#' Retrieves the coverage data for a given transcript
#' The function \code{\link{get_coverage}} generates a DataFrame of coverage
#' data over the length of a given transcript.
#' The function \code{\link{get_coverage}} first checks the experiments in the
#' 'experiments' parameter to see if they are present in the .ribo file.
#' It will then check these experiments for coverage data which is an optional
#' dataset. As a result, this function safe guards against experiments that
#' do not have coverage data, but it also, by default, includes all of the
#' experiments in a file in the experiments' parameter.
#' The function checks the coverage of one transcript at a time at
#' each read length from 'range.lower' to 'range.upper', inclusive. However,
#' the parameter 'length' allows the user to obtain the coverage
#' information of a transcript across the range of read lengths indicated by
#' 'range.lower' and 'range.upper'.
#' If the ribo.object is generated with aliases, the 'alias' parameter, if set to TRUE,
#' allows the user to use the alias of the transcript as the 'name' parameter instead of
#' the original transcript name.
#' @examples
#' #generate the ribo object
#' file.path <- system.file("extdata", "sample.ribo", package = "ribor")
#' sample <- Ribo(file.path)
#' #get the experiments of interest that also contain coverage data
#' experiments <- c("Hela_1", "Hela_2", "Hela_3", "WT_1")
#' #the ribo file contains a transcript named 'MYC'
#' coverage.data <- get_coverage(ribo.object = sample,
#' name = "MYC",
#' range.lower = 2,
#' range.upper = 5,
#' length = TRUE,
#' experiment = experiments)
#' @param ribo.object A 'Ribo' object
#' @param name Transcript Name
#' @param range.lower Lower bound of the read length, inclusive
#' @param range.upper Upper bound of the read length, inclusive
#' @param length Logical value that denotes if the coverage should be summed across read lengths
#' @param experiment List of experiments to obtain coverage information on
#' @param tidy Logical value denoting whether or not the user wants a tidy format
#' @param alias Option to accept the transcript input as aliases/nicknames
#' @param compact Option to return a DataFrame with Rle and factor as opposed to a raw data.frame
#' @return An annotated DataFrame or data.frame (if the compact parameter is set to FALSE) of the
#' coverage information for the provided list of 'experiments' in the 'experiment' parameter. The
#' returned object will have a length column when the 'length' parameter is set to FALSE, indicating
#' that the user does not want to sum the count information across the range of read lengths. The
#' returned data frame has the option of being tidy, and if the 'tidy' parameter is set to TRUE,
#' a position column will be added. Finally, if the 'alias' parameter is set to TRUE, the alias transcript
#' name must have been provided at the generation of the ribo object, and the function
#' will accept this aliased name in the 'transcript' parameter.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Ribo}} to generate the necessary ribo.object parameter
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle DataFrame
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom hash has.key
#' @export
get_coverage <- function(ribo.object,
range.lower = length_min(ribo.object),
range.upper = length_max(ribo.object),
length = TRUE,
tidy = FALSE,
alias = FALSE,
compact = TRUE,
experiment = experiments(ribo.object)) {
# check the parameters and prepare parameters for reading from ribo file
if (missing(name)) stop("Please provide a transcript name.")
if (!is(ribo.object, "Ribo")) stop("Please provide a ribo object.")
