#' @noRd
slots = c(
tolerance = "numeric",
ppm = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
tolerance = 0,
ppm = 5),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (length(object@tolerance) != 1 || object@tolerance < 0)
msg <- c("'tolerance' has to be a positive number of length 1")
if (length(object@ppm) != 1 || object@ppm < 0)
msg <- c("'ppm' has to be a positive number of length 1")
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
ValueParam <- function(tolerance = 0, ppm = 5) {
new("ValueParam", tolerance = tolerance, ppm = ppm)
#' @noRd
setClass("MzParam", contains = "ValueParam")
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
MzParam <- function(tolerance = 0, ppm = 5) {
new("MzParam", tolerance = tolerance, ppm = ppm)
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils adductNames
#' @noRd
slots = c(
targetAdducts = "adductClass"),
contains = "ValueParam",
prototype = prototype(
targetAdducts = c("[M+H]+")),
validity = function(object) {
.valid_adduct(object@targetAdducts, "`targetAdducts`")
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
Mass2MzParam <- function(adducts = c("[M+H]+"), tolerance = 0, ppm = 5) {
new("Mass2MzParam", targetAdducts = adducts, tolerance = tolerance,
ppm = ppm)
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils adductNames
#' @noRd
slots = c(
toleranceRt = "numeric"),
contains = "Mass2MzParam",
prototype = prototype(
toleranceRt = 0),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (length(object@toleranceRt) != 1 || object@toleranceRt < 0)
msg <- "'toleranceRt' has to be a positive number of length 1"
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
Mass2MzRtParam <- function(adducts = c("[M+H]+"), tolerance = 0, ppm = 5,
toleranceRt = 0) {
new("Mass2MzRtParam", targetAdducts = adducts, tolerance = tolerance,
ppm = ppm, toleranceRt = toleranceRt)
#' @noRd
slots = c(
toleranceRt = "numeric"),
contains = "MzParam",
prototype = prototype(
toleranceRt = 0),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (length(object@toleranceRt) != 1 || object@toleranceRt < 0)
msg <- "'toleranceRt' has to be a positive number of length 1"
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
MzRtParam <- function(tolerance = 0, ppm = 0, toleranceRt = 0) {
new("MzRtParam", tolerance = tolerance, ppm = ppm, toleranceRt = toleranceRt)
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils adductNames
#' @noRd
slots = c(
queryAdducts = "adductClass",
targetAdducts = "adductClass"),
contains = "ValueParam",
prototype = prototype(
queryAdducts = c("[M+H]+"),
targetAdducts = c("[M-H]-")),
validity = function(object) {
c(.valid_adduct(object@queryAdducts, "`queryAdducts`"),
.valid_adduct(object@targetAdducts, "`targetAdducts`"))
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
Mz2MassParam <- function(queryAdducts = c("[M+H]+"),
targetAdducts = c("[M-H]-"),
tolerance = 0, ppm = 5) {
new("Mz2MassParam", queryAdducts = queryAdducts,
targetAdducts = targetAdducts, tolerance = tolerance, ppm = ppm)
#' @noRd
slots = c(
toleranceRt = "numeric"),
contains = "Mz2MassParam",
prototype = prototype(
toleranceRt = 0),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (length(object@toleranceRt) != 1 || object@toleranceRt < 0)
msg <- "'toleranceRt' has to be a positive number of length 1"
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
Mz2MassRtParam <- function(queryAdducts = c("[M+H]+"),
targetAdducts = c("[M+H]+"),
tolerance = 0, ppm = 5, toleranceRt = 0) {
new("Mz2MassRtParam", queryAdducts = queryAdducts,
targetAdducts = targetAdducts, tolerance = tolerance, ppm = ppm,
toleranceRt = toleranceRt)
#' @title Matching of numeric values
#' @aliases matchMz
#' @name matchValues
#' @export matchMz
#' @description
#' The `matchValues` method matches elements from `query` with those in `target`
#' using different matching approaches depending on parameter `param`.
#' Generally, `query` is expected to contain MS experimental values
#' (m/z and possibly retention time) while `target` reference values. `query`
#' and `target` can be `numeric`, a two dimensional array (such as a
#' `data.frame`, `matrix` or `DataFrame`), a `SummarizedExperiment`
#' or a `QFeatures`, `target` can in addition be a [Spectra::Spectra()] object.
