timeStep, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, parallel) {
.importOutput("areas", "values", "area", areas, timeStep, select,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, parallel = parallel)
.importOutputForDistricts <- function(districts, timeStep, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, parallel) {
if (is.null(districts)) return(NULL)
processFun <- function(dt) {
dt[, district := as.factor(gsub("^@ ", "", district))]
.importOutput("areas", "values", "district", paste("@", districts), timeStep, select,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, processFun, parallel = parallel)
#' .get_value_columns_details_file
#' Private function used to get the column names for the details-timeStep.txt, details-res-timeStep.txt, or details-STstorage-timeStep.txt.
#' Used in .importOutputForClusters(), .importOutputForResClusters(), and .importOutputForSTClusters()
#' From the opts, we detect which outputs the user decides to take
#' @return
#' a vector
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @noRd
.get_value_columns_details_file <- function(opts, type) {
assert_that(type %in% c("details","details-res","details-STstorage"))
simulation_variables_names_by_support <- read.table(system.file(
),sep=";",fileEncoding="UTF-8",header = TRUE)
filtered_variables_names <- subset(simulation_variables_names_by_support,DETAILS_FILES_TYPE==type)
if (type=="details" && opts$antaresVersion < 830)
filtered_variables_names <- subset(filtered_variables_names,ANTARES_DISPLAYED_NAME!="Profit by plant")
# Order is important. There is a correspondance between elements
ordered_filtered_variables_names <- filtered_variables_names[
all_thematic_variables <- ordered_filtered_variables_names$ANTARES_DISPLAYED_NAME
colNames <- ordered_filtered_variables_names$RPACKAGE_DISPLAYED_NAME
# With thematic-trimming enabled
if (opts$parameters$general$`thematic-trimming`) {
if ("variables selection" %in% names(opts$parameters)) {
var_selection <- opts$parameters$`variables selection`
selection_type <- unique(names(var_selection))
allowed_selection_type <- c("select_var -", "select_var +")
# Filter the vector to avoid other properties (for example : selected_vars_reset)
selection_type <- intersect(selection_type, allowed_selection_type)
# List with a repeated name
var_selection <- var_selection[which(names(var_selection) == selection_type)]
selected_variables <- unlist(var_selection, use.names = FALSE)
# Index of the variables found in the section "variables selection"
idx_vars <- which(all_thematic_variables %in% selected_variables)
if (length(idx_vars) > 0) {
if (selection_type == "select_var -") {
# vars to remove
colNames <- colNames[-idx_vars]
} else if (selection_type == "select_var +") {
# vars to keep
colNames <- colNames[idx_vars]
#' .importOutputForClusters
#' Private function used to import the output for the thermal clusters of one area
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.importOutputForClusters <- function(areas, timeStep, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, mustRun = FALSE, parallel) {
reshapeFun <- function(x){
if (!mustRun) {
.importOutput("areas", "details", "area", areas, timeStep, NULL,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, reshapeFun, sameNames = FALSE,
objectDisplayName = "cluster", parallel = parallel)
} else {
# The partial must run for a cluster is defined as:
# sum_t(min(production_t, capacity * minGenModulation_t))
# This formula is non-linear, so if we need to get hourly data to compute
# it.
# To avoid importing large amount of data, we first check if minGenModulation
# is non null for at least one cluster.
# If we have to use hourly data, we aggregate it directly at the desired
# timestep to limit the amount of RAM required.
# Get cluster capacity and must run mode
clusterDesc <- readClusterDesc(opts)
clusterDesc[["must-run"]] <- FALSE
clusterDesc[is.na(`must-run`), `must-run` := FALSE]
if (is.null(clusterDesc[["min-stable-power"]]))
clusterDesc[["min-stable-power"]] <- 0
clusterDesc[is.na(`min-stable-power`), `min-stable-power` := 0]
