#' @title Parsing an MassQL query
#' @description
#' Various functions are used to parse and extract the various elements from an
#' MassQL query:
#' - `.what`: extracts what should be returned. It's the field betwee `QUERY`
#' and `WHERE` or `FILTER`.
#' - `.where`: extracts the individual `WHERE` conditions.
#' - `.parse_where`: is used to process an individual `WHERE` condition to
#' separate all fields and extract the variables and their values.
#' - `.group_min_max`: groups min and max values for conditions.
#' @noRd
#' *Translate* MassQL query to filter functions. This function works both for
#' "conditions" (WHERE MS2MZ= ...) as well as "filters" (FILTER MS1MZ = ).
#' @param x result from a call to `.where(<query>)` or `.filter(<query>)`
#' @param MAP defines how conditions or filters should be translated to filter
#' functions.
#' @return `list` with `ProcessingStep` objects, each representing one filter
#' for a `Spectra` object.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.query_to_filters <- function(x, MAP = .CONDITION_FUNCTIONS,
label = "Condition") {
qry <- lapply(x, .parse_where)
names(qry) <- vapply(qry, function(z) names(z)[1], character(1))
qry <- .group_min_max(qry, name = "SCAN")
qry <- .group_min_max(qry, name = "RT")
res <- vector("list", length = length(qry))
for (i in seq_along(qry)) {
fun <- MAP[names(qry)[i]]
if (is.na(fun) | length(fun) == 0)
stop(label, " '", names(qry)[i], "' not supported.")
res[[i]] <- do.call(fun, qry[i])
res[lengths(res) > 0]
#' What should be returned? This returns the part of the query which is between
#' `QUERY` and either the end of the line, `WHERE` or `FILTER`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.what <- function(x) {
.parse_query(x, "query", "where.*|filter", split = FALSE)
.validate_what <- function(x) {
if (anyNA(x) || !length(x))
stop("Wrong syntax: unable to extract type of data from query",
call. = FALSE)
#' Extracts the data as requested.
#' @param x `Spectra` object.
#' @param what `character(1)` with the information what should be extracted.
#' This is expected to be the processed/parsed *what* string (returned by
#' `.what`).
#' @return the requested data. Can be the subsetted `Spectra` input object or,
#' depending on `what`, also other data types.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.extract_what <- function(x, what = character()) {
what <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", tolower(what))
x <- .what_data(x, what)
.what_extract(x, what)
#' Define which data to extract. Supported are *, ms1data, ms2data.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra filterMsLevel
#' @noRd
.what_data <- function(x, what = character()) {
res <- NULL
if (grepl("(^\\*$|\\(\\*\\))", what))
res <- x
if (grepl("(^ms1data$|\\(ms1data\\))", what))
res <- filterMsLevel(x, msLevel. = 1L)
if (grepl("(^ms2data$|\\(ms2data\\))", what))
res <- filterMsLevel(x, msLevel. = 2L)
if (is.null(res))
stop("data definition '", what, "' not supported.", call. = FALSE)
#' Process specific data extraction functions. This function collects the
#' results and returns it to the user.
#' @param x `Spectra`.
#' @param what `character`.
#' @return depends on `what`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra ionCount
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra peaksData
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraData
#' @noRd
.what_extract <- function(x, what = character()) {
what <- strsplit(what, split = "(", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
if (length(what) > 1L) {
fun <- what[1L]
if (grepl("scaninfo", fun))
if (grepl("scansum", fun))
stop("function '", fun, "' not supported.", call. = FALSE)
## If there is no function we return the peaksData unless what is * in which
## case we return a `Spectra`.
if (grepl("(^\\*$|\\(\\*\\))", what))
else peaksData(x)
#' Condition(s): everything between WHERE and end of line or FILTER.
#' individual conditions are additionally split by `AND`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.where <- function(x) {
.parse_query(x, "where", "filter", split = TRUE)
#' group elements with name `*MIN` and `*MAX` into pairs of two.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.group_min_max <- function(x, name = "RT") {
mini <- which(names(x) == paste0(name, "MIN"))
lmini <- length(mini)
maxi <- which(names(x) == paste0(name, "MAX"))
lmaxi <- length(maxi)
l <- max(lmini, lmaxi)
if (!l)
res <- list()
for (i in seq_len(l)) {
if (i <= lmini & i <= lmaxi)
res[[i]] <- c(x[[mini[i]]], x[[maxi[i]]])
if (i <= lmini & i > lmaxi)
res[[i]] <- x[[mini[i]]]
if (i > lmini & i <= lmaxi)
res[[i]] <- x[[maxi[i]]]
names(res) <- rep(name, length(res))
c(res, x[-union(mini, maxi)])
#' This function parses the where condition of a MassQL query. The string will
#' be parsed by first splitting by `:` (separating the main variable/condition
#' from *qualifiers*). Consecutively each element is splitted by `"="` to
#' extract the names of the variables and qualifiers as well as their value.