#' For `SummarizedExperiment`, the information for the matching is expected
#' to be in the object's `rowData`. For `QFeatures` matching is performed
#' for values present in the `rowData` of one of the object's assays (which
#' needs to be specified with the `assayQuery` parameter - if a `QFeatures`
#' is used as `target` the name of the assay needs to be specified with
#' parameter `assayTarget`). If `target` is a `Spectra` matching is performed
#' against spectra variables of this object and the respective variable names
#' need to be specified e.g. with `mzColname` and/or `rtColname`.
#' `matchMz` is an alias for `matchValues` to allow backward compatibility.
#' Available `param` objects and corresponding matching approaches are:
#' - `ValueParam`: generic matching between values in `query` and `target` given
#' acceptable differences expressed in `ppm` and `tolerance`. If `query` or
#' `target` are not numeric, parameter `valueColname` has to be used to
#' specify the name of the column that contains the values to be matched.
#' The function returns a [Matched()] object.
#' - `MzParam`: match query m/z values against reference compounds for which
#' also m/z are known. Matching is performed similarly to the `ValueParam`
#' above. If `query` or `target` are not numeric, the column name containing
#' the values to be compared must be defined with `matchValues`' parameter
#' `mzColname`, which defaults to `"mz"`. `MzParam` parameters `tolerance`
#' and `ppm` allow to define the maximal acceptable (constant or m/z relative)
#' difference between query and target m/z values.
#' - `MzRtParam`: match m/z **and** retention time values between `query` and
#' `target`. Parameters `mzColname` and `rtColname` of the `matchValues`
#' function allow to define the columns in `query` and `target` containing
#' these values (defaulting to `c("mz", "mz")` and `c("rt", "rt")`,
#' respectively). `MzRtParam` parameters `tolerance` and
#' `ppm` have the same meaning as in `MzParam`; `MzRtParam` parameter
#' `toleranceRt` allows to specify the maximal acceptable difference between
#' query and target retention time values.
#' - `Mass2MzParam`: match m/z values against reference compounds for
#' which only the (exact) mass is known. Before matching, m/z values are
#' calculated from the compounds masses in the *target* table using the
#' adducts specified via `Mass2MzParam` `adducts` parameter (defaults to
#' `adducts = "[M+H]+"`). After conversion of adduct masses to m/z values,
#' matching is performed similarly to `MzParam` (i.e. the same parameters
#' `ppm` and `tolerance` can be used). If `query` is not `numeric`,
#' parameter `mzColname` of `matchValues` can be used to specify the column
#' containing the query's m/z values (defaults to `"mz"`). If `target` is a
#' is not `numeric`, parameter `massColname` can be used to define the
#' column containing the reference compound's masses (defaults to
#' `"exactmass"`).
#' - `Mass2MzRtParam`: match m/z **and** retention time values against
#' reference compounds for which the (exact) mass **and** retention time are
#' known. Before matching, exact masses in `target` are converted to m/z
#' values as for `Mass2MzParam`. Matching is then performed similarly to
#' `MzRtParam`, i.e. m/z and retention times of entities are compared. With
#' `matchValues`' parameters `mzColname`, `rtColname` and `massColname` the
#' columns containing m/z values (in `query`), retention time values (in
#' `query` and `target`) and exact masses (in `target`) can be specified.
#' - `Mz2MassParam`: input values for `query` and `target` are expected to be
#' m/z values but matching is performed on exact masses calculated from these
#' (based on the provided adduct definitions). In detail, m/z values in
#' `query` are first converted to masses with the [MetaboCoreUtils::mz2mass()]
#' function based on the adducts defined with `queryAdducts` (defaults to
#' `"[M+H]+"`). The same is done for m/z values in `target` (adducts can
#' be defined with `targetAdducts` which defaults to `"[M-H-]").
#' Matching is then performed on these converted values similarly to
#' `ValueParam`. If `query` or `target` are not numeric, the column
#' containing the m/z values can be specified with `matchValues`'
#' parameter `mzColname` (defaults to `"mz"`).
#' - `Mz2MassRtParam`: same as `Mz2MassParam` but with additional comparison of
#' retention times between `query` and `target`. Parameters `rtColname` and
#' `mzColname` of `matchValues` allow to specify which columns contain the
#' retention times and m/z values, respectively.
