#' Plot numerical single-cell data
#' Visualize numerical single-cell data by creating a histogram, density plot,
#' violin plots, or boxplots. When plotting V(D)J data, values can be plotted
#' separately for each chain or summarized and plotted for each cell.
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame, if a
#' data.frame is provided, cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing data to plot
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells for plotting
#' @param group_col meta.data column to use for grouping clusters into separate
#' panels
#' @param method Method to use for plotting, possible values include,
#' 'histogram', 'density', 'boxplot', or 'violin'
#' @param units Units to use for y-axis when method is 'histogram'. Use
#' 'frequency' to show the number of values or 'percent' to show the percentage
#' of total values.
#' @param top To only show the top cell groups, provide
#' one of the following, all other cells will be labeled using the value
#' provided to the `other_label` argument. If `NULL` this will be automatically
#' set.
#' - Integer specifying the number of top groups to show
#' - Vector specifying the names of cell groups to show
#' @param other_label Label to use for 'other' cells when `top` is specified, if
#' `NULL` all cell groups will be shown.
#' @param plot_colors Character vector specifying colors to use for cell
#' clusters specified by cluster_col. When cluster_col is `NULL`, plot colors
#' can be directly modified with the ggplot2 parameters `color` and `fill`,
#' e.g. `fill = "red"`, `color = "black"`
#' @param plot_lvls Character vector containing order to use for plotting cell
#' clusters specified by cluster_col
#' @param trans Transformation to use when plotting data, e.g. 'log10'. By
#' default values are not transformed, refer to [ggplot2::continuous_scale()]
#' for more options.
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plot panels
#' @param panel_scales Should scales for plot panels be fixed or free. This
#' passes a scales specification to [ggplot2::facet_wrap()], can be 'fixed',
#' 'free', 'free_x', or 'free_y'. 'fixed' will cause panels to share the same
#' scales.
#' @param na_color Color to use for missing values. If plotting V(D)J data,
#' cells lacking data will be plotted as `NA`s.
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this can be
#' any combination of the following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#' corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#' specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'axis', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown on the
#' x-axis
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#' plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to ggplot2, e.g. color, fill, size,
#' linetype, etc.
#' @param per_chain If `TRUE` values will be plotted for each chain, i.e. each
#' data point represents a chain. If `FALSE` values will be summarized for each
#' cell using `summary_fn` before plotting, i.e. each data point represents a
#' cell.
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for filtering data before plotting. If NULL
#' data will not be filtered based on chain.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param summary_fn Function to use for summarizing values when `per_chain` is
#' `FALSE`, can be either a function, e.g. `mean`, or a purrr-style
#' lambda, e.g. `~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)` where `.x` refers to the column. If
#' `NULL`, the mean will be calculated.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @seealso [summarize_vdj()] for more examples on how per-chain data can be
#' summarized for each cell
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' # Create histogram
#' plot_histogram(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "reads",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' trans = "log10"
#' )
#' # Create violin plots
#' plot_violin(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "nFeature_RNA",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' @name plot_numerical
#' @rdname plot_numerical
#' @export
plot_histogram <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL,
group_col = NULL, method = "histogram",
top = NULL, other_label = "other",
units = "frequency", plot_colors = NULL,
plot_lvls = NULL, trans = "identity",
panel_nrow = NULL, panel_scales = "fixed",
na_color = "grey80",
n_label = NULL, label_params = list(), ...,
per_chain = FALSE, chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col, summary_fn = mean,
sep = global$sep) {
# Check input classes
# Format plot data
plt_dat <- .format_plot_data(
data_col = data_col,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
