##' @title Quantitative mass spectrometry data imputation
##' @description
##' The `impute_matrix` function performs data imputation on `matrix`
##' objects instance using a variety of methods (see below).
##' Users should proceed with care when imputing data and take
##' precautions to assure that the imputation produces valid results,
##' in particular with naive imputations such as replacing missing
##' values with 0.
##' @section Types of missing values:
##' There are two types of mechanisms resulting in missing values in
##' LC/MSMS experiments.
##' - Missing values resulting from absence of detection of a feature,
##' despite ions being present at detectable concentrations. For
##' example in the case of ion suppression or as a result from the
##' stochastic, data-dependent nature of the DDA MS acquisition
##' method. These missing value are expected to be randomly
##' distributed in the data and are defined, in statistical terms,
##' as missing at random (MAR) or missing completely at random (MCAR).
##' - Biologically relevant missing values resulting from the absence
##' or the low abundance of ions (i.e. below the limit of detection of
##' the instrument). These missing values are not expected to be
##' randomly distributed in the data and are defined as missing not
##' at random (MNAR).
##' MNAR features should ideally be imputed with a left-censor method,
##' such as `QRILC` below. Conversely, it is recommended to use hot
##' deck methods such nearest neighbours, Bayesian missing value
##' imputation or maximum likelihood methods when values are missing
##' at random.
##' @section Imputing by rows or columns:
##' We assume that the input matrix `x` contains features along the
##' rows and samples along the columns, as is generally the case in
##' omics data analysis. When performing imputation, the missing
##' values are taken as a feature-specific property: feature *x* is
##' missing because it is absent (in a sample or group), or because it
##' was missed during acquisition (not selected during data dependent
##' acquisition) or data processing (not identified or with an
##' identification score below a chosen false discovery threshold). As
##' such, imputation is by default performed at the *feature
##' level*. In some cases, such as imputation by zero or a global
##' minimum value, it doesn't matter. In other cases, it does matter
##' very much, such as for example when using the minimum value
##' computed for each margin (i.e. row or column) as in the *MinDet*
##' method (see below) - do we want to use the minimum of the sample
##' or of that feature? KNN is another such example: do we consider
##' the most similar features to impute a feature with missing values,
##' or the most similar samples to impute all missing in a sample.
##' The `MARGIN` argument can be used to change the imputation margin
##' from features/rows (`MARGIN = 1`) to samples/columns (`MARGIN = 2`).
##' Different imputations will have different default values, and
##' changing this parameter can have a major impact on imputation results
##' and downstream results.
##' @section Imputation methods:
##' Currently, the following imputation methods are available.
##' - *MLE*: Maximum likelihood-based imputation method using the EM
##' algorithm. The `impute_mle()` function relies on
##' `norm::imp.norm()`. function. See [norm::imp.norm()] for details
##' and additional parameters. Note that here, `...` are passed to
##' the [norm::em.norm()] function, rather to the actual imputation
##' function `imp.norm`.
##' - *bpca*: Bayesian missing value imputation are available, as
##' implemented in the `pcaMethods::pca()` function. See
##' [pcaMethods::pca()] for details and additional parameters.
##' - *RF*: Random Forest imputation, as implemented in the
##' `missForest::missForest` function. See [missForest::missForest()]] for
##' details and additional parameters.
##' - *knn*: Nearest neighbour averaging, as implemented in the
##' `impute::impute.knn` function. See [impute::impute.knn()]] for
##' details and additional parameters.
##' - *QRILC*: A missing data imputation method that performs the
##' imputation of left-censored missing data using random draws from
##' a truncated distribution with parameters estimated using
##' quantile regression. The `impute_QRILC()` function calls
##' [imputeLCMD::impute.QRILC()] from the `imputeLCMD` package.
##' - *MinDet*: Performs the imputation of left-censored missing data
##' using a deterministic minimal value approach. Considering a
##' expression data with *n* samples and *p* features, for each
##' sample, the missing entries are replaced with a minimal value
##' observed in that sample. The minimal value observed is estimated
##' as being the q-th quantile (default `q = 0.01`) of the observed
##' values in that sample. The implementation in based on the
##' `imputeLCMD::impute.MinDet()` function.
