setClassUnion("characterORNULL", c("character", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("numericORNULL", c("numeric", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("listORNULL", c("list", "NULL"))
## define meta data
.file_type <- c(
'text', 'binary', 'fasta', 'csfasta',
'fastq', 'qual', 'xsq', 'sff', 'bam',
'bam_index', 'illumina_export',
'vcf', 'sam', 'bed', 'archive',
'juncs', 'gtf','gff',
'enlis_genome', NA)
.qual_scale <- c(
'sanger', 'illumina13',
'illumina15', 'illumina18',
'solexa', NA)
.seq_tech <- c('454', 'Helicos', 'Illumina', 'Solid', 'IonTorrent', NA)
.paired_end <- c(NA, "1", "2")
##' @rdname Metadata
##' @aliases file_type qual_scale seq_tech paired_end
##' @export file_type qual_scale seq_tech paired_end
file_type <- FileTypeSingleEnum <- setSingleEnum("FileType", .file_type)
qual_scale <- QualScaleSingleEnum <- setSingleEnum("QualScale", .qual_scale)
seq_tech <- SeqTechSingleEnum <- setSingleEnum("SeqTech", .seq_tech)
paired_end <- PairedEndSingleEnum <- setSingleEnum("PairedEnd", .paired_end)
##' Metadata class
##' Metadata class
##' This function will help you create a Metadata object, what it does
##' it to accept a named list or just pass meta key-value pairs as
##' argument one by one. Then it first matches SBG's build-in meta field
##' which will be shown in the graphic interface on the platform, then
##' save extra meta information in extra field, but not visible on the
##' platform yet, you can view it via the API.
##' There are four pre-defined fields with pre-defined levels, they are
##' file_type, qual_scale, seq_tech, and paired_end, those are also
##' constructor names to construct a single Enum object, it's different
##' from characters, it has validation against levels, to check their
##' levels, you can simply create a empty Metadata object and access
##' the field levels. Please see examples.
##' @references \url{}
##' @rdname Metadata
##' @export Metadata
##' @exportClass Metadata
##' @importClassesFrom objectProperties SingleEnum Enum
##' @importFrom objectProperties setSingleEnum
##' @examples
##' m <- Metadata()
##' ## to check levels
##' m$file_type
##' levels(m$file_type)
##' ## to replace a Enum class need to use constructor
##' m$file_type <- file_type("text")
Metadata <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
file_type = "FileTypeSingleEnum",
qual_scale = "QualScaleSingleEnum",
seq_tech = "SeqTechSingleEnum",
sample = "characterORNULL",
library = "characterORNULL",
platform_unit = "characterORNULL",
paired_end = "PairedEndSingleEnum",
extra = "listORNULL"
methods = list(
initialize = function(
file_type = NA,
qual_scale = NA,
seq_tech = NA,
sample = NULL,
library = NULL,
platform_unit = NULL,
paired_end = NA, ...) {
.l <- list(...)
if (length(.l)) extra <<- .l
file_type <<- file_type(tolower(file_type))
qual_scale <<- qual_scale(tolower(qual_scale))
seq_tech <<- seq_tech(seq_tech)
sample <<- sample
library <<- library
platform_unit <<- platform_unit
paired_end <<- paired_end(tolower(paired_end))
show = function() {
.self, "-- Metadata --",
asList = function() {
lst <- .getFields(
.self, c("file_type",
res <- list(c(lst, extra))
names(res) <- "metadata"
setClassUnion("MetadataORNULL", c("Metadata", "NULL"))
normalizeMeta <- function(x) {
## normalize it
if (is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
res <-, x)
} else if (length(x) == 1) {
res <-, x[[1]])
} else {
res <- Metadata()
} else if (is(x, "Metadata")) {
res <- x
} else {
stop("metadata has to be a list or Metadata object")
##' Class Auth
##' Auth token object
##' Every object could be requested from this Auth object and any action
##' could start from this object using cascading style. Please check vignette
##' 'easy-api' for more information.
##' @field auth_token [character] your auth token.
##' @field url [character] basic url used for API, by default
##' it's \url{}
##' @param auth_token [character] your auth token.
