
Defines functions plot_rarefaction plot_diversity .calc_div calc_diversity

Documented in calc_diversity plot_diversity plot_rarefaction

#' Calculate repertoire diversity
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing values to use for
#' calculating diversity, e.g. 'clonotype_id'
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells when calculating diversity. If cluster_col is omitted,
#' diversity index will be calculated using all cells.
#' @param method Method to use for calculating diversity. A named list can also
#' be passed to use multiple methods. The names should specify names for the
#' output columns.
#' @param downsample Downsample clusters to the same size when calculating
#' diversity metrics
#' @param n_boots Number of bootstrap replicates for calculating standard error,
#' if n_boots is 0 this will be skipped.
#' @param chain Chain to use for calculating diversity. To calculate diversity
#' for a single chain, the column passed to the data_col argument must contain
#' per-chain data such as CDR3 sequences. Set to NULL to include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param prefix Prefix to add to new columns
#' @param return_df Return results as a data.frame. If FALSE, results will be
#' added to the input object.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @return Single cell object or data.frame with diversity metrics
#' @seealso [plot_diversity()]
#' @examples
#' # Calculate diversity for each cell cluster
#' res <- calc_diversity(
#'   vdj_sce,
#'   data_col    = "clonotype_id",
#'   cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#'   method      = abdiv::simpson
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' @export
calc_diversity <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL,
                           method = abdiv::simpson, downsample = FALSE,
                           n_boots = 0, chain = NULL,
                           chain_col = global$chain_col,
                           prefix = paste0(data_col, "_"), return_df = FALSE,
                           sep = global$sep) {

  # Check that columns are present in object
    input, data_col, cluster_col, chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col

  # Check input classes
  .check_args(method = list(Class = "function", len_one = FALSE))

  # Check input values
  if (length(method) > 1 && is.null(names(method))) {
    cli::cli_abort("Names must be included when `method` is a list")

  if (length(method) == 1 && is.null(names(method))) {
    nm <- as.character(substitute(method))
    nm <- last(nm)

    method <- purrr::set_names(list(method), nm)

  # Format input data
  names(method) <- paste0(prefix, names(method))

  meta <- vdj <- .get_meta(input)

  # Add column containing original data_col values to use when merging back
  # with meta.data. This is important since data_col will be modified when
  # filtering chains.
  orig_data_col <- paste0(".", data_col)

  vdj <- dplyr::mutate(vdj, !!sym(orig_data_col) := !!sym(data_col))

  # filter chains if provided
  # if all chains removed, NA will be returned
  if (!is.null(chain)) {
    vdj <- mutate_meta(
      dplyr::mutate, !!sym(orig_data_col) := !!sym(data_col)

    vdj <- fetch_vdj(
      data_cols     = c(data_col, chain_col),
      clonotype_col = data_col,
      filter_cells  = TRUE,
      unnest        = FALSE,
      sep           = sep

    vdj <- .filter_chains(
      data_cols  = data_col,
      chain      = chain,
      chain_col  = chain_col,
      col_names  = "{.col}",
      allow_dups = FALSE

  # Get parameters for bootstrapped sampling
  # specify minimum and maximum number of cells for samples
  sam      <- dplyr::filter(vdj, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))
  sam_rng <- c(10, Inf)
  sam_sz  <- nrow(sam)

  if (!is.null(cluster_col)) {
    sam_sz <- table(sam[[cluster_col]])
    sam_sz <- sam_sz[sam_sz >= sam_rng[1]]

    if (purrr::is_empty(sam_sz)) {
        "When `cluster_col` is provided, at least one
         cluster must have at least {sam_rng[1]} cell{?s}. Rerun with
         `cluster_col` set to `NULL` to calculate diversity metrics for the
         entire population"

    clsts  <- names(sam_sz)
    sam_sz <- min(sam_sz)

    sam <- dplyr::filter(sam, !!sym(cluster_col) %in% clsts)

  if (sam_sz > sam_rng[2]) sam_sz <- sam_rng[2]

  # Downsample clusters to equal size
  if (!is.null(cluster_col)) sam <- dplyr::group_by(sam, !!sym(cluster_col))
  if (downsample)            sam <- dplyr::slice_sample(sam, n = sam_sz)