clusterDesc <- clusterDesc[, .(area, cluster,
capacity = nominalcapacity * unitcount,
# Are clusters in partial must run mode ?
mod <- llply(areas, .importThermalModulation, opts = opts, timeStep = "hourly")
mod <- rbindlist(mod)
# Should we compute the partial must run ?
if (is.null(mod$minGenModulation) || all(is.na(mod$minGenModulation) | mod$minGenModulation == 0)) {
# We should not \o/
res <- suppressWarnings(
.importOutput("areas", "details", "area", areas, timeStep, NULL,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, reshapeFun, sameNames = FALSE,
objectDisplayName = "cluster", parallel = parallel)
res[, mustRunPartial := 0L]
} else {
# Worst case ! We have to !
warning('Hourly data will be imported to compute partial must run min(production_t, capacity * minGenModulation_t). These data will be aggregated at the desired `timeStep`. ')
#copy of warning in ChangeTimeStep
warning('Aggregation will be perform approximatively because optimization variables in ANTARES are doubles but ANTARES write only integers in TXT files, with this transformation we lose precision. If you want accurate data then you must import the corresponding data with `readAntares`')
messageWarningMcYears<-paste0("When mcYears is set to all or NULL : ", mcYears, " and timeStep is set to : " ,timeStep , " result for mustRun are not accurate. Hourly `synthetic` or `details` results will be aggregated at the desired `timeStep`. " )
if( is.null(mcYears) ){
warning(messageWarningMcYears, call. = FALSE)
}else if (is.character(mcYears)){
if (mcYears=="all"){
warning(messageWarningMcYears, call. = FALSE)
}else if (length(mcYears) > 1){
warning(messageWarningMcYears, call. = FALSE)
mod[is.na(minGenModulation), minGenModulation := 0]
.mergeByRef(mod, clusterDesc)
mod[, mustRunPartial := minGenModulation * capacity]
setkey(mod, area, cluster, timeId)
processFun <- function(x) {
x <- reshapeFun(x)
mustRunPartial <- mod[J(x$area, x$cluster, x$timeId), mustRunPartial]
x[, mustRunPartial := pmin(production, mustRunPartial)]
changeTimeStep(x, timeStep, "hourly", fun = "sum", opts = opts)
res <- suppressWarnings(
.importOutput("areas", "details", "area", areas, "hourly", NULL,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, processFun,
sameNames = FALSE, objectDisplayName = "cluster",
parallel = parallel)
.mergeByRef(res, clusterDesc[,.(area, cluster, `must-run`, `min-stable-power`)])
if (is.null(res$NODU)) res[, thermalPmin := 0]
else res[, thermalPmin := `min-stable-power` * NODU]
res[, `:=`(
mustRun = production * `must-run`,
mustRunTotal = production * `must-run` + mustRunPartial,
`must-run` = NULL,
`min-stable-power` = NULL
res[, thermalPmin := pmax(thermalPmin, mustRunTotal)]
#' .reshape_details_file
#' In output files, there is one file per area with the follwing form:
#' cluster1-var1 | cluster2-var1 | cluster1-var2 | cluster2-var2
#' the following function reshapes the result to have variable cluster in column.
#' To improve greatly the performance we use our knowledge of the position of
#' the columns instead of using more general functions like dcast.
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.reshape_details_file <- function(x,file_type,opts) {
# Get cluster names
n <- names(x)
idx <- ! n %in% pkgEnv$idVars
clusterNames <- tolower(unique(n[idx]))
# Id vars names
idVarsId <- which(!idx)
idVarsNames <- n[idVarsId]
# Column names of the output table
colNames <- .get_value_columns_details_file(opts=opts,type=file_type)
# Loop over clusters
nclusters <- length(clusterNames)
res <- llply(1:nclusters, function(i) {
dt <- x[, c(nclusters * 0:(length(colNames) - 1) + i, idVarsId), with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, c(colNames, idVarsNames))
dt[, cluster := as.factor(clusterNames[i])]
#' .importOutputForResClusters
#' Private function used to import the output for the renewable clusters of one area
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.importOutputForResClusters <- function(areas, timeStep, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, parallel) {
reshapeFun <- function(x) {
.importOutput("areas", "details-res", "area", areas, timeStep, NULL,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, reshapeFun, sameNames = FALSE,
objectDisplayName = "clustersRe", parallel = parallel)
#' .importOutputForSTClusters
#' Private function used to import the output for the short-term clusters of one area
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.importOutputForSTClusters <- function(areas, timeStep, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, parallel) {
reshapeFun <- function(x) {
.importOutput("areas", "details-STstorage", "area", areas, timeStep, NULL,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, reshapeFun, sameNames = FALSE,
objectDisplayName = "clustersST", parallel = parallel)
#' .importOutputForBindingConstraints
#' Private function used to import the output for binding constraints.