##' @param api [character %in% 'sbg-us', 'cgc'] which api you are
##' using, by default it is sbg us platform.
##' @param url [chracter] a URL for the API, default is \code{NULL},
##' will use \code{api} parameter to switch to the right one.
##' @param version [character] default: 1.1 version used for api.
##' @export Auth
##' @exportClass Auth
##' @examples
##' ## replace it with real token
##' token <- "aef7e9e3f6c54fb1b338ac4ecddf1a56"
##' a <- Auth(token)
##' \donttest{
##' ## get billing info
##' b <- a$billing()
##' ## create project
##' a$project_new(name = "API", description = "API tutorial",
##' billing_group_id = b[[1]]$id)
##' p <- a$project("API")
##' ## get data
##' fl <- system.file("extdata", "sample1.fastq", package = "sbgr")
##' ## create meta data
##' fl.meta <- list(file_type = "fastq",
##' seq_tech = "Illumina",
##' sample = "sample1",
##' author = "tengfei")
##' ## upload data with metadata
##' p$upload(fl, metadata = fl.meta)
##' ## check uploading success
##' f.file <- p$file(basename(fl))
##' ## get the pipeline from public repos
##' f.pipe <- a$pipeline(pipeline_name = "FastQC")
##' ## copy the pipeline to your project
##' p$pipeline_add(pipeline_name = f.pipe$name)
##' ## get the pipeline from your project not public one
##' f.pipe <- p$pipeline(name = "FastQC")
##' ## check the inputs needed for running tasks
##' f.pipe$details()
##' ## Ready to run a task? go
##' f.task <- p$task_run(name = "my task",
##' description = "A text description",
##' pipeline_id = f.pipe$id,
##' inputs = list(
##' "177252" = list(f.file$id)
##' ))
##' f.task$run()
##' ## or you can just run with Task constructor
##' f.task <- Task(auth = Auth(token),
##' name = "my task",
##' description = "A text description",
##' pipeline_id = f.pipe$id,
##' project_id = p$id,
##' inputs = list(
##' "177252" = list(f.file$id)
##' ))
##' ## Monitor you task
##' f.task$monitor(30)
##' ## download a task output files
##' f.task <- p$task("my task")
##' f.task$download("~/Desktop/")
##' ## Abort the task
##' f.task$abort()
##' }
Auth <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
auth_token = "character",
url = "character"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(
auth_token = NULL,
api = c("sbg-us", "cgc"),
url = NULL,
version = "1.1") {
api <- match.arg(api)
if (is.null(auth_token)) {
stop("missing token")
auth_token <<- auth_token
stopifnot(is.null(url) | is.character(url))
if (is.null(url)) {
url <<- switch(
'sbg-us' = paste0('', version, '/'),
'cgc' = paste0('', version, '/')
} else {
url <<- url
project_list = function() {
res <- sbgr::project_list(auth_token, base_url = url)
project_new = function(
name = NULL,
description = NULL,
billing_group_id = NULL) {
res <- sbgr::project_new(
auth_token, name = name,
base_url = url,
description = description,
billing_group_id = billing_group_id)
project_delete = function(id = NULL,
name = NULL) {
if (!is.null(id)) {
base_url = url,
project_id = id)
} else {
## match name
message("Matching by names")
p <- .self$project(name = name)
message("Following projects will be deleted")
base_url = url,
project_id = p$id)
project = function(
name = NULL,
id = NULL,
index = NULL, = TRUE,
exact = TRUE) {
'find project'
pl <- .self$project_list()
res <- m.match(pl, id = id, name = name, exact = exact, =
if (is(res, "Project")) {
res$auth <- .self
} else if (is.list(res) &&
all(sapply(res, is, "Project"))){
res <- lapply(res, function(x){
x$auth <- .self
pipeline = function(
repos = c("public", "my", "project"),
project_name = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
pipeline_name = NULL,
pipeline_id = NULL, = TRUE,
exact = FALSE,
detail = TRUE) {
repos <- match.arg(repos)
if (is.null(project_name) &
is.null(project_id)) {
if (repos == "public") {
res <- pipeline_list_pub()
} else if (repos == "my") {
res <- pipeline_list_my()
} else {
stop("Please provide project_name or project_id")
} else {
repos <- "project"
res <- pipeline_list_project(project_name, project_id)
if (!is.null(pipeline_name) | !is.null(pipeline_id)) {
res <- m.match(
id = pipeline_id,
name = pipeline_name, =,
exact = exact)
if (is(res, "Pipeline")) {
res$repos <- repos
res$auth <- .self
} else if (all(sapply(res, is, "Pipeline"))) {
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
x$repos <- repos
x$auth <- .self
pipeline_list_pub = function() {
res <- sbgr::pipeline_list_pub(auth_token, base_url = url)
res <- .asPipelineList(res[[1]])
