##' @title QFeatures from tabular data
##' @description
##' These functions convert tabular data into dedicated data
##' objets. The [readSummarizedExperiment()] function takes a file
##' name or `data.frame` and converts it into a
##' [SummarizedExperiment()] object. The [readQFeatures()] function
##' takes a `data.frame` and converts it into a `QFeatures` object
##' (see [QFeatures()] for details). For the latter, two use-cases
##' exist:
##' - The single-set case will generate a `QFeatures` object with a
##' single `SummarizedExperiment` containing all features of the
##' input table.
##' - The multi-set case will generate a `QFeatures` object containing
##' multiple `SummarizedExperiment`s, resulting from splitting the
##' input table. This multi-set case is generally used when the
##' input table contains data from multiple runs/batches.
##' @details
##' The single- and multi-set cases are defined by the `quantCols` and
##' `runCol` parameters, whether passed by the `quantCols` and
##' `runCol` vectors and/or the `colData` `data.frame` (see below).
##' ## Single-set case
##' The quantitative data variables are defined by the `quantCols`.
##' The single-set case can be represented schematically as shown
##' below.
##' ```
##' |------+----------------+-----------|
##' | cols | quantCols 1..N | more cols |
##' | . | ... | ... |
##' | . | ... | ... |
##' | . | ... | ... |
##' |------+----------------+-----------|
##' ```
##' Note that every `quantCols` column contains data for a single
##' sample. The single-set case is defined by the absence of any
##' `runCol` input (see next section). We here provide a
##' (non-exhaustive) list of typical data sets that fall under the
##' single-set case:
##' - Peptide- or protein-level label-free data (bulk or single-cell).
##' - Peptide- or protein-level multiplexed (e.g. TMT) data (bulk or
##' single-cell).
##' - PSM-level multiplexed data acquired in a single MS run (bulk or
##' single-cell).
##' - PSM-level data from fractionation experiments, where each
##' fraction of the same sample was acquired with the same
##' multiplexing label.
##' ## Multi-set case
##' A run/batch variable, `runCol`, is required to import multi-set
##' data. The multi-set case can be represented schematically as shown
##' below.
##' ```
##' |--------+------+----------------+-----------|
##' | runCol | cols | quantCols 1..N | more cols |
##' | 1 | . | ... | ... |
##' | 1 | . | ... | ... |
##' |--------+------+----------------+-----------|
##' | 2 | . | ... | ... |
##' |--------+------+----------------+-----------|
##' | . | . | ... | ... |
##' |--------+------+----------------+-----------|
##' ```
##' Every `quantCols` column contains data for multiple samples
##' acquired in different runs. The multi-set case applies when
##' `runCol` is provided, which will determine how the table is split
##' into multiple sets.
##' We here provide a (non-exhaustive) list of typical data sets that
##' fall under the multi-set case:
##' - PSM- or precursor-level multiplexed data acquired in multiple
##' runs (bulk or single-cell)
##' - PSM- or precursor-level label-free data acquired in multiple
##' runs (bulk or single-cell)
##' - DIA-NN data (see also [readQFeaturesFromDIANN()]).
##' ## Adding sample annotations with `colData`
##' We recommend providing sample annotations when creating a
##' `QFeatures` object. The `colData` is a table in which each row
##' corresponds to a sample and each column provides information about
##' the samples. There is no restriction on the number of columns and
##' on the type of data they should contain. However, we impose one or
##' two columns (depending on the use case) that allow to link the
##' annotations of each sample to its quantitative data:
##' - Single-set case: the `colData` must contain a column named
##' `quantCols` that provides the names of the columns in
##' `assayData` containing quantitative values for each sample (see
##' single-set cases in the examples).
##' - Multi-set case: the `colData` must contain a column named
##' `quantCols` that provides the names of the columns in
##' `assayData` with the quantitative values for each sample, and a
##' column named `runCol` that provides the MS runs/batches in which
##' each sample has been acquired. The entries in
##' `colData[["runCol"]]` are matched against the entries provided
##' by `assayData[[runCol]]`.
##' When the `quantCols` argument is not provided to
##' `readQFeatures()`, the function will automatically determine the
##' `quantCols` from `colData[["quantCols"]]`. Therefore, `quantCols`
##' and `colData` cannot be both missing.
##' Samples that are present in `assayData` but absent
##' `colData` will lead to a warning, and the missing entries will be
##' automatically added to the `colData` and filled with `NA`s.
##' When using the `quantCols` and `runCol` arguments only
##' (without `colData`), the `colData` contains zero
##' columns/variables.