#' @param adducts for `Mass2MzParam` or `Mass2MzRtParam`: either `character`
#' with adduct names from [MetaboCoreUtils::adducts()] or `data.frame` with
#' a custom adduct definition. This parameter is used to calculate m/z from
#' target compounds' masses. Custom adduct definitions can be passed to the
#' adduct parameter in form of a `data.frame`. This `data.frame` is expected
#' to have columns `"mass_add"` and `"mass_multi"` defining the *additive*
#' and *multiplicative* part of the calculation. See
#' [MetaboCoreUtils::adducts()] for the expected format or use
#' `MetaboCoreUtils::adductNames("positive")` and
#' `MetaboCoreUtils::adductNames("negative")` for valid adduct names.
#' @param massColname `character(1)` with the name of the column in `target`
#' containing the mass of compounds. To be used when `param` is
#' `Mass2MzParam` or `Mass2MzRtParam` (and target is not already `numeric`
#' with the masses). Defaults to `massColname = "exactmass"`.
#' @param mzColname `character` specifying the name(s) of the column(s) in
#' `query` or/and `target`with the m/z values. If one among `query` and
#' `target` is `numeric` (and therefore there is no need to specify the
#' column name) or `query` is not `numeric` and `param` is `Mass2MzParam`
#' or `Mass2MzRtParam` (and therefore the name of the column with m/z needs
#' only to be specified for `query`) then `mzColname` is expected to be
#' `character(1)`. If both `query` and `target` are not numeric `mzColname`
#' is expected to be `character(2)` (or `character(1)` and in this last case
#' the two column names are assumed to be the same). If not specified the
#' assumed default name for columns with m/z values is `"mz"`. If `target`
#' is a [Spectra::Spectra()] object, the name of the spectra variable
#' that should be used for the matching needs to be specified
#' with `mzColname`.
#' @param param parameter object defining the matching approach and containing
#' the settings for that approach. See description above for details.
#' @param ppm for any `param` object: `numeric(1)` defining the maximal
#' acceptable m/z-dependent (or mass-dependent for `Mz2MassParam`)
#' difference (in parts-per-million) in m/z values to consider them to
#' be *matching*.
#' @param query feature table containing information on MS1 features. Can be
#' a `numeric`, `data.frame`, `DataFrame`, `matrix`, `SummarizedExperiment`
#' or `QFeatures`. It is expected to contain m/z values and can contain also
#' other variables. Matchings based on both m/z and retention time can be
#' performed when a column with retention times is present in both `query`
#' and `target`.
#' @param queryAdducts for `Mz2MassParam`. Adducts used to derive mass
#' values from query m/z values. The expected format is the same as that
#' for parameter `adducts`.
#' @param queryAssay `character(1)` specifying the name of the assay of the
#' provided `QFeatures` that should be used for the matching (values from
#' this assay's `rowData` will be used for matching). Only used if `query`
#' is an instance of a `QFeatures` object.
#' @param rtColname `character(2)` with the name of the column containing
#' the compounds retention times in `query` and the name for the one in
#' `target`. It can also be `character(1)` if the two names are the same.
#' To be used when `param` is `MzRtParam` or `Mass2MzRtParam`.
#' Defaults to `rtColname = c("rt", "rt")`. If `target` is a
#' [Spectra::Spectra()] object, the name of the spectra variable that
#' should be used for the matching needs to be specified with `mzColname`.
#' @param target compound table with metabolites to compare against. The
#' expected types are the same as those for `query`.
#' @param targetAdducts for `Mz2MassParam`. Adducts used to derive mass
#' values from target m/z values. The expected format is the same as that
#' for parameter `adducts`.
#' @param targetAssay `character(1)` specifying the name of the assay of the
#' provided `QFeatures` that should be used for the matching (values from
#' this assay's `rowData` will be used for matching). Only used if `target`
#' is an instance of a `QFeatures` object.
#' @param tolerance for any `param` object: `numeric(1)` defining the maximal
#' acceptable absolute difference in m/z (or in mass for `Mz2MassParam`)
#' to consider them *matching*.