lapply(res, function(x) {
## x$set_auth(auth_token)
#x$project_id <- id
pipeline_list_my = function() {
res <- sbgr::pipeline_list_my(auth_token,
base_url = url)
res <- .asPipelineList(res[[1]])
lapply(res, function(x) {
## x$set_auth(auth_token)
#x$project_id <- id
pipeline_list_project = function(
name = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
id = project_id) {
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- project(name = name)$id
p <- project(name = name, id = id)
res <- p$pipeline()
## add id
pipeline_add = function(
project_name_from = NULL,
pipeline_name = NULL,
project_id_from = NULL,
project_id_to = NULL,
pipeline_id = NULL,
revision = NULL,
exact = TRUE) {
if (is.null(project_id_from)) {
if (is.null(project_name_from)) {
warning("omit project name or id, assume it's public")
} else {
project_id_from <- project(project_name_from)$id
if (is.null(project_id_to)) {
if (is.null(project_name_to)) {
stop("project(from) id or name must be provided")
} else {
project_id_to <- project(project_name_to)$id
if (is.null(pipeline_id)) {
if (is.null(pipeline_name)) {
stop("Pipeline id or name must be provided")
} else {
if (is.null(project_id_from)) {
## this is a public project, then match pipe again
pipes <- pipeline_list_pub()
pipeline_id <- m.match(pipes, name = pipeline_name, id = pipeline_id, exact = exact)$id
} else {
p <- project(id = project_id_from)
pipeline_id <- p$pipeline(pipeline_name, pipeline_id)$id
res <- sbgr::pipeline_add(auth_token, base_url = url,
project_id_to = project_id_to,
project_id_from = project_id_from,
pipeline_id = pipeline_id,
revision = revision)
billing = function() {
res <- sbgr::billing(auth_token, base_url = url)
res <- .asBillingList(res[[1]])
lapply(res, function(x) {
x$auth <- .self
show = function() {
.showFields(.self, "== Auth ==",
values = c("auth_token", "url"))
setClassUnion("AuthORNULL", c("Auth", "NULL"))
##' Class Item
##' Class Item
##' To describe a set of objects, Project, Task, Pipeline, File etc.
##' @field response save the raw response from a request.
##' @field auth_token propagate the auth_token from parent.
Item <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
response = "ANY",
auth = "AuthORNULL")) ## to stored the called Auth parent
Permission <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
write = "logical",
copy_permission = "logical", # cannot use copy
execute = "logical",
admin = "logical"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(
write = FALSE,
copy_permission = FALSE,
execute = FALSE,
admin = FALSE, ...) {
write <<- write
copy_permission <<- copy_permission
execute <<- execute
admin <<- admin
show = function() {
## message("== Permission == ")
message("write: ", write)
message("copy: ", copy_permission)
message("execute: ", execute)
message("admin: ", admin)
Member <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
id = "character",
username = "character",
invitation_pending = "logical",
permissions = "Permission"
methods = list(
show = function() {
.showFields(.self, "== Member ==",
values = c("id", "username",
Project <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
id = "character",
name = "character",
description = "character",
my_permission = "Permission"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(
id, name = "",
description = "",
my_permission = Permission(), ...){
if (missing(id)) stop("id is required")
id <<- id
name <<- name
description <<- description
my_permission <<- my_permission
details = function() {
res <- sbgr::project_details(auth$auth_token, id, base_url = auth$url)
response <<- res
id <<- res$id
name <<- res$name
description <<- resdescription
my_permission <<-,
members = function() {
res <- project_members(auth$auth_token, id)
member = function(
username = NULL,
name = username,
id = NULL, = TRUE,
exact = TRUE) {
ms <- members()
m.match(ms, id = id, name = name,
.name = "username", exact = exact)
member_add = function(
username = NULL,
name = username,
copy = FALSE,
write = FALSE,
execute = FALSE,
admin = FALSE) {
res <- sbgr::project_member_add(
project_id = .self$id,
username = name,
copy = copy,
write = write,
execute = execute,
admin = admin,
base_url = auth$url)
member_update = function(
username = NULL,
name = username,
user_id = NULL,
write = FALSE,
copy = FALSE,
execute = FALSE,
admin = FALSE) {
if (is.null(user_id)) {
if (is.null(name)) {
stop("user id or name should be provided.")