  # Calculate diversity
  div <- purrr::imap_dfr(method, ~ {
      met       = .y,
      diversity = list(.calc_div(!!sym(data_col), met = .x, n_bts = n_boots)),
      stderr    = purrr::map_dbl(.data$diversity, pull, "std.error"),
      diversity = purrr::map_dbl(.data$diversity, pull, "statistic")

  div_cols <- "diversity"

  if (n_boots > 1) div_cols <- c(div_cols, "stderr")
  else             div <- dplyr::select(div, -"stderr")

  div <- tidyr::pivot_longer(div, all_of(div_cols))
  div <- tidyr::unite(div, "name", "met", "name")
  div <- tidyr::pivot_wider(div)

  # Format results
  vdj_cols <- c(data_col, cluster_col)

  vdj <- dplyr::mutate(vdj, !!sym(data_col) := !!sym(orig_data_col))
  vdj <- dplyr::filter(vdj, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))
  vdj <- dplyr::distinct(vdj, !!!syms(vdj_cols))

  if (!is.null(cluster_col)) vdj <- dplyr::left_join(vdj, div, by = cluster_col)
  else                       vdj <- dplyr::bind_cols(vdj, div)

  res <- dplyr::left_join(meta, vdj, by = vdj_cols)

  if (return_df) input <- meta

  res <- .add_meta(input, meta = res)


# Calculate diversity
# n_boots should be 0 to just calculate stat w/ no reps
# n_boots must be >1 to calculate standard error
# t0 is the calculated stat from the original data
.calc_div <- function(x, met, n_bts) {
  fn <- function(x, i) {
    res <- met(table(x[i]))

    if (is.na(res)) {
        "The provided diversity function returned `NA`, this may occur if a
         cluster is composed entirely of a single clonotype"


  bt <- boot::boot(x, fn, R = n_bts)

  res <- tibble::tibble(statistic = bt$t0, std.error = stats::sd(bt$t))


#' Plot repertoire diversity
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing values to use for
#' calculating diversity, e.g. 'clonotype_id'
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells when calculating clonotype abundance
#' @param group_col meta.data column to use for grouping clusters present in
#' cluster_col
#' @param method Function to use for calculating diversity, e.g.
#' abdiv::simpson. A named list of functions can be passed to plot multiple
#' diversity metrics, e.g.
#' list(simpson = abdiv::simpson, shannon = abdiv::shannon)
#' @param downsample Downsample clusters to the same size when calculating
#' diversity metrics
#' @param n_boots Number of bootstrap replicates for calculating standard
#' deviation, if n_boots is 0 this will be skipped.
#' @param chain Chain to use for calculating diversity. To calculate diversity
#' for a single chain, the column passed to the data_col argument must contain
#' per-chain data such as CDR3 sequences. Set to NULL to include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @param plot_colors Character vector containing colors for plotting
#' @param plot_lvls Character vector containing levels for ordering
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plot panels
#' @param panel_scales Should scales for plot panels be fixed or free. This
#' passes a scales specification to ggplot2::facet_wrap, can be 'fixed', 'free',
#' 'free_x', or 'free_y'. 'fixed' will cause panels to share the same scales.
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this can be
#' any combination of the following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#'   corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#'   specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'axis', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown on the
#'   x-axis
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#'   plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param p_label Specification indicating how p-values should be labeled on
#' plot, this can one of the following:
#' - 'none', do not display p-values
#' - 'all', show p-values for all groups
#' - A named vector providing p-value cutoffs and labels to display,
#'   e.g. `c('*' = 0.05, '**' = 0.01, '***' = 0.001)`. The keyword 'value' can
#'   be used to display the p-value for those less than a certain cutoff,
#'   e.g. `c(value = 0.05, ns = 1.1)` will show significant p-values, all others
#'   will be labeled 'ns'.
#' @param p_method Method to use for calculating p-values, by default when
#' comparing two groups a t-test will be used.
#' When comparing more than two groups the Kruskal-Wallis test will be used.
#' p-values are adjusted for
#' multiple testing using Bonferroni correction. Possible methods include:
#' - 't', two sample t-test performed with `stats::t.test()`
#' - 'wilcox', Wilcoxon rank sum test performed with `stats::wilcox.test()`
#' - 'kruskal', Kruskal-Wallis test performed with `stats::kruskal.test()`
#' @param p_file File path to save table containing p-values for each
#' comparison.
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to ggplot2, e.g. color, fill, size,
#' linetype, etc.
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso [calc_diversity()], [plot_rarefaction()]
#' @examples
#' # Specify method to use for calculating repertoire diversity
#' plot_diversity(
#'   vdj_sce,
#'   data_col = "clonotype_id",
#'   method   = abdiv::shannon
#' )
#' # Plot diversity separately for each cell cluster
#' plot_diversity(
#'   vdj_sce,
#'   data_col    = "clonotype_id",
#'   cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' # Plot multiple diversity metrics
#' mets <- list(
#'   simpson = abdiv::simpson,
#'   shannon = abdiv::shannon
#' )
#' plot_diversity(
#'   vdj_sce,
#'   data_col    = "clonotype_id",
#'   cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#'   method      = mets
#' )
#' # Specify how to organize panels when plotting multiple metrics
#' plot_diversity(
#'   vdj_sce,
#'   data_col   = "clonotype_id",
#'   method     = mets,
#'   panel_nrow = 2
#' )
#' @export
plot_diversity <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL,
                           group_col = NULL, method = abdiv::simpson,
                           downsample = FALSE, n_boots = 0, chain = NULL,
                           chain_col = global$chain_col, sep = global$sep,
                           plot_colors = NULL,
                           plot_lvls = names(plot_colors), panel_nrow = NULL,
                           panel_scales = "free", n_label = NULL,
                           p_label = "all", p_method = NULL,
                           p_file = NULL, label_params = list(), ...) {