#' @param toleranceRt for `Mass2MzRtParam` or `MzRtParam`: `numeric(1)`
#' defining the maximal acceptable absolute difference in retention time
#' values to consider them them *matching*.
#' @param valueColname `character` specifying the name of the column in
#' `query` or/and the one in `target`with the desired values for the
#' matching. This parameter should only be used when `param` is
#' `valueParam` and in this case it must be provided (unless both `query`
#' and `target` are `numeric`). It can be `character(1)` or `character(2)`
#' in a similar way to `mzColname`.
#' @param ... currently ignored.
#' @return [Matched] object representing the result.
#' Depending on the `param` object different *scores* representing the quality
#' of the match are provided. This comprises absolute as well as relative
#' differences (column/variables `"score"` and `"ppm_error"` respectively).
#' If `param` is a `Mz2MassParam`, `"score"` and `"ppm_error"` represent
#' differences of the compared masses (calculated from the provided m/z values).
#' If `param` an `MzParam`, `MzRtParam`, `Mass2MzParam` or `Mass2MzRtParam`,
#' `"score"` and `"ppm_error"` represent absolute and relative differences of
#' m/z values.
#' Additionally, if `param` is either an `MzRtParam` or `Mass2MzRtParam`
#' differences between query and target retention times for each matched
#' element is available in the column/variable `"score_rt"` in the returned
#' `Matched` object.
#' Negative values of `"score"` (or `"score_rt"`) indicate that the m/z or mass
#' (or retention time) of the query element is smaller than that of the target
#' element.
#' @author Andrea Vicini, Michael Witting
#' @seealso [matchSpectra] or [CompareSpectraParam()] for spectra data matching
#' @examples
#' library(MetaboCoreUtils)
#' ## Create a simple "target/reference" compound table
#' target_df <- data.frame(
#' name = c("Tryptophan", "Leucine", "Isoleucine"),
#' formula = c("C11H12N2O2", "C6H13NO2", "C6H13NO2"),
#' exactmass = c(204.089878, 131.094629, 131.094629)
#' )
#' ## Create a "feature" table with m/z of features. We calculate m/z for
#' ## certain adducts of some of the compounds in the reference table.
#' fts <- data.frame(
#' feature_id = c("FT001", "FT002", "FT003"),
#' mz = c(mass2mz(204.089878, "[M+H]+"),
#' mass2mz(131.094629, "[M+H]+"),
#' mass2mz(204.089878, "[M+Na]+") + 1e-6))
#' ## Define the parameters for the matching
#' parm <- Mass2MzParam(
#' adducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+"),
#' tolerance = 0,
#' ppm = 20)
#' res <- matchValues(fts, target_df, parm)
#' res
#' ## List the available variables/columns
#' colnames(res)
#' ## feature_id and mz are from the query data frame, while target_name,
#' ## target_formula and target_exactmass are from the query object (columns
#' ## from the target object have a prefix *target_* added to the original
#' ## column name. Columns adduct, score and ppm_error represent the results
#' ## of the matching: adduct the adduct/ion of the original compound for which
#' ## the m/z matches, score the absolute difference of the query and target
#' ## m/z and ppm_error the relative difference in m/z values.
#' ## Get the full matching result:
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## We have thus matches of FT002 to two different compounds (but with the
#' ## same mass).
#' ## Individual columns can also be accessed with the $ operator:
#' res$feature_id
#' res$target_name
#' res$ppm_error
#' ## We repeat the matching requiring an exact match
#' parm <- Mass2MzParam(
#' adducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+"),
#' tolerance = 0,
#' ppm = 0)
#' res <- matchValues(fts, target_df, parm)
#' res
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## The last feature could thus not be matched to any compound.
#' ## At last we use also different adduct definitions.
#' parm <- Mass2MzParam(
#' adducts = c("[M+K]+", "[M+Li]+"),
#' tolerance = 0,
#' ppm = 20)
#' res <- matchValues(fts, target_df, parm)
#' res
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## No matches were found.
#' ## We can also match a "feature" table with a target data.frame taking into
#' ## account both m/z and retention time values.