group_col = group_col,
plot_lvls = plot_lvls,
top = top,
other_label = other_label,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
per_chain = per_chain,
summary_fn = summary_fn,
sep = sep,
# additional variables to fetch from object
plot_colors <- .set_colors(plt_dat, cluster_col, plot_colors,
other_label = other_label)
# Check for sep
# Need this info to set y-axis title
has_sep <- .detect_sep(
data_col, sep, n_rows = 1000, return_names = FALSE
if (!has_sep) per_chain <- FALSE
# Create histogram
gg_args <- list(
df_in = plt_dat,
x = data_col,
grp = group_col,
.color = cluster_col,
.fill = cluster_col,
method = method,
units = units,
trans = trans,
clrs = plot_colors,
nrow = panel_nrow,
scales = panel_scales,
na_clr = na_color,
n_label = n_label,
label_params = label_params,
gg_args$alpha <- gg_args$alpha %||% 0.5
gg_args$y_ttl <- .get_axis_label(
units, sfx = ifelse(per_chain, "chains", "cells")
res <- .lift(.create_hist)(gg_args)
#' @rdname plot_numerical
#' @export
plot_violin <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL, group_col = NULL,
method = "violin", top = NULL, other_label = "other",
plot_colors = NULL, plot_lvls = NULL,
trans = "identity", panel_nrow = NULL,
panel_scales = "free_x", na_color = "grey80",
n_label = NULL, label_params = list(), ...,
per_chain = FALSE, chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col, summary_fn = mean,
sep = global$sep) {
# Check input classes
# Format plot data
plt_dat <- .format_plot_data(
data_col = data_col,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
group_col = group_col,
plot_lvls = plot_lvls,
top = top,
other_label = other_label,
rank_method = "boxplot",
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
per_chain = per_chain,
summary_fn = summary_fn,
sep = sep,
# additional variables to fetch from object
plot_colors <- .set_colors(plt_dat, cluster_col, plot_colors,
other_label = other_label)
# Create violins
gg_args <- list(
df_in = plt_dat,
x = cluster_col,
y = data_col,
grp = group_col,
.color = cluster_col,
.fill = cluster_col,
method = method,
trans = trans,
clrs = plot_colors,
nrow = panel_nrow,
scales = panel_scales,
na_clr = na_color,
show_points = identical(method, "violin"),
n_label = n_label,
label_params = label_params,
gg_args$point.size <- gg_args$point.size %||% 1
gg_args$alpha <- gg_args$alpha %||% 0.5
res <- .lift(.create_boxes)(gg_args)
#' Create 2D scatter plot
#' Create a scatter plot with cells colored based on the provided feature.
#' This can be used to create dimensional reduction plots (e.g. UMAP, tSNE, PCA)
#' or to compare different cell attributes (e.g. CD4 vs CD8 expression).
#' When plotting V(D)J data, per-chain values will be summarized for each cell.
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame, if a
#' data.frame is provided, cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col Name of meta.data column or other variable (e.g. gene name)
#' to use for coloring points
#' @param x,y Name of meta.data column or other variable to plot on x and
#' y-axis
#' @param group_col meta.data column to use for splitting plot into panels
#' @param data_slot Slot to pull data from when `input` is a Seurat object
#' @param top To only show the top cell groups, provide
#' one of the following, all other cells will be labeled using the value
#' provided to the `other_label` argument. If `NULL` this will be automatically
#' set.
#' - Integer specifying the number of top groups to show
#' - Vector specifying the names of cell groups to show
#' @param other_label Label to use for 'other' cells when `top` is specified, if
#' `NULL` all cell groups will be shown.
#' @param plot_colors Character vector specifying colors to use for cell
#' clusters specified by cluster_col.
#' @param plot_lvls Character vector containing order to use for plotting cell
#' clusters specified by cluster_col.
#' @param outline Add an outline around each cluster, outline aesthetics can be
#' modified by passing arguments directly to [ggtrace::geom_point_trace()]
#' @param trans Transformation to use when plotting data, e.g. 'log10'. By
#' default values are not transformed, refer to [ggplot2::continuous_scale()]
#' for more options.
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plot panels
#' @param panel_scales Should scales for plot panels be fixed or free. This
#' passes a scales specification to [ggplot2::facet_wrap()], can be 'fixed',
#' 'free', 'free_x', or 'free_y'. 'fixed' will cause panels to share the same
#' scales.
#' @param min_q Minimum quantile cutoff for color scale.
#' @param max_q Maximum quantile cutoff for color scale.
#' @param na_color Color to use for missing values. If plotting V(D)J data,
#' cells lacking data will be plotted as `NA`s.