##' @param assayData A `data.frame`, or any object that can be coerced
##' into a `data.frame`, holding the quantitative assay. For
##' `readSummarizedExperiment()`, this can also be a
##' `character(1)` pointing to a filename. This `data.frame` is
##' typically generated by an identification and quantification
##' software, such as Sage, Proteome Discoverer, MaxQuant, ...
##' @param colData A `data.frame` (or any object that can be coerced
##' to a `data.frame`) containing sample/column annotations,
##' including `quantCols` and `runCol` (see details).
##' @param quantCols A `numeric()`, `logical()` or `character()`
##' defining the columns of the `assayData` that contain the
##' quantitative data. This information can also be defined in
##' `colData` (see details).
##' @param runCol For the multi-set case, a `numeric(1)` or
##' `character(1)` pointing to the column of `assayData` (and
##' `colData`, is set) that contains the runs/batches. Make sure
##' that the column name in both tables are identical and
##' syntactically valid (if you supply a `character`) or have the
##' same index (if you supply a `numeric`). Note that characters
##' are converted to syntactically valid names using `make.names`
##' @param fnames For the single- and multi-set cases, an optional
##' `character(1)` or `numeric(1)` indicating the column to be
##' used as feature names. Note that rownames must be unique
##' within `QFeatures` sets.
##' @param name For the single-set case, an optional `character(1)` to
##' name the set in the `QFeatures` object. Default is `quants`.
##' @param removeEmptyCols A `logical(1)`. If `TRUE`, quantitative
##' columns that contain only missing values are removed.
##' @param verbose A `logical(1)` indicating whether the progress of
##' the data reading and formatting should be printed to the
##' console. Default is `TRUE`.
##' @param ecol Same as `quantCols`. Available for backwards
##' compatibility. Default is `NULL`. If both `ecol` and `colData`
##' are set, an error is thrown.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to
##' `readSummarizedExperiment()` by `readQFeatures()` and
##' [read.csv()] by `readSummarizedExperiment()`.
##' @return An instance of class `QFeatures` or
##' [SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment()]. For the
##' former, the quantitative sets of each run are stored in
##' [SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment()] object.
##' @author Laurent Gatto, Christophe Vanderaa
##' @importFrom methods new validObject
##' @import SummarizedExperiment
##' @seealso
##' - The `QFeatures` (see [QFeatures()]) class to read about how to
##' manipulate the resulting `QFeatures` object.
##' - The [readQFeaturesFromDIANN()] function to import DIA-NN
##' quantitative data.
##' @name readQFeatures
##' @aliases readSummarizedExperiment
##' @aliases readQFeatures
##' @aliases readQFeatures,data.frame,data.frame
##' @aliases readQFeatures,data.frame,vector
##' @aliases readQFeatures,missing,vector
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ######################################
##' ## Single-set case.
##' ## Load a data.frame with PSM-level data
##' data(hlpsms)
##' hlpsms[1:10, c(1, 2, 10:11, 14, 17)]
##' ## Create a QFeatures object with a single psms set
##' qf1 <- readQFeatures(hlpsms, quantCols = 1:10, name = "psms")
##' qf1
##' colData(qf1)
##' ######################################
##' ## Single-set case with colData.
##' (coldat <- data.frame(var = rnorm(10),
##' quantCols = names(hlpsms)[1:10]))
##' qf2 <- readQFeatures(hlpsms, colData = coldat)
##' qf2
##' colData(qf2)
##' ######################################
##' ## Multi-set case.
##' ## Let's simulate 3 different files/batches for that same input
##' ## data.frame, and define a colData data.frame.
##' hlpsms$file <- paste0("File", sample(1:3, nrow(hlpsms), replace = TRUE))
##' hlpsms[1:10, c(1, 2, 10:11, 14, 17, 29)]
##' qf3 <- readQFeatures(hlpsms, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "file")
##' qf3
##' colData(qf3)
##' ######################################
##' ## Multi-set case with colData.
##' (coldat <- data.frame(runCol = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), each = 10),
##' var = rnorm(10),
##' quantCols = names(hlpsms)[1:10]))
##' qf4 <- readQFeatures(hlpsms, colData = coldat, runCol = "file")
##' qf4
##' colData(qf4)
##' @export
##' @rdname readQFeatures
##' @importFrom utils read.csv
##' @param ... Further arguments that can be passed on to [read.csv()]
##' except `stringsAsFactors`, which is always `FALSE`. Only
##' applicable to `readSummarizedExperiment()`.
readSummarizedExperiment <- function(assayData,
quantCols = NULL,
fnames = NULL,
ecol = NULL, ...) {
quantCols <- .checkWarnEcol(quantCols, ecol)
if (!is.vector(quantCols) || is.list(quantCols))
stop("'quantCols' must be an atomics vector.")
if (is.data.frame(assayData)) xx <- assayData
else {
args <- list(...)
args$file <- assayData
if ("rownames" %in% names(args)) {
if (is.null(fnames)) fnames <- args$rownames
args$rownames <- NULL
args$stringsAsFactors <- FALSE
xx <- do.call(read.csv, args)
if (is.character(quantCols) || is.factor(quantCols)) {
mis <- !quantCols %in% colnames(xx)
if (any(mis))
stop("Column identifiers ",
paste(quantCols[mis], collapse = ", "),
" not recognised among\n",
paste(colnames(xx), paste = ", "))
quantCols <- which(colnames(xx) %in% quantCols)
} else if (is.logical(quantCols)) {
if (length(quantCols) != length(xx))
stop("Length of 'quantCols' and 'assayData' do not match.")
quantCols <- which(quantCols)
assay <- as.matrix(xx[, quantCols, drop = FALSE])
fdata <- DataFrame(xx[, -quantCols, drop = FALSE])
if (!missing(fnames)) {
fnames <- fnames[1]
if (is.numeric(fnames))
fnames <- colnames(xx)[fnames]
if (is.na(match(fnames, colnames(xx))))
stop(fnames, " not found among\n",
paste(colnames(xx), paste = ", "))
rownames(fdata) <- rownames(assay) <- fdata[, fnames]
} else {
rownames(fdata) <- rownames(assay) <- seq_len(nrow(assay))
SummarizedExperiment(assay, rowData = fdata)
##' @export
##' @rdname readQFeatures
readQFeatures <- function(assayData,
colData = NULL,
quantCols = NULL,
runCol = NULL,
name = "quants",
removeEmptyCols = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
ecol = NULL,
...) {
if (verbose) message("Checking arguments.")
assayData <- as.data.frame(assayData)
if (!is.null(colData))
colData <- data.frame(colData)
quantCols <- .checkWarnEcol(quantCols, ecol)
quantCols <- .checkQuantCols(assayData, colData, quantCols)
runs <- .checkRunCol(assayData, colData, runCol)
if (verbose) message("Loading data as a 'SummarizedExperiment' object.")
se <- readSummarizedExperiment(assayData, quantCols, ...)
rownames(se) <- make.unique(rownames(se))
if (length(runs)) {
if (verbose) message("Splitting data in runs.")
el <- .splitSE(se, runs)
el <- .createUniqueColnames(el, quantCols)
} else {
el <- structure(list(se), .Names = name[1])
if (removeEmptyCols) el <- .removeEmptyColumns(el)
if (verbose) message("Formatting sample annotations (colData).")
colData <- .formatColData(el, colData, runs, quantCols)
if (verbose) message("Formatting data as a 'QFeatures' object.")
QFeatures(experiments = el, colData = colData)
## ecol will be deprecated next release. This function warns if ecol
## is used (i.e. is not NULL), then sets quantCols with the value of
## ecol if quantCols wasn't used.
.checkWarnEcol <- function(quantCols, ecol) {
if (!is.null(ecol)) {
if (!is.null(quantCols))
stop("'quantCols' and 'ecols' can't be defined together. ",
"Use 'quantCols' only.")
warning("'ecol' is deprecated, use 'quantCols' instead.")
if (is.null(quantCols))
quantCols <- ecol
## This function will check the quantitation variable inputs. At the
## end, it will return a valid character quantCols, either as provided
## directly by the user, or generated from colData.
.checkQuantCols <- function(assayData, colData, quantCols) {
## Fail early if both a missing
if (is.null(colData) & is.null(quantCols))
stop("Provide one of 'colData' or 'quantCols', both mustn't be NULL.")
## If we have a colData data.frame, it must contain a
## quantCols column and no quantCols should be provided.
if (!is.null(colData)) {
if (!"quantCols" %in% colnames(colData) &&
length(quantCols) > 1)
stop("'colData' must contain a column called 'quantCols'")
if (is.null(quantCols)) {
## if (is.null(colData))
## stop("'quantCols' and 'colData' cannot both be NULL.")
if (!"quantCols" %in% colnames(colData))
stop("When 'quantCols' is NULL, 'colData' must ",
"contain a column called 'quantCols'.")
quantCols <- unique(colData$quantCols)
if (is.numeric(quantCols) || is.logical(quantCols))
quantCols <- colnames(assayData)[quantCols]
mis <- quantCols[!quantCols %in% colnames(assayData)]
if (length(mis))
stop("Some column names in 'quantCols' are not found ",
"in 'assayData': ", paste0(mis, collapse = ", "), ".")
## This function will check the batch/run variable inputs. At the end,
## it will return a vector of runs/batches or NULL (single-set
## case). Possible inputs combinations are:
## - `runCol` is NULL: single-set case
## - `runCol` only (i.e. `colAnnotion` is NULL), of length 1, refering
## to a variable in `assayData`.
## - `runCol` and `colData`: in this case,
## `colData$runCol` must exist.
.checkRunCol <- function(assayData, colData, runCol) {
## No runCol provided: single-set case
if (is.null(runCol)) return(NULL)
## We have a runCol argument: multi-set case
if (length(runCol) > 1)
stop("'runCol' must contain the name of a single column ",
"in 'assayData'.")
if (!runCol %in% colnames(assayData))
stop("'", runCol, "' (provided as 'runCol') not found ",
"in 'assayData'.")
runs <- assayData[[runCol]]
if (!is.null(colData)) {
## We have a colData argument
if (!"runCol" %in% colnames(colData))
stop("When 'runCol' is not NULL, 'colData' must ",
"contain a column called 'runCol'.")
mis <- !runs %in% colData$runCol
if (any(mis)) {
warning("Some runs are missing in 'colData': ",
paste0(unique(runs[mis]), collapse = ", "))
##' Split SummarizedExperiment into an ExperimentList
##' The fonction creates an [ExperimentList] containing
##' [SummarizedExperiment] objects from a [SummarizedExperiment]
##' object (also works with [SingleCellExperiment] objects). `f` is
##' used to split `x`` along the rows (`f`` was a feature variable
##' name) or samples/columns (f was a phenotypic variable name). If f
##' is passed as a factor, its length will be matched to nrow(x) or
##' ncol(x) (in that order) to determine if x will be split along the
##' features (rows) or sample (columns). Hence, the length of f must
##' match exactly to either dimension.
##' This function is not exported and was initially available as
##' scp::.splitSCE().
##' @param x a single [SummarizedExperiment] object
##' @param f a factor or a character of length 1. In the latter case,
##' `f` will be matched to the row and column data variable names
##' (in that order). If a match is found, the respective variable
##' is extracted, converted to a factor if needed.
##' @noRd
.splitSE <- function(x, f) {
## Check that f is a factor
if (length(f) == 1) {
if (f %in% colnames(rowData(x))) {
f <- rowData(x)[, f]
else if (f %in% colnames(colData(x))) {
f <- colData(x)[, f]
else {
stop("'", f, "' not found in rowData or colData")
## Check that the factor matches one of the dimensions
if (!length(f) %in% dim(x))
stop("length(f) not compatible with dim(x).")
if (length(f) == nrow(x)) { ## Split along rows
xl <- lapply(split(rownames(x), f = f), function(i) x[i, ])
} else { ## Split along columns
xl <- lapply(split(colnames(x), f = f), function(i) x[, i])
## Convert list to an ExperimentList
do.call(ExperimentList, xl)
.createUniqueColnames <- function(el, quantCols) {
if (length(quantCols) == 1) suffix <- ""
else suffix <- paste0("_", colnames(el[[1]]))
for (i in seq_along(el)) {
colnames(el[[i]]) <- paste0(names(el)[[i]], suffix)
.removeEmptyColumns <- function(el) {
for (i in seq_along(el)) {
sel <- colSums(is.na(assay(el[[i]]))) != nrow(el[[i]])
el[[i]] <- el[[i]][, sel]
## This function will create a colData from the different (possibly
## missing, i.e. NULL) arguments
.formatColData <- function(el, colData, runs, quantCols) {
sampleNames <- unlist(lapply(el, colnames), use.names = FALSE)
if (is.null(colData))
return(DataFrame(row.names = sampleNames))
if (!length(runs)) {
rownames(colData) <- sampleNames
} else {
if (length(quantCols) == 1) {
rownames(colData) <- colData$runCol
} else {
rownames(colData) <- paste0(colData$runCol, "_", colData$quantCols)
colData <- colData[sampleNames, , drop = FALSE]
rownames(colData) <- sampleNames ## clean NA in rownames
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