#' target_df <- data.frame(
#' name = c("Tryptophan", "Leucine", "Isoleucine"),
#' formula = c("C11H12N2O2", "C6H13NO2", "C6H13NO2"),
#' exactmass = c(204.089878, 131.094629, 131.094629),
#' rt = c(150, 140, 140)
#' )
#' fts <- data.frame(
#' feature_id = c("FT001", "FT002", "FT003"),
#' mz = c(mass2mz(204.089878, "[M+H]+"),
#' mass2mz(131.094629, "[M+H]+"),
#' mass2mz(204.089878, "[M+Na]+") + 1e-6),
#' rt = c(150, 140, 150.1)
#' )
#' ## Define the parameters for the matching
#' parm <- Mass2MzRtParam(
#' adducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+"),
#' tolerance = 0,
#' ppm = 20,
#' toleranceRt = 0)
#' res <- matchValues(fts, target_df, parm)
#' res
#' ## Get the full matching result:
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## FT003 could not be matched to any compound, FT002 was matched to two
#' ## different compounds (but with the same mass).
#' ## We repeat the matching allowing a positive tolerance for the matches
#' ## between rt values
#' ## Define the parameters for the matching
#' parm <- Mass2MzRtParam(
#' adducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+"),
#' tolerance = 0,
#' ppm = 20,
#' toleranceRt = 0.1)
#' res <- matchValues(fts, target_df, parm)
#' res
#' ## Get the full matching result:
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## Also FT003 was matched in this case
#' ## It is also possible to match directly m/z values
#' mz1 <- c(12, 343, 23, 231)
#' mz2 <- mz1 + rnorm(4, sd = 0.001)
#' res <- matchValues(mz1, mz2, MzParam(tolerance = 0.001))
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## Matching with a SummarizedExperiment or a QFeatures work analogously,
#' ## only that the matching is performed on the object's `rowData`.
#' ## Below we create a simple SummarizedExperiment with some random assay data.
#' ## Note that results from a data preprocessing with the `xcms` package could
#' ## be extracted as a `SummarizedExperiment` with the `quantify` method from
#' ## the `xcms` package.
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(
#' assays = matrix(rnorm(12), nrow = 3, ncol = 4,
#' dimnames = list(NULL, c("A", "B", "C", "D"))),
#' rowData = fts)
#' ## We can now perform the matching of this SummarizedExperiment against the
#' ## target_df as before.
#' res <- matchValues(se, target_df,
#' param = Mass2MzParam(adducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+"),
#' tolerance = 0, ppm = 20))
#' res
#' ## Getting the available columns
#' colnames(res)
#' ## The query columns represent the columns of the object's `rowData`
#' rowData(se)
#' ## matchedData also returns the query object's rowData along with the
#' ## matching entries in the target object.
#' matchedData(res)
#' ## While `query` will return the full SummarizedExperiment.
#' query(res)
#' ## To illustrate use with a QFeatures object we first create a simple
#' ## QFeatures object with two assays, `"ions"` representing the full feature
#' ## data.frame and `"compounds"` a subset of it.
#' library(QFeatures)
#' qf <- QFeatures(list(ions = se, compounds = se[2,]))
#' ## We can perform the same matching as before, but need to specify which of
#' ## the assays in the QFeatures should be used for the matching. Below we
#' ## perform the matching using the "ions" assay.
#' res <- matchValues(qf, target_df, queryAssay = "ions",
#' param = Mass2MzParam(adducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+"),
#' tolerance = 0, ppm = 20))
#' res
#' ## colnames returns now the colnames of the `rowData` of the `"ions"` assay.
#' colnames(res)
#' matchedData(res)
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @export
setGeneric("matchValues", function(query, target, param, ...)
matchMz <- matchValues
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "numeric",
param = "ValueParam"),
function(query, target, param) {
target_ <- data.frame(index = seq_along(target), value = target)
queryl <- length(query)
res <- vector("list", queryl)
for (i in seq_len(queryl)) {
res[[i]] <- .getMatches(i, query[i], target = target_,
tolerance = param@tolerance,
ppm = param@ppm)
Matched(query = query, target = target,
matches = do.call(rbind, res),
metadata = list(param = param))
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "ValueParam"),
function(query, target, param, valueColname = character(),
targetAssay = character()) {
stop("`valueColname` has to be provided.")
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, valueColname)
res <- matchValues(query, target_, param)
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "numeric",
param = "ValueParam"),
function(query, target, param, valueColname = character(),
queryAssay = character()) {
stop("`valueColname` has to be provided.")