  # Check that columns are present in object
    data_col, cluster_col, group_col, chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col

  # Check input classes
  .check_args(method = list(Class = "function", len_one = FALSE))

  # Check input values
  if (length(method) > 1 && is.null(names(method))) {
    cli::cli_abort("Names must be included when `method` is a list")

  .check_group_cols(cluster_col, group_col, input)

  .check_possible_values(p_method = c("t", "wilcox", "kruskal"))

  if (length(method) == 1 && is.null(names(method))) {
    nm <- as.character(substitute(method))
    nm <- dplyr::last(nm)

    method <- list(method)
    names(method) <- nm

  if (!is.null(group_col)) n_boots <- 0

  # Diversity columns
  div_cols <- paste0(names(method), "_", "diversity")
  err_cols <- paste0(names(method), "_", "stderr")

  all_div_cols <- div_cols

  if (n_boots > 1) all_div_cols <- c(all_div_cols, err_cols)

  # Set plot variables
  x_col <- clr_col <- group_col %||% cluster_col

  # If downsample, exclude n label since values will be incorrect
  if (downsample) n_label <- "none"

  # Calculate diversity
  # remove any existing diversity columns from plt_dat
  plt_dat <- .get_meta(input)
  plt_dat <- .prepare_meta(input = NULL, plt_dat)
  plt_dat <- dplyr::select(plt_dat, -any_of(all_div_cols))

  plt_dat <- calc_diversity(
    input       = plt_dat,
    cluster_col = cluster_col,
    method      = method,
    downsample  = downsample,
    n_boots     = n_boots,
    data_col    = data_col,
    chain       = chain,
    chain_col   = chain_col,
    prefix      = "",
    sep         = sep

  # Format data for plotting
  plt_dat <- dplyr::filter(plt_dat, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))

  # Set data for n label
  n_lab_dat <- plt_dat

  # Identify data columns that the user should have access to
  keep_cols <- .get_matching_clmns(plt_dat, c(all_div_cols, cluster_col))
  keep_cols <- c(all_div_cols, cluster_col, keep_cols)
  plt_dat   <- dplyr::distinct(plt_dat, !!!syms(keep_cols))

  plt_dat <- tidyr::pivot_longer(plt_dat, all_of(all_div_cols))

  re <- "^(.+)_(diversity|stderr)$"

  plt_dat <- tidyr::extract(plt_dat, .data$name, into = c("met", "type"), re)

  plt_dat <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
    plt_dat, names_from  = "type", values_from = "value"

