#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Export and import of areas or districts
#' This function computes the export and import of areas or districts and add it to an
#' \code{antaresData} object.
#'@param x
#' an object of class "antaresDataList" created with the function
#' \code{readAntares}. It has to contain some areas and all the links that are
#' connected to these areas. Moreover the function "removeVirtualAreas" must be call before.
#' @param addCapacities
#' If \code{TRUE}, export and import capacities are added.
#' @param opts opts
#' @return
#' \code{addExportAndImport} modifies its input by adding to it columns:
#' \item{export}{export for an area or district}
#' \item{import}{import for an area or district}
#' \item{capExport}{capacity of export for an area or district, if \code{addCapacities} is set to TRUE}
#' \item{capImport}{capacity of import for an area or district, if \code{addCapacities} is set to TRUE}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Data required by the function
#' showAliases("exportsImports")
#' mydata <- readAntares(select = "exportsImports")
#' addExportAndImport(mydata)
#' names(mydata$areas)
#' }
#' @export
addExportAndImport <- function(x, addCapacities = FALSE, opts = NULL) {
if (!is(x, "antaresData")) stop("'x' is not an 'antaresData' object")
if (is(x, "antaresDataList")) {
# Check that necessary links are present in the object
areas <- unique(x$areas$area)
vnodes <- unlist(attr(x, "virtualNodes"))
opts <- simOptions(x)
neededLinks <- getLinks(areas, exclude = vnodes, opts = opts)
links <- unique(x$links$link)
missingLinks <- setdiff(neededLinks, links)
if (length(missingLinks) > 0) stop("The following links are needed but missing: ",
paste(missingLinks, collapse = ", "))
if (!is.null(x$areas)) .addExportImportForArea(x$areas, x$links, neededLinks, addCapacities)
if (!is.null(x$district)) .addExportImportForArea(x$districts, x$links, neededLinks, addCapacities)
.addExportImportForArea <- function(dataAreas, dataLinks, neededLinks, addCapacities) {
opts <- simOptions(dataAreas)
idColsL <- .idCols(dataLinks)
idColsA <- .idCols(dataAreas)
if (!is.null(dataAreas$export)) {
stop("Input already contains column 'export' and 'import' ")
# Get the links needed to compute exchanges
links <- getLinks(opts = opts, namesOnly = FALSE, withDirection = TRUE)
links <- links[link %in% neededLinks]
if (!is.null(dataAreas$district)) {
# Replace areas by districts in links
links[opts$districtsDef, district := district, on=c(area = "area")]
links[opts$districtsDef, toDistrict := district, on=c(to = "area")]
# Remove links connecting two areas of the same district
links <- links[!is.na(district)]
links <- links[is.na(toDistrict) | district != toDistrict]
#get the values of flow and capacities if needed
if("transCapacityIndirect" %in% names(dataLinks)) {
flowLinks<-dataLinks[, c(idColsL, "FLOW LIN.", "transCapacityDirect", "transCapacityIndirect"),
with = FALSE]
stop("x does not contain transCapacityDirect or transCapacityIndirect data ")
flowLinks <- dataLinks[, c(idColsL, "FLOW LIN."), with = FALSE]
flowLinks <- flowLinks[links, on= c(link="link"), allow.cartesian = TRUE]
flowLinks[, `:=`(
export = pmax(0, direction * `FLOW LIN.`),
import = pmax(0, - direction * `FLOW LIN.`)
if (addCapacities) {
flowLinks[, `:=`(
capExport = ifelse(direction == 1, transCapacityDirect, transCapacityIndirect),
capImport = ifelse(direction == -1, transCapacityIndirect, transCapacityDirect)
# Names of the columns to add
v <- c("import", "export")
if (addCapacities) v <- c(v, "capExport", "capImport")
# Aggregate flows and capacities by area (or district)
flowAreas <- flowLinks[, lapply(.SD, sum), keyby = idColsA, .SDcols = v]
# Add columns by reference to the input data
setkeyv(dataAreas, idColsA)
dataAreas[flowAreas, c(v) := mget(v)]
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