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, valueColname)
res <- matchValues(query_, target, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "ValueParam"),
function(query, target, param, valueColname = character(),
queryAssay = character(), targetAssay = character()) {
stop("`valueColname` has to be provided.")
if(length(valueColname) == 1)
valueColname <- rep(valueColname, 2)
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, valueColname[1])
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, valueColname[2])
res <- matchValues(query_, target_, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "numeric",
param = "Mass2MzParam"),
function(query, target, param) {
target_mz <- .mass_to_mz_df(target, param@targetAdducts)
queryl <- length(query)
res <- vector("list", queryl)
for (i in seq_len(queryl)) {
res[[i]] <- .getMatches(i, query[i], target = target_mz,
tolerance = param@tolerance,
ppm = param@ppm)
Matched(query = query, target = target,
matches = do.call(rbind, res),
metadata = list(param = param))
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "Mass2MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, massColname = "exactmass",
targetAssay = character()) {
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, massColname)
res <- matchValues(query, target_, param)
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "numeric",
param = "Mass2MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
queryAssay = character()) {
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname)
res <- matchValues(query_, target, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "Mass2MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
massColname = "exactmass", queryAssay = character(0),
targetAssay = character(0)) {
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname)
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, massColname)
res <- matchValues(query_, target_, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
targetAssay = character()) {
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, mzColname)
res <- matchValues(query, target_, param)
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "Spectra",
param = "MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
targetAssay = character()) {
if (mzColname %in% peaksVariables(target))
stop("Matching against the peak variable \"", mzColname,
"\" is not supported. Please use on of the available ",
"spectra variables ('spectraVariables(target)').")
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, mzColname)
res <- matchValues(query, target_, param)
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "numeric",
param = "MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
queryAssay = character()) {
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname)
res <- matchValues(query_, target, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = c("mz", "mz"),
queryAssay = character(), targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(mzColname) == 1)
mzColname <- rep(mzColname, 2)
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname[1])
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, mzColname[2])
res <- matchValues(query_, target_, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra peaksVariables
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "Spectra",
param = "MzParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = c("mz", "mz"),
queryAssay = character(), targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(mzColname) == 1)
mzColname <- rep(mzColname, 2)
if (mzColname[2L] %in% peaksVariables(target))
stop("Matching against the peak variable \"", mzColname[2L],
"\" is not supported. Please use on of the available ",
"spectra variables ('spectraVariables(target)').")
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname[1])
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, mzColname[2L])
res <- matchValues(query_, target_, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "Mass2MzRtParam"),
function(query, target, param, massColname = "exactmass",
mzColname = "mz", rtColname = c("rt", "rt"),
queryAssay = character(), targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(rtColname) == 1)
rtColname <- rep(rtColname, 2)
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay,
c(mzColname, rtColname[1]))
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay,
c(massColname, rtColname[2]))
target_mz <- .mass_to_mz_df(target_[, massColname],
target_mz$rt <- rep(target_[, rtColname[2]],
queryl <- nrow(query_)
matches <- vector("list", queryl)
query_mz <- query_[, mzColname]
query_rt <- query_[, rtColname[1L]]
for (i in seq_len(queryl)) {
matches[[i]] <-
.getMatchesMzRt(i, query_mz[i], query_rt[i],
target = target_mz,
tolerance = param@tolerance,
ppm = param@ppm,
toleranceRt =param@toleranceRt)
Matched(query = query, target = target,
matches = do.call(rbind, matches),
queryAssay = queryAssay, targetAssay = targetAssay,
metadata = list(param = param))
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "MzRtParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = c("mz", "mz"),
rtColname = c("rt", "rt"), queryAssay = character(),
targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(mzColname) == 1)
mzColname <- rep(mzColname, 2)
if(length(rtColname) == 1)
rtColname <- rep(rtColname, 2)
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay,
c(mzColname[1], rtColname[1]))
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay,
c(mzColname[2], rtColname[2]))
target_mz <- data.frame(index = seq_len(nrow(target_)),
mz = target_[, 1], rt = target_[, 2])
queryl <- nrow(query_)
matches <- vector("list", queryl)
query_mz <- query_[, 1]
query_rt <- query_[, 2]
for (i in seq_len(queryl)) {
matches[[i]] <-
.getMatchesMzRt(i, query_mz[i],
target = target_mz,
tolerance = param@tolerance,
ppm = param@ppm,
toleranceRt = param@toleranceRt)
Matched(query = query, target = target,
matches = do.call(rbind, matches),
queryAssay = queryAssay, targetAssay = targetAssay,
metadata = list(param = param))
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "Spectra",
param = "MzRtParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = c("mz", "mz"),
rtColname = c("rt", "rt"), queryAssay = character(),
targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(mzColname) == 1)
mzColname <- rep(mzColname, 2)
if(length(rtColname) == 1)
rtColname <- rep(rtColname, 2)
if (mzColname[2L] %in% peaksVariables(target))
stop("Matching against the peak variable \"", mzColname[2L],
"\" is not supported. Please use on of the available ",
"spectra variables ('spectraVariables(target)').")