  # Set plot levels
  lvls_col <- group_col %||% cluster_col

  plt_dat <- .set_lvls(plt_dat, lvls_col, plot_lvls)
  plt_dat <- .set_lvls(plt_dat, "met", names(method))

  include_x_labs <- !is.null(cluster_col)

  if (!include_x_labs) cluster_col <- "met"

  # Plot arguments
  gg_args <- list(
    df_in        = plt_dat,
    x            = x_col,
    y            = "diversity",
    .color       = clr_col,
    .fill        = clr_col,
    clrs         = plot_colors,
    nrow         = panel_nrow,
    scales       = panel_scales,
    n_label      = n_label,
    label_params = label_params,
    label_data   = n_lab_dat,

  # Create grouped boxplot
  if (!is.null(group_col)) {
    gg_args$clst      <- cluster_col
    gg_args$grp       <- group_col
    gg_args$add_zeros <- FALSE

    gg_args$p_label   <- p_label
    gg_args$p_method  <- p_method
    gg_args$p_file    <- p_file
    gg_args$p_x       <- "center"

    gg_args$method    <- "boxplot"
    gg_args           <- append(gg_args, list(p_grp = NULL))

    if (length(method) > 1) gg_args$p_grp <- "met"

    res <- .lift(.create_grouped_plot)(gg_args)

  # Create bar graphs
  # only add error bars if n_boots > 1
  } else {
    if (is.null(gg_args$position)) {
      gg_args$position <- ggplot2::position_identity()

    if (n_boots > 1) gg_args$err <- "stderr"

    res <- .lift(.create_bars)(gg_args)

    if (!include_x_labs) {
      res <- res +
          axis.text.x  = ggplot2::element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank()

  # Create facets
  if (length(method) > 1) {
    res <- res +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ met, nrow = panel_nrow, scales = panel_scales) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank())

  } else {
    res <- res +
      ggplot2::labs(y = names(method))

  # Set theme
  res <- res +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")


#' Plot rarefaction curves
#' This method involves calculating species diversity for different sized
#' samples generated by randomly downsampling each cluster. By default the
#' bootstrapped 95% confidence interval will also be plotted.
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing values to use for
#' calculating diversity
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells when calculating clonotype abundance
#' @param method Method to use for calculating diversity, available methods
#' include:
#' - 'richness', species richness, this is equivalent to the calculation
#'   performed by [abdiv::richness()]
#' - 'shannon', the exponential of Shannon entropy
#' - 'invsimpson', the inverse Simpson index, this is equivalent to the
#'   calculation performed by [abdiv::invsimpson()]
#' @param n_boots Number of bootstrap replicates for calculating standard error,
#' if n_boots is 0 this will be skipped.
#' @param chain Chain to use for calculating diversity. To calculate diversity
#' for a single chain, the column passed to the data_col argument must contain
#' per-chain data such as CDR3 sequences. Set to NULL to include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @param plot_colors Character vector containing colors for plotting
#' @param plot_lvls Character vector containing levels for ordering
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plot panels
#' @param panel_scales Should scales for plot panels be fixed or free. This
#' passes a scales specification to ggplot2::facet_wrap, can be 'fixed', 'free',
#' 'free_x', or 'free_y'. 'fixed' will cause panels to share the same scales.
#' @param ci_alpha Transparency to use when plotting 95% confidence interval
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this can be
#' any combination of the following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#'   corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#'   specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#'   plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to ggplot2, e.g. color, fill,
#' linetype, etc.
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso [calc_diversity()], [plot_diversity()]
#' @examples
#' # Plot rarefaction curve for each cluster
#' plot_rarefaction(
#'   vdj_sce,
#'   data_col    = "clonotype_id",
#'   cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#'   method      = "shannon"
#' @export
plot_rarefaction <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL,
                             method = "richness", n_boots = 50,
                             chain = NULL, chain_col = global$chain_col,
                             sep = global$sep,
                             plot_colors = NULL, plot_lvls = names(plot_colors),
                             panel_nrow = NULL, panel_scales = "free",
                             ci_alpha = 0.15, n_label = "legend",
                             label_params = list(), ...) {

  # Check for installed packages

  # Check that columns are present in object
    data_col, cluster_col, chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col

