##' Decompress method for progressiveAlignment
##' Decompress method for progressiveAlignment
##' @title Compress method for progressiveAlignment
##' @param object progressiveAlignment object
##' @param verbose logical
##' @param ... dummy
##' @author MR
##' @importFrom SparseM as.matrix
##' @import methods
##' @importFrom methods setMethod new
##' @keywords internal
setMethod("decompress", "progressiveAlignment",
function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (object@merges[[1]]$compressed == FALSE) {
if (verbose)
Already decompressed.\n")
for (i in 1:length(object@merges)) {
if (object@merges[[i]]$compressed) {
object@merges[[i]]$r <-
1 - as.matrix(object@merges[[i]]$r)
object@merges[[i]]$compressed <- FALSE
new("progressiveAlignment", object)
##' Decompress method for progressiveAlignment
##' Deompress method for progressiveAlignment
##' @title Compress method for progressiveAlignment
##' @param object dummy
##' @param verbose dummy
##' @param ... dummy
##' @author MR
##' @importFrom SparseM as.matrix.csc
##' @import methods
##' @importFrom methods setMethod new
##' @keywords internal
setMethod("compress", "progressiveAlignment",
function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (object@merges[[1]]$compressed) {
if (verbose)
Already compressed.\n")
for (i in 1:length(object@merges)) {
if (!(object@merges[[i]]$compressed)) {
object@merges[[i]]$r <-
as.matrix.csc(1 - object@merges[[i]]$r)
object@merges[[i]]$compressed <- TRUE
new("progressiveAlignment", object)
##' Show method for progressiveAlignment object
##' Show method for progressiveAlignment object
##' @param object progressiveAlignment object
##' @author MR
##' @export
##' @noRd
setMethod("show", "progressiveAlignment", function(object){
cat("An object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
cat(length(object@merges), "merges\n")
#' Data Structure for progressive alignment of many GCMS samples
#' Performs a progressive peak alignment (clustalw style) of multiple GCMS peak
#' lists
#' The progressive peak alignment we implemented here for multiple GCMS peak
#' lists is analogous to how \code{clustalw} takes a set of pairwise sequence
#' alignments and progressively builds a multiple alignment. More details can
#' be found in the reference below.
#' @name progressiveAlignment-class
#' @aliases progressiveAlignment-class progressiveAlignment-show
#' progressiveAlignment show,progressiveAlignment-method
#' @param pD a \code{peaksDataset} object
#' @param cA a \code{clusterAlignment} object
#' @param D retention time penalty
#' @param gap gap parameter
#' @param verbose logical, whether to print information
#' @param usePeaks logical, whether to use peaks (if \code{TRUE}) or the full
#' 2D profile alignment (if \code{FALSE})
#' @param df distance from diagonal to calculate similarity
#' @param compress logical, whether to store the similarity matrices in sparse
#' form
#' @param type numeric, two different type of alignment function
#' @return \code{progressiveAlignment} object
#' @author Mark Robinson
#' @seealso \code{\link{peaksDataset}}, \code{\link{multipleAlignment}}
#' @references Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas
#' chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University
#' of Melbourne.
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' require(gcspikelite)
#' files <- list.files(path = paste(find.package("gcspikelite"), "data",
#' sep = "/"),"CDF", full = TRUE)
#' data <- peaksDataset(files[1:2], mz = seq(50, 550), rtrange = c(7.5, 8.5))
#' ## create settings object
#' mfp <- xcms::MatchedFilterParam(fwhm = 10, snthresh = 5)
#' cwt <- xcms::CentWaveParam(snthresh = 3, ppm = 3000, peakwidth = c(3, 40),
#' prefilter = c(3, 100), fitgauss = FALSE, integrate = 2, noise = 0,
#' extendLengthMSW = TRUE, mzCenterFun = "wMean")
#' data <- addXCMSPeaks(files[1:2], data, settings = mfp)
#' data
#' ca <- clusterAlignment(data, gap = 0.5, D = 0.05, df = 30, metric = 1,
#' type = 1, compress = FALSE)
#' pa <- progressiveAlignment(data, ca, gap = 0.6, D = 0.1, df = 30,
#' type = 1, compress = FALSE)
#' @export
progressiveAlignment <- function(pD, cA, D = 50, gap = 0.5, verbose = TRUE,
usePeaks = TRUE, df = 30, compress = FALSE,
type = 2) {
m <- cA@merge
merges <- vector("list", nrow(m))
if (usePeaks) {
pd <- pD@peaksdata
} else {
pd <- pD@rawdata
pD <- NULL #?
