##' Read the mass spectra from an external msp file
##' Read the mass spectra from an external file in msp format. The format is
##' used in NIST search library database.
##' @title importSpec
##' @param file a .msp file from NIST search library database
##' @return list conaining the mass spctra
##' @author riccardo.romoli@unifi.it
##' @export
importSpec <- function(file){
## read msp lib
lib <- scan(file, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE)
## separate each mass spec
starts <- which(regexpr("[Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee]:", lib) == 1)
ends <- c(starts[-1] - 1, length(lib))
## loop to extract the mass spec into a list
list.spec <- lapply(1:length(starts), function(z){
## meta data
## cat(z, "\n") # only for debug
comp <- lib[starts[z]:ends[z]] #
numPeaks.idx <- which(regexpr("[Nn][Uu][Mm] [Pp][Ee][Aa][Kk][Ss]:", comp) == 1)
metaData <- comp[1:numPeaks.idx - 1]
md <- strsplit(metaData, split = ": ")
md1 <- sapply(md, "[[", 1)
md2 <- sapply(md, "[", 2)
metaData.list <- setNames(as.list(md2), md1)
## mass spec
nlines <- length(comp)
npeaks <- as.numeric(strsplit(comp[numPeaks.idx], ":")[[1]][2])
peaks.idx <- (numPeaks.idx + 1):nlines
if (grepl("\\(|\\)", comp[peaks.idx][[1]][1]) == FALSE) {
pks <- gsub("^ +", "", unlist(strsplit(comp[peaks.idx], ";")))
} else {
pks <- gsub("^ +", "", unlist(strsplit(comp[peaks.idx], "[()]")))
## gsub("\"", "", pks)
pks <- pks[pks != ""]
if (length(pks) != npeaks)
stop("Not the right number of peaks in compound", metaData.list$NAME)
## error due to the presence of tab \t instead of a blank space
if(length(grep(pattern = "\t", pks)) > 0)
pklst <- strsplit(pks, "\t")
pklst <- lapply(pklst, function(x) x[x != ""])
else if(length(grep(pattern = "\\s", pks)) > 0)
pklst <- strsplit(pks, " ")
pklst <- lapply(pklst, function(x) x[x != ""])
cat("Some formatting errors in the msp library \n")
mz <- as.numeric(sapply(pklst, "[[", 1))
mz <- round(mz)
int <- as.numeric(sapply(pklst, "[[", 2)) # error
finaltab <- matrix(c(mz, int), ncol = 2)
if (any(table(mz) > 1))
warning("Duplicate mass in compound ", metaData.list$NAME,
" (CAS ", metaData.list$NAME, ")... summing up intensities")
finaltab <- aggregate(finaltab[,2],
by = list(finaltab[,1]),
FUN = sum)
colnames(finaltab) <- c("mz", "intensity")
c(metaData.list, list(spec = finaltab))
##' Calculate the distance between a reference mass spectrum
##' Calculate the distance between a reference mass spectrum and one from the
##' sample
##' @title matchSpec
##' @param spec1 reference mass spectrum
##' @param outList the return of \code{\link{gatherInfo}}
##' @param whichSpec the entry number of outList
##' @return the distance between the reference mass spectrum and the others
##' @author Riccardo Romoli
##' @export
matchSpec <- function(spec1, outList, whichSpec){
## if(whichSpec == 143) browser()
## first get the average spec from the gatherList
averageInt <-
apply(outList[[whichSpec]]$data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
## outList[[whichSpec]]$data[,1:49] # si ma perch49?!?
## normalize the intensity
normInt <- sapply(averageInt, function(x){
i <- which.max(averageInt)
## combine mz and normalized intensity
pspec <- matrix(c(outList[[whichSpec]]$mz, normInt), ncol = 2)
colnames(pspec) <- c("mz", "intensity")
libSpec <- spec1$spec
## merge the spectra to the same mz range and remove the NA
mztomerge <- data.frame(mz = min(c(min(libSpec[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE),
min(pspec[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE))) :
max(c(max(libSpec[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE),
max(pspec[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE)))
pspec.merged <- merge(pspec, mztomerge, by = "mz", all = TRUE)
libSpec.merged <- merge(libSpec, mztomerge, by = "mz", all = TRUE)
pspec.merged[is.na(pspec.merged)] <- 0
libSpec.merged[is.na(libSpec.merged)] <- 0
## calculate the distance among the spectra
distance <- normDotProduct(as.matrix(pspec.merged[,"intensity"]),
##' The function calculate the distance between each mas spec in the msp file
##' and the aligned mass spec from each sampe
##' Return the distance matrix
##' @title distToLib
##' @param mspLib a .msp file from NIST
##' @param outList an object from gatherInfo()
##' @return the distance matrix between the mass spec and the aligned spec
##' @author Riccardo Romoli
##' @export
distToLib <- function(mspLib, outList ){
mspDist <- lapply(1:length(mspLib),
## trace
cat(x, "\n")
## cat("y is = ", y, "\n") # for debug only
matchSpec(mspLib[[x]], outList,
whichSpec = y)
mtx.dist <- do.call(rbind, mspDist)
rownames(mtx.dist) <- sapply(mspLib, "[[", 1)
colnames(mtx.dist) <- sapply(1:length(outList),
paste0("outListFold", x)
##' The head-to-tail-plot for the mass spectra
##' Head-to-tail-plot to visually compare the mass spectra
##' @title Head to tail plot
##' @param specFromLib the mass spectra obtained from the .msp file
##' @param specFromList the mass spectra obtained from \code{\link{gatherInfo}}
##' @return the plot
##' @author Riccardo Romoli
##' @export
headToTailPlot <- function(specFromLib, specFromList){
libSpec <- specFromLib$spec
pspec <- specFromList
## get average and normalized intensity of the mass spec
averageInt <- apply(pspec$data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
## normalize the intensity
normInt <- sapply(averageInt, function(x){
i <- which.max(averageInt)
pspec.av <- data.frame(mz = pspec$mz, intensity = normInt)
## merge the spectra to the same mz range and remove the NA
mztomerge <- data.frame(mz = min(c(min(libSpec[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE),
min(pspec.av[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE))) :
max(c(max(libSpec[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE),
max(pspec.av[,"mz"], na.rm = TRUE)))
pspec.merged <- merge(pspec.av, mztomerge, by = "mz", all = TRUE)
libSpec.merged <- merge(libSpec, mztomerge, by = "mz", all = TRUE)
pspec.merged[is.na(pspec.merged)] <- 0
libSpec.merged[is.na(libSpec.merged)] <- 0
## now the plot
plot(pspec.merged, type = "h", ylim = c(-1000, 1000), main = "Head to Tail Plot")
points(libSpec.merged[,"mz"], y = -libSpec.merged[,"intensity"]*10, col = 2,
type = "h")
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