#' Examples for x:
#' - WHERE RTMIN = 123
#' @param x `character(1)` with (one!) *where* part of a MassQL query (e.g. one
#' element of what is returned from `.where`.
#' @return named `character`, names being the variable name(s) and elements
#' their value.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.parse_where <- function(x) {
if (!length(x))
spl <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = "[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*"),
use.names = FALSE)
spl <- unlist(lapply(spl, strsplit, split = "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"),
recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
vals <- unlist(lapply(spl, `[`, 2), use.names = FALSE)
names(vals) <- toupper(unlist(lapply(spl, `[`, 1), use.names = FALSE))
#' Mapping between variables (MassQL conditions) and the function that can
#' "translate" that into a Spectra filter.
#' @noRd
RT = ".translate_condition_rt",
SCAN = ".translate_condition_scan",
CHARGE = ".translate_condition_charge",
POLARITY = ".translate_condition_polarity",
MS2PROD = ".translate_condition_ms2prod",
MS2MZ = ".translate_condition_ms2prod",
MS2PREC = ".translate_condition_ms2prec",
MS1MZ = ".translate_condition_ms1mz",
MS2NL = ".translate_condition_ms2nl"
#' Convert the RT condition to a `ProcessingStep` with a filter function
#' for `Spectra` objects.
#' @param ... the parameters (rtmin and rtmax) for the filter.
#' @return `ProcessingStep`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom ProtGenerics ProcessingStep
#' @importFrom Spectra filterRt
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_rt <- function(...) {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
rtmin <- -Inf
rtmax <- Inf
if (any(names(parms) == "RTMIN"))
rtmin <- as.numeric(parms["RTMIN"])
## Could eventually also call eval(parse(parms["RTMIN"])) to support
## numeric operations as input, such as "3 * 5"
if (any(names(parms) == "RTMAX"))
rtmax <- as.numeric(parms["RTMAX"])
if (is.na(rtmin) | is.na(rtmax))
stop("Non-numeric value for 'RTMIN' or 'RTMAX': got RTMIN=",
rtmin, " RTMAX=", rtmax, call. = FALSE)
ProcessingStep(filterRt, ARGS = list(rt = c(rtmin, rtmax)))
#' Filter a `Spectra` based on provided scan numbers.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra acquisitionNum
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_scan <- function(...) {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
scan_min <- -Inf
scan_max <- Inf
if (any(names(parms) == "SCANMIN"))
scan_min <- as.numeric(parms["SCANMIN"])
if (any(names(parms) == "SCANMAX"))
scan_max <- as.numeric(parms["SCANMAX"])
if (is.na(scan_min) | is.na(scan_max))
stop("Non-numeric value for 'SCANMIN' or 'SCANMAX': got SCANMIN=",
scan_min, " SCANMAX=", scan_max, call. = FALSE)
filt_fun <- function(x, scan) {
acq <- acquisitionNum(x)
x[which(acq >= scan[1L] & acq <= scan[2L])]
ProcessingStep(filt_fun, ARGS = list(scan = c(scan_min, scan_max)))
#' Filter a `Spectra` based on provided charge.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Andrea Vicini
#' @importFrom Spectra filterPrecursorCharge
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_charge <- function(...) {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
charge <- integer(0)
if (any(names(parms) == "CHARGE")) {
tmp <- .parse_or(parms["CHARGE"])
if(any(!grepl("(^[+-]?[0-9]+)$|^NA$", tmp)))
stop("Non-integer value for 'CHARGE'")
charge <- as.integer(tmp)
ProcessingStep(filterPrecursorCharge, ARGS = list(z = charge))
#' Filter a `Spectra` based on provided polarity.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Andrea Vicini
#' @importFrom Spectra filterPolarity
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_polarity <- function(...) {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
polarity <- numeric(0)
if (any(names(parms) == "POLARITY")) {
polarity <- toupper(.parse_or(parms["POLARITY"]))
polarity <- unname(c("POSITIVE" = 1L, "NEGATIVE" = 0L,
"NA" = -1L)[polarity])
stop("Invalid value for 'POLARITY'")
ProcessingStep(filterPolarity, ARGS = list(polarity = polarity))
.translate_condition_ms2prod <- function(...) {
.translate_condition_peak_mz(..., msLevel = 2L, value = "MS2PROD")