##' - *MinProb*: Performs the imputation of left-censored missing data
##' by random draws from a Gaussian distribution centred to a
##' minimal value. Considering an expression data matrix with *n*
##' samples and *p* features, for each sample, the mean value of the
##' Gaussian distribution is set to a minimal observed value in that
##' sample. The minimal value observed is estimated as being the
##' q-th quantile (default `q = 0.01`) of the observed values in
##' that sample. The standard deviation is estimated as the median
##' of the feature (or sample) standard deviations. Note that when
##' estimating the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution,
##' only the peptides/proteins which present more than 50\% recorded
##' values are considered. The `impute_MinProb()` function calls
##' [imputeLCMD::impute.MinProb()] from the `imputeLCMD` package.
##' - *min*: Replaces the missing values with the smallest non-missing
##' value in the data.
##' - *zero*: Replaces the missing values with 0.
##' - *mixed*: A mixed imputation applying two methods (to be defined
##' by the user as `mar` for values missing at random and `mnar` for
##' values missing not at random, see example) on two M[C]AR/MNAR
##' subsets of the data (as defined by the user by a `randna`
##' logical, of length equal to nrow(object)).
##' - *nbavg*: Average neighbour imputation for fractions collected
##' along a fractionation/separation gradient, such as sub-cellular
##' fractions. The method assumes that the fraction are ordered
##' along the gradient and is invalid otherwise.
##' Continuous sets `NA` value at the beginning and the end of the
##' quantitation vectors are set to the lowest observed value in the
##' data or to a user defined value passed as argument `k`. Then,
##' when a missing value is flanked by two non-missing neighbouring
##' values, it is imputed by the mean of its direct neighbours.
##' - *with*: Replaces all missing values with a user-provided value.
##' - *none*: No imputation is performed and the missing values are
##' left untouched. Implemented in case one wants to only impute
##' value missing at random or not at random with the *mixed*
##' method.
##' The `imputeMethods()` function returns a vector with valid
##' imputation method names. Use `getImputeMargin()` to get the
##' default margin for each imputation function.
##' @references
##' Olga Troyanskaya, Michael Cantor, Gavin Sherlock, Pat Brown,
##' Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, David Botstein and Russ B.
##' Altman, Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays
##' Bioinformatics (2001) 17 (6): 520-525.
##' Oba et al., A Bayesian missing value estimation method for gene
##' expression profile data, Bioinformatics (2003) 19 (16): 2088-2096.
##' Cosmin Lazar (2015). imputeLCMD: A collection of methods for
##' left-censored missing data imputation. R package version
##' 2.0. \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=imputeLCMD}.
##' Lazar C, Gatto L, Ferro M, Bruley C, Burger T. Accounting for the
##' Multiple Natures of Missing Values in Label-Free Quantitative
##' Proteomics Data Sets to Compare Imputation Strategies. J Proteome
##' Res. 2016 Apr 1;15(4):1116-25. doi:
##' 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00981. PubMed PMID:26906401.
##' @rdname imputation
##' @aliases imputeMethods impute_neighbour_average impute_knn impute_mle impute_bpca impute_mixed impute_min impute_zero impute_with impute_matrix impute_MinDet impute_MinProb impute_QRILC
##' @useDynLib MsCoreUtils, .registration = TRUE
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' ## test data
##' set.seed(42)
##' m <- matrix(rlnorm(60), 10)
##' dimnames(m) <- list(letters[1:10], LETTERS[1:6])
##' m[sample(60, 10)] <- NA
##' ## available methods
##' imputeMethods()
##' impute_matrix(m, method = "zero")
##' impute_matrix(m, method = "min")
##' impute_matrix(m, method = "knn")
##' ## same as impute_zero
##' impute_matrix(m, method = "with", val = 0)
##' ## impute with half of the smalles value
##' impute_matrix(m, method = "with",
##' val = min(m, na.rm = TRUE) * 0.5)
##' ## all but third and fourth features' missing values
##' ## are the result of random missing values
##' randna <- rep(TRUE, 10)
##' randna[c(3, 9)] <- FALSE
##' impute_matrix(m, method = "mixed",
##' randna = randna,
##' mar = "knn",
##' mnar = "min")
##' @param x A matrix or an `HDF5Matrix` object to be imputed.
##' @param method `character(1)` defining the imputation method. See
##' `imputeMethods()` for available ones.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the inner imputation
##' function.
##' @param MARGIN `integer(1)` defining the margin along which to
##' apply imputation, with `1L` for rows and `2L` for columns. The
##' default value will depend on the imputation method. Use
##' `getImputeMargin(fun)` to get the default margin of imputation
##' function `fun`. If the function doesn't take a margin
##' argument, `NA` is returned.
##' @return A matrix of same class as `x` with dimensions `dim(x)`.
