##' @title A class for peptide-spectrum matches
##' @aliases PSM-class PSM reducePSMs readPSMs psmVariables
##' @name PSM
##' @description
##' The `PSM` class is a simple class to store and manipulate
##' peptide-spectrum matches. The class encapsulates PSM data as a
##' `DataFrame` (or more specifically a `DFrame`) with additional
##' lightweight metadata annotation.
##' There are two types of `PSM` objects:
##' - Objects with duplicated spectrum identifiers. This holds for
##' multiple matches to the same spectrum, be it different peptide
##' sequences or the same sequence with or without a
##' post-translational modification. Such objects are typically
##' created with the `PSM()` constructor starting from `mzIdentML`
##' files.
##' - Reduced objects where the spectrum identifiers (or any
##' equivalent column) are unique keys within the PSM table. Matches
##' to the same scan/spectrum are merged into a single PSM data
##' row. Reduced `PSM` object are created with the `reducePSMs()`
##' function. See examples below.
##' Objects can be checked for their reduced state with the
##' `reduced()` function which returns `TRUE` for reduced instances,
##' `FALSE` when the spectrum identifiers are duplicated, or NA when
##' unknown. The flag can also be set explicitly with the
##' `reduced()<-` setter.
##' @section Creating and using PSM objects:
##' - The [PSM()] constructor uses parsers provided by the `mzR` or
##' `mzID` packages to read the `mzIdentML` data. The vignette
##' describes some apparent differences in their outputs. The
##' constructor input is a character of one more multiple file
##' names.
##' - `PSM` objects can also be created from a `data.frame` object (or
##' any variable that can be coerced into a [DataFrame].
##' - Finally, [PSM()] can also take a `PSM` object as input, which
##' leaves the PSM data as is and is used to set/update the PSM
##' variables.
##' - The constructor can also initialise variables (called *PSM
##' variables*) needed for downstream processing, notably filtering
##' (see [filterPSMs()]) and to generate a peptide-by-protein
##' adjacency matrix (see [makeAdjacencyMatrix()]). These variables
##' can be extracted with the [psmVariables()] function. They
##' represent the columns in the PSM table that identify spectra,
##' peptides, proteins, decoy peptides hit ranks and, optionally, a
##' PSM score. The value of these variables will depend on the
##' backend used to create the object, or left blank (i.e. encoded
##' as `NA`) when building an object by hand from a `data.frame`. In
##' such situation, they need to be passed explicitly by the user as
##' arguments to [PSM()].
##' - The `adjacencyMatrix()` accessor can be used to retrieve the
##' binary sparse peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix from the PSM
##' object. It also relies on PSM variables which thus need to be
##' set beforehand. For more flexibility in the generation of the
##' adjacency matrix (for non-binary matrices), use
##' [makeAdjacencyMatrix()].
##' @examples
##' ## ---------------------------------
##' ## Example with a single mzid file
##' ## ---------------------------------
##' f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
##' basename(f)
##' ## mzR parser (default)
##' psm <- PSM(f)
##' psm
##' ## PSM variables
##' psmVariables(psm)
##' ## mzID parser
##' psm_mzid <- PSM(f, parser = "mzID")
##' psm_mzid
##' ## different PSM variables
##' psmVariables(psm_mzid)
##' ## Reducing the PSM data
##' (i <- which(duplicated(psm$spectrumID))[1:2])
##' (i <- which(psm$spectrumID %in% psm$spectrumID[i]))
##' psm2 <- psm[i, ]
##' reduced(psm2)
##' ## Carbamidomethyl modifications at positions 1 and 28.