cA <- decompress(cA, verbose = verbose)
for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
if (verbose) {
cat("[progressiveAlignment] Doing merge", m[i, ], "\n")
## left
if (m[i, 1] < 0) {
left.runs <- (-m[i, 1])
left.ind <- matrix(1:ncol(pd[[left.runs]]), ncol = 1)
} else {
left.runs <- merges[[m[i, 1]]]$runs
left.ind <- merges[[m[i, 1]]]$ind
## right
if (m[i, 2] < 0) {
right.runs <- abs(m[i, 2])
# subscript out of bound
right.ind <- matrix(1:ncol(pd[[right.runs]]), ncol = 1)
} else {
right.ind <- merges[[m[i, 2]]]$ind
right.runs <- merges[[m[i, 2]]]$runs
if (verbose) {
cat("[progressiveAlignment] left.runs:", left.runs, ", ")
cat("right.runs:", right.runs, "\n")
if (length(right.runs) == 1 & length(left.runs) == 1) {
al <- cA@alignments[[cA@aligned[left.runs, right.runs]]]
v <- al@v
sim <- al@r
mi <- .merge.indices(nrow(left.ind), nrow(right.ind), v$match)
new.ind <- mi
} else {
sim <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(left.ind), ncol = nrow(right.ind))
count <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(left.ind), ncol = nrow(right.ind))
if (verbose) {
cat("[progressiveAlignment] (dot=50) going to", nrow(sim), ":")
for (r in 1:nrow(sim)) {
if (verbose) {
if(r %% 50 == 0) {
for (cc in max(1, r - df) : min(r + df, ncol(sim))) {
# cc generate subsrcipt out of bound
if (cc > dim(sim)[2]) {
cat("\n\n", "Try to increase the df parameter to get a
better alignment", "\n\n")
# cc <- dim(sim)[2]
for (lr in 1:length(left.runs)) {
for(rr in 1:length(right.runs)) {
ai <- cA@aligned[left.runs[lr], right.runs[rr]]
# this.sim <- cA$alignments[[ai]]$r
lind <- left.ind[r, lr]
rind <- right.ind[cc, rr]
# Error: subscript out of bounds. Solution: increase df
if (!is.na(lind) & !is.na(rind)) {
if(left.runs[lr] < right.runs[rr]) {
sim[r, cc] <- sim[r, cc] + cA@alignments[[ai]]@r[lind, rind]
} else {
sim[r, cc] <- sim[r, cc] + cA@alignments[[ai]]@r[rind, lind]
count[r, cc] = count[r, cc] + 1
if (verbose) {
if (type == 2) {
v <- dynRT(S = sim)
# remove non-matched peaks
v$match <- v$match[!is.na(v$match[, 2]), ]
if (type == 1) {
sim[count > 0] <- sim[count > 0] / count[count > 0]
sim[sim == 0] <- 1
v <- dp(sim, gap = gap, verbose = verbose)
mi <- .merge.indices(nrow(left.ind), nrow(right.ind), v$match)
new.ind <- cbind(left.ind[mi[, 1], ], right.ind[mi[, 2], ])
rownames(new.ind) <- 1:nrow(new.ind)
merges[[i]] <- list(ind = new.ind, mi = mi, runs = c(left.runs, right.runs),
left = left.runs, right = right.runs, r = sim, compressed = FALSE)
cA <- NULL
if (verbose) {
pA <- new("progressiveAlignment", merges = merges)
if (compress) {
return(compress(pA, verbose = verbose))
} else {
.merge.indices <- function(nl, nr, m) {
lind <- cbind(1:nl, 0)
lind[lind[, 1] %in% m[, 1], 2] <- 1
rind <- cbind(1:nr, 0)
rind[rind[, 1] %in% m[, 2], 2] <- 1
mg <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(lind) + nrow(rind) - nrow(m), ncol = 2)
li <- 1; ri <- 1; i <- 1
while (i <= nrow(mg)) {
if (li > nrow(lind) & ri <= nrow(rind)) {
mg[i, ] <- c(NA, rind[ri, 1])
ri <- ri + 1
i <- i + 1
if (li <= nrow(lind) & ri > nrow(rind)) {
mg[i, ] <- c(lind[li, 1], NA)
li <- li + 1
i <- i + 1
if (lind[li, 2] == 1) {
if(rind[ri, 2] == 1) { # match
mg[i, ] <- c(lind[li, 1], rind[ri, 1])
ri <- ri + 1
li <- li + 1
# cat("match", i, li, ri, "-", mg[i, ], "\n")
} else { # right unmatched
mg[i, ] <- c(NA, rind[ri, 1])
ri <- ri + 1
# cat("right unmatched", i, li, ri, "-", mg[i, ], "\n")
} else {
if (rind[ri, 2] == 1) { # left unmatched
mg[i, ] <- c(lind[li, 1], NA)
li <- li + 1
# cat("left unmatched", i, li, ri, "-", mg[i, ], "\n")
} else {# both unmatched
mg[i, ] <- c(lind[li, 1], NA)
# cat("both unmatched - A", i, li, ri, "-", mg[i, ], "\n")
i <- i + 1
mg[i, ] <- c(NA, rind[ri, 1])
li <- li + 1
ri <- ri + 1
# cat("both unmatched - B", i, li, ri, "-", mg[i, ], "\n")
i <- i + 1
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