##' @export
impute_matrix <- function(x,
...) {
if (!anyNA(x)) return(x)
## Handle HDF5Matrix
if (inherits(x, "HDF5Array")) {
p <- HDF5Array::path(x) ## stored for later writing to disk
## Watch out this can lead to memory burst when x is large.
x <- as.matrix(x)
## User-provided imputation function
if (!missing(FUN) && is.function(FUN)) {
res <- impute_fun(x, FUN, ...)
## Write to HDF5 file if the input is on HDF5 backend
if (xIsHDF5)
res <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(res, filepath = p,
with.dimnames = TRUE)
## Function name provided as a character
if (missing(method))
stop("Please specify an imputation method. ",
"See '?impute_matrix' for details.")
method <- match.arg(method,
choices = imputeMethods(),
several.ok = FALSE)
res <- x
if (method %in% c("QRILC", "MinProb"))
if (method == "knn") {
res <- impute_knn(x, ...)
} else if (method == "nbavg") {
res <- impute_neighbour_average(x, ...)
} else if (method == "MLE") {
res <- impute_mle(x, ...)
} else if (method == "MLE2") {
res <- impute_mle2(x, ...)
} else if (method == "bpca"){
res <- impute_bpca(x, ...)
} else if (method == "MinDet") {
res <- impute_MinDet(x, ...)
} else if (method == "MinProb") {
res <- impute_MinProb(x, ...)
} else if (method == "QRILC") {
res <- impute_QRILC(x, ...)
} else if (method == "min") {
res <- impute_min(x)
} else if (method == "mixed") {
res <- impute_mixed(x, ...)
} else if (method == "zero") {
res <- impute_zero(x)
} else if (method == "with") {
res <- impute_with(x, ...)
} else if (method == "RF") {
res <- impute_RF(x, ...)
## else method == "none" -- do nothing
## Write to HDF5 file if the input is on HDF5 backend
if (xIsHDF5)
res <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(res, filepath = p,
with.dimnames = TRUE)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
imputeMethods <- function()
c("bpca","knn", "QRILC", "MLE", "MLE2",
"MinDet", "MinProb", "min", "zero",
"mixed", "nbavg", "with", "RF", "none")
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
##' @param k `numeric(1)` providing the imputation value used for the
##' first and last samples if they contain an `NA`. The default is
##' to use the smallest value in the data.
impute_neighbour_average <- function(x, k = min(x, na.rm = TRUE), MARGIN = 1L) {
message("Assuming values are ordered.")
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN == 2L) x <- t(x)
res <- .Call(C_impNeighbourAvg, x, k)
if (MARGIN == 2L) return(t(res))
else return(res)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_knn <- function(x, MARGIN = 1L, ...) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN == 2L)
x <- t(x)
imp_res <- impute::impute.knn(x, ...)
if (!is.null(imp_res$rng.state)) {
assign(".Random.seed", imp_res$rng.state, envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
rm(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (MARGIN == 2L)
else imp_res$data
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_mle <- function(x, MARGIN = 2L, ...) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN == 2L)
x <- t(x)
s <- norm::prelim.norm(x) ## preliminary manipulations
th <- norm::em.norm(s, ...) ## find the MLE
seed <- sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)
norm::rngseed(seed) ## set random number generator seed
res <- norm::imp.norm(s, th, x) ## impute missing data under the MLE
if (MARGIN == 2L)
res <- t(res)
## ##' @export
## ##' @rdname imputation
impute_mle2 <- function(x, MARGIN = 2L, ...) {
## The `impute_mle2()` function uses the more recent
## `norm2::emNorm()` function that is more reliable when the
## number of variables exceed 30.
.Defunct("Please use impute_mle() (see issue 117 for details).")
## stopifnot(requireNamespace("norm2"))
## MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
## dn <- dimnames(x)
## if (MARGIN == 2L)
## x <- t(x)
## res <- norm2::emNorm(obj = x, ...)$y.mean.imp
## if (MARGIN == 2L)
## res <- t(res)
## dimnames(res) <- dn
## res
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_bpca <- function(x, MARGIN = 1L, ...) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN == 2L)
x <- t(x)
nSamples <- dim(x)[2]
.resultBPCA <- pcaMethods::pca(x,
method = "bpca",
nPcs = (nSamples - 1),
verbose = FALSE,
res <- pcaMethods::completeObs(.resultBPCA)
if (MARGIN == 2L)
res <- t(res)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_RF <- function(x, MARGIN = 2L, ...) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN == 1L)
x <- t(x)
res <- missForest::missForest(x, ...)$ximp
if (MARGIN == 1L)
res <- t(res)
##' @param randna `logical` of length equal to `nrow(object)` defining
##' which rows are missing at random. The other ones are
##' considered missing not at random. Only relevant when `methods`
##' is `mixed`.