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.importOutputForBindingConstraints <- function(timeStep, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, parallel,
sameNames = T, processFun = NULL) {
folder <- "binding_constraints"
fileName <- "binding-constraints"
objectName <- "bindingConstraint"
if (showProgress) cat("Importing binding constraints\n")
if (is.null(mcYears)) {
args <- expand.grid(id = "bindingConstraints")
args$path <- sprintf("%s/mc-all/%s/%s-%s.txt",
opts$simDataPath, folder, fileName, timeStep)
} else {
args <- expand.grid(id = "bindingConstraints", mcYear = mcYears)
args$path <- sprintf("%s/mc-ind/%05.0f/%s/%s-%s.txt",
opts$simDataPath, args$mcYear, folder, fileName, timeStep)
if(opts$typeLoad == "api"){
# args$path <- sapply(args$path, .changeName, opts = opts)
# outputMissing <- unlist(sapply(args$path, function(X)httr::HEAD(X)$status_code!=200))
# print(outputMissing)
outputMissing <- rep(FALSE, nrow(args))
outputMissing <- !file.exists(args$path)
if (all(outputMissing)) {
message("No data corresponding to your query.")
} else if (any(outputMissing)) {
message("Some requested output files are missing.")
args <- args[!outputMissing, ]
# columns to retrieve
api = "api" %in% opts$typeLoad
colNames <- .getOutputHeader(
args$path[1], objectName, api = api,
token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config
# read all columns except the time variables that will be recreated
selectCol <- which(!colNames %in% pkgEnv$idVars)
colNames <- colNames[selectCol]
# time ids
if (timeStep == "annual") {
timeIds <- 1L
} else {
timeRange <- .getTimeId(c(opts$timeIdMin, opts$timeIdMax), timeStep, opts)
timeIds <- seq(timeRange[1], timeRange[2])
n <- nrow(args)
withProgress(message = 'antaresRead', value = 0, {
res <- llply(
function(i) {
incProgress(1/n, detail = paste0("Importing ", folder, " data"))
data <- NULL
if (length(selectCol) == 0) {
if(opts$typeLoad != "api"){
data <- data.table(timeId = timeIds)
} else {
data <- NULL
} else {
data <- fread_antares(opts = opts, file = args$path[i],
sep = "\t", header = F, skip = 7,
select = selectCol, integer64 = "numeric",
na.strings = "N/A")
# fix data.table bug on integer64
any_int64 <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) "integer64" %in% class(x)))]
if(length(any_int64) > 0){
data[, c(any_int64) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = any_int64]
setnames(data, names(data), colNames)
data[, timeId := timeIds]
if (!is.null(mcYears)) data[, mcYear := args$mcYear[i]]
if (!is.null(processFun)) data <- processFun(data)
.progress = ifelse(showProgress, "text", "none"),
.parallel = parallel,
.paropts = list(.packages = "antaresRead")
res <- llply(
function(i) {
if (length(selectCol) == 0) {
if(opts$typeLoad != "api"){
data <- data.table(timeId = timeIds)
} else {
data <- NULL
} else {
data <- fread_antares(opts = opts, file = args$path[i],
sep = "\t", header = F, skip = 7,
select = selectCol, integer64 = "numeric",
na.strings = "N/A", showProgress = FALSE)
# fix data.table bug on integer64
any_int64 <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) "integer64" %in% class(x)))]
if(length(any_int64) > 0){
data[, c(any_int64) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = any_int64]
setnames(data, names(data), colNames)
data[, timeId := timeIds]
if (!is.null(mcYears)) data[, mcYear := args$mcYear[i]]
if (!is.null(processFun)) data <- processFun(data)
.progress = ifelse(showProgress, "text", "none"),
.parallel = parallel,
.paropts = list(.packages = "antaresRead")
#' .importOutputForLink
#' Private function used to import the output of one link.
