#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Specify RAM limit
#' This function specify RAM limit (in Go) of the value returned by \link[antaresRead]{readAntares}.
#' @param x \code{numeric} RAM limit in Go
#' @return `list` (returned by [options()])
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Set maximum ram to used to 50 Go
#' setRam(50)
#' }
#' @export
setRam <- function(x){
options(maxSizeLoadOnComp = x)
options(maxSizeLoad = x)
#' Give an estimation of size of data load
#' @noRd
.giveSize <- function(opts, areas = NULL, links = NULL,
clusters = NULL, districts = NULL, select = NULL, mcYears = NULL,
timeStep = "hourly", misc = FALSE, thermalAvailabilities = FALSE,
hydroStorage = FALSE, hydroStorageMaxPower = FALSE, reserve = FALSE,
linkCapacity = FALSE, mustRun = FALSE, thermalModulation = FALSE){
if(length(select) > 0)
select <- unlist(llply(select, function(x) {
for (alias in names(pkgEnv$varAliases)) {
if (tolower(alias) %in% tolower(x)) x <- append(x, pkgEnv$varAliases[[alias]]$select)
sizeObject <- utils::object.size(1.10)
sizeObject <- 4.6
sizeObjectCl <- 5.5
#Nombre id time
nbTid <- opts$timeIdMax - opts$timeIdMin
nbIdCols <- 6
if(timeStep == "daily"){
nbTid <- nbTid/24
nbIdCols <- 5
if(timeStep == "weekly"){
nbTid <- nbTid/24/7
nbIdCols <- 3
if(timeStep == "monthly"){
nbTid <- nbTid/24/30.5
nbIdCols <- 4
if(timeStep == "annual"){
nbTid <- nbTid/24/365
nbIdCols = 3
nbTid <- nbTid
if(is.null(areas) & is.null(links) & is.null(clusters) & is.null(districts)){
areas <- "all"
nbMc <- 1
nbIdCols <- nbIdCols + 1
if("all" %in% mcYears){
nbMc <- length(opts$mcYears)
nbMc <- length(mcYears)
##Areas size
if("all" %in% areas){
nbAreas <- length(opts$areaList)
nbAreas <- length(areas)
selectAreas <- opts$variables$areas
selectAreas <- opts$variables$areas
selectAreas <- selectAreas[-grep("_max" , selectAreas)]
selectAreas <- selectAreas[-grep("_min" , selectAreas)]
selectAreas <- selectAreas[-grep("_std" , selectAreas)]
selectAreas <- select
nbVarsAreas <- length(selectAreas) + nbIdCols
nbVarsAreas <- nbVarsAreas + 1
nbVarsAreas <- nbVarsAreas + 8
nbVarsAreas <- nbVarsAreas + 3
nbVarsAreas <- nbVarsAreas + 4
nbVarsAreas <- nbVarsAreas + 4
nbRowAreas <- nbTid * nbMc * nbAreas * nbVarsAreas
areasSize <- sizeObject * nbRowAreas / 1024 ^2
##Link size
if("all" %in% links){
nbLinks <- length(opts$linkList)
nbLinks <- length(links)
selectLinks <- opts$variables$links
selectLinks <- opts$variables$links
selectLinks <- selectLinks[-grep("_max" , selectLinks)]
selectLinks <- selectLinks[-grep("_min" , selectLinks)]
selectLinks <- selectLinks[-grep("_std" , selectLinks)]
selectLinks <- select
nbVarsLinks <- length(selectLinks) + nbIdCols
nbVarsLinks <- nbVarsLinks + 5
nbRowLinks <- nbTid * nbMc * nbLinks * nbVarsLinks
linksSize <- sizeObject * nbRowLinks / 1024 ^2
##Districts size
if("all" %in% districts){
nbDis <- length(opts$districtList)
nbDis <- length(districts)
nbDis <- 0
nbRowDistricts <- nbTid * nbMc * nbDis * nbVarsAreas
disSize <- sizeObject * nbRowDistricts / 1024 ^2
clusWithData <- data.table()
clusWithData <- tryCatch(readClusterDesc(opts = opts), error = function(e) data.table())
if("all" %in% clusters){
enabled <- TRUE
if("enabled" %in% names(clusWithData))
clusWithData <- clusWithData[is.na(enabled)]
clustersS <- clusters
if("enabled" %in% names(clusWithData))
clusWithData <- clusWithData[is.na(enabled)]
if("area" %in% names(clusWithData))
clusWithData <- clusWithData[ area %in% clustersS]
nbColcl <- 4
nbColcl <- nbColcl + 2
nbColcl <- nbColcl + 4
nbRowClusters <- nbTid * nbMc * nrow(clusWithData) * ( nbColcl + nbIdCols)
clSize <- sizeObjectCl * nbRowClusters / 1024 ^2
linksSize + areasSize + disSize + clSize
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