} else {
user_id <- member(name = name, exact = TRUE)$id
res <- sbgr::project_member_update(
project_id = .self$id,
user_id = user_id,
write = write,
copy = copy,
execute = execute,
admin = admin,
base_url = auth$url)
member_delete = function(
username = NULL,
name = username,
user_id = NULL) {
if (is.null(user_id)) {
if (is.null(name)) {
stop("user id or name should be provided.")
} else {
user_id <- member(name = name, exact = TRUE)$id
user_id = user_id,
base_url = auth$url)
pipeline = function(
name = NULL, id = NULL,
detail = FALSE, exact = TRUE) {
res <- sbgr::pipeline_list_project(
base_url = auth$url,
res <- .asPipelineList(res[[1]])
res <- m.match(res, name = name, id = id,
exact = exact)
if (detail) {
res<- lapply(res, function(x) {
x <- sbgr::pipeline_details(
project_id = .self$id,
pipeline_id = x$id,
base_url = auth$url)
if (is(res, "Pipeline")) {
res$project_id <- .self$id
res$repos <- "project"
res$auth <- .self$auth
} else if (is.list(res) &&
all(sapply(res, is, "Pipeline"))) {
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
x$project_id <- .self$id
x$repos <- "project"
x$auth <- .self$auth
pipeline_add = function(
project_name_from = NULL,
pipeline_name = NULL,
project_id_from = NULL,
pipeline_id = NULL,
revision = NULL, ...){
project_name_to = name,
project_id_to = id,
file_list = function() {
res <- sbgr::file_list(auth$auth_token, id, base_url = auth$url)
res <- .asFileList(res[[1]])
lapply(res, function(x) {
## x$set_auth(auth_token)
x$project_id <- id
file = function(name = NULL, id = NULL, exact = FALSE) {
fl <- file_list()
if(is.null(name) & is.null(id)){
res <- m.match(fl, id = id, name = name, exact = exact)
if (is(res, "File")) {
res$project_id <- .self$id
res$auth <- .self$auth
} else if (is.list(res) && all(sapply(res, is, "File"))) {
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
x$project_id <- .self$id
x$auth <- .self$auth
file_delete = function(name = NULL, file_id = NULL, exact = TRUE) {
f <- file(name, file_id, exact = exact)
## exact = FALSE is a very dangerous operation
sapply(f$id, function(fid){
sbgr::file_delete(auth$auth_token, id, fid, base_url = auth$url)
file_copy = function(file_id = NULL) {
res <- sbgr::file_copy(auth$auth_token,
id, file_id, base_url = auth$url)
upload = function(file = NULL, metadata = list()) {
u <- Upload(auth = auth,
project_id = id,
metadata = metadata)
## task
task_list = function(){
req <- sbgr::task_list(auth$auth_token, id, base_url = auth$url)
res <- .asTaskList(req[[1]])
lapply(res, function(x){
x$response <- response(req)
x$project_id <- id
x$auth <- .self$auth
task = function(name = NULL, id = NULL, = TRUE,
exact = FALSE) {
tks <- task_list()
if(is.null(name) & is.null(id))
res <- m.match(tks, id = id, name = name,
exact = exact, =
if(is(res, "Task")){
res$project_id <- .self$id
res$auth <- .self$auth
}else if(is.list(res) &&
all(sapply(res, is, "Task"))){
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
x$project_id <- .self$id
x$auth <- .self$auth
task_run = function(...) {
task = Task(auth = .self$auth, project_id = id, ...)