.translate_condition_ms1mz <- function(...) {
.translate_condition_peak_mz(..., msLevel = 1L, value = "MS1MZ")
#' Filter a `Spectra` based on MS2 peak.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Andrea Vicini
#' @importFrom Spectra containsMz
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_peak_mz <- function(..., msLevel = 2L, value = "MS2PROD") {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
pmz <- .ms2(parms, value)
ppm <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEPPM")
tolerance <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEMZ")
if (length(pmz)) {
filt_peak_mz <- function(x, mz, tolerance, ppm, msLevel) {
x <- filterMsLevel(x, msLevel = msLevel)
x[containsMz(x, mz, tolerance, ppm)]
ARGS = list(mz = pmz, tolerance = tolerance, ppm = ppm,
msLevel = msLevel))
} else ProcessingStep(identity)
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils ppm
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra filterPrecursorMzValues
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_ms2prec <- function(...) {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
pmz <- .ms2(parms, "MS2PREC")
ppm <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEPPM")
tolerance <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEMZ")
if (length(pmz)) {
ARGS = list(mz = pmz, ppm = ppm, tolerance = tolerance))
} else ProcessingStep(identity)
.ms2 <- function(x, name = "MS2PREC") {
res <- numeric()
if (any(names(x) == name))
res <- as.numeric(.parse_or(x[name]))
if (anyNA(res))
stop("Non-numeric or missing value(s) for '", name, "'")
.value_for_name <- function(x, name = "TOLERANCEMZ") {
res <- 0
if (any(names(x) == name))
res <- as.numeric(x[name])
if (is.na(res))
stop("Non-numeric value for '", name,"'")
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils ppm
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra containsNeutralLoss
#' @noRd
.translate_condition_ms2nl <- function(...) {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
nl <- .ms2(parms, "MS2NL")
ppm <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEPPM")
tolerance <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEMZ")
if (length(nl)) {
if(length(nl) > 1)
stop("OR not yet supported for 'MS2NL'")
filt_ms2nl <- function(x, neutralLoss, tolerance, ppm) {
x[containsNeutralLoss(x, neutralLoss, tolerance, ppm)]
ProcessingStep(filt_ms2nl, ARGS = list(neutralLoss = nl,
tolerance = tolerance,
ppm = ppm))
} else ProcessingStep(identity)
.parse_or <- function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$|\\(\\s*|\\s*\\)", "",
gsub("\\s+", " ", x)), split = " (OR|or) "))
.parse_query <- function(x, from = "filter", to = "where", split = TRUE) {
res <- sub(paste0(".*?", from, "[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*(",
to, ".*|$)"),
"\\1", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
res[res == x] <- NA_character_
if (split) {
res <- unlist(
strsplit(res, split = "[[:space:]]*(and|AND)[[:space:]]*"))
res[nchar(res) > 0 & !is.na(res)]
} else res
#' filter(s): everything between FILTER and end of line or WHERE (?).
#' individual filters are additionally split by `AND`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.filter <- function(x) {
.parse_query(x, "filter", "where", split = TRUE)
MS2MZ = ".translate_filter_ms2mz",
MS1MZ = ".translate_filter_ms1mz"
.translate_filter_ms2mz <- function(...) {
.translate_filter_mz_value(..., msLevel = 2L, value = "MS2MZ")
.translate_filter_ms1mz <- function(...) {
.translate_filter_mz_value(..., msLevel = 1L, value = "MS1MZ")
#' Filter a `Spectra` using the filterMzValue function.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom Spectra filterMzValues
#' @noRd
.translate_filter_mz_value <- function(..., msLevel = 2L, value = "MS2MZ") {
parms <- list(...)[[1L]]
mz <- .ms2(parms, value)
ppm <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEPPM")
tolerance <- .value_for_name(parms, "TOLERANCEMZ")
if (length(mz))
filterMzValues, ARGS = list(mz = mz, tolerance = tolerance,
ppm = ppm, msLevel. = msLevel))
else ProcessingStep(identity)
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