#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' External Dependencies in imports and exports
#' This function computes the dependency in imports and export for each area or districts at a
#' given time step. Dependency in imports represents moments where imports are required
#' to have no loss of load. Dependency in exports represents moments where exports are required to
#' have no spilled energy.
#' @param x
#' An object created with function \code{\link[antaresRead]{readAntares}}. It
#' must contain data for areas and/or districts. More specifically this
#' function requires the columns \code{generatingMaxPower}
#' (or \code{hstorPMaxAvg} for Antares v6 and earlier), and \code{netLoad}. To
#' get these columns, one has to invoke \code{\link[antaresRead]{readAntares}}
#' with the parameter \code{hydroStorageMaxPower = TRUE} and
#' \code{\link[antaresProcessing]{addNetLoad}} (see examples).
#' Moreover it needs to have a hourly time step.
#' This object must also contain linkCapacity if there was virtual areas
#' remove by \code{\link[antaresRead]{removeVirtualAreas}} to be able to
#' calculate pumping and storage capacities.
#' @param timeStep
#' Desired time step for the result.
#' @param synthesis
#' If TRUE, average external dependencies are returned. Else the function
#' returns external dependencies per Monte-Carlo scenario.
#' @param opts opts
#' @return
#' A data.table of class \code{antaresDataTable} with the following columns:
#' \item{area}{Area name.}
#' \item{timeId}{Time id and other time columns.}
#' \item{pumping}{capacity of pumping}
#' \item{storage}{capacity of storage}
#' \item{exportsLevel}{netLoad + pumping}
#' \item{importsLevel}{netLoad - `AVL DTG` - hydroStorageMaxPower - storage > 0}
#' \item{exportsFrequency}{number of time step where this criteria is satisfied
#' criteria : netLoad + pumping < 0
#' }
#' \item{importsFrequency}{number of time step where this criteria is satisfied
#' criteria : netLoad - `AVL DTG` - hydroStorageMaxPower - storage > 0
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Data required by the function
#' showAliases("externalDependency")
#' mydata <- readAntares(select = "externalDependency")
#' addNetLoad(mydata)
#' externalDependency(mydata)
#' # if there are some virtual pumping/storage areas, remove them with
#' # removeVirtualAreas
#' mydata <- removeVirtualAreas(mydata, c("pumping", "storage"))
#' externalDependency(mydata, ignoreMustRun = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
externalDependency <- function(x , timeStep = "annual", synthesis = FALSE, opts = NULL) {
.neededColAreaExternalDependencies <- if (attr(x, "opts")$antaresVersion < 650) {
c("netLoad", "AVL DTG", "hstorPMaxAvg")
} else {
c("netLoad", "AVL DTG", "generatingMaxPower")
# Check that x contains is a antaresDataList
if (is(x, "antaresDataList")) {
# Check that x contains the needed variables
if(is.null(x$areas) & is.null(x$districts)) stop("'x' has to contain 'area' and/or 'district' data")
if (!is.null(x$areas)) externalDependency(x$areas,timeStep,synthesis)
if (!is.null(x$districts)) externalDependency(x$districts,timeStep,synthesis)
if (!is(x, "antaresData")) stop("'x' is not an 'antaresData' object")
#check if x have the
x <- .checkAttrs(x, timeStep = "hourly")
if (!is.null(x$areas)) {
neededCol$areas <- .neededColAreaExternalDependencies
if (!is.null(x$districts)) neededCol$districts <- .neededColAreaExternalDependencies
x <- .checkColumns(x, neededCol)
opts <- simOptions(x)
if (!is.null(x$areas)) idVars <- .idCols(x$areas)
else {
idVars <- .idCols(x$districts)
idVars[idVars == "district"] <- "area"
#Step disponibility
# Step disponibility is equal to the transmission capacity of a
#link between a real area and a storage area. One has to be carefull with the
# direction of the link.
# If there is no pumped storage virtual areas, then step disponibility is equal
# to 0.
if(!is.null(attr(x, "virtualNodes")) &&
!is.null(attr(x, "virtualNodes")$storageFlexibility)) {
x <- .checkColumns(x, list(areas = c("pumpingCapacity", "storageCapacity")))
x <- .checkColumns(x, list(districts = c("pumpingCapacity", "storageCapacity")))
# Effective computation of the externalDepancies. The function .computeexternalDependency is
# defined below.
res <- list()
if (!is.null(x$areas)) {
res$areas <- .computeexternalDependency(x$areas, timeStep, synthesis)
attr(res$areas, "type") <- "areaexternalDependency"
if (!is.null(x$districts)) {
res$districts <- .computeexternalDependency(x$districts, timeStep, synthesis)
attr(res$districts, "type") <- "districtexternalDependency"
.addClassAndAttributes(res, attr(x, "synthesis"), attr(x, "timeStep"), opts, simplify = TRUE)
#' Private function used in function "externalDependency".
#' @param dataInput
#' an antaresDataTable object containing areas or districts.
#' @noRd
.computeexternalDependency <- function(dataInput, timeStep, synthesis) {
.neededColAreaExternalDependencies <- if (attr(dataInput, "opts")$antaresVersion < 650) {
c("netLoad", "AVL DTG", "hstorPMaxAvg")
} else {
c("netLoad", "AVL DTG", "generatingMaxPower")
idVars <- .idCols(dataInput)
# Create the main table that will be used to compute the margins
data <- dataInput[, c(idVars, .neededColAreaExternalDependencies), with = FALSE]
#if we don't have pumpingCapacity and storageCapacity, we add columns empty
data[ , c("pumpingCapacity", "storageCapacity") := 0]
# Compute externalDependencyLevel
data[, exportsLevel := netLoad + pumpingCapacity]
if (attr(dataInput, "opts")$antaresVersion < 650) {
data[, importsLevel := netLoad - `AVL DTG` - hstorPMaxAvg - storageCapacity]
} else {
data[, importsLevel := netLoad - `AVL DTG` - generatingMaxPower - storageCapacity]
# Compute externalDependencyFrequency
exportsFrequency = 0,
importsFrequency = 0
data[importsLevel > 0 ,`:=`(importsFrequency = 1)]
data[exportsLevel < 0 ,`:=`(exportsFrequency = 1)]
data<-data[, c(idVars, "exportsLevel", "importsLevel", "exportsFrequency", "importsFrequency" ),with = FALSE]
data <- changeTimeStep(data, timeStep, "hourly")
if (synthesis) data <- synthesize(data)
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