delete = function() {
project_id = id,
base_url = auth$url)
show = function() {
## callSuper()
.showFields(.self, "== Project ==",
c("id", "name",
.asProject <- function(x) {
Project(id = x$id,
name = x$name,
description = x$description,
my_permission =, x$my_permission),
response = response(x))
.asProjectList <- function(x) {
lapply(x, .asProject)
.asMember <- function(x) {
Member(id = x$id,
username = x$username,
invitation_pending = x$invitation_pending,
permissions =, x$permissions),
response = response(x))
.asMemberList <- function(x){
lapply(x, .asMember)
## Billing
Billing <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = c("id", "name"),
methods = list(
show = function() {
.showFields(.self, "== Billing ==",
values = c("id", "name"))
.asBilling <- function(x) {
Billing(id = x$id,
name = x$name,
response = response(x))
.asBillingList <- function(x) {
lapply(x, .asBilling)
## Pipeline
Pipeline <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
id = "characterORNULL",
revision = "characterORNULL",
name = "characterORNULL",
description = "characterORNULL",
inputs = "ANY", ## Fixme
nodes = "ANY", ## Fixme
outputs = "ANY", ## Fixme
project_id = "characterORNULL",
repos = "characterORNULL"), ## Fixme
methods = list(
details = function() {
if (repos == "public") {
req <- sbgapi(auth_token = auth$auth_token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0('pipeline/public/', id), method = 'GET')
res <- status_check(req)
if (repos == "my") {
req <- sbgapi(auth_token = auth$auth_token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0('pipeline/my/', id), method = 'GET')
res <- status_check(req)
if (repos == "project") {
res <- sbgr::pipeline_details(auth$auth_token,
project_id = project_id,
pipeline_id = id,
base_url = auth$url)
res <- .asPipeline(res)
revision <<- res$revision
inputs <<- res$inputs
outputs <<- res$outputs
nodes <<- res$nodes
show = function() {
.self, "== Pipeline ==",
c("id", "revision",
"name", "description",
"inputs","nodes", "outputs" ))
.asPipeline <- function(x) {
Pipeline(id = x$id,
revision = x$revision,
name = x$name,
description = x$description,
inputs = x$inputs,
nodes = x$nodes,
outputs = x$outputs,
response = response(x))
.asPipelineList <- function(x) {
lapply(x, .asPipeline)
## Upload: Tuesday
## Kind of complex, think about how to make it easier?
Part <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
part_number = "numericORNULL",
part_size = "numericORNULL",
uri = "characterORNULL",
etag = "characterORNULL"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(
part_number = NULL,
part_size = NULL,
uri = NULL,
etag = NULL, ...) {
.part_number <- as.integer(as.character(part_number))
.part_size <- as.integer(as.character(part_size))
if(.part_number > 10000 | .part_number <1){
stop("par_number has to be a number in the range 1-10000.")
uri <<- uri
part_number <<- .part_number
part_size <<- .part_size
etag <<- etag
show = function(){
.showFields(.self, "== Part ==",
c("part_number", "uri"))
Upload <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
## filepath = "characterORNULL",
file = "characterORNULL",
project_id = "characterORNULL",
name = "characterORNULL",
size = "numericORNULL",
part_size = "numericORNULL",
upload_id = "characterORNULL",
part = "list",
part_length = "integer",
part_finished = "integer",
initialized = "logical",
metadata = "Metadata"
methods = list(
initialize = function(
file = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
name = NULL,
size = NULL,
part_size = NULL,
part_finished = 0L,
initialized = FALSE,
part_length = NULL,
metadata = list(), ...) {
metadata <<- normalizeMeta(metadata)
initialized <<- initialized
part_finished <<- part_finished
## validation
file <<- normalizePath(file)
if (!file.exists(file)) {
stop("file doesn't exist, please provide relative or aboslution path to the file")
if (is.null(name)) {
name <<- basename(file)
} else {
name <<- name
if (is.null(size)) {
## file.zie is R 3.2
## to be compatible
## size <<- file.size(file)
size <<-$size
} else {
size <<- size
if (is.numeric(.self$size)) {
if (!(.self$size <= 5497558138880 & .self$size >= 0))
stop("size must be between 0 - 5497558138880, inclusive")
} else {