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this can be
#' any combination of the following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#' corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#' specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#' plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to [ggplot2::geom_point()], or
#' [ggtrace::geom_point_trace()] if `outline = TRUE`, e.g. color, size, etc.
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for filtering data before plotting. If NULL
#' data will not be filtered based on chain.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param summary_fn Function to use for summarizing per-chain values for each
#' cell, can be either a function, e.g. `mean`, or a purrr-style
#' lambda, e.g. `~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)` where `.x` refers to the column. If
#' `NULL`, the mean will be calculated for numeric values, non-numeric columns
#' will be combined into a single string.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @seealso [summarize_vdj()] for more examples on how per-chain data can be
#' summarized for each cell
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' # Create scatter plot
#' plot_scatter(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "reads",
#' x = "UMAP_1",
#' y = "UMAP_2",
#' trans = "log10"
#' )
#' @export
plot_scatter <- function(input, data_col = NULL, x = "UMAP_1", y = "UMAP_2",
group_col = NULL, data_slot = "data", top = NULL,
other_label = "other", plot_colors = NULL,
plot_lvls = NULL, outline = FALSE, trans = "identity",
panel_nrow = NULL, panel_scales = "fixed",
min_q = NULL, max_q = NULL, na_color = "grey80",
n_label = NULL, label_params = list(), ...,
chain = NULL, chain_col = global$chain_col,
summary_fn = NULL, sep = global$sep) {
# Check input classes
.check_args(data_col = list(allow_null = TRUE))
# Format plot data
plt_dat <- .format_plot_data(
data_col = data_col,
cluster_col = data_col,
group_col = group_col,
plot_lvls = plot_lvls,
top = top,
other_label = other_label,
rev_lvls = TRUE,
per_chain = FALSE,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
summary_fn = summary_fn,
slot = data_slot,
sep = sep,
# additional variables to fetch from object
x, y
# Set plot arguments
gg_args <- list(
df_in = plt_dat,
fn = ggplot2::geom_point,
x = x,
y = y,
.color = data_col,
grp = group_col,
clrs = plot_colors,
trans_clr = trans,
nrow = panel_nrow,
scales = panel_scales,
na_clr = na_color,
n_label = n_label,
label_params = label_params,
# Adjust plot arguments for geom_point_trace
if (outline) {
gg_args <- .standardize_aes(gg_args)
gg_args$fn <- ggtrace::geom_point_trace
gg_args$.fill <- data_col
gg_args$colour <- gg_args$colour %||% "black"
# If no data_col provided, return scatter plot
if (is.null(data_col)) {
res <- .lift(.create_scatter)(gg_args)
# Is data_col numeric
is_num <- is.numeric(plt_dat[[data_col]])
# Adjust values based on min_q and max_q
if (is_num && (!is.null(min_q) || !is.null(max_q))) {
plt_dat <- .set_lims(plt_dat, data_col, min_q, max_q)
# reverse legend so top ranked levels are listed first
lvls <- stats::na.omit(levels(plt_dat[[data_col]]))
rev_lgnd <- !identical(data_col, group_col)
if (rev_lgnd) lvls <- rev(lvls)
# Set default colors
plot_colors <- .set_colors(plt_dat, data_col, plot_colors, lvls,
other_label = other_label)
# Create scatter plot
gg_args$df_in <- plt_dat
gg_args$clrs <- plot_colors
res <- .lift(.create_scatter)(gg_args)
# Adjust legend point size
if (!is_num) {
lgnd_args <- list(override.aes = list(size = 3))
if (rev_lgnd) lgnd_args$reverse <- TRUE
lgnd_args <- .lift(ggplot2::guide_legend)(lgnd_args)
if (outline) lgnd_args <- list(fill = lgnd_args)
else lgnd_args <- list(color = lgnd_args)
res <- res +
#' Format data for plotting
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame, if a
#' data.frame is provided, cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing data to plot
#' @param ... Names of additional columns to check for in input
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells for plotting
#' @param plot_lvls Character vector containing order to use for plotting cell
#' clusters specified by cluster_col
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for filtering data before plotting. If NULL
#' data will not be filtered based on chain.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param per_chain If `TRUE` values will be plotted for each chain, i.e. each
#' data point represents a chain. If `FALSE` values will be summarized for each
#' cell using `summary_fn` before plotting, i.e. each data point represents a
#' cell.
