#' Filter V(D)J data in object
#' Remove V(D)J data for chains/cells that do not satisfy the provided
#' condition
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param filt Condition to use for filtering V(D)J data. To allow for
#' filtering of per-chain V(D)J data, the data for each cell is converted into
#' a vector, e.g. 'IGH;IGK' is equivalent to c('IGH', 'IGK'). This allows R
#' vector operations to be performed on the per-chain values. The filtering
#' condition must return TRUE/FALSE for each chain or a single TRUE/FALSE for
#' each cell. Data can be filtered based on cell barcodes by referring to the
#' '.cell_id' column.
#' @param data_cols meta.data columns containing V(D)J data to use for
#' filtering. If NULL, V(D)J data are automatically selected by identifying
#' columns that have NAs in the same rows as clonotype_col.
#' @param clonotype_col meta.data column containing clonotype IDs. This column
#' is used to determine which columns contain V(D)J data.
#' @param per_chain If `TRUE` per-chain data will be parsed so values for
#' individual chains can be filtered, if `FALSE` values will be filtered as is.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per cell V(D)J data.
#' @return Object with filtered meta.data
#' @examples
#' # Only include V(D)J data for productive chains
#' res <- filter_vdj(vdj_sce, productive)
#' # Only include V(D)J data for cells with paired chains
#' res <- filter_vdj(vdj_sce, paired)
#' # Only include V(D)J data for cells with at least one heavy and one light
#' # chain
#' res <- filter_vdj(
#' vdj_sce,
#' "IGH" %in% chains && any(c("IGK", "IGL") %in% chains)
#' )
#' # Only include V(D)J data for cells that have an IGH, IGK, and IGL chain
#' res <- filter_vdj(
#' vdj_sce,
#' all(c("IGH", "IGK", "IGL") %in% chains)
#' )
#' # Only include V(D)J data for heavy chains
#' res <- filter_vdj(vdj_sce, chains == "IGH")
#' # Remove chains that only have 1 UMI for support
#' res <- filter_vdj(vdj_sce, umis > 1)
#' # Filter based on cell barcode
#' res <- filter_vdj(vdj_sce, .cell_id == "1_ACGGAGACATGCTGGC-1")
#' @export
filter_vdj <- function(input, filt, data_cols = NULL,
clonotype_col = "clonotype_id", sep = global$sep,
per_chain = TRUE) {
# Check that columns are present in object
.check_obj_cols(input, data_cols, clonotype_col)
# Check input classes
.check_args(data_cols = list(len_one = FALSE, allow_null = TRUE))
# Format input data
if (!per_chain) sep <- NULL
meta <- vdj <- .get_meta(input)
# Identify columns with V(D)J data
col_list <- .get_vdj_cols(
df_in = vdj,
clone_col = clonotype_col,
cols_in = data_cols,
sep = sep
vdj_cols <- col_list$vdj
sep_cols <- col_list$sep
if (!is.null(sep) && purrr::is_empty(sep_cols)) {
cli::cli_warn("`sep` ({sep}) is not present in the data")
# Create list-cols for V(D)J columns that contain sep
if (purrr::is_empty(sep_cols)) {
vdj <- dplyr::mutate(vdj, .KEEP = {{filt}})
length_one <- TRUE
} else {
vdj <- .unnest_vdj(
df_in = vdj,
sep = sep,
sep_cols = sep_cols,
unnest = FALSE
vdj <- dplyr::rowwise(vdj)
vdj <- dplyr::mutate(vdj, .KEEP = list({{filt}}))
vdj <- dplyr::ungroup(vdj)
length_one <- purrr::map_lgl(vdj$.KEEP, ~ length(.x) == 1)
length_one <- all(length_one)
keep_rows <- vdj$.KEEP
vdj <- dplyr::select(vdj, -".KEEP")
# If vectors in keep_rows are all length 1, filter cells
if (length_one) {
keep_rows <- unlist(keep_rows)
vdj_cols <- vdj_cols[vdj_cols != global$cell_col]
vdj <- dplyr::mutate(meta, dplyr::across(
all_of(vdj_cols), ~ .add_na(.x, !keep_rows)
res <- .add_meta(input, vdj)
# If vectors in keep_rows > length 1, filter chains
for (clmn in sep_cols) {
x <- vdj[[clmn]]
x <- purrr::map2_chr(x, keep_rows, ~ {
if (!all(is.na(.x)) && length(.x) != length(.y)) {
"Filtering condition must return `TRUE`/`FALSE` for each chain,
or a single `TRUE`/`FALSE` for each cell."
all(is.na(.x)) || purrr::is_empty(.x[.y]),
paste0(.x[.y], collapse = sep)
vdj[clmn] <- x
# Set NAs for vdj_cols not in sep_cols
other_cols <- vdj_cols[!vdj_cols %in% sep_cols]
na_rows <- purrr::map_lgl(keep_rows, ~ !any(.x))
vdj <- dplyr::mutate(vdj, dplyr::across(
all_of(other_cols), ~ .add_na(.x, na_rows)
# Format results
res <- .add_meta(input, vdj)
#' Insert NAs based on logical index
#' @noRd
.add_na <- function(x, lgl_idx) {
typ <- typeof(x)
x[lgl_idx] <- methods::as(NA, typ)
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