stop("size must be between 0 - 5497558138880, inclusive")
project_id <<- project_id
## fixme: try manual part-size
if (is.null(part_length)) {
if (is.null(part_size)) {
part_size <<- as.integer(5 * 1024^2)
part_length <<- as.integer(ceiling(.self$size/.self$part_size))
} else {
## go with priority part_length
## let's reuire integer here
part_size <<- as.integer(ceiling(.self$size/part_length))
## round the length number
part_length <<- as.integer(ceiling(.self$size/.self$part_size))
.part_size <- rep(.self$part_size, .self$part_length)
## last part
.part_size[.self$part_length] <- .self$size -
.self$part_size * (.self$part_length - 1)
part <<- vector("list", .self$part_length)
part <<- lapply(1:.self$part_length, function(idx){
Part(part_number = idx,
part_size = .part_size[idx])
if (.self$part_length == 1) {
.self$part_size <<- .self$size
upload_init = function() {
res <- sbgr::upload_init(auth_token = auth$auth_token,
project_id = project_id,
name = name,
size = size,
base_url = auth$url)
upload_id <<- res$upload_id
initialized <<- TRUE
upload_info = function() {
if (is.null(upload_id)) {
stop("Upload is not initialized yet")
res <- sbgr::upload_info(auth$auth_token, upload_id,
base_url = auth$url)
upload_info_part = function(part_number = NULL) {
if (part_number > 10000 | part_number <1) {
stop("par_number has to be a number in the range 1- 10000.")
cl <- c("Content-Length" = as.character(part[[part_number]]$part_size))
res <- status_check(sbgapi(
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0("upload/multipart/",
upload_id, "/", part_number),
method = "GET"))
## update that part
part[[part_number]]$uri <<- res$uri
part[[part_number]]$etag <<- res$etag
part[[part_number]]$response <<- response(res)
upload_file = function(metadata = list()) {
if (length(metadata)) {
metadata <<- list(metadata)
names(metadata) <<- "metadata"
## make this one easy to use
N <- part_length
res <- upload_init()
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = N, style = 3)
con <- file(file, "rb")
for (i in 1:N) {
p <- upload_info_part(i)
uri <- p$uri
b <- readBin(con, "raw", part_size)
res <- PUT(uri, body = b)
etag <- headers(res)$etag
part[[i]]$etag <<- etag
upload_complete_part(i, etag)
part_finished <<- as.integer(i)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
res <- upload_complete_all()
message("file uploading complete")
## when we complete we could add meta
meta <- .self$metadata$asList()
if (length(meta)) {
message("Adding metadata ...")
req <- sbgapi(auth_token = auth$auth_token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0('project/',
'/file/', res$id),
body = meta,
method = 'PUT')
res <- status_check(req)
message("Metadata complete")
res <- .asFile(res)
upload_complete_part = function(
part_number = NULL,
etag = NULL) {
res <- sbgr::upload_complete_part(
etag, base_url = auth$url)
upload_complete_all = function() {
## fixme:
req <- sbgapi(
auth_token = auth$auth_token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0("upload/multipart/",
upload_id, "/complete"),
method = "POST")
upload_delete = function() {
auth$auth_token, upload_id,
base_url = auth$url)
show = function() {
.self, "== Upload ==",
c("initialized", "part_length",
"project_id", "name",
"size", "part_size", "upload_id"))
## define alias
um <- Upload@generator$def@refMethods
init = um$upload_init,
info = um$upload_info,
info_part = um$upload_info_part,
delete = um$upload_delete,
upload = um$upload_file
.asUpload <- function(x) {
## auth = Auth(x$auth_token),
project_id = x$project_id,
name = x$name,
size = x$size,
part_size = x$part_size,
response = response(x))
.asUploadList <- function(x){
lapply(x, .asUpload)
## Files: Wednesday
File <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
id = "characterORNULL",
name = "characterORNULL",
size = "numericORNULL",
metadata = "listORNULL",
project_id = "characterORNULL",
url = "characterORNULL"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(
id = NULL,
name = NULL,
size = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
url = NULL, ...) {
id <<- id
name <<- name
size <<- size
metadata <<- metadata
project_id <<- project_id
url <<- url
delete = function() {