##' @param mar Imputation method for values missing at random. See
##' `method` above.
##' @param mnar Imputation method for values missing not at
##' random. See `method` above.
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_mixed <- function(x, randna, mar, mnar, MARGIN = 1L, ...) {
if (missing(randna))
stop("Mixed imputation requires 'randna' argument. See ?impute_mixed.",
call. = FALSE)
if (missing(mar))
stop("Mixed imputation requires 'mar' argument. See ?impute_mixed.",
call. = FALSE)
if (missing(mnar))
stop("Mixed imputation requires 'mnar' argument. See ?impute_mixed.",
call. = FALSE)
suppressMessages(MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN))
if (MARGIN == 2L) x <- t(x)
if (length(randna) != nrow(x))
stop("Number of proteins and length of randna must be equal.",
call. = FALSE)
x[randna, ] <- impute_matrix(x[randna, ], mar,
x[!randna, ] <- impute_matrix(x[!randna, ], mnar,
if (MARGIN == 2L) x <- t(x)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_min <- function(x) {
val <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
x[is.na(x)] <- val
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
##' @importFrom stats quantile
##' @param q `numeric(1)` indicating the quantile to be used to
##' estimate the minimum in `MinDet` and `MinProb`. Default is
##' 0.01.
impute_MinDet <- function(x, q = 0.01, MARGIN = 2L) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
n <- dim(x)[MARGIN]
impVals <- apply(x, MARGIN, quantile, prob = q, na.rm = TRUE)
if (MARGIN == 1L) x <- t(x)
for (i in seq_len(n))
x[is.na(x[, i]), i] = impVals[i]
if (MARGIN == 1L) x <- t(x)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
##' @param sigma `numeric(1)` controling the standard deviation of the
##' MNAR distribution in `MinProb` and `QRILC`. Default is 1.
impute_MinProb <- function (x, q = 0.01, sigma = 1, MARGIN = 2L) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
## transpose if we want to non-default version
if (MARGIN == 1L) x <- t(x)
x <- imputeLCMD::impute.MinProb(x, q = q, tune.sigma = sigma)
if (MARGIN == 1L) x <- t(x)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_QRILC <- function(x, sigma = 1, MARGIN = 2L) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
## transpose if we want to non-default version
if (MARGIN == 1L) x <- t(x)
x <- imputeLCMD::impute.QRILC(x, tune.sigma = sigma)[[1]]
if (MARGIN == 1L) x <- t(x)
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
impute_zero <- function(x) {
x[is.na(x)] <- 0
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
##' @param val `numeric(1)` used to replace all missing values.
impute_with <- function(x, val) {
if (missing(val))
stop("Please provide a value.")
x[is.na(x)] <- val
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
##' @param FUN A user-provided function that takes a `matrix` as input and
##' returns an imputed `matrix` of identical dimensions.
##' @examples
##' ## user provided (random) imputation function
##' random_imp <- function(x) {
##' m <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
##' sdev <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
##' n <- sum(is.na(x))
##' x[is.na(x)] <- rnorm(n, mean = m, sd = sdev)
##' x
##' }
##' impute_matrix(m, FUN = random_imp)
impute_fun <- function(x, FUN, MARGIN = 1L, ...) {
MARGIN <- .checkMargin(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN == 2L) x <- t(x)
res <- do.call(FUN, list(x, ...))
if (MARGIN == 2L) res <- t(res)
stopifnot(identical(dim(x), dim(res)))
.checkMargin <- function(MARGIN) {
MARGIN <- as.integer(MARGIN)
if (!MARGIN %in% c(1L, 2L))
stop("'MARGIN' must be 1L or 2L")
message("Imputing along margin ", MARGIN,
ifelse(MARGIN == 1L, " (features/rows)",
" (samples/columns)"), ".")
##' @export
##' @rdname imputation
##' @param fun The imputation function to get the default margin from.
##' @examples
##' ## get the default margin
##' getImputeMargin(impute_knn) ## default imputes along features
##' getImputeMargin(impute_mle) ## default imputes along samples
##' getImputeMargin(impute_zero) ## NA: no margin here
##' ## default margin for all MsCoreUtils::impute_* functions
##' sapply(ls("package:MsCoreUtils", pattern = "impute_"), getImputeMargin)
getImputeMargin <- function(fun) {
args <- formals(fun)
i <- grep("MARGIN", names(args))
if (length(i)) ans <- args[[i]]
else ans <- NA
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