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay,
c(mzColname[2L], rtColname[2L]))
res <- matchValues(query = query, target = target_, param = param,
mzColname = mzColname, rtColname = rtColname,
queryAssay = queryAssay,
targetAssay = targetAssay)
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "numeric",
param = "Mz2MassParam"),
function(query, target, param) {
query_mass <- .mz_to_mass_df(query, param@queryAdducts)
target_mass<- .mz_to_mass_df(target, param@targetAdducts)
queryl <- nrow(query_mass)
matches <- vector("list", queryl)
for(i in seq_len(queryl)) {
matches[[i]] <- .getMatches(query_mass$index[i],
target = target_mass,
tolerance = param@tolerance,
ppm = param@ppm)
if (nrow(matches[[i]]))
matches[[i]]$query_adduct <- query_mass$adduct[i]
else matches[[i]]$query_adduct <- character()
matches <- do.call(rbind, matches)
colnames(matches)[3] <- "target_adduct"
Matched(query = query, target = target,
matches = matches[, c(1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5)],
metadata = list(param = param))
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "numeric",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "Mz2MassParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
targetAssay = character()) {
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, mzColname)
res <- matchValues(query, target_, param)
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "numeric",
param = "Mz2MassParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = "mz",
queryAssay = character()) {
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname)
res <- matchValues(query_, target, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "Mz2MassParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = c("mz", "mz"),
queryAssay = character(), targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(mzColname) == 1)
mzColname <- rep(mzColname, 2)
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay, mzColname[1])
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay, mzColname[2])
res <- matchValues(query_, target_, param)
res@query <- query
res@queryAssay <- queryAssay
res@target <- target
res@targetAssay <- targetAssay
#' @rdname matchValues
signature = c(query = "data.frameOrSimilar",
target = "data.frameOrSimilar",
param = "Mz2MassRtParam"),
function(query, target, param, mzColname = c("mz", "mz"),
rtColname = c("rt", "rt"), queryAssay = character(),
targetAssay = character()) {
if(length(mzColname) == 1)
mzColname <- rep(mzColname, 2)
if(length(rtColname) == 1)
rtColname <- rep(rtColname, 2)
query_ <- .objectToMatch(query, queryAssay,
c(mzColname[1], rtColname[1]))
target_ <- .objectToMatch(target, targetAssay,
c(mzColname[2], rtColname[2 ]))
query_mass <- .mz_to_mass_df(query_[, mzColname[1]],
query_mass$rt <- rep(query_[, rtColname[1]],
target_mass<- .mz_to_mass_df(target_[, mzColname[2]],
target_mass$rt <- rep(target_[, rtColname[2]],
queryl <- nrow(query_mass)
matches <- vector("list", queryl)
for (i in seq_len(queryl)) {
matches[[i]] <-
target = target_mass,
tolerance = param@tolerance,
ppm = param@ppm,
toleranceRt = param@toleranceRt)
if (nrow(matches[[i]]))
matches[[i]]$query_adduct <- query_mass$adduct[i]
else matches[[i]]$query_adduct <- character()
matches <- do.call(rbind, matches)
colnames(matches)[3] <- "target_adduct"
Matched(query = query, target = target,
matches = matches[, c(1, 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6)],
queryAssay = queryAssay, targetAssay = targetAssay,
metadata = list(param = param))
#' @author Andrea Vicini
#' @param queryIndex `integer(1)` with the index of the query.