sbgr::file_delete(auth$auth_token, project_id, id,
base_url = auth$url)
download_url = function() {
sbgr::file_download_url(auth$auth_token, project_id, id ,
base_url = auth$url)
download = function(destfile, ..., method = "curl") {
'see help(download.file) for more options'
if (is.null(url))
url <<- download_url()$url
## for compatible reason, R 3.1 doesn't have dir.exists
.dir.exists <- function(d) {
de <-$isdir
ifelse(, FALSE, de)
if(.dir.exists(destfile)) {
## is directory
destfile <- file.path(destfile, name)
download.file(url, destfile, ..., method = method)
set_metadata = function(metadata = list(),
append = FALSE, clean = FALSE) {
'when append = TRUE, keep original, overwrite with the new value;
if FALSE, clean meta and replace everything with new metadata'
o <- .self$metadata
if (length(metadata)) {
if (append) {
new.meta <- list(.update_list(o = o, metadata))
names(new.meta) <- "metadata"
} else {
new.meta <- list(metadata)
names(new.meta) <- "metadata"
metadata <<- new.meta$metadata
req <- sbgapi( auth$auth_token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0('project/',
'/file/', id),
body = new.meta,
method = 'PUT')
res <- status_check(req)
res <- .asFile(res)
} else {
if (length(o)) {
if (clean) {
new.meta <- list(lapply(o, function(x) return(NA)))
names(new.meta) <- "metadata"
message("cleaning metadata ...")
req <- sbgapi(auth$auth_token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0('project/',
'/file/', id),
body = new.meta,
method = 'PUT')
res <- status_check(req)
res <- .asFile(res)
} else {
stop("Please provide the metadata to update, if you want to clean the meta, please use clean = TRUE")
} else {
stop("Metadata provided is empty")
show = function() {
"== File ==",
c("id", "name",
message("-- metadata --")
.asFile <- function(x) {
File(id = x$id,
name = x$name,
size = x$size,
metadata = x$metadata,
response = response(x))
.asFileList <- function(x) {
lapply(x, .asFile)
##' Task class
##' Task class
##' A task execution require auth, project_id, pipeline_id and inputs
##' parameters, there are two ways to execute a task, the recommended
##' way is to use a cascading method to create a project object called
##' \code{p} then just call \code{p$task_run()} to pass your
##' parameters. This way you save your time passing auth and
##' project_id. The other way is to create a Task object with all
##' required fields and call \code{run} method. Please check example
##' in the end or tutorial for easy API.
##' @field id [characterORNULL] The task ID number, used when referring to the
##' task in other Seven Bridges API calls
##' @field name [characterORNULL] Name of the task you wish to execute. If this
##' is not specified, the task will be named automatically.
##' @field description [characterORNULL] Description of the task you wish to execute.
##' @field pipeline_id [characterORNULL] ID of the pipeline you wish to execute.
##' @field pipeline_revision [characterORNULL] Revision number of the pipeline
##' you wish to execute. If this is not specified, the latest pipeline revision
##' is used.
##' @field start_time [numericORNULL] start time.
##' @field status [characterORNULL] 1) active: task is currently running.
##' 2) completed: task has finished successfully. 3) aborted: task was aborted by
##' user. 4) failed: task has failed to finish due to either bad inputs and/or
##' parameters, or because of the internal infrastructure failures.
##' @field message [characterORNULL] task message
##' @field jobs_completed [numericORNULL] completed jobs
##' @field jobs_total [numericORNULL] total jobs.
##' @field inputs [listORNULL] required for task execution. List of key-value
##' pairs containing mappings of pipeline input node ID to file IDs.
##' Note that you must supply an array of file IDs for each input nodes,
##' even if the array is empty.
##' @field parameters [listORNULL] required for task execution. List of key-value
##' pairs containing mappings of node IDs to apps specific parameters. Note that
##' you must supply some value for parameters, even if this an empty list of
##' key-value pairs.
##' @field project_id [characterORNULL] required for task execution.
##' ID of the project you want to execute the task in.