matched.experiments <- initialize_coverage(ribo.object,
total.experiments <- length(matched.experiments)
info <- retrieve_transcript_info(ribo.object,
# read from the ribo file and generate a data.frame
result <- fill_coverage(ribo.object,
# gather the data to make it tidy
if (tidy) {
tidy.columns <- "experiment"
if (!length) tidy.columns <- c("experiment", "length")
result <- gather(result,
key = "position",
value = "count",
# convert to DataFrame with Rle encoding if necessary
if (compact) return(prepare_DataFrame(ribo.object, result))
fill_coverage <- function(ribo.object,
info) {
current.offset <- info[1]
transcript.length <- info[2]
length.offset <- length_offset(ribo.object)
min.length <- length_min(ribo.object)
read.range <- range.upper - range.lower + 1
result <- initialize_matrix_coverage(total.experiments,
#fills in the entries of the matrix
for (i in seq(total.experiments)) {
#for the given experiment, get its coverage
experiment <- matched.experiments[i]
path <- get_dataset_path(experiment, "coverage")
#get the coverage information for the specific transcript at each read length
for (current.length in range.lower:range.upper) {
correct.length <- 1 + (current.length - min.length) * length.offset
coverage.start <- correct.length + current.offset
coverage.stop <- coverage.start + transcript.length - 1
coverage <- t(h5read(path(ribo.object),
index = list(coverage.start:coverage.stop)))
coverage <- as.integer(coverage)
# compute the correct offset to store the coverage information in each case
if (length) {
result[i,] <- result[i,] + coverage
} else {
current.experiment <- (i - 1) * read.range
current.read <- current.length - range.lower
current.index <- current.experiment + current.read + 1
result[current.index,] <- coverage
matched.size <- length(matched.experiments)
if (length) {
return (data.frame(experiment = matched.experiments,
result, check.names = FALSE))
range <- range.upper - range.lower + 1
return (data.frame(experiment = rep(matched.experiments, each = range),
length = rep(c(range.lower:range.upper), matched.size),
check.names = FALSE))
get_dataset_path <- function(experiment,
dataset) {
"/", dataset, "/", dataset, sep =""))
initialize_coverage <- function(ribo.object,
experiment) {
#perform checks on the parameters
check_alias(ribo.object, alias)
check_lengths(ribo.object, range.lower, range.upper)
# check_experiments(ribo.object, experiments)
ribo.experiments <- experiments(ribo.object)
#generate list of experiments also present in the ribo file that have coverage data
filter.experiments <- intersect(experiment, ribo.experiments)
matched.experiments <- check_coverage(ribo.object, filter.experiments)
matched.experiments <- intersect(matched.experiments, filter.experiments)
retrieve_transcript_info <- function(ribo.object,
alias) {
#helper method that checks the alias parameter and retrieves the corresponding information
if (alias) {
if (!has.key(name, alias_hash(ribo.object))) {
stop("Alias name was not found.", call. = FALSE)
name <- alias_hash(ribo.object)[[name]]
#generate offsets
info <- as.vector(unlist(transcript_info(ribo.object)[[name]]))
if (is.null(info)) {
stop("Transcript name was not found. Check name and 'alias' parameter.",
call. = FALSE)
initialize_matrix_coverage <- function(total.experiments,
length) {
#create matrix of correct size based on param transcript
result <- matrix()
if (length) {
result <- matrix(0L,
nrow = 1 * total.experiments,
ncol = transcript.length)
} else {
result <- matrix(nrow = read.range * total.experiments,
ncol = transcript.length)
colnames(result) <- as.character(seq_len(transcript.length))
create_dataframe <- function (length,
matrix) {
# Given a matrix of coverage data, create_dataframe generates the correct
# DataFrame based on a set of parameters
# Returns:
# Data table that wraps the matrix with the correct and appropriate labels
matched.size <- length(matched.experiments)
if (length) {
return (DataFrame(experiment = Rle(factor(matched.experiments)),
matrix, check.names = FALSE))
range <- range.upper - range.lower + 1
return (DataFrame(
experiment = Rle(factor(rep(matched.experiments, each = range))),
length = Rle(factor(rep(c(range.lower:range.upper), matched.size))),
matrix, check.names = FALSE
check_coverage <- function(ribo.object, experiment) {
# helper function that both generates a list of experiments with coverage
# data using get_info and produces a warning message for each experiment
# (provided by the user) that does not have coverage data
# Args:
# ribo.object: S3 object of class "Ribo"
# experiment.list: list of experiments inputted by the user
# Returns:
# A list of experiments in the ribo.object that have coverage data
path <- path(ribo.object)
#obtain the coverage data
table <- get_content_info(path)
has.coverage <- table[table$coverage == TRUE,]
has.coverage <- has.coverage$experiment
#find the experiments in the experiment.list that do not have
#coverage and print warnings
check <- setdiff(experiment, has.coverage)
if (length(check)) {
for (exp in check) {
warning("'", exp, "'",
" did not have coverage data.",
call. = FALSE)
"Param 'experiments' contains experiment names that did not have coverage data.",
"The return value ignores these experiments.",
call. = FALSE
#return a list of experiments with coverage
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