#' @param queryMz `numeric(1)` with the m/z of the query.
#' @param target `data.frame` with columns `"index"`, `"mz"` and optionally
#' `"adduct"`.
#' @noRd
.getMatches <- function(queryIndex, queryMz, target, tolerance, ppm){
diffs <- queryMz - target[, 2]
absdiffs <- abs(diffs)
cls <- which(absdiffs <= (tolerance + ppm(queryMz, ppm)))
if ("adduct" %in% colnames(target)){
if (length(cls))
data.frame(query_idx = queryIndex,
target_idx = target$index[cls],
adduct = target$adduct[cls],
score = diffs[cls],
ppm_error = absdiffs[cls] / target[cls, 2] * 10^6)
else data.frame(query_idx = integer(),
target_idx = integer(),
adduct = character(),
score = numeric(),
ppm_error = numeric())
} else {
if (length(cls))
data.frame(query_idx = queryIndex,
target_idx = target$index[cls],
score = diffs[cls],
ppm_error = absdiffs[cls] / target[cls, 2] * 10^6)
else data.frame(query_idx = integer(),
target_idx = integer(),
score = numeric(),
ppm_error = numeric())
#' @noRd
.getMatchesMzRt <- function(queryIndex, queryMz, queryRt, target, tolerance,
ppm, toleranceRt){
diffs_rt <- queryRt - target$rt
cls_rt <- which(abs(diffs_rt) <= toleranceRt)
diffs <- queryMz - target[cls_rt, 2]
absdiffs <- abs(diffs)
cls <- which(absdiffs <= (tolerance + ppm(queryMz, ppm)))
if ("adduct" %in% colnames(target)){
if (length(cls))
data.frame(query_idx = queryIndex,
target_idx = target$index[cls_rt[cls]],
adduct = target$adduct[cls_rt[cls]],
score = diffs[cls],
ppm_error = absdiffs[cls] /
target[cls_rt[cls], 2] * 10^6,
score_rt = diffs_rt[cls_rt[cls]])
else data.frame(query_idx = integer(),
target_idx = integer(),
adduct = character(),
score = numeric(),
ppm_error = numeric(),
score_rt = numeric())
} else {
if (length(cls))
data.frame(query_idx = queryIndex,
target_idx = target$index[cls_rt[cls]],
score = diffs[cls],
ppm_error = absdiffs[cls] /
target[cls_rt[cls], 2] * 10^6,
score_rt = diffs_rt[cls_rt[cls]])
else data.frame(query_idx = integer(),
target_idx = integer(),
score = numeric(),
ppm_error = numeric(),
score_rt = numeric())
#' creates a `data.frame` with columns `"index"`, `"adduct"` and `"mz"` from
#' provided mass values `x` and adduct definition `adducts`. `"index"` is the
#' index of the mass in the input vector `x`.
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils mass2mz
#' @noRd
.mass_to_mz_df <- function(x, adducts) {
mz <- mass2mz(x, adducts)
data.frame(index = rep(seq_along(x), .nelements(adducts)),
mz = as.numeric(mz),
adduct = rep(colnames(mz), each = length(x)))
#' creates a `data.frame` with columns `"index"`, `"adduct"` and `"mass"` from
#' provided m/z values `x` and adduct definition `adducts`. `"index"` is the
#' index of the m/z in the input vector `x`.
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils mz2mass
#' @noRd
.mz_to_mass_df <- function(x, adducts) {
mass <- mz2mass(x, adducts)
data.frame(index = rep(seq_along(x), .nelements(adducts)),
mass = as.numeric(mass),
adduct = rep(colnames(mass), each = length(x)))
.valid_adduct <- function(adducts, name = "`adducts`") {
msg <- NULL
if (is(adducts, "data.frame")) {
if(any(!c("mass_add", "mass_multi") %in% colnames(adducts)))
msg <- paste0("Columns \"mass_add\" and \"mass_multi\" must be ",
"present when ", name, " is a data.frame")
} else {
if (!all(adducts %in% c(adductNames("positive"),
msg <- paste0("Unknown adducts in ", name, " please check",
" MetaboCoreUtils for valid adducts")
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