#' @return
#' a data.table
#' @noRd
.importOutputForLinks <- function(links, timeStep, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
showProgress, opts, parallel) {
.importOutput("links", "values", "link", links, timeStep, select,
mcYears, showProgress, opts, parallel = parallel)
# The two following functions read input time series that are eventually
# stored in output and rebuild the actual time series used in each Monte-Carlo
# simulation
.importThermal <- function(area, synthesis, timeStep, mcYears, opts, ...) {
if (!area %in% opts$areasWithClusters) return(NULL)
if (synthesis) mcYears <- opts$mcYears
# browser()
# Path to the files containing the IDs of the time series used for each
# Monte-Carlo years.
pathTSNumbers <- file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-numbers/thermal")
# Path to the time series. Ideally, time series are stored in output. If it is
# not the case, read the series in the input.
pathInput <- file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-generator/thermal/mc-0")
if(!"api" %in% opts$typeLoad){
if (dir.exists(pathInput)) {
filePattern <- sprintf("%s/%s/%%s.txt", pathInput, area)
} else {
pathInput <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal/series")
filePattern <- sprintf("%s/%s/%%s/series.txt", pathInput, area)
# Read the Ids of the time series used in each Monte-Carlo Scenario.
cls <- list.files(file.path(pathTSNumbers, area))
if (length(cls) == 0) return(NULL)
nameCls <- gsub(".txt", "", cls)
tsIds <- llply(cls, function(cl) {
as.numeric(readLines(file.path(pathTSNumbers, area, cl))[-1])
names(tsIds) <- nameCls
} else {
gen_check <- .getSuccess(
file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-generator/hydro/mc-0"),
token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config
if (gen_check) {
filePattern <- sprintf("%s/%s/%%s.txt", pathInput, area)
} else {
pathInput <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal/series")
filePattern <- sprintf("%s/%s/%%s/series.txt", pathInput, area)
# Read the Ids of the time series used in each Monte-Carlo Scenario.
cls <- names(
read_secure_json(file.path(pathTSNumbers, area), token = opts$token,
timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config)
if (length(cls) == 0) return(NULL)
nameCls <- cls
tsIds <- lapply(
X = cls,
FUN = function(cl) {
# this changed because the api now already return a proper array
read_secure_json(file.path(pathTSNumbers, area, cl), token = opts$token,
timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config)
names(tsIds) <- nameCls
tsIds <- tsIds[vapply(tsIds, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) > 0]
# Two nested loops: clusters, Monte Carlo simulations.
series <- ldply(names(tsIds), function(cl) {
ids <- tsIds[[cl]][mcYears]
colToRead <- sort(unique(ids)) # Columns to read in the ts file
colIds <- sapply(ids, function(i) which(colToRead == i)) # correspondance between the initial ids and the columns in the generated table
# ts <- fread(sprintf(filePattern, cl), integer64 = "numeric", select = colToRead)
ts <- fread_antares(opts = opts, file = sprintf(filePattern, cl), integer64 = "numeric", select = colToRead)
if (is.null(ts)) {
ldply(seq_along(ids), function(i) {
area = area,
cluster = cl,
mcYear = mcYears[i],
timeId = 1:nrow(ts),
thermalAvailability = ts[[ colIds[i] ]]
series <- as.data.table(series)
series <- series[timeId %in% opts$timeIdMin:opts$timeIdMax]
# Compute the number of available units
clusterDesc <- readClusterDesc(opts)
series <- merge(series, clusterDesc[, .(area, cluster, nominalcapacity)],
by = c("area", "cluster"))
.mergeByRef(series, clusterDesc, on = c("area", "cluster"), "nominalcapacity")
series[, availableUnits := ceiling(thermalAvailability / nominalcapacity)]
series[, nominalcapacity := NULL]
# Aggregation
res <- changeTimeStep(series, timeStep, "hourly", opts=opts, fun = c("sum", "mean"))
if (synthesis) {
res <- res[, .(thermalAvailability=mean(thermalAvailability),
availableUnits = mean(availableUnits)),
keyby = .(area, cluster, timeId)]
.importHydroStorage <- function(area, synthesis, timeStep, mcYears, opts, ...) {
if (synthesis) mcYears <- opts$mcYears
pathTSNumbers <- file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-numbers/hydro")
