# methods for ccOptions
# this helps us to call a function to make sure that our object is created properly.
setMethod("initialize", "ccOptions",
function(.Object, ...){
.Object <- callNextMethod()
.makeValidccOptions <- function(object){
# check and set up the ccOptions object so that it is useable by later functions
# biggest thing is figuring stuff out if the user has put "all" for compareNames or supplied actual stuff
# for compareNames and compareColor. Also need to figure out cssClass (not set by user) so we can color our HTML tables
# correctly.
currNames <- listNames(object)
if (length(currNames) == 0){
stop("listNames must be supplied!", call.=FALSE)
if (class(currNames) != "character"){
stop("listNames must be a vector of strings to denote which lists will be used in the comparisons.", call.=FALSE)
currCompare <- compareNames(object)
if (length(currNames) == 0){
warning('No compareNames specified, assuming "all"')
compareNames(object) <- 'all'
} else {
compareNames(object) <- currCompare
currColors <- compareColors(object)
compareColors(object) <- currColors
outType(object) <- outType(object) # this should just set defaults
setMethod("makeValidccOptions", "ccOptions", .makeValidccOptions)
setMethod("listNames", "ccOptions", function(object) object@listNames)
setReplaceMethod("listNames", "ccOptions", function(object, value) {
object@listNames <- value
setMethod("compareNames", "ccOptions", function(object) object@compareNames)
setReplaceMethod("compareNames", "ccOptions", function(object, value) .replaceCompareNames(object, value))
.replaceCompareNames <- function(object, value){
currNames <- listNames(object)
if ((length(value)==0) || (tolower(value[1]) == "all")){
compData <- .compData(currNames)
} else {
compData <- .compData(currNames,value)
# can't use the functions because otherwise we will just enter an infinite recursion, which is not good
object@compareNames <- compData$name
object@compareIndx <- compData$indx
object@cssClass <- .classGen(compData$name)
setMethod("compareIndx", "ccOptions", function(object) object@compareIndx)
setReplaceMethod("compareIndx", "ccOptions", function(object, value) {
object@compareIndx <- value
# actually does the checking of compareNames against the listNames, and generates new comparisons and indices if required
.compData <- function(tmpNames,compName=NULL){
# check if all of our listNames are in the compNames
# either we have to figure out all of the comparisons, or search through to find the indices
if (is.null(compName)){
compIndx <- vector("list", 0)
compName <- vector("character", 0)
nList <- length(tmpNames)
listSeq <- seq(1,nList)
for (iList in 1:nList){
compIndx <- append(compIndx,combn(listSeq, iList, simplify=F))
compName <- sapply(compIndx, function(x) {
paste(tmpNames[x], collapse=',')
} else {
nComp <- length(compName)
splitName <- strsplit(compName, ',')
compIndx <- lapply(splitName, function(x) {
names(compIndx) <- compName
compData <- list(indx=compIndx, name=compName)
setMethod("cssClass", "ccOptions", function(object) object@cssClass)
# turn out classnames to use in the CSS to define colors based on which grouping genes belong to
# basically just strip out the commas to create long string variable names
.classGen <- function(orgNames)
nName <- length(orgNames)
newNames <- sapply(orgNames, function(x){
tmpName <- strsplit(x,"[[:punct:]]")
names(newNames) <- orgNames
setMethod("compareColors", "ccOptions", function(object) object@compareColors)
setReplaceMethod("compareColors", "ccOptions", function(object,value) {
# takes potential list of colors, these can be hex, rgb, or colornames
# checks that we have enouch colors
.colorData <- function(object,compColor=NULL){
# the comparisons we want to make
compNames <- compareNames(object)
# what kind of colors did we pass in? Matrix of RGB, or character vector
colorClass <- class(compColor)
nComp <- length(compNames)
allColors <- colors() # these are the colors (text strings) that R knows about
makeColor <- TRUE
# if nothing, then figure out the colors
if (is.null(compColor)){
makeColor <- TRUE
} else if (length(grep('#',compColor)) >= nComp){
# check for hex colors ( and assume they are properly formatted)
makeColor <- FALSE
compColor <- compColor[1:nComp]
# if the names in compColor
else if (sum(tolower(compColor) %in% allColors) >= nComp){
makeColor <- FALSE
compColor <- compColor[1:nComp]
if (makeColor){
endCol <- 315 * (nComp - 1) / nComp
compColor <- rainbow_hcl(nComp, c=100, start=0, end=endCol)
names(compColor) <- compNames
object@compareColors <- compColor
setMethod("outType", "ccOptions", function(object) object@outType)
setReplaceMethod("outType", "ccOptions", function(object,value) {
.outType <- function(object,value){
validTypes <- c('html','text','rcy3')
validNone <- 'none'
validAll <- c(validTypes,validNone)
nVal <- length(validAll)
if (missing(value) | is.null(value)){
value <- 'none'
message("No valid out types supplied, setting to none")
} else {
value <- tolower(value)
keepVal <- value %in% validAll
isNone <- value %in% validNone
if (sum(keepVal) == 0){
value <- 'none'
message("No valid out types supplied, setting to none")
} else {
if ((sum(keepVal) > 1) & (sum(isNone) > 0)){
keepVal[isNone] <- FALSE
value <- value[keepVal]
object@outType <- value
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