##' DataFrame(psm2[, c("sequence", "spectrumID", "modName", "modLocation")])
##' reduced(psm2) <- FALSE
##' reduced(psm2)
##' ## uses by default the spectrum PSM variable, as defined during
##' ## the construction - see psmVariables()
##' rpsm2 <- reducePSMs(psm2)
##' rpsm2
##' DataFrame(rpsm2[, c("sequence", "spectrumID", "modName", "modLocation")])
##' reduced(rpsm2)
##' ## ---------------------------------
##' ## Multiple mzid files
##' ## ---------------------------------
##' library(rpx)
##' PXD022816 <- PXDataset("PXD022816")
##' PXD022816
##' (mzids <- pxget(PXD022816, grep("mzID", pxfiles(PXD022816))[1:2]))
##' psm <- PSM(mzids)
##' psm
##' psmVariables(psm)
##' ## Here, spectrum identifiers are repeated accross files
##' psm[grep("scan=20000", psm$spectrumID), "spectrumFile"]
##' ## Let's create a new primary identifier composed of the scan
##' ## number and the file name
##' psm$pkey <- paste(sub("^.+Task\\\\", "", psm$spectrumFile),
##' sub("^.+scan=", "", psm$spectrumID),
##' sep = "::")
##' head(psm$pkey)
##' ## the PSM is not reduced
##' reduced(psm, "pkey")
##' DataFrame(psm[6:7, ])
##' ## same sequence, same spectrumID, same file
##' psm$sequence[6:7]
##' psm$pkey[6:7]
##' ## different modification locations
##' psm$modLocation[6:7]
##' ## here, we need to *explicitly* set pkey to reduce
##' rpsm <- reducePSMs(psm, psm$pkey)
##' rpsm
##' reduced(rpsm, "pkey")
##' ## the two rows are now merged into a single one; the distinct
##' ## modification locations are preserved.
##' (i <- which(rpsm$pkey == "QEP2LC6_HeLa_50ng_251120_01-calib.mzML::12894"))
##' DataFrame(rpsm[i, c("sequence", "pkey", "modName", "modLocation")])
##' ## ---------------------------------
##' ## PSM from a data.frame
##' ## ---------------------------------
##' psmdf <- data.frame(spectrum = paste0("sp", 1:10),
##' sequence = replicate(10,
##' paste(sample(getAminoAcids()[-1, "AA"], 10),
##' collapse = "")),
##' protein = sample(paste0("Prot", LETTERS[1:7]), 10,
##' replace = TRUE),
##' decoy = rep(FALSE, 10),
##' rank = rep(1, 10),
##' score = runif(10))
##' psmdf
##' psm <- PSM(psmdf)
##' psm
##' psmVariables(psm)
##' ## no PSM variables set
##' try(adjacencyMatrix(psm))
##' ## set PSM variables
##' psm <- PSM(psm, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
##' protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")
##' psm
##' psmVariables(psm)
##' adjacencyMatrix(psm)
##' @name PSM-class
##' @docType class
##' @exportClass PSM
##' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors DataFrame DFrame
##' @noRd
contains = "DFrame")
showDetails <- function(object) {
.psmVariables <- psmVariables(object)
n_sp <- length(unique(object[[.psmVariables["spectrum"]]]))
n_pe <- length(unique(object[[.psmVariables["peptide"]]]))
n_pr <- length(unique(object[[.psmVariables["protein"]]]))
tabDecoy <- object[[.psmVariables["decoy"]]]
cat("Spectra:", n_sp, "unique\n")
cat(" db: ", sum(!tabDecoy), " target, ",
sum(tabDecoy), " decoy\n", sep = "")
tabRank <- table(object[[.psmVariables["rank"]]])
cat(" ranks:", paste0(names(tabRank),":", tabRank), "\n")
cat("Peptides: ")
mlt <- tapply(object[[psmVariables(object)["protein"]]],
function(xx) length(unique(xx)) > 1)
cat(sum(!mlt), "unique,", sum(mlt), "multiple\n")
cat("Proteins:", n_pr, "\n")
setMethod("show", "PSM",
function(object) {
cl <- classNameForDisplay(object)
if (isTRUE(reduced(object)))
cl <- paste("Reduced", cl)
cat(cl, "with", nrow(object), "rows and",
ncol(object), "columns.\n")
if (!any(is.na(psmVariables(object))) & !isTRUE(reduced(object)) & nrow(object) > 0)
if (ncol(object) <= 4) {
cat("names(", ncol(object), "): ",
paste(names(object), collapse = " "), "\n",
sep = "")
} else {
cat("names(", ncol(object), "): ",
paste(names(object)[1:2], collapse = " "),
" ... ", paste(names(object)[(ncol(object)-1):ncol(object)],
collapse = " "), "\n",
sep = "")
##' @param x `character()` of mzid file names, an instance of class
##' `PSM`, or a `data.frame`.
##' @param spectrum `character(1)` variable name that defines a
##' spectrum in the PSM data. Default are `"spectrumID"` (mzR
##' parser) or `"spectrumid"` (mzID parser). It is also used to
##' calculate the reduced state.