# Read the Ids of the time series used in each Monte-Carlo Scenario.
if(!"api" %in% opts$typeLoad){
tsIds <- as.numeric(readLines(file.path(pathTSNumbers, paste0(area, ".txt")))[-1])
tsIds <- tsIds[mcYears]
# Input time series
pathInput <- file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-generator/hydro/mc-0")
if (dir.exists(pathInput)) {
f <- file.path(pathInput, area, "storage.txt")
} else {
pathInput <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro/series")
f <- file.path(pathInput, area, "mod.txt")
} else {
tsIds <- as.numeric(strsplit(
read_secure_json(file.path(pathTSNumbers, area), token = opts$token,
timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config),
tsIds <- tsIds[mcYears]
gen_check <- .getSuccess(file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-generator/hydro/mc-0"),
token = opts$token, timeout = opts$timeout, config = opts$httr_config
if (gen_check) {
f <- file.path(opts$simPath, "ts-generator/hydro/mc-0", area, "storage.txt")
} else {
pathInput <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro/series")
f <- file.path(pathInput, area, "mod.txt")
if(opts$antaresVersion >= 700){
timeRange <- range(.getTimeId(opts$timeIdMin:opts$timeIdMax, "daily", opts))
}else {
timeRange <- range(.getTimeId(opts$timeIdMin:opts$timeIdMax, "monthly", opts))
if (!"api" %in% opts$typeLoad && file.size(f) == 0) {
series <- ldply(1:length(tsIds), function(i) {
area = area,
mcYear = mcYears[i],
timeId = timeRange[1]:timeRange[2],
hydroStorage = rep(0L, length(timeRange[1]:timeRange[2]))
} else {
colToRead <- sort(unique(tsIds)) # Columns to read in the ts file
colIds <- sapply(tsIds, function(i) which(colToRead == i)) # link between the initial ids and the columns in the generated table
# ts <- fread(f, integer64 = "numeric", select = colToRead)
ts <- fread_antares(opts = opts, file = f, integer64 = "numeric", select = colToRead)
if ("api" %in% opts$typeLoad && is.null(ts)) {
series <- ldply(1:length(tsIds), function(i) {
area = area,
mcYear = mcYears[i],
timeId = timeRange[1]:timeRange[2],
hydroStorage = rep(0L, length(timeRange[1]:timeRange[2]))
} else {
ts <- ts[timeRange[1]:timeRange[2]]
series <- ldply(1:length(tsIds), function(i) {
area = area,
mcYear = mcYears[i],
timeId = timeRange[1]:timeRange[2],
hydroStorage = ts[[ colIds[i] ]]
series <- data.table(series)
if(opts$antaresVersion >= 700){
res <- changeTimeStep(series, timeStep, "daily", opts=opts)
}else {
res <- changeTimeStep(series, timeStep, "monthly", opts=opts)
if (synthesis) {
res <- res[, .(hydroStorage=mean(hydroStorage)), keyby = .(area, timeId)]
# .changeName <- function(path, opts){
# path_rev <- strsplit(strsplit(path, "output/")[[1]][2], "/")[[1]]
# path_rev <- paste0(path_rev[2:length(path_rev)], collapse = "/")
# out <- sub(pattern = "studies", "file", paste0(opts$studyPath , "/output/", opts$simOutputName,"/", path_rev))
# out <- gsub(" ", "%20", out)
# }
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