##' @exportClass Task
##' @export Task
##' @examples
##' token <- "aef7e9e3f6c54fb1b338ac4ecddf1a56"
##' a <- Auth(token)
##' ## A task constructor
##' Task(auth = Auth(token),
##' name = "my task",
##' description = "A text description",
##' pipeline_id = "fake_pipeline_id",
##' project_id = "fake_project_id",
##' inputs = list("177252" = list("fake_id")))
##' \donttest{
##' ## replace with real token then follow the examples here
##' ## get billing info
##' b <- a$billing()
##' p <- a$project("API")
##' ## get the pipeline from your project not public one
##' f.pipe <- p$pipeline(name = "FastQC")
##' ## check the inputs needed for running tasks
##' f.pipe$details()
##' ## Ready to run a task? go
##' f.task <- p$task_run(
##' name = "my task",
##' description = "A text description",
##' pipeline_id = f.pipe$id,
##' inputs = list("177252" = list(f.file$id)))
##' f.task$run()
##' ## or you can just run with Task constructor
##' f.task <- Task(
##' auth = Auth(token),
##' name = "my task",
##' description = "A text description",
##' pipeline_id = f.pipe$id,
##' project_id = p$id,
##' inputs = list("177252" = list(f.file$id)))
##' ## Monitor you task
##' f.task$monitor(30)
##' ## download a task output files
##' f.task <- p$task("my task")
##' f.task$download("~/Desktop/")
##' ## Abort the task
##' f.task$abort()
##' }
Task <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
id = "characterORNULL",
name = "characterORNULL",
description = "characterORNULL",
pipeline_id = "characterORNULL",
pipeline_revision = "characterORNULL",
start_time = "numericORNULL",
status = "characterORNULL",
message = "characterORNULL",
jobs_completed = "numericORNULL",
jobs_total = "numericORNULL",
inputs = "listORNULL",
outputs = "listORNULL",
parameters = "listORNULL",
project_id = "characterORNULL"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(status = NULL, ...) {
if (length(status)) {
status <<- status$status
message <<- status$message
jobs_completed <<- status$jobs_completed
jobs_total <<- status$jobs_total
action = function(action = NULL) {
if (is.null(action)) {
stop("please specify action: currently only support 'abort'")
req <- sbgr::task_action(auth$auth_token, project_id,
id, action, base_url = auth$url)
abort = function() {
action(action = "abort")
details = function() {
req <- sbgr::task_details(
id, base_url = auth$url)
## update
start_time <<- req$start_time
status <<- req$status$status
message <<- req$status$message
jobs_completed <<- req$status$jobs_completed
jobs_total <<- req$status$jobs_total
outputs <<- req$outputs
monitor = function(time = 30) {
t0 <- Sys.time()
message("Monitoring ...")
while(TRUE) {
d <- details()
if (d$status != "active") {
download = function(destfile, ..., method = "curl") {
if (is.null(outputs)) {
fids <- sapply(outputs, function(x) x[[1]])
p <- auth$project(id = project_id)
for (fid in fids) {
fl <- p$file(id = fid)
message("downloading: ", fl$name)
fl$download(destfile, ..., method = method)
run = function() {
## turn this into a list
.nms <- c("name", "description",
"pipeline_id", "pipeline_revision",
"inputs", "parameters")
body <- .getFields(.self, .nms)
req <- sbgr::task_run(
base_url = auth$url)
## update task object
id <<- req$id
name <<- req$name
description <<- req$description
pipeline_id <<- req$pipeline_id
pipeline_revision <<- req$pipeline_revision
start_time <<- req$start_time
status <<- req$status$status
message <<- req$status$message
jobs_completed <<- req$status$jobs_completed
jobs_total <<- req$status$jobs_total
inputs <<- req$inputs
outputs <<- req$outputs
parameters <<- req$parameters
show = function() {
.nms <- c("id", "name", "description",
"pipeline_id", "pipeline_revision",
"start_time", "status",
"message", "jobs_completed",
"jobs_total", "parameters",
"inputs", "outputs")
.showFields(.self, "== Task ==", .nms)
.asTask <- function(x) {
res <-, x)
res$response <- response(x)
.asTaskList <- function(x) {
lapply(x, .asTask)
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