##' @param peptide `character(1)` variable name that defines a peptide
##' in the PSM data. Detaults are `"sequence"` (mzR parser) or
##' `"pepSeq"` (mzID parser).
##' @param protein `character(1)` variable name that defines a protein
##' in the PSM data. Detaults are `"DatabaseAccess"` (mzR parser)
##' or `"accession"` (mzID parser).
##' @param decoy `character(1)` variable name that defines a decoy hit
##' in the PSM data. Detaults are `"isDecoy"` (mzR parser) or
##' `"isdecoy"` (mzID parser).
##' @param rank `character(1)` variable name that defines the rank of
##' the peptide spectrum match in the PSM data. Default is `"rank"`.
##' @param score `character(1)` variable name that defines the PSM
##' score. This value isn't set by default as it depends on the
##' search engine and application. Default is `NA`.
##' @param fdr `character(1)` variable name that defines that defines
##' the spectrum FDR (or any similar/relevant metric that can be
##' used for filtering). This value isn't set by default as it
##' depends on the search engine and application. Default is `NA`.
##' @param parser `character(1)` defining the parser to be used to
##' read the `mzIdentML` files. One of `"mzR"` (default) or
##' `"mzID"`.
##' @param BPPARAM an object inheriting from [BiocParallelParam] to
##' control parallel processing. The default value is
##' `SerialParam()` to read files in series.
##' @return `PSM()` returns a `PSM` object.
##' @export PSM
##' @aliases PSM PSM,character PSM,data.frame PSM,PSM
##' @import S4Vectors BiocParallel
##' @name PSM
PSM <- function(x,
spectrum = NA,
peptide = NA,
protein = NA,
decoy = NA,
rank = NA,
score = NA,
fdr = NA,
parser = c("mzR", "mzID"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
if (is.character(x)) {
if (!all(flex <- file.exists(x)))
stop(paste(x[!flex], collapse = ", "), " not found.")
parser <- match.arg(parser)
if (parser == "mzR") {
psm <- readPSMsMzR(x, BPPARAM)
## Default PSM variables for mzR parser
.psmVariables <- c(spectrum = "spectrumID",
peptide = "sequence",
protein = "DatabaseAccess",
decoy = "isDecoy",
rank = "rank",
score = NA_character_,
fdr = NA_character_)
} else {
psm <- readPSMsMzID(x, BPPARAM)
## Default PSM variables for mzID parser
.psmVariables <- c(spectrum = "spectrumid",
peptide = "pepseq",
protein = "accession",
decoy = "isdecoy",
rank = "rank",
score = NA_character_,
fdr = NA_character_)
} else if (is.data.frame(x)) {
psm <- as(DataFrame(x), "PSM")
.psmVariables <- c(spectrum = NA_character_,
peptide = NA_character_,
protein = NA_character_,
decoy = NA_character_,
rank = NA_character_,
score = NA_character_,
fdr = NA_character_)
} else {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "PSM"))
.psmVariables <- psmVariables(x)
psm <- x ## use as is
## Update PSM variables based on contstructor inputs
if (spectrum %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["spectrum"] <- spectrum
if (peptide %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["peptide"] <- peptide
if (protein %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["protein"] <- protein
if (decoy %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["decoy"] <- decoy
if (rank %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["rank"] <- rank
if (score %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["score"] <- score
if (fdr %in% names(psm))
.psmVariables["fdr"] <- fdr
metadata(psm)$variables <- .psmVariables
##' @name PSM
##' @export
reduced <- function(object, spectrum = psmVariables(object)["spectrum"]) {
if (!missing(spectrum))
return(!is.list(object[[spectrum]]) & !anyDuplicated(object[[spectrum]]))
if (is.null(metadata(object)[["reduced"]]))
else metadata(object)[["reduced"]]
##' @param value new value to be passed to setter.
##' @name PSM
##' @export
"reduced<-" <- function(object, value) {
metadata(object)[["reduced"]] <- value
##' @param object An instance of class `PSM`.
##' @param which `character()` with the PSM variable name to
##' retrieve. If `"all"` (default), all named variables are
##' returned. See [PSM()] for valid PSM variables.
##' @name PSM
##' @export
psmVariables <- function(object, which = "all") {
.psmVariables <- metadata(object)[["variables"]]
if (length(which) == 1 && which == "all")
stopifnot(which %in% names(.psmVariables))
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