##' A function to convert the identification data contained in an
##' `mzRident` object (as defined in the `mzR` package) to a
##' `data.frame`. Each row represents a scan, which can however be
##' repeated several times if the PSM matches multiple proteins and/or
##' contains two or more modifications.
##' @details
##' This function implements the same funtionality as `MSnbase::as(.,
##' "data.frame")`. It as been renamed and isn't been exported to
##' avoid conflicts and confusion. Ideally, the function in `MSnbase`
##' might be moved to `mzR` and this package would re-use that one.
##' @title Coerce PSM data to a `data.frame`
##' @param from An object of class `mzRident` as defined in the `mzR`
##' package.
##' @return A `data.frame`
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @importFrom BiocGenerics fileName
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' ## find path to an mzIdentML file
##' f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
##' basename(f)
##' library("mzR")
##' x <- openIDfile(f)
##' x
##' PSMatch:::as_data_frame(x)
as_data_frame <-
function(from) {
## peptide spectrum matching
iddf <- factorsAsStrings(mzR::psms(from))
## add file raw and mzid provenances
src <- basename(mzR::sourceInfo(from))
if (length(src) > 1) ## see issue #261
src <- paste(src, collapse = ";")
iddf$spectrumFile <- src
iddf$idFile <- basename(fileName(from))
## add scores
scores <- factorsAsStrings(mzR::score(from))
if (nrow(scores)) { ## see issue #261
stopifnot(identical(iddf[, 1], scores[, 1]))
iddf <- cbind(iddf, scores[, -1])
## add modification
mods <- factorsAsStrings(mzR::modifications(from))
names(mods)[-1] <- makeCamelCase(names(mods), prefix = "mod")[-1]
iddf <- merge(iddf, mods,
by.x = c("spectrumID", "sequence"),
by.y = c("spectrumID", "modSequence"),
suffixes = c("", ".y"),
all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
iddf[, "spectrumID.y"] <- NULL
## add substitutions
subs <- factorsAsStrings(mzR::substitutions(from))
names(subs)[-1] <- makeCamelCase(names(subs), prefix = "sub")[-1]
iddf <- merge(iddf, subs,
by.x = c("spectrumID" = "sequence"),
by.y = c("spectrumID" = "subSequence"),
suffixes = c("", ".y"),
all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
iddf[, "spectrumID.y"] <- NULL
##' Convert a `vector` of characters to camel case by replacing dots
##' by captial letters.
##' @title Convert to camel case by replacing dots by captial letters
##' @param x A `character` to be transformed to camel case.
##' @param prefix An optional `character` of length one. Any
##' additional elements are ignores.
##' @return A `character` of same length as `x`.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' nms <- c("aa.foo", "ab.bar")
##' PSMatch:::makeCamelCase(nms)
##' PSMatch:::makeCamelCase(nms, prefix = "x")
makeCamelCase <- function(x, prefix) {
if (!missing(prefix))
x <- paste(prefix[1], x, sep = ".")
gsub('\\.(\\w?)', '\\U\\1', x, perl = TRUE)
##' This function produces the opposite as the `stringsAsFactors`
##' argument in the `data.frame` or `read.table` functions; it
##' converts `factors` columns to `characters`.
##' @title Converts factors to strings
##' @param x A `data.frame`
##' @return A `data.frame` where `factors` are converted to
##' `characters`.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' data(iris)
##' str(iris)
##' str(PSMatch:::factorsAsStrings(iris))
factorsAsStrings <- function(x) {
x <- lapply(x,
function(xx) {
if (is.factor(xx)) as.character(xx)
else xx
data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
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