#' @param summary_fn Function to use for summarizing values when `per_chain` is
#' `FALSE`, can be either a function, e.g. `mean`, or a purrr-style
#' lambda, e.g. `~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)` where `.x` refers to the column. If
#' `NULL`, the mean will be calculated.
#' @param filter_cells If `TRUE` cells not containing V(D)J data (represented
#' as `NA`s) will be removed.
#' @param slot Slot to pull data from when `input` is a Seurat object
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @return data.frame formatted for plotting
#' @noRd
.format_plot_data <- function(input, ...) {
UseMethod(".format_plot_data", input)
.format_plot_data.default <- function(input, data_col, ..., cluster_col = NULL,
group_col = NULL, plot_lvls = NULL,
top = NULL, other_label = "other",
rank_method = n, rev_lvls = FALSE,
chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col,
per_chain = TRUE, summary_fn = mean,
filter_cells = per_chain, slot = "data",
sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
.check_obj_cols(input, data_col, ..., chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col)
# Format plot data
res <- .get_meta(input)
if (is.null(data_col)) return(res)
has_sep <- .detect_sep(
res, data_col, sep, n_rows = 1000, return_names = FALSE
# Summarize per-chain data
# Only remove NAs when plotting per-chain data
if (has_sep) {
if (per_chain) {
if (is.null(chain)) fetch_cols <- data_col
else fetch_cols <- c(data_col, chain_col)
res <- fetch_vdj(
data_cols = fetch_cols,
clonotype_col = NULL,
unnest = TRUE
if (!is.null(chain)) {
res <- dplyr::filter(res, !!sym(chain_col) %in% chain)
} else {
res <- summarize_vdj(
data_cols = data_col,
fn = summary_fn,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
sep = sep,
return_df = TRUE
} else if (!is.null(chain)) {
"`data_col` does not contain per-chain data, chains were not filtered."
# Remove cells with missing V(D)J data
if (filter_cells) res <- dplyr::filter(res, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))
# Set column to use for ranking cluster_col and group_col
if (identical(rank_method, "boxplot")) val_col <- data_col
else val_col <- NULL
# Set cluster_col levels
res <- .set_other_grps(
res, cluster_col, val_col = val_col, plot_lvls = plot_lvls, top = top,
other_label = other_label, method = rank_method, rev = rev_lvls
# Set group_col levels
# If group_col is not same as cluster_col, use levels from df_in for
# default ordering
# If not, re-set group_col levels, since these should never be reversed
# Only reverse levels when group_col and cluster_col are the same
if (!is.null(group_col) && !identical(cluster_col, group_col)) {
grp_lvls <- levels(res[[group_col]])
} else {
grp_lvls <- NULL
res <- .set_other_grps(
res, group_col, val_col = val_col, plot_lvls = grp_lvls,
method = rank_method
# Sort data so largest values are plotted on top
# Do not use arrange() since NAs always get sorted to bottom
# res <- arrange(plt_dat, !!sym(data_col))
res <- res[order(res[[data_col]], na.last = FALSE), ]
.format_plot_data.Seurat <- function(input, data_col, ..., cluster_col = NULL,
group_col = NULL, plot_lvls = NULL,
top = NULL, other_label = "other",
rank_method = n, rev_lvls = FALSE,
chain = NULL, chain_col = global$chain_col,
per_chain = TRUE, summary_fn = mean,
filter_cells = per_chain,
slot = "data", sep = global$sep) {
# Fetch variables and add to meta.data
# want input data to include meta.data and any features from FetchData
plt_vars <- c(data_col, ...)
plt_dat <- Seurat::FetchData(
vars = unique(plt_vars),
slot = slot
# Format input data
meta <- .get_meta(input)
plt_dat <- .merge_meta(meta, plt_dat)
res <- .format_plot_data(
data_col = data_col,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
plot_lvls = plot_lvls,
top = top,
other_label = other_label,
rank_method = rank_method,
rev_lvls = rev_lvls,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
per_chain = per_chain,
summary_fn = summary_fn,
filter_cells = filter_cells,
sep = sep
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