#' REPLICATION ORIGIN BIAS normalization v2
#' This function normalizes the replication origin bias. Inspired by Yoon GC normalization
#' @param coverageVector just vector of coverage 1:referenceLength
#' @param referenceLength length of reference chromosome
#' @param oriC_position position of oriC in the reference genomem can be one or multiple
#' @return A vector of normalized coverage values
#' @export
#' @noRd
oricNormalization_v2 <- function(coverageVector, referenceLength, oriC_position){
coverageVECTOR_new <- coverageVector
windowLength <- 100
level_round <- -4 #-5 10^5 / -4 10^4
## oriC position input
if(is.vector(oriC_position)){numOriC <- length(oriC_position)}else{numOriC <- length(oriC_position)}
## remove outliers first for higher robustness
# 1.5 IQR rule
coverage_1Q <- summary(coverageVector)[[2]]
coverage_3Q <- summary(coverageVector)[[5]]
coverage_IQR <- IQR(coverageVector)
if((coverage_1Q-1.5*coverage_IQR) > min(coverageVector)){
extremesLow <- which(coverageVector<=(coverage_1Q-1.5*coverage_IQR))
}else(extremesLow <- c())
if((coverage_3Q+1.5*coverage_IQR) < max(coverageVector)){
extremesHigh <- which(coverageVector>=(coverage_3Q+1.5*coverage_IQR))
}else(extremesHigh <- c())
coverageVector[extremesLow] <- median(coverageVector)
coverageVector[extremesHigh] <- median(coverageVector)
## DATA.FRAME with windows
WINDOWS <- data.frame(START=integer(), STOP=integer(),POS=integer(),READDEPTH=integer(),oriDISTANCE=integer())
WINDOWS[1:length(seq(from=1, to=referenceLength, by=windowLength)),"START"] <- seq(from=1, to=referenceLength, by=windowLength)
WINDOWS <- WINDOWS[-nrow(WINDOWS)] #delete last window
WINDOWS$STOP[nrow(WINDOWS)] <- referenceLength #extend the last windows to the end
## Calculate oriC distance and READ count in window
RC_count <- rep(0, times=nrow(WINDOWS))
for (i in 1:nrow(WINDOWS)){
RC_count[i] <- mean(coverageVector[WINDOWS[i,"START"]:WINDOWS[i,"STOP"]]) # average read depth in windows
WINDOWS[, "READDEPTH"] <- round(RC_count)
## median read depth of windows
medReadCount <- median(RC_count) #median RC for all bins
## Circular genome correction and multiple oriC handling
ORICDISTANCE <- rep(0, times=nrow(WINDOWS))
for(oriC in oriC_position){
# distance to oriC
ORICDISTANCE <- cbind(ORICDISTANCE, abs(referenceLength - WINDOWS$POS + oriC))
ORICDISTANCE <- cbind(ORICDISTANCE, referenceLength + WINDOWS$POS - oriC)
WINDOWS[,"oriDISTANCE"] <- apply(ORICDISTANCE[,c(2:ncol(ORICDISTANCE))],1,min)
WINDOWS[,"oriDISTANCE"] <- round(WINDOWS[,"oriDISTANCE"],level_round)
# positions in between two most distant oriC's are zeroed ? if oriC are defined near beginning and end it makes whole genome zero oriCdistance
# index <- intersect(which(WINDOWS$POS <= max(oriC_position)),which(WINDOWS$POS >= min(oriC_position)))
# WINDOWS[index,"oriDISTANCE"] <- 0
## oriC dataframe oriC_tab - 1.col - distance to ORIC in thousands 2.col - median coverageVECTOR of all windows with given distance to ORIC
oriC_tab <- data.frame(oriDISTANCE=integer(), MED_COV=integer())
oriC_tab[1:length(unique(WINDOWS$oriDISTANCE)), "oriDISTANCE"] <- unique(WINDOWS$oriDISTANCE)
oriC_tab[, "MED_COV"] <- 0
# get MED COV for given distance to ORIC
for(i in 1:nrow(oriC_tab)){
position <- which(WINDOWS$oriDISTANCE==oriC_tab[i, "oriDISTANCE"])
oriC_tab[i, "MED_COV"] <- median(na.omit(WINDOWS$READDEPTH[position]))
## find corresponding median read-depth of given GC percentage score for every region
for (i in 1:nrow(WINDOWS)){
idx <- which(oriC_tab[, "oriDISTANCE"] == WINDOWS[i, "oriDISTANCE"])
WINDOWS[i, "MEDIANRC"] <- oriC_tab[idx, "MED_COV"]
# temp XX
XX <- as.data.table(oriC_tab)
XX <- unique(XX,by="oriDISTANCE")
XX <- unique(XX,by="MED_COV")
XX <- XX[order(XX$oriDISTANCE),]
statistics <- cor.test(XX$oriDISTANCE, XX$MED_COV, method ="spearman", exact=TRUE)
# statistics$p.value<0.05
# statistics$p.value
# statistics$estimate
RHO <- statistics$p.value
if (RHO <= 0.05){ #maybe different value?
## oriC Normalization
for (i in 1:nrow(WINDOWS)){
start <- WINDOWS[i, "START"]
stop <- WINDOWS[i, "STOP"]
coeficient <- medReadCount/WINDOWS[i, "MEDIANRC"]
coverageVECTOR_new[start:stop] <- coverageVECTOR_new[start:stop]*coeficient
}# no normalization for extreme values
} else{
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