  # Check input classes
  .check_args(method = list(len_one = FALSE))

  # Check input values
  mets <- c("richness" = 0, "shannon" = 1, "invsimpson" = 2)

  if (!all(method %in% names(mets))) {
    cli::cli_abort("`method` must be {.or {names(mets)}}")

  method <- mets[method]

  met_labs <- purrr::set_names(names(method), as.character(unname(method)))

  if (is.null(cluster_col)) {
    n_label <- sub("legend", "none", n_label, fixed = TRUE)

  # Fetch data
  vdj <- .get_meta(input)

  # filter chains if provided
  # if all chains removed, NA will be returned
  if (!is.null(chain)) {
    vdj <- fetch_vdj(
      data_cols     = c(data_col, chain_col),
      clonotype_col = data_col,
      filter_cells  = TRUE,
      unnest        = FALSE,
      sep           = sep

    vdj <- .filter_chains(
      data_cols  = data_col,
      chain      = chain,
      chain_col  = chain_col,
      col_names  = "{.col}",
      allow_dups = FALSE

  vdj <- dplyr::filter(vdj, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))

  # Set n label data
  n_lab_dat  <- vdj
  n_lab_clrs <- plot_colors

  if ("legend" %in% n_label) plot_colors <- NULL

  # Split based on cluster_col
  if (!is.null(cluster_col)) vdj <- split(vdj, vdj[[cluster_col]])
  else                       vdj <- list(vdj)

  vdj <- purrr::map(vdj, ~ as.numeric(table(.x[[data_col]])))

  # Format rarefaction data
  plt_dat <- iNEXT::iNEXT(vdj, q = unname(method), nboot = n_boots)
  plt_dat <- plt_dat$iNextEst$size_based

  plt_dat <- dplyr::mutate(
    method  = dplyr::recode(.data$Method, "Observed" = "Rarefaction"),
    method  = stringr::str_to_lower(method),
    Order.q = met_labs[as.character(.data$Order.q)]

  if (!is.null(cluster_col)) {
    plt_dat <- dplyr::rename(plt_dat, !!sym(cluster_col) := "Assemblage")

  plt_dat <- .set_lvls(plt_dat, cluster_col, plot_lvls)
  plt_dat <- .set_lvls(plt_dat, "Order.q", names(method))
  plt_dat <- .set_lvls(plt_dat, "method", c("rarefaction", "extrapolation"))

  # Plot standard error
  gg_args <- .standardize_aes(list(...))

  res <- ggplot2::ggplot(
    ggplot2::aes(.data$m, .data$qD, linetype = method)
  ) +
    ggplot2::guides(linetype = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = NULL))

  # Set ribbon color to always match line color
  if (n_boots > 1) {
    rib_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
      x = .data$m, ymin = .data$qD.LCL, ymax = .data$qD.UCL

    if (!is.null(cluster_col))   rib_aes$fill <- sym(cluster_col)
    else if (length(method) > 1) rib_aes$fill <- sym("Order.q")

    rib_args <- list(
      mapping = rib_aes,
      alpha   = ci_alpha,
      color   = NA

    rib_args$fill <- gg_args$colour

    res <- res +

  # Add curves
  gg_aes  <- ggplot2::aes()

  if (!is.null(cluster_col))   gg_aes$colour  <- sym(cluster_col)
  else if (length(method) > 1) gg_aes$colour  <- sym("Order.q")
  else                         gg_args$colour <- gg_args$colour %||% plot_colors

  gg_args$mapping <- gg_aes

  res <- res +
    .lift(ggplot2::geom_line)(gg_args) +
    ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(values = c(1, 2)) +
    djvdj_theme() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "sample size")

  if (!is.null(plot_colors)) {
    res <- res +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = plot_colors) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = plot_colors)

  if (length(method) > 1) {
    res <- res +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Order.q, nrow = panel_nrow, scales = panel_scales) +
      ggplot2::labs(y = "diversity")

    if (is.null(cluster_col)) {
      res <- res +
        ggplot2::guides(colour = "none", fill = "none")

  } else {
    res <- res +
      ggplot2::labs(y = names(method))

  # Add n label
  res <- .add_n_label(
    res, n_lab_dat,
    n_label   = n_label,
    lgnd_col  = cluster_col,
    lgnd_clrs = n_lab_clrs,
    lab_args  = label_params

rnabioco/AVIDtools documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 10:23 a.m.