#' @title Calculate ions produced by fragmentation with variable modifications
#' @aliases calculateFragments modificationPositions defaultNeutralLoss calculateFragments,character,missing-method
#' @name calculateFragments
#' @description
#' This method calculates a-, b-, c-, x-, y- and z-ions produced by
#' fragmentation.
#' Available methods
#' - The default method with signature `sequence = "character"` and
#' `object = "missing"` calculates the theoretical fragments for a
#' peptide sequence. It returns a `data.frame` with the columns
#' `mz`, `ion`, `type`, `pos`, `z`, `seq` and `peptide`.
#' - Additional method can be defined that will adapt their behaviour
#' based on spectra defined in `object`. See for example the MSnbase
#' package that implements a method for objects of class
#' `Spectrum2`.
#' @param sequence `character()` providing a peptide sequence.
#' @param type `character` vector of target ions; possible values:
#' `c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z")`. Default is `type = c("b", "y")`.
#' @param z numeric with a desired charge state; default is 1.
#' @param fixed_modifications A named `numeric` vector of used fixed modifications.
#' The name must correspond to the one-letter-code of the modified amino acid
#' and the numeric value must represent the mass that should be added to the
#' original amino accid mass, default: Carbamidomethyl modifications =
#' c(C = 57.02146). Use Nterm or Cterm as names for modifications that should
#' be added to the amino respectively carboxyl-terminus.
#' @param variable_modifications A named `numeric` vector of variable modifications.
#' Depending on the maximum number of modifications (`max_mods`), all possible
#' combinations are returned.
#' @param max_mods A numeric indicating the maximum number of variable modifications
#' allowed on the sequence at once. Does not include fixed modifications.
#' Default value is positive infinity.
#' @param neutralLoss `list`, it has to have two named elments,
#' namely `water` and `ammonia` that contain a `character` vector
#' which type of neutral loss should be calculated. Currently
#' neutral loss on the C terminal `"Cterm"`, at the amino acids
#' `c("D", "E", "S", "T")` for `"water"` (shown with an `_`) and
#' `c("K", "N", "Q", "R")` for `"ammonia"` (shown with an `*`) are
#' supported.
#' There is a helper function `defaultNeutralLoss()` that returns
#' the correct list. It has two arguments `disableWaterLoss` and
#' `disableAmmoniaLoss` to remove single neutral loss options. See
#' the example section for use cases.
#' @param verbose `logical(1)`. If `TRUE` (default) the used modifications are printed.
#' @param modifications Named `numeric()`. Deprecated modifications parameter.
#' Will override `fixed_modifications` but is set to `NULL` by default. Please
#' refrain from using it, opt for `fixed_modifications` instead.
#' @return A `data.frame` showing all the
#' ions produced by fragmentation with all possible combinations of modifications.
#' The used variable modifications are displayed in the `peptide` column through the
#' use of amino acids followed by the modification within brackets.
#' Fixed modifications are not displayed.
#' @author Sebastian Gibb <mail@sebastiangibb.de>
#' @author Guillaume Deflandre <guillaume.deflandre@uclouvain.be>
#' @importFrom ProtGenerics calculateFragments
#' @exportMethod calculateFragments
#' @examples
#' ## General use
#' calculateFragments(sequence = "ARGSHKATC", type = c("b", "y"), z = 1,
#' fixed_modifications = c(C = 57), variable_modifications = c(S = 79, Y = 79, T = 79),
#' max_mods = 2)
#' ## calculate fragments for ACE with default modification
#' calculateFragments("ACE", fixed_modifications = c(C = 57.02146))
#' #' ## calculate fragments for ACE with an added variable modification
#' calculateFragments("ACE", variable_modifications = c(A = 43.25))
#' ## calculate fragments for ACE with an added N-terminal modification
#' calculateFragments("ACE", fixed_modifications = c(C = 57.02146, Nterm = 229.1629))
#' ## calculate fragments for ACE without any modifications
#' calculateFragments("ACE", fixed_modifications = NULL)
#' calculateFragments("VESITARHGEVLQLRPK",
#' type = c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"),
#' z = 1:2)
#' ## neutral loss
#' defaultNeutralLoss()
#' ## disable water loss on the C terminal
#' defaultNeutralLoss(disableWaterLoss="Cterm")
#' ## real example
#' calculateFragments("PQR")
#' calculateFragments("PQR",
#' neutralLoss=defaultNeutralLoss(disableWaterLoss="Cterm"))
#' calculateFragments("PQR",
#' neutralLoss=defaultNeutralLoss(disableAmmoniaLoss="Q"))
#' ## disable neutral loss completely
#' calculateFragments("PQR", neutralLoss=NULL)
setMethod("calculateFragments", c("character", "missing"),
function(sequence, type = c("b", "y"), z = 1,
fixed_modifications = c(C = 57.02146),
variable_modifications = numeric(),
max_mods = Inf,
neutralLoss = defaultNeutralLoss(),
verbose = TRUE,
modifications = NULL) {
l <- lapply(sequence, .calculateFragments,
type = type, z = z,
fixed_modifications = fixed_modifications,
variable_modifications = variable_modifications,
max_mods = Inf,
neutralLoss = neutralLoss,
verbose = verbose,
modifications = modifications)
return(do.call(rbind, l))
#' calculate fragments from a peptide sequence
#' @param sequence character vector of length 1
#' @param type could be c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z")
#' @param z charge
#' @param fixed_modifications A named `numeric` vector of used fixed modifications.
#' The name must correspond to the one-letter-code of the modified amino acid
#' and the numeric value must represent the mass that should be added to the
#' original amino accid mass, default: Carbamidomethyl modifications =
#' c(C = 57.02146). Use Nterm or Cterm as names for modifications that should
#' be added to the amino respectively carboxyl-terminus.
#' @param variable_modifications A named `numeric` vector of variable modifications.
#' Depending on the maximum number of modifications (`max_mods`), all possible
#' combinations are returned.
#' @param max_mods A numeric indicating the maximum number of variable modifications
#' allowed on the sequence at once. Does not include fixed modifications.
#' Default value is positive infinity.
#' @param neutralLoss `list`, it has to have two named elments,
#' namely `water` and `ammonia` that contain a `character` vector
#' which type of neutral loss should be calculated. Currently
#' neutral loss on the C terminal `"Cterm"`, at the amino acids
#' `c("D", "E", "S", "T")` for `"water"` (shown with an `_`) and
#' `c("K", "N", "Q", "R")` for `"ammonia"` (shown with an `*`) are
#' supported.
#' There is a helper function `defaultNeutralLoss()` that returns
#' the correct list. It has two arguments `disableWaterLoss` and
#' `disableAmmoniaLoss` to remove single neutral loss options. See
#' the example section for use cases.
#' @param verbose `logical(1)`. If `TRUE` (default) the used modifications are printed.
#' @param modifications Named `numeric()`. Deprecated modifications parameter.
#' Will override `fixed_modifications` but is set to `NULL` by default. Please
#' refrain from using it, opt for `fixed_modifications` instead.
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @noRd
.calculateFragments <- function(sequence,
type = c("b", "y"),
z = 1,
fixed_modifications = c(C = 57.02146),
variable_modifications = numeric(),
max_mods = Inf,
neutralLoss = defaultNeutralLoss(),
verbose = TRUE,
modifications = NULL) {
if (nchar(sequence) <= 1L) {
stop("'sequence' has to have two or more residues.")
if (!is.null(modifications)) {
warning("'modifications' is deprecated, please use 'fixed_modifications' instead.")
fixed_modifications <- modifications
## split peptide sequence into aa
fragment.seq <- strsplit(sequence, "")[[1]]
fn <- length(fragment.seq)
mod_combinations <-
type <- match.arg(type,
choices = c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"),
type <- sort(type)
## constants
mass <- getAtomicMass()
## according to Table 1 of:
## Johnson, R. S., Martin, S. A., Biemann, K., Stults, J. T., and
## Watson, J. T. (1987).
## Novel fragmentation process of peptides by collision-induced
## decomposition in a tandem mass spectrometer: differentiation of leucine
## and isoleucine.
## Analytical Chemistry, 59(21), 2621-2625.
## https://doi.org/10.1021/ac00148a019
## a proton (H+) is added later
## (after calculation of the different charge states)
add <- c(a=-(mass["C"]+mass["O"]), # + H - CO
b=0, # + H
c=mass["N"]+3*mass["H"], # + H + NH3
x=mass["C"]+2*mass["O"], # + CO + OH
y=2*mass["H"]+mass["O"], # + H2 + OH
z=-(mass["N"]+mass["H"])+mass["O"]) # + NH + OH
aa <- getAminoAcids()
aamass <- setNames(aa$ResidueMass, aa$AA)
## replace default mass by masses with fixed modifications
if (length(fixed_modifications)) {
aamass[names(fixed_modifications)] <-
aamass[names(fixed_modifications)] + fixed_modifications
## message used modifications
if (verbose) {
if (length(fixed_modifications)) {
mods <-paste0(names(fixed_modifications),
collapse=", ")
} else {
mods <- "None"
if (length(variable_modifications)) {
mods2 <- paste0(names(variable_modifications),
collapse=", ")
} else {
mods2 <- "None"
message("Fixed modifications used: ", mods,
"\nVariable modifications used: ", mods2)
## calculate cumulative mass starting at the amino-terminus (for a, b, c)
amz <- cumsum(aamass[fragment.seq[-fn]])
## calculate cumulative mass starting at the carboxyl-terminus (for x, y, z)
cmz <- cumsum(aamass[rev(fragment.seq[-1L])])
## calculate fragment mass (amino-terminus)
tn <- length(amz)
atype <- c("a", "b", "c") %in% type
nat <- sum(atype)
## calculate fragment mass (carboxyl-terminus)
ctype <- c("x", "y", "z") %in% type
nct <- sum(ctype)
## devide by charge
zn <- length(z)
## fragment seq (amino-terminus)
aseq <- rep(rep(substring(sequence, rep(1L, fn - 1L),
1L:(fn - 1L)), each = zn), nat)
## fragment seq (carboxyl-terminus)
cseq <- rep(rep(rev(substring(sequence, 2L:fn,
rep(fn, fn - 1L))), each=zn), nct)
## add the variable modifications and apply steps above
amz_mod <- vector("list", length(mod_combinations))
cmz_mod <- vector("list", length(mod_combinations))
df <- vector("list", length(mod_combinations))
for (i in 1:length(mod_combinations)) {
amz_mod[[i]] <- .cumsumFragmentMasses(mod_combinations[[i]], amz)
cmz_mod[[i]] <- .cumsumFragmentMasses(rev(mod_combinations[[i]]), cmz)
amz_mod[[i]] <- rep(amz_mod[[i]], nat) + rep(add[1:3][atype], each=tn)
cmz_mod[[i]] <- rep(cmz_mod[[i]], nct) + rep(add[4:6][ctype], each=tn)
amz_mod[[i]] <- rep(amz_mod[[i]], each = zn)/z
cmz_mod[[i]] <- rep(cmz_mod[[i]], each = zn)/z
## add protons (H+)
amz_mod[[i]] <- amz_mod[[i]] + mass["p"]
cmz_mod[[i]] <- cmz_mod[[i]] + mass["p"]
## fragment str (amino-terminus)
atype <- rep(c("a", "b", "c")[atype], each = tn * zn)
pos <- rep(1L:tn, each = zn)
if (length(atype)) {
aion <- paste0(atype, pos)
} else {
aion <- character()
## fragment str (carboxyl-terminus)
ctype <- rep(c("x", "y", "z")[ctype], each = tn * zn)
if (length(ctype)) {
cion <- paste0(ctype, pos)
} else {
cion <- character()
## generate unique dataframe with all fragments and modifications
for (i in 1:length(mod_combinations)) {
df[[i]] <- data.frame(mz = c(amz_mod[[i]], cmz_mod[[i]]),
ion = c(aion, cion),
type = c(atype, ctype),
pos = pos,
z = z,
seq = c(aseq, cseq),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df[[i]] <- .neutralLoss(df[[i]],
water = neutralLoss$water,
ammonia = neutralLoss$ammonia)
df[[i]] <- .terminalModifications(df[[i]],
modifications = fixed_modifications)
rownames(df[[i]]) <- NULL
non_zero <- mod_combinations[[i]] != 0
names(mod_combinations[[i]])[non_zero] <-
df[[i]][["peptide"]] <- paste(names(mod_combinations[[i]]),
collapse = "")
df <- do.call(rbind, df)
rownames(df) <- NULL
#' @title Generates list of possible combinations of modifications
#' @param sequence Character. A peptide sequence that may have modifications or not
#' @param fixed_modifications Named numeric. Specifies which fixed modifications are used
#' @param variable_modifications Named numeric. Specifies which variable modifications are used
#' @param max_mods Numeric. Indicates how many modifications can be applied at once.
#' @return list with all possible combinations of modifications
#' @author Guillaume Deflandre <guillaume.deflandre@uclouvain.be>
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .modificationPositions("ARGHKA", variable_modifications = c(A = 4, K = 5, S = 8), max_mods = 3)
.modificationPositions <- function(fragment.seq,
variable_modifications = numeric(),
max_mods = Inf) {
modifiable_positions_var <-
which(fragment.seq %in% names(variable_modifications))
l <- length(modifiable_positions_var)
## take the maximum amount of modifications possible
max_mods <- min(max_mods, l)
if (!length(variable_modifications) || max_mods <= 0)
list(setNames(integer(length(fragment.seq)), fragment.seq))
.mod <- function(cmb,
seq_split = fragment.seq,
var_mods = variable_modifications) {
m <- setNames(integer(length(seq_split)), seq_split)
m[cmb] <- var_mods[seq_split[cmb]]
list(setNames(integer(length(fragment.seq)), fragment.seq)),
if (length(modifiable_positions_var) == 1)
lapply(modifiable_positions_var, .mod)
modifiable_positions_var, n,
FUN = .mod,
simplify = FALSE
recursive = FALSE
.cumsumFragmentMasses <- function(modificationCombination, fragmentMasses) {
modificationCombination <-
fragmentMasses + cumsum(modificationCombination)
#' adds neutral loss to data.frame generated by .calculateFragments
#' @param df data.frame generated by. calculateFragments
#' @return data.frame neutral loss rows added
#' @noRd
.neutralLoss <- function(df,
water = c("Cterm", "D", "E", "S", "T"),
ammonia = c("K", "N", "Q", "R")) {
## see "Low energy peptide fragmentation pathways" by Hugh-G. Patterton, Ph.D.
## http://cbio.ufs.ac.za/fgap/download/fragmentation_review.pdf
## see also discussion #47: https://github.com/lgatto/MSnbase/issues/47
## constants
mass <- getAtomicMass()
widx <- double()
aidx <- double()
.removeNeutralLoss <- function(df, idx, mass, ion) {
if (length(idx)) {
loss <- df[idx, ]
loss[, c("ion", "type")] <- paste0(c(loss$ion, loss$type), ion)
loss$mz <- loss$mz - mass / loss$z
rbind(df, loss)
} else {
if (length(water)) {
## N-term D/E, internal S/T
rules <- c(D = "^D.", E = "^E.", S = ".S.", T = ".T.")
rules <- rules[intersect(c("D", "E", "S", "T"), water)]
if (length(rules)) {
widx <- grep(paste0(rules, collapse = "|"), df$seq)
## C-term COOH (all x, y, z fragments)
if ("Cterm" %in% water) {
widx <- unique(c(widx, grep("[xyz]", df$type)))
if (length(ammonia)) {
## N-term/internal K/N/Q, internal R
rules <- c(K = "^.*K.", N = "^.*N.", Q = "^.*Q.", R = ".R.")
rules <- rules[intersect(c("K", "N", "Q", "R"), ammonia)]
if (length(rules)) {
aidx <- grep(paste0(rules, collapse="|"), df$seq)
if (length(widx)) {
df <- .removeNeutralLoss(df, idx = widx, mass = 2*mass["H"]+mass["O"], ion = "_")
if (length(aidx)) {
df <- .removeNeutralLoss(df, idx = aidx, mass = mass["N"]+3*mass["H"], ion = "*")
#' adds nterm/cterm modifications to data.frame generated by
#' .calculateFragments should be used after .neutralLoss
#' @param df data.frame generated by. calculateFragments
#' @return modified data.frame
#' @noRd
.terminalModifications <- function(df, modifications) {
if ("Nterm" %in% names(modifications)) {
isABC <- grep("[abc]", df$type)
if (length(isABC)) {
df$mz[isABC] <- df$mz[isABC] + modifications["Nterm"] / df$z[isABC]
if ("Cterm" %in% names(modifications)) {
isXYZ <- grep("[xyz]", df$type)
if (length(isXYZ)) {
df$mz[isXYZ] <- df$mz[isXYZ] + modifications["Cterm"] / df$z[isXYZ]
#' default neutral loss argument for calculateFragments
#' @param disableWaterLoss character, which loss should not calculated
#' @param disableAmmoniaLoss character, which loss should not
#' calculated
#' @export
#' @noRd
defaultNeutralLoss <- function(disableWaterLoss = NULL, disableAmmoniaLoss = NULL) {
list(water = setdiff(c("Cterm", "D", "E", "S", "T"), disableWaterLoss),
ammonia = setdiff(c("K", "N", "Q", "R"